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Journal : IMPACTS: International Journal of Empowerment and Community Services

Improving Digital Marketing Literacy Capability of Breeders of Rumah Maggot, Barepan Bangkit Yogyakarta in Facing the VUCA Era Pardimin Pardimin; Imam Ghozali; Wahyu Setya Ratri; Agustinus Eko Susetyo; Siti Rochmiyati; Syamsul Hadi; Didi Supriadi; Dinar Westri Andini; Rahadi Rahadi; Indah Kurniasih
IMPACTS: International Journal of Empowerment and Community Services Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): IMPACTS: VOL. 2 NO. 1 MARCH 2023
Publisher : Faculty of Economics Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30738/impacts.v2i1.13970


Purpose ­This community service aims to to increase digital marketing literacy skills for breeders of Rumah Maggot Barepan Bangkit Yogyakarta in facing the VUCA era. Methods-Methode community service acitivities. Result and discussions-the result report and the information about the acitivities. Conclusion- This mentoring process activity resulted in program success targets including sharing and discussion of business management management to overcome business management problems reaching 90%, and discussions and practices of marketing network effectiveness, optimization of promotional/advertising media to overcome marketing media problems and optimization reaching 90%. Our advice is concerns the this is important to continue and develop when the mentoring program is over and can be passed on to other groups of breeders because again, that the success of a business depends on leaders who can manage and optimize existing resources such as the concept of Ki Hajar Dewantara's leadership as a leader must be able to ing ngarso sung tulodo, madyo mangun karso, and tut wuri handayani meaning that being a leader must be able to set a good example, in the midst of his busy schedule he must also be able to arouse or inspire enthusiasm, and a person must provide moral encouragement and enthusiasm for work from behind. Keywords: digital marketing, literacy capability of breeders, facing the VUCA era
Empowerment of the Jamu Gendong Kiringan Canden Community Based on Local Wisdom to Increase Literacy Embodied in Children's Literature Siti Rochmiyati; Dinar Westri Andini; Didi Supriadi; Syamsul Hadi; Pardimin Pardimin; Imam Ghozali; Wahyu Setya Ratri; Agustinus Eko Susetyo; Muhammad Taufik Ismail; Charisma Wulan Widananda
IMPACTS: International Journal of Empowerment and Community Services Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): IMPACTS: VOL. 2 NO. 1 MARCH 2023
Publisher : Faculty of Economics Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30738/impacts.v2i1.13974


Purpose ­ The empowerment program will directly invite the Kiringan Canden herbal medicine community based on the local wisdom of traditional herbal medicine which is inherited from their ancestors to actively participate in increasing literacy and cultivating children's character which is embodied in children's literature. Methods - Methode community service activities. Result and discussions - The series of activities and results obtained prove that by collaborating with each other from all elements of society, especially involving the younger generation so that they have a good understanding of the local wisdom of the area, promoting behavior will emerge, understanding potential and in the end wanting to participate in preserving the ancestral heritage that has great potential to be appointed as a regional brand, so that the character values of nationalism, pride in local products, independence and mutual cooperation can be realized. Therefore, intermediaries or infrastructure are needed in order to pass on the order of life, tradition and culture to the next generation, so that there are no gaps between generations, so that community service programs by empowering herbal medicine communities based on local wisdom can increase literacy in maintain ancestral heritage. Presentation that is fun and in providing education to all residents, especially children, through explanation activities that are appropriate to the stage of child development, will facilitate and build literacy which has an impact on the formation of children's character. Conclusion - Empowerment by inviting the participation of all elements in society including the Jamu Gendong community, youth, children, men and women, community leaders and other residents to jointly preserve the ancestral heritage of "traditional herbal medicine" by directly empowering the Jamu Gendong community in increasing community-based literacy. local wisdom through fun activities, namely children's literature, is able to develop children's emotional intelligence and creativity, foster growth as well as children's personality and social skills. An interesting presentation will create fun and influence children so that indirectly they are able to cultivate the characters of respect, responsibility, caring, citizenship, honesty, cooperation, freedom, courage and justice so that in the future the children of this younger generation will continue and preserving the potential of the region.
Tamansiswa's Spirit Through the Nutritious Garden to Supports the Adiwiyata School Program at Tamansiswa Middle School & Vocational School Siti Rochmiyati; Didi Supriadi; Agustinus Eko Susetyo; Abdul Rahim
IMPACTS: International Journal of Empowerment and Community Services Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): IMPACTS: VOL. 2 NO. 2 SEPTEMBER 2023
Publisher : Faculty of Economics Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30738/impacts.v2i2.16062


Purpose ­ A comfortable and safe educational environment is necessary for learning. This service aims to develop the Tamansiswa spirit through nutritious gardens in support of the Adiwiyata school program at Tamansiswa Middle School & Vocational School Ngemplak Sleman. Methods – Empowerment and community service activities involving Tamansiswa Ngemplak Sleman Middle School & Vocational School students and Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa University students. Result and discussions - Tamansiswa Ngemplak Sleman Middle School & Vocational School has some land that is still empty so it can be used as a nutritious garden planted with various fruits, vegetables and medicinal plants. In an effort to support the implementation of the Adiwiyata program at Tamansiswa Ngemplak Sleman Middle School & Vocational School, the UST Abdimas Team held a nutrition garden assistance activity for young Dewantara. Nutritious Gardens is a community-based program as an effort to fulfill the need for fruit, vegetables and medicines by utilizing school grounds and other media. Building awareness and advocacy for school residents in overcoming social problems such as health and the environment, introducing various types of fruit, vegetable and medicinal plants, Providing education on how to plant and care for plants, Utilizing empty yards to increase economic value. The result of the service activities carried out by the service team at Tamansiswa Ngemplak Sleman Middle School and Vocational School is that the school has a nutritious garden as a medium for activities to support the adiwiyata program. Teachers and students gain knowledge about the benefits, how to plant and how to maintain or care for plants, especially fruit plants, vegetables and medicinal plants. In the future, schools are expected to have added economic value from nutritious garden products. Conclusion – Community service activities for nutritious gardens in an effort to support the implementation of the Adiwiyata program can be carried out well. It is hoped that teachers and students will continue this activity so that they can gain knowledge about agriculture and added economic value.
Co-Authors A Fahira Nur Abdul Rahim Adhar Arifuddin, Adhar Adnan Sholihin Agustinus Eko Susetyo Ajeng T Putri Aji Candra Wiguna Ajrina Khoirun Nisa Alviyatun Endah Saputri Amelya Rizcki Agusta Ana Fitrotun Nisa Andi Rintoko Anik Dwi Nurmawati Anita Hidayah Aziz Murof Suharyanto Banun Banun Havifah Cahyo Khosiyono Banun Havifah Cahyo Khosiyono Bonifatius Sigit Yuniharto Bonifatius Sigit Yuniharto Budi Artopo C Chichhi Charisma Wulan Widananda D Dinarsih Danny Amar Burhanudin Deni Prasetyo Deni Setiawan Desy Rufaidah Desy Rufaidah Desy Rufaidah Didi Supriadi Die Bhakti Wardoyo Putro Dika Wulandari Dika Wulandari Dinar Westri Andini Dwi Puji Lestari Endah Sulistyowati Eni Lestari Ermawati Ermawati Ermawati Ermawati Erna Nuryani Esti Utami Esti Wulandari Fajariyani Fajariyani Fetri Kusumawati Fitri Anisa Dewi Ganis Nurma Febriarti Ghozali, Imam Hapsari Retno Kinasih Heni Pratiwi Hidayanti Arifuddin Ihsan Budi Satria Ika Endar Prayogi Indah Kurniasih Ivanila Sukma Krisna Aji Wibowo Madyasari Dwi Cahyani Maisaroh Farida Nurrohmah mariana srirahayu Marzuki Marzuki Mimin Nurnaini Zumaroh Muhamad Fajarudin muhammad irfan Muhammad Taufik Ismail Mukhlish Mukhlish Mukhlish Mukhlish, Mukhlish Niken Hajar Indah Sari Nur Endah Fajarwati Nurrochmawati Nurrochmawati Nurul Ainun Fadhya Pardimin Pardimin Pardimin Pardimin Qodri Jamalulail Rahadi Rahadi Ria Saputra Riski Srikonita Rojimah Imah Sabam Gunawan Siti Rahayu Siwi Damayanti Siwi Nurhayati Sulaimon Jamiu Temitope Sulastri Sulastri Suliyanti Suliyanti Sunarsih Syamsul Hadi Titi Agustinah Uswatun Khasanah Uum H Chaerunisak Vidyanto, Vidyanto Vivi Kusumadewi Wahyu Setya Ratri Widodo Budhi Widowati Widowati Wiji Santoso Wuri Setyowardani Zainnur Wijayanto