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Corak : Jurnal Seni Kriya Vol 2, No 1 (2013): MEI 2013
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (644.552 KB) | DOI: 10.24821/corak.v2i1.2329


Culture and the type of clothing cosplay, sustainably develop in some parts of theworld, such as in the United States, Japan, Australia, Paris, London, Italy, and not least inIndonesia. As well as the animation concept inherent in Japanese culture, cosplay clothingbervisual be, of course, has its advantages and disadvantages, as well as shifting ideas whendiadobsi by a particular country. It is inevitable, characteristics and character animation as areference cosplay clothing manufacture, changing its form, concept, and material when appliedin Indonesia. Cosplay Indonesia, for example, how this all adopt dialihmaterialkan business, aswell as experienced changes in search of ideas to show all the elements of Indonesia 's. Makingthe next cosplay outfit based on stories, fairy tales, novels, legends, and comics in Indonesia.This arrangement is not without reason and without creativity, but more depth can bediscussed as a form of acculturation between the ideas of Japanese and Indonesian culture,which is packed into a cosplay outfit. On the other arts areas, the concept of cosplay is oftenshown as a costume show. For example, in the theater, revue, or a play-play in an event thatfeatured performances on the stage space . The concept of clothing with a special place andtime, is a simple concept of cosplay. Visualize concepts ideas or writings on clothing image andmakeup, which is transformed into three- dimensional shapes. Cosplay should be viewed as adiscourse of culture and art, by adopting textual ideas, concepts imagination image, into formssuch a unique and beautiful. Key words : cosplay, cosplayer, aesthetic principles, various forms, and ideology. Budaya dan jenis pakaian cosplay, secara berkesinambungan berkembang di beberapabelahan dunia, seperti di Amerika Serikat, Jepang, Australia, Paris, London, Italia, dan tidakterkecuali di Indonesia. Seperti halnya dalam konsep animasi yang melekat pada budayaJepang, bervisual menjadi pakaian cosplay, tentunya memiliki kelebihan dan kekurangan, sertamengalami pergeseran ide-ide manakala diadobsi oleh negara tertentu. Tidak dapat dipungkiri,ciri khas dan karakter animasi sebagai rujukan pembuatan pakaian cosplay, mengalami perubahan bentuk, konsep, dan material ketika diaplikasikan di Indonesia. Cosplay Indonesiamisalnya, bagaimana usaha adobsi ini dialihmaterialkan, serta mengalami perubahanperubahandalam pencarian ide-ide dengan menampilkan unsur-unsur ke-Indonesia-an.Pembuatan pakaian cosplay pada selanjutnya berdasarkan pada cerita, dongeng, novel,legenda, dan komik-komik di Indonesia. Penggubahan ini bukan tanpa alasan dan tanpakreativitas, tetapi lebih mendalam dapat dibahas sebagai bentuk akulturasi antara ide-idekebudayaan Jepang dan Indonesia, yang dikemas menjadi pakaian cosplay. Pada wilayahkesenian lain, konsep cosplay juga sering ditampilkan sebagai sebuah kostum pertunjukan.Misalnya pada pertunjukan teater, pertunjukan tari-tarian, atau sebuah lakon-lakon yangditampilkan dalam sebuah acara pertunjukan diatas ruang pentas. Konsep pakaian dengantempat dan waktu khusus, adalah konsep sederhana dari cosplay. Konsep-konsep yangmemvisualkan ide-ide gambar ataupun tulisan tentang pakaian dan tata rias, yangditransformasikan menjadi bentuk tiga dimensi. Cosplay seharusnya dipandang sebagaiwacana kebudayaan dan kesenian, dengan mengadobsi ide-ide tekstual, konsep imajinasigambar, menjadi bentuk-bentuk rupa yang unik dan indah. Kata-kata kunci: cosplay, cosplayer, prinsip estetika, ragam bentuk, dan ideologi.
Pola Permainan Alat Musik Keroncong dan Tenor di Orkes Keroncong Irama Jakarta Hery Supiarza; Deni Setiawan; Cece Sobarna
Resital: Jurnal Seni Pertunjukan (Journal of Performing Arts) Vol 20, No 2 (2019): Agustus 2019
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24821/resital.v20i2.2459


Penelitian ini mendiskusikan pola permainan alat musik keroncong dan tenor serta penerapannya  pada lagu “Cente Manis” dan “Sambel Cobek”. Kedua alat musik ini merupakan identitas keroncong gaya Jakarta. Penelitian dilakukan dengan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif dan data dikumpulkan melalui observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa asal mula istilah alat musik keroncong berasal dari bunyi alat musik itu sendiri. Istilah tenor merujuk pada istilah suara laki-laki tertinggi. Ditemukan juga teknik permainan alat musik keroncong dan tenor yaitu teknik rasguaedo (prung), strumming, arpeggio dan dengan cara dipetik satu-satu pada setiap senar. Teknik memainkan alat musik keroncong dan tenor tersebut  meliputi pola permainan dobel engkel, dobel balik, format dan gaya lama. Permainan keempat pola tersebut bergantung pada lagu yang akan dibawakan dan kesepakatan para personilnya. The Approach of Orff-Schulwerk for Prospective Music Teachers in Kindergarten Schools. The topic in this article focuses on the application of Orff-schulwerk for university students as prospective teachers in school, including kindergarten. Orff-schulwerk can be seen as an approach to music education. In related to primary education, this approach focuses on the children needs and develops children musicality through necessary activities (elemental) in music and movement. Some questions in this article are: 1) what kind of Orff-schulwerk that can be used by prospective teachers in the learning process at kindergarten? 2) what benefits can be obtained by teacher candidates through the application of the Orff-schulwerk approach? And 3) how do prospective teachers who use this approach can understand their role in learning? The method used in this study is action research. The findings in this research are prospective teachers understand that: 1) Orff-schulwerk can be used in related to exploration – imagination – creation that involving music and movement; 2) this approach is useful for developing student musicality in the learning process in kindergarten; and 3) in this approach, prospective teachers are acted as facilitators who can create an atmosphere of learning that stimulate students’ imagination and creation. This study concludes that the Orff-schulwerk approach should be mastered by prospective teachers who teach in schools, including kindergarten. By having an understanding of this approach, both theoretically and practically, prospective teachers not only enhance their knowledge but also support the national education goals, namely the students’ character building in schools.Keywords:  Orff-Schulwerk; music education; kindergarten teachers
Jurnal Kawistara Vol 5, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (321.655 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/kawistara.7595


The Jogja Fashion Week Carnival (JFWC) is related to various agendas of the local government in Yogyakarta, particularly in industrial and tourism sectors. The JFWC event is correlated to the domestic industries in which one of them has a positive impact upon the progress and the existence of this industry in order to reduce the rate of import from outside Yogyakarta. In another domain, the use of public space, which is often done by JFWC event, gives entertainment and cultural education to the people, thus this event is useful and appropriate if it is held as a routine agenda for the existence of the tourism industry in Yogyakarta. The education given to the people includes the global warming issue, the treatment and utilization of hazardous waste, and the important role of JFWC event in an attempt to create clothing trend centre in Yogyakarta. The dialectics of JFWC clothes can be seen as a process of cultural diplomacy locally, nationally, and internationally. In addition, the existence of JFWC clothes can be viewed as a sustainability phenomenon of contemporary artworks in Indonesia.
PENGARUH MODEL PROBLEM BASED LEARNING TERHADAP MOTIVASI DAN HASIL BELAJAR KETERAMPILAN BERMAIN SEPAK BOLA (Eksperimen Pada Siswa Kelas Xi SMKN 2 Tasikmalaya Yang Aktif Dalam Ekstrkulikuler Sepak Bola) Budi Indrawan; Deni Setiawan; Defri Mulyana
Jurnal Siliwangi: Seri Pendidikan Vol 3, No 1 (2017): Jurnal Siliwangi Seri Pendidikan
Publisher : LP2M-PMP Universitas Siliwangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37058/jspendidikan.v3i1.188


Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui  pengaruh Model Problem Based Learning terhadap Motivasi dan Hasil belajar Keterampilan Bermain. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah eksperimental : Pre-test and Post-test design, dengan menggunakan uji independent sample t-test dan uji paired sample t-test untuk melihat perbedaan dan pengaruh pendekatan taktis dan pendekatan tradisional. Sedangkan sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas XI SMKN 2 Tasikmalaya yang aktif mengikuti kegiatan ektrakulikuler sepakbola sebanyak 30  orang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 1) Terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan  dari Model Problem Based Learning terhadap Motivasi belajar  dengan  nilai probabilitas (sig.) 0,001 0,05. 2) Terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan dari Model Problem Based Learning terhadap Keterampilan bermain sepakbola dengan nilai probabilitas (Sig.) 0,002 0,05.Kata Kunci: Model Problem Based Learning, Motivasi belajar dan Hasil Belajar Keterampilan Bermain Sepakbola
Jurnal Siliwangi: Seri Pendidikan Vol 1, No 1 (2015): Jurnal Siliwangi Seri Pendidikan
Publisher : LP2M-PMP Universitas Siliwangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37058/jspendidikan.v1i1.16


Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk membuat dan mengembangkan alat/peralatan olahraga yang dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan kekuatan otot lengan dan otot tungkai siswa sekolah dasar kelas atas (kelas IV, V dan VI). Penelitian menggunakan metode penelitian dan pengembangan (research and development atau disingkat RD), dari (Borg and Gall;  (1989). Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menghasilkan sebuah produk yang akan digunakan dalam pendidikan melalui proses yang ilmiah yang diakhiri dengan tahapan validasi. Tempat pelaksanaan penelitian di Sekolah Dasar Al-Falah Kota Tasikmalaya. Jumlah sampel uji coba sebanyak 30 siswa. Setelah terbentuknya produk selanjutnya diuji cobakan dan diukur menggunakan tes baku. Alat ukur terdiri atas hand grift dynamometer, pull and push dynamometer, pull up tes, vertical jump tes, dan leg dynamometer. Hasil penelitian ini dibuatnya 10 (sepuluh) macam model untuk meningkatkan kekuatan otot untuk siswa sekolah dasar. Sebanyak 5 (lima) macam untuk kekuatan otot lengan dan 5 (lima) macam untuk meningkatkan kekuatan otot tungkai. Hasil uji coba menunjukan peningkatan yang signifikan penggunaan model alat yang dikembangkan, artinya alat yang dibuat dan dikembangkan memiliki dampak yang positif terhadap peningkatan kekuatan otot lengan maupun otot tungkai. Disarankan kepada guru pendidikan jasmani olahraga dan kesehatan dapat menggunakan model alat ini dalam proses pembelajaranya untuk meningkatkan kekuatan otot lengan, dan otot tungkai bagi siswa sekolah dasar kelas IV, V dan VI.
Efektivitas Pembelajaran dengan Pendekatan Penemuan Terbimbing Ditinjau dari Pemahaman Konsep Matematis Siswa Deni Setiawan; Haninda Bharata; Rini Asnawati
Publisher : Universitas Lampung

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This quasi experimental research aimed to find out the effectiveness of guided discovery approach in terms of students understanding of mathematical concept. The design which was used was post-test only control design. The population of this research was all students of grade VIII of MTs Negeri 2 Bandar Lampung in academic year of 2015/2016. The purposive sampling technique was used to take two classes as the research samples. The data of this research were obtained by test of understanding of mathematical concepts. Based on the result and discussion, it could be concluded that guided discovery approach was effective in terms of students understanding of mathematical concept. Penelitian eksperimen semu ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas pendekatan penemuan terbimbing ditinjau dari pemahaman konsep matematis siswa. Desain yang digunakan adalah posttest only control design. Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh siswa kelas VIII MTs Negeri 2 Bandar Lampung tahun pelajaran 2015/2016. Teknik purposive sampling digunakan untuk mengambil dua kelas sebagai sampel penelitian. Data penelitian ini diperoleh melalui tes pemahaman konsep matematis. Berdasarkan hasil dan pembahasan, dapat disimpulkan bahwa pendekatan penemuan terbimbing efektif ditinjau dari pemahaman konsep matematis siswa.Kata kunci: efektivitas, pemahaman konsep matematis, penemuan terbimbing
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Ekonomi Vol 2, No 2 (2015): Wisuda Oktober 2015
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Ekonomi

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This study aims to determine the factors that influence the level of demand for cosmetic products Oriflame in Pekanbaru. The population numbered 287.616 people and a sample of 100 people was determinate by the method slovin. The data used in the secondary and primary. The analysis method use is descriptive analysis using ordinal scale (likert scale) to classify the measured variables in order to avoid errors in determining the outcome of the data. From the results of the testing that has been done , which uses the entire free variable that consumer tastes consisting of branding, packaging and labeling , future expectations , quality , price and the price of other goods that affect people in Pekanbaru in choosing cosmetic products cosmetics Oriflame as they use . From the research that has been carried out that almost all the indicators of consumer tastes variables affect demand for cosmetic products Oriflame seen from the highest score is the quality with a score of 2,040 and the lowest score enough influence is the display / layout with a score of 642. Meanwhile, variable price of goods itself affect the demand for cosmetic products Oriflame with a score of 1490 and other variables also affect the price of goods with a score of 703 , thus it can be concluded that the most influential is the quality that is seen from the highest score to the continuum line.Keywords : Demand, Consumer tastes, Cosmetic, Price, and Price itself.
Jurnal Elkasista Vol. 1 (2020): Oktober
Publisher : Pustaka Poltekad

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The design of a surveillance robot control system can be controlled by an android smartphone via a wi-fi wireless network. The robot is equipped with a hidden camera to obtain enemy target data in the form of video in real-time around the robot and then displayed on the android smartphone application. Robots made are like cars in the shape of an Omni wheel can move in any direction. Communications are made using a wifi wireless device on the android smartphone for two-way communication sending and receiving data between the android smartphone and the raspberry PI on the surveillance robot. The data obtained are sent using a system of estimation signal to noise ratio from the surveillance robot (Omni wheel) to android for maximizing of data communication from surveillance robot (Omni wheel) to android using correlated methods. Because this robot can be controlled by android so it is suitable for surveillance to reduce personnel risks directly.
FORMULASI SEDIAAN GEL PEEL-OFF EKSTRAK BUAH LIMPASU (Baccaurea lanceolate (Miq) Mull.Arg.) SEBAGAI ANTIBAKTERI Deni Setiawan; Nur Mahdi; Muhammad Riki Shindi Praristiya
Jurnal Ilmiah Ibnu Sina (JIIS): Ilmu Farmasi dan Kesehatan Vol 6 No 2 (2021): JIIS
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan ISFI Banjarmasin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (513.732 KB) | DOI: 10.36387/jiis.v6i2.745


Skin is a protective layer of the body as well as an aesthetic factor to protect from exposure foreign substances and sunlight. Some problems that may arise on the skin include premature aging and acne. The use of natural ingredients as cosmetics is increasing, one of which is the limpasu fruit peel-off gel mask. This study aims to determine the antibacterial activity of the ethanol extract of limpasu fruit extract. The formulation was made with three concentrations of ethanol extract of limpasu fruit (Baccaurea lanceolate) 4, 6 and 8 grams. The formula was tested on E.coli. The yield of limpasu fruit extract was 30.49 grams or 7.81%. Results of preliminary identification of ethanol extract containing saponins and flavonoids. The results of the antibacterial test formulas 1 to 3 had inhibition zones 12, 53; 7.94 and 9.97 mm with a positive control of tetracycline which had an average inhibition zone of 28.87 mm. The peel-off gel formulation had antibacterial activity because the average inhibition zone was more than 6 mm.
CARAKA Vol 2 No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30738/caraka.v2i1.1657


ABSTRACT The purpose of this research is descriptive (1) know the tendency of the learning achievement read students of class X SMK Negeri 1 Sewon which used learning media based on PowerPoint; (2) which used learning media based on Flash. Comparatively, aims to know the influence of usage of learning media based on Flash against the achievements of learning to read students of class X SMK Negeri 1 Sewon. Descriptive research results (1) the tendency of the learning achievement read students of class X SMK Negeri 1 Sewon used learning media based on PowerPoint including high; (2) which used learning media based on Flash including very high. In comparative there a difference a significant achievement of students learning to read students of class X SMK Negeri 1 Sewon between lessons that used learning media based on Flash and media based on PowerPoint.