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Efektivitas Sari Belimbing Wuluh terhadap Daya Ikat Air dan Susut Masak Daging Paha Itik Magelang Fitria Mayasari; Nur Hidayah; M. Haris Septian
Wahana Peternakan Vol. 6 No. 1 (2022): Wahana Peternakan
Publisher : Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Tulang Bawang Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37090/jwputb.v6i1.530


Duck is a type of poultry that can be consumed as a new option other than chicken meat. Several types of local ducks can be utilized their potential for community consumption, one of which is Magelang duck. Duck meat is one of the foodstuffs of livestock origin that contains nutrients that are good for the human body. The weakness of meat with a high nutritional content that can cause meat susceptible to contamination by decaying microorganisms. Efforts to maintain meat quality are to prevent microbial contamination of Magelang duck meat by using bilimbi fruit liquid (Averrhoa bilimbi L.) to maintain the quality of duck meat. This study aims to determine the efficiency using bilimbi fruit liquid with different concentrations on the value of water holding capacity and cooking loss of Magelang duck thigh meat. The experiment plan used in this study was a Completely Randomized Experimental Design (CRD) with 4 treatments differences concentration of using bilimbi fruit liquid (0, 20, 40, 60%) and 5 replays with immersion for 30 minutes. The data obtained was analyzed with a variety analysis (ANOVA) and the apparent differences between treatments were analyzed with the Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) advanced test. The results showed that soaking magelang duck thigh meat up to a concentration of 60% of using bilimbi fruit liquid for 30 minutes did not give a noticeable influence or has not been able to increase DIA and decrease cooking. The range of DIA values in this study is 40.67˗44.93% and cooked stacking 47.19–52.37%. Keywords: magelang duck, water holding capacity, starfruit juice, cooking loss.
PERUBAHAN SIFAT FISIK BIJI KANGKUNG SELAMA PENYIMPANAN (Physical Properties Condition of Ipomea reptans Seeds During Storage) M. H. Septian; Iman Hernaman; Rachmat Wiradimadja
Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Peternakan Vol. 6 No. 2 (2018)
Publisher : Fakultas Peternakan, Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (228.572 KB) | DOI: 10.20956/jitp.v6i2.6353


Ipomea reptans seeds have been widely used as alternative feed and usually before use for livestock was stored in the storage. This experiment was aimed to study of physical properties condition of Ipomea reptans seeds during storage. The experiment was arranged in a completly randomized design. The collected data was analyzed using Duncan’s test. Twenty-five sacks was contained Ipomea reptans seeds as much as 20 kg into 5 treatment with storage duration of 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 weeks, then each measured water content and physical properties. The result showed that the long storage had significantly (P <0.05) increased the water content, but decreased (P <0.05) specific gravity, bulk density, and compacted bulk density. The pattern of relationship between duration of storage and water content of Ipomea reptans seeds formed regression equation y = 1.5652X + 8.4536, with value R2 = 0,9193. The Conclusion, long storage can cause changes physical properties of Ipomea reptans seeds.
Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Peternakan Vol. 9 No. 2 (2021)
Publisher : Fakultas Peternakan, Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20956/jitp.v9i2.14314


Hydroponics is a forage cultivation technique that is suitable to be applied to overcome the constraints of climate dependence and land availability. Forage that is cultivated hydroponically is often called green fodder hydroponic. Sorghum is a plant that has the potential to be developed as a hydroponic green fodder because it grows well in tropical environments and is efficient in producing photosynthetic products. This study aims to determine the content and production of Dry Matter (DM) and Crude Protein (CP) sorghum green fodder hydroponic. The study was conducted experimentally with a completely randomized design. The collected data were analyzed using Duncan's Test. The treatments were harvesting ages of 7 days, 10 days and 13 days, then measured the production of fresh ingredients, DM content, DM production, CP content, and CP production. The results showed that the longer the age of harvest significantly (p>0.05) increased the content of DM and CP but significantly (p>0.05) decreased the production of fresh ingredients and the production of DM The results of CP production showed that the longer the age of harvest was not significant (p<0.05). In conclusion, the long harvesting age of hydroponic sorghum green fodder causes an increase in the content of DM and CP, but decreases the production of fresh ingredients and the production of DM
Pelatihan Formulasi Pakan Menggunakan Aplikasi Winfeed Secara Daring Bagi Masyarakat Peternak Mohamad Haris Septian; Bambang Kholiq Mutaqin; Rahma Wulan Idayanti; Mikael Sihite; Pradipta Bayuaji Pramono
Abdi Dosen : Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat Vol 6 No 1 (2022): Maret 2022
Publisher : LPPM Univ. Ibn Khaldun Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (667.909 KB) | DOI: 10.32832/abdidos.v6i1.1108


Produksi ternak di Indonesia masih tergolong rendah. Pelaku usaha peternakan di Indonesia didominasi oleh peternak lokal yang masih menggunakan sistem beternak tradisional. Pakan yang diberikan pada ternak tidak melalui tahap formulasi sehingga kualitas dan kandungan zat makanannya tidak diketahui. Keterbatasan pengetahuan menjadi hambatan utama bagi peternak untuk melakukan formulasi pakan. Perlu dilakukan pelatihan formulasi pakan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keahlian peternak dalam membuat formula pakan yang baik. Metode pelaksanaan pada pengabdian ini meliputi pre-test, ceramah, pelatihan, dan evaluasi. Kegiatan pengabdian ini dilaksanakan secara daring dengan melibatkan empat dosen Universitas Tidar dan satu orang dosen Universitas Padjadjaran. Peserta yang terlibat dalam kegiatan ini sebanyak 62 orang masyarakat peternak terdiri dari pelaku usaha ternak, kelompok tani ternak, mahasiswa, hingga dosen. Berdasarkan hasil evaluasi sebelum dan sesudah dilaksanakannya pelatihan, dapat disimpulkan bahwa peserta memiliki nilai rata-rata 72,2 pada post-test, selain itu adanya nilai yang besar pada pengetahuan peserta mengenai pengetahuan bahan pakan yaitu 88,00. Peningkatan sebanyak 16,32% pada pengalaman peserta dalam membuat formulasi pakan, peningkatan sebesar 42,14% pada kemampuan peserta dalam membuat formulasi pakan menggunakan aplikasi Winfeed, dan sebanyak 71,42% peserta mempu mengerjakan tugas membuat formulasi pakan dengan benar. Penyelenggaraan pelatihan dinilai memuaskan dengan nilai rata-rata 4,16 dari skala 1-5.
Jurnal Nutrisi Ternak Tropis dan Ilmu Pakan Vol 2, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Unpad Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/jnttip.v2i2.27692


Tujuan Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan lumpur kecap terhadap kandungan asam laktat dan pH silase pelepah pisang, Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimental dengan Rancangan Acak Lengkap. Terdapat empat perlakuan, yaitu tingkat penambahan lumpur kecap : P1 = penambahan lumpur kecap 1%, P2 = penambahan lumpur kecap 3%, P3 = penambahan lumpur kecap 5%, dan P4 = penambahan lumpur kecap 7%, masing-masing perlakuan diulang sebanyak lima kali.  Data yang terkumpul dianalisis secara statistik dengan menggunakan analisis ragam dan dilanjutkan dengan uji Jarak Berganda Duncan. Peubah yang diamati adalah konsentrasi asam laktat dan pH silase pelepah pisang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penambahan lumpur memberikan pengaruh nyata (P<0,05) terhadap kandungan asam laktat dan pH silase pelepah pisang. Penambahan aditif lumpur kecap sebanyak 5% dapat menghasilkan kandungan asam laktat silase pelepah pisang tertinggi dan penggunaan aditif lumpur kecap sebanyak 3% menghasilkan kandungan pH silase pelepah pisang terendah.Kata Kunci: lumpur kecap, pelepah pisang, silase.
Jurnal Nutrisi Ternak Tropis dan Ilmu Pakan Vol 2, No 4 (2020)
Publisher : Unpad Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/jnttip.v2i4.29995


ABSTRAK Bekatul beras merah merupakan produk samping dari proses penggilingan padi beras merah yang potensial dijadikan sebagai pakan penguat. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh lama penyimpanan terhadap sifat fisik bekatul beras merah. Penelitian dilakukan secara eksperimental menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap. Data yang dihasilkan diuji menggunakan analisis ragam dan jika ada perbedaan yang nyata maka dilanjutkan dengan uji Jarak Berganda Duncan. Penelitian terdiri dari 5 perlakuan berupa lama penyimpanan yaittu 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 pekan. Masing-masing perlakuan diulang sebanyak 5 kali. Pengujian yang dilakukan adalah kadar air, kerapatan tumpukan, kerapatan pemadatan tumpukan, kerapatan pemadatan tumpukan metode banting, berat jenis, dan sifat organoleptik. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa lama penyimpanan nyata (P<0,05) meningkatkan kadar air, menurunkan nilai kerapatan tumpukan, kerapatan pemadatan tumpukan, kerapatan pemadatan tumpukan metode banting, tetapi tidak memengaruhi (P>0,05) berat jenis. Perubahan warna terjadi pada pekan keempat, perubahan bau mulai terjadi pada pekan ketiga, perubahan tekstur dengan adanya gumpalan pada pekan ketiga, serangan serangga pada pekan keempat, tetapi tidak terdeteksi adanya jamur yang terlihat secara kasat mata hingga pekan keempat. Kesimpulan, lama penyimpanan dapat menyebabkan perubahan sifat fisik dan organoleptik bekatul beras merah.Kata kunci: bekatul beras merah, penyimpanan, sifat fisik ABSTRACT Brown rice polish is a by-product from brown rice grinding which is potential to be used as concentrate feed. This research was aimed to find out the effect of storage duration on physical properties of brown rice polish. This research used experimental of Completely Randomized Design (CRD). Data collected was analyzed using analysis of variance and continued by Duncan’s test if the results was significant. This research contained 5 treatments storage duration which are 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 weeks. Each treatment was replicated by 5 times. The properties tested were water content, bulk density, compacted bulk density, thrown compacted bulk density, specific gravity, and organoleptic properties. The result showed that storage duration was significantly (P<0.05) increased water content, decrease bulk density, compacted bulk density, thrown compacted bulk density while specific gravity was not affected (P>0.05). The color was changed in the fourth week, the scent was changed in in the third week, the texture shown by clotting occur in the third week, presence of insect in the fourth week while there was no presence of fungus seen even in the fourth week. It is concluded that storage duration changed the physical and organoleptic properties of brown rice polish. Keywords: Brown rice polish, storage duration, physical properties, organoleptic properties
Korelasi Fenotipik Sifat Kuantitatif Itik Magelang di Kabupaten Magelang Ayu Rahayu; Shinta Ratnawati; Rahma Wulan Idayanti; M. Haris Septian; Budi Santoso; Nadia Ade Lutfiana
Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Peternakan Tropis Vol 8, No 2 (2021): JITRO, Mei 2021
Publisher : Universitas Halu Oleo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (495.5 KB) | DOI: 10.33772/jitro.v8i2.12567


Itik adalah unggas air yang masuk dalam kelas Aves dan menjadi salah satu unggas yang masuk dalam kategori unggas dwiguna yaitu hewan yang menghasilkan telur dan daging. Jenis itik yang banyak dibudidayakan di dusun Sempu, desa Ngadirojo, kecamatan Secang, kabupaten Magelang adalah jenis Itik Magelang. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah ingin mengetahui korelasi fenotip dari sifat-sifat kuantitatif Itik Magelang. Penelitian ini dilakukan di dusun Sempu, Desa Ngadirojo, Kecamatan Secang, Kabupaten Magelang. Total sampel untuk pengamatan sifat kuantitatif adalah 100 ekor itik Magelang yang dipelihara secara semi intensif. Sample yang diambil adalah Itik Magelang yang sudah memasuki fase produksi. Hasil yang didapat dari data tersebut dianalis menggunakan IBM SPSS 23 dengan sistem partial correlations. Hasil penelitian yang dilakukan terhadap beberapa peternak di dusun Sempu menunjukkan jika nilai korelasi antara BB dengan PB dan LD, PB dengan LD menunjukkan hasil yang sangat signifikan (p<0,01) sedangkan korelasi antara PB dengan ST menunjukkan signifikan (p<0,05). Pertambahan bobot badan Itik Magelang sangat berpengaruh juga terhadap panjang badan dan lingkar dada. Semakin bertambahnya bobot badan maka postur tubuh juga akan semakin besar pengaruhnya terhadap bertambahnya panjang badan dan lingkar dada.Kata kunci: fenotipik, itik magelang, korelasi, sifat kuantitatifQuantitative Phenotypic Correlation of Magelang Ducks in Magelang RegencyABSTRACTDucks are waterfowl that belong to the aves class and become one of the poultry which is included in the category of dual-purpose poultry, animals that produce eggs and meat. The type of ducks that are widely cultivated in Sempu Hamlet, Ngadirojo Village, Secang Subdistrict, Magelang Regency was the Magelang duck type. The purpose of this study was to know the phenotypic correlation of the quantitative traits of the duck. This research was conducted in Sempu Hamlet, Ngadirojo Village, Secang subdistrict, Magelang regency. The Total sample for quantitative trait observation was 100 of Magelang's semi-intensive preserved duck-tails. The Sample was the ducks in Magelang that have entered the production phase. The results obtained from the data were analyzed using IBM SPSS 23 with partial correlations. The results of research conducted against several breeders in Sempu Hamlet indicated that if the correlation between BB and PB and LD, PB with LD showed very significant results (p< 0.01) While the correlation between PB and ST showed significant (p< 0.05). The weight gain of Magelang's Duck was also highly affected body length and heart girth. The more body weight gain, the more posture will affect the body weight gain and heart girth.Keywords: correlation, magelang ducks, phenotypic, quantitative traits
Performance and Diet Digestibility of Male Garut Lamb Fed Ipomea reptans Seed Mohamad Haris Septian; Iman Hernaman; Rachmat Wiradimadja; Fransiskus Teguh Santoso
Buletin Peternakan Vol 42, No 4 (2018): BULETIN PETERNAKAN VOL. 42 (4) NOVEMBER 2018
Publisher : Faculty of Animal Science, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21059/buletinpeternak.v42i4.31647


The experiments aimed to study about the performance and diet digestibility of male Garut lamb were a diet containing  Ipomea reptans seeds. Twenty two Garut sheeps at the age of 6-8 months with an average body weight of 16.17±1.33 kg were divided into four diet treatments containing 0%, 10%, 20%, and 30% Ipomea reptans seed and maintained for 10 weeks to measure the performance and digestibility of the diet. The study was conducted experimentally and the data collected and tested by Duncan’s test. The results showed that the use of Ipomea reptans seeds up to 30% increased (P<0.05) feed intake, average daily gain, dry and organic matter digestibility, but it had no effect on feed conversion. In Conclusion, the use of Ipomea reptans seed up to 30% yielded the best performance and diet digestibility and produced the same quality of diet.
The Effect Probiotic Lactic Acid-Based on Organoleptic Indicators of Brown Rice Polish Pradipta Bayuaji Pramono; Mohamad Haris Septian; Mikael Sihite
Journal of Livestock Science and Production Vol 4, No 2 (2020): Journal of Livestock Science and Production
Publisher : Universitas Tidar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31002/jalspro.v4i2.3329


This study aims to determine the effect of adding probiotics based on lactic acid bacteria (BAL) on brown rice polish fermentation, which was tested organoleptically. The variables observed were texture, colour, scent, flavor, and assessment of the quality of one month fermented brown rice polish. Sources of probiotics used are commercial probiotics based on lactic acid bacteria (LAB). The treatments given were P0 = Rice polish fermentation without the addition of probiotics (control), P1 = Rice polish fermentation + 0.5% probiotic, P2 = Rice polish fermentation + 1.0% probiotic, P3 = Rice polish fermentation + 1.5% probiotic. The data obtained were processed using variance analysis of a randomized complete design (RCD). If there were significant differences, the data was further tested using Duncan's Multiple Range Test (DMRT). The results showed that the addition of probiotics at a dose (0.5; 1.0; 1.5)% improved the flavor and quality assessment of the fermented brown rice polish but did not affect the texture, colour, and scent of fermented brown rice polish. It can be concluded that the addition of LAB-based probiotics can improve the quality of brown rice polish, which is assessed organoleptically.Keywords: Brown rice polish, Fermentation, Organoleptic, Probiotic
Penyuluhan Pembuatan Pakan Lengkap Terfermentasi untuk Mengurangi Intensitas Ngarit di Desa Gunungpring, Kecamatan Muntilan, Kabupaten Magelang Mohamad Haris Septian; Nur Hidayah; Ayu Rahayu
Media Kontak Tani Ternak Vol 2, No 3 (2020): Agustus
Publisher : Fakultas Peternakan, Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/mktt.v2i3.29417


AbstrakKurangnya ketersediaan pakan di Desa Gunungpring membuat Peternak di desa tersebut kesulitan untuk mencukupi kebutuhan pakan.  Berdasarkan survey awal ditemukan rendahnya pengetahuan peternak mengenai manajemen pemeliharaan dan penyediaan pakan pakan ternak. Oleh karenanya dilakukan penyuluhan  untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan masyarakat mengenai manajemen pemeliharaan dan penyediaan pakan ternak dengan metode pengolahan pakan komplit terfermentasi untuk domba dan kambing. Sasaran pelaksanaan kegiatan adalah Kelompok Tani Ternak Karya Makmur Desa Gunungpring, Kecamatan Muntilan, Kabupaten Magelang. Metode Penyuluhan adalah ceramah dan praktikum. Peserta yang mengikuti kegiatan ini sebanyak 15 orang peternak ditambah 10 orang mahasiswa Program Studi Peternakan Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Tidar.  Berdasarkan evaluasi yang dilakukan setelah proses penyuluhan, dapat disimpulkan bahwa adanya peningkatan pengetahuan peternak sebesar 18,66% mengenai manajemen pemeliharaan, peningkatan pengetahuan mengenai jenis-jenis bahan pakan dan hijauan pakan sebesar 36,67%, peningkatan pengetahuan mengenai pakan fermentasi sebesar 30%, peningkatan pengetahuan mengenai pakan komplit terfermentasi sebesar 53,37%, peningkatan pengalaman membuat pakan fermentasi sebesar 20%, dan intensitas ngarit yang berkurang sebesar 33,33%, kerta keberlangsungan kegiatan yang rutin dilakukan oleh peternak.Kata kunci: manajemen pemeliharaan, pakan lengkap terfermentasi, domba, kambing, Gunungpring.