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Journal : Jurnal Kreativitas PKM

Sosialisasi Penerapan Aplikasi Informed Consent Online terhadap Layanan dan Jaminan Kesehatan Pengobatan Tradisional di Bandar Lampung Rissa Afni Martinouva; Sri Maria Puji Lestari Lestari; Marcelly Widya Wardana
Jurnal Kreativitas Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM) Vol 6, No 2 (2023): Volume 6 No 2 Februari 2023
Publisher : Universitas Malahayati Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33024/jkpm.v6i2.8531


ABSTRAK  Pengabdian didasarkan pada hasil penelitian yang dilaksakan terkait analisis perlindungan hukum penyelenggaraan pengobatan tradisional Tahun 2019. Penelitian tersebut menyatakan bahwa dibutuhkan adanya perjanjian penyembuhan (informed consent). Perjanjian penyembuhan tersebut mendeskripsikan pertanggungjawaban ketika tindakan penyembuhan dilakukan. Perjanjian peyembuhan merupakan bidang keilmuan perdata yang berfungsi mengantisipasi kegiatan perjanjian pihak-pihak agar dapat melindungi hak dan kewajiban kedua pihak atau lebih. Tujuan pengabdian penerapan aplikasi informed consent online sebagai salah satu perlindungan hukum secara nyata layanan kesehatan pengobatan tradisional di Bandar Lampung. Metode sebelum dilaksanakan pengabdian yaitu, observasi, dokumentasi, wawancara dan kuesioner kepada pasien dan penyeleggara praktik pengobatan tradisional yang sudah beroprasional sebagai sampel penelitian yang ditunjuk secara purposive sampling. Hasil diperoleh pada bentuk isi informed consent perjanjian yang dibutuhkan masyarakat sebagai dilakukan berupa tindakan, syarat, dan saksi sebelum menerima pengobatan tradisional. Tindakan tersebut harus diketahui secara keseluruhan berupa gambaran penjelasan dan akibat yang akan ditimbulkan jika pengobatan dilaksanakan. Bentuk penerapan sosialisasi aplikasi informed consent online dilaksanakan dengan melakukan pembuatan aplikasi informed consent online. Aplikasi yang sudah dibuat, setelah itu dilanjutkan dengan melaksanakan sosialisasi penerapannya kepada para penyelenggara pengobatan tradisional di Bandar Lampung. Penyuluhan dilakukan dengan menghadirkan pemateri dari Ketua Forum Komunikasi (FORKOM) HATTRA Kota Bandar Lampung, Dinas Kesehatan Kota Bandar Lampung dan pihak pengembang teknologi informed consent online. Pelaksanaan adanya aplikasi informed consent online sebagai wujud nyata perjanjian pengobatan tradisional baik kepada penyelenggara pengobatan tradisional maupun kepada pasien sebagai konsumen. Kata Kunci : Hukum Perjanjian, Aplikasi, Teknologi, Kesehatan ABSTRACT The service is based on the results of research conducted regarding the analysis of legal protection for the implementation of traditional medicine in 2019. The research states that an informed consent is required. The healing agreement describes accountability when the healing act is performed. The healing agreement is a field of civil science that functions to anticipate the activities of the parties’ agreements in order to protect the rights and obligations of both parties or more. The purpose of the dedication of applying the online informed consent application as one of the real legal protections of traditional medicine health services in Bandar Lampung. The methods before the service was carried out, namely observation, documentation, interviews and questionnaires to patients and traditional medicine practice organizers who were operational as research samples designated by purposive sampling. The results were obtained in the form of the contents of the informed consent agreement needed by the community as a form of action, conditions, and witnesses before receiving traditional medicine. This action must be known in its entirety in the form of an explanation description and the consequences that will result if the treatment is carried out. The form of application of online informed consent application socialization is carried out by making an online informed consent application. After that, the application that has been made is carried out by carrying out socialization of its application to traditional medicine providers in Bandar Lampung. Counseling was carried out by presenting speakers from the Chairman of the HATTRA Communication Forum (FORKOM) of Bandar Lampung City, the Bandar Lampung City Health Office and the developer of online informed consent technology. The implementation of the online informed consent application is a concrete manifestation of traditional treatment agreements both for traditional medicine providers and for patients as consumers. Keywords: Agreement Law, Application, Technology, Health