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Journal : Ethical Lingua: Journal of Language Teaching and Literature

The Care of Environment in the Characters Pandawa of Mahabrata's Story: The Study of Literature Ecology Ayu Indriani; Juanda; Andi Agussalim AJ
Ethical Lingua: Journal of Language Teaching and Literature Vol. 10 No. 1 (2023): volume 10 No 1 2023
Publisher : Universitas Cokroaminoto Palopo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30605/25409190.553


This writing examines a non-fiction prose by using the study of literary ecology. Literary ecology is a study related to the environment that arises from the results of thinking about ecological problems in literature. This writing aims to describe the Pandawa character's attention to the environment, the form of the Pandawa character's concern for the environment, and the interaction of the Pandawa character towards the environment in the Mahabharata story. The formulation of the problem in this writing is as follows, namely (1) How is the concern of the Pandawa character towards the environment depicted in the Mahabharata story?; (2) What is the form of the Pandawa character's concern for the environment described in the Mahabharata story?; and (3) How is the interaction between Pandawa figures and the environment described in the Mahabharata story? This type of research is a qualitative literature study model using an ecological literature approach. The main focus in this research is to describe the environmental care attitude of the pandawa character in the Mahabharata story. The data source is the text of the Mahabharata transliterated by C. Rajagopalacari. The data are in the form of words, phrases, dialogues, and sentences in the Mahabharata story which contain attention, forms of concern, and interactions of Pandawa characters towards the environment. Data collection using documentation techniques. Data analysis using interactive analysis techniques. The results of the discussion show the concern of the Pandawa characters for the environment, namely Nakula and Sadewa for livestock, there is a form of concern for the Pandawa characters for the environment, namely rebuilding the abandoned old city, and the interaction between Pandawa figures and nature, namely using rivers and snake venom as an antidote to poison in the story. the.
Adjectival Retention: Persuasive Texts Students Universitas Negeri Makassar Azis Azis; Juanda Juanda; Chairil Anwar Korompot
Ethical Lingua: Journal of Language Teaching and Literature Vol. 10 No. 2 (2023): Volume 10 No 2 2023
Publisher : Universitas Cokroaminoto Palopo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30605/25409190.596


This research contributes to language development, especially adjectival retention as a very basic resilience in the text. Research on adjectives has been conducted by (Kennedy, 2013), (Schiff et al., 2014), (Sharma et al., 2015), (Sato et al., 2016), (Cutillas & Tolchinsky, 2017) Compared to the previous studies, however, the present study focuses on adjectival retention. In addition, the research findings also provide an understanding of the use of adjectives with the meaningfulness contained in the sentence. This research is a qualitative one, using a content analysis method. The data consist of persuasive essays written by 83 students of Indonesian Language and Literature Education Program in the Faculty of Languages and Literature at State University of Makassar, submitted during March to September 2019 period. While the research data were in the form of adjectives in the essays submitted, the research instrument was the researchers themselves. Data collection was done by giving assignments to the students to write persuasive essays. Data analysis techniques were identifying, reducing, presenting the data, verifying, and drawing conclusions about adjectival retention. The findings of the study indicate the following cases of adjectival retention: (a) weakening of positive adjectival retention; (b) intensive retention occurring not only with the precursor which precedes it, but also with the constituent following it; (c) elative retention appearing only after the use of verbs in the sentence; (d) excessive adjectival retention having a formation that occurs due to a conjunction stating the cause; (e) retention of argumentative adjectives placing emphasis on the part of the core sentence; (f) retention of attenuate adjectives reinforcing one another and not weakening the other parts. Overall, some 42% of the essays contain adjectival retention and 58% of them were without adjectival retention.