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Journal : Journal of World Future Medicine, Health and Nursing

The Influence of Teamwork in the Implementation of Total Quality Management (TQM) on Customer Satisfaction Aryoga Samudra Asmara; Meilinda Laurensia Febrihianto; Nunki Aprillita; Mira Veranita
Journal of World Future Medicine, Health and Nursing Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : Yayasan Pedidikan Islam Daarut Thufulah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55849/health.v1i2.509


Total Quality Management (TQM) is one of strategies that used to raise the caliber of healthcare services and customer satisfaction nowadays. Teamwork is the primary metric for TQM implementation. The major goals of this study are to examine current research on TQM teamwork in hospital health services and to determine how TQM teamwork is used. In this study, recent scientific articles that published between 2018 until 2023 were systematically summarized using inclusion and exclusion criteria. The conclusion of this journal article shows that teamwork is a crucial element of TQM since a strong team may boost independence, communication, and self-assurance while successfully attaining shared objectives.
Swot Analysis of Pharmacy Department Development Strategy in X Hospital in East Kalimantan Province Amalia Yuliasari; Annisari Pinasthika; Firda Diah Utami; Hany Setyo Utami; Mira Veranita
Journal of World Future Medicine, Health and Nursing Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023)
Publisher : Yayasan Pedidikan Islam Daarut Thufulah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55849/health.v2i1.549


The hospital is an institution that provides health services and is an institution that cannot be separated from the influence of the internal and external environment. The growth and development of the hospital can be influenced by the organizational environment where the hospital is located. Therefore, a hospital management system is needed that considers strategic aspects so that the hospital can adapt and control the factors that influence and continue to change, both internal and external factors. The purpose of this study was to determine the position of the X Hospital Pharmacy Installation in the province of East Kalimantan towards the internal and external environment through a SWOT analysis and identify alternative strategies for development with the SWOT method. Research using a qualitative descriptive design using a questionnaire. Data on the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the Pharmacy Installation were obtained by observation and in-depth interviews. From the SWOT analysis, a SWOT matrix is obtained based on the External Factor Analysis Summary (EFAS) and the Internal Factor Analysis Summary (IFAS). The results of the study show that the Pharmacy Installation of X Hospital is in quadrant two with a diversification strategy to implement its development strategy. The RS X's internal strength factor is 1.11 times greater than its weakness and the results are opportunities that are smaller than the threats.
Co-Authors Ade Sudrajat Adri Arisena Agustina, Granit Amalia Yuliasari Anggraeni Noor Azahra Anggreyorina Anggreyorina Annisari Pinasthika Aryoga Samudra Asmara Atikah Nurwansyah Bambang Heru Purwanto Belinda Layrenshia Candra Gumilar Chairil M Noor Dadan Hendayana Dania Febyola Deden Gunawan Dedeng Yusuf Maolani Dessy Putri Rahayuningrum Dian Candra Fatihah Dionysius Beni Nugroho Dwi Robiul Rochmawati Dwi Robiul Rochmawati Eki Dudi Darmawan Erick Ivan Gian Erliany Syaodih Esti Aditya Dewi Fanny Agustina Hidayat Fatihah, Dian Candra Firda Diah Utami Firdaus Abdul Aziz Florencia Desiree Gunardi Gunardi Gunardi . Gunardi Gunardi Hani Hatimatunnisani Hany Setyo Utami Hendrawan Widjanarko Heny Hendrayati Hernawati, Euis I Gusti Wayan Murjana Yasa I Putu Ajie Windu Kertayoga Inggrid Since Yuliana Frans Joanne Switasanny Alexangela Junlianty Liambana Kristian Ismail Lidia Kamelia Linda Herawati Lukmanulhakim Almamalik M. Alfi Maulidi M. Khoirul Anwar Mahfud Khoiri Marsya Sahsabilla Meilinda Laurensia Febrihianto Michael Purba Moch Abdul Aziz Mohammad Tajuddin Monica Beatrice Magaline Muhamad Rizal Hadi Pratama Nadia Brigita Cahayani Najip Hendra S Parino Neng Diana Fitaloka Ni Nyoman Feby Wulandari Ni Nyoman Yulianthini Nidia Fadhila Novy Trianasari NUNIEK DEWI PRAMANIK Nunki Aprillita Pande Made Doddy Haryadi Parapaga, Florentina Blandina Purwadhi Purwadhi Putri Dwi Novrina R Oke Andikarya R. Oke Andikarya Rajuman Rajuman Rajuman Rajuman Regina Nurfitriyani Anissa Regina Nurfitriyani Anissa Resti Selfiah Rian Andriani Rini Susilowati Rini Susilowati Ropa Mustopa Nurrahman Sahidin, Yuda Sally Ester Rohana Panjaitan Sugianto Ikhsan Sugiyanto Ikhsan Sugiyanto Iksan Sugondo Sugondo Suminar Suminar Susilowati , Rini Syafii Syafii Tatiek Ekawati Permana Toufiq Agung Towifah Fauziah Choerunisa Wahyuddin Bagenda Warsiati , Wiwi Willma Fauzzia Willma Fauzzia Wilma Zuarko Adji Yuda Syahidin Yudhi Yudistira Yudhy S. Purwanto Yunyun Ratna H Yunyun Ratna H YUSUF, RAMAYANI Zein Bastian Zuhriyatus Saidah