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Predicates of Indonesian and English Simple Sentences Ingatan Gulö
Publisher : Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33365/ts.v15i2.102


This paper was developed from a research report presented in The Third Southern Region of Sumatera TEFLIN held by Sriwijaya University in 2014. Comments recieved by the participants of the seminar and following studies done on the topic made it possible for this article to find its way to be published in a journal. As Indonesian and English sentences realize their predicates by using different kinds of syntactic categories, most learners of English having Indonesian as their linguistic background face difficulties in understanding the language. This is a contrastive study done by conducting an analytical analysis on simple sentences of both languages. The result of this research shows that both English and Indonesian sentences employ verbs as their predicates. However, in addition to verbs, Indonesian sentences also use other kinds of syntactic categories such as nouns, adjectives, etc. to be the predicates of sentences. These main differences of English and Indonesian systems have to be underlined in learning process and teaching English to learners in order to avoid grammatical mistakes.
Revisiting English Competence at Hotel Afrianto Afrianto; Ingatan Gulö
Publisher : Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33365/ts.v17i1.248


This study aims at coming up with English competence at hotel. Going along with that aim, this study focuses on one hotel in Bandar Lampung which has been developing; it is Novotel hotel. This chosen hotel meets with the criteria of hotel targeted. Further, this study was conducted qualitatively because it pursued deep findings dealing with English competence of some duties in hotel, such as reception and handling guest. Besides, questioner was employed to gather data and then interview was also conducted to have more concrete data. At last, this study came up with the detail findings of the average of English proficiency based on the positions. Furthermore, this study formulated the common expressions used to host and serve customers.
An Analysis of Omission in Students’ English Writings Ingatan Gulö; Teo Vany Rahmawelly
Publisher : Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33365/ts.v16i2.141


This paper is part of research with a larger scope covering errors students made related to subject-verb agreement. This part aims to elaborate grammatical problems faced by foreign language learners of English in relation to the omission they made in their writings. A qualitative data collection method was applied in gathering the data. The researchers collected pieces of writing from the students, read them, and analysed the omission errors found in the collected writings. As result, the most common omissions found in the data are related to verb markers. Omission of main verbs and auxiliaries also occur, creating sentences without any verbs or grammatically necessary auxiliaries. Absense of these kinds of function in Indonesian is the main reason for this grammatical problem faced by the learners. In addition, omissios of suffix -ing were also found by the researchers in the data. These findings should be able to contribute to existing works on grammatical errors and increase the success of both teaching and learning of a foreign language like English.Key Words: error, grammar, omission, writing
An Analysis of Gerund and To Infinitive in Argumentative Essays Grace Mekaria Unggul; Ingatan Gulö
Publisher : Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33365/ts.v15i1.14


This article is about gerund and to infinitive usages made by students in their argumentative essays. The research identified grammatical problems occurred in argumentative essays. The theories of Dulay about errors and Harmer about grammar were used. The writers used taxonomies in classifying errors into four types which are omission, addition, misformation and misordering. The method used was library research. In collecting the data, the researchers used students’ papers taken from two classes of a university. The writers concluded that the most common problem in using gerund and to infinitive is misformation. Students found it difficult to use gerunds and to infinitives. It also showed that practice is needed to solve the grammatical problems faced by the students.
Observing Grammatical Collocation in Students’ Writings Beaty Novita Sari; Ingatan Gulö
Publisher : Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33365/ts.v17i2.325


This research aimed to describe the types of grammatical collocation errors produced by English learners in their writings. The writers used a qualitative method for collecting and analyzing the data. The data were taken from first-year students’ essays. Collocations from fifteen essays were collected and analyzed. As the standard for the collocations being analyzed, The Oxford Collocation Dictionary and The BBI Combinatory Dictionary of English were used by the writers. The results showed that the students made grammatical collocation errors in their writings, with a total of 35 grammatical collocations. It was also found that verb-noun collocation is the most dominant error made, which indicated that the students faced difficulties in using proper verbs in collocations.Keywords: Collocation error, grammatical collocation, students’ writings
Grammatical Mistakes: What Is the Problem Now? Ingatan Gulö; Dwi Budi Setiawan; Lita Sari
Publisher : Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33365/ts.v20i1.1891


The paper focuses on discussing the kinds of mistakes made by students in their writings. The writings of the same students have previously been analyzed from which earlier form of mistakes were found. After they have studied for semesters, how are their grammatical ability now? This was the question underlying this research. The data were collected and analyzed from qualitative perspective of research. The findings show that the students still make mistakes. However, the kinds of mistakes found were mostly new and are in different level of complexity.