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Variations of Marine Debris In Manado Bay and its environs Jeszy Novianti Andakke; Ayi Tarya
Jurnal Ilmiah PLATAX Vol. 10 No. 2 (2022): ISSUE JULY-DECEMBER 2022
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/jip.v10i2.40841


Nowadays, Indonesia is facing an increasing crisis of debris pollution. Through rivers, city drainage, marine activities, and tourists, garbage can enter the sea. The existence of this debris is a new threat that has a terrible impact on the marine ecosystem and the socio-economic sustainability of the community. Based on this, the Government of Indonesia has issued a regulation in Presidential Regulation no. 83 of 2018 concerning Marine Debris Management. One of the achievement points is the compilation of baseline data and publication of marine debris in all coastal areas of Indonesia every year. This study aimed to identify the types of marine debris found in macro and meso sizes and to analyze the composition and density of marine debris on the coast of Manado Bay and its environs during ebb and flood tide. Sampling was carried out on five beaches in Manado Bay and its environs using the Marine Debris Monitoring Guidelines by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) 2020. Based on the data collection, it was found that nine types of marine waste materials and types of plastic waste were the most dominant types of waste found (about 70-86%). Of the five research sites, Sindulang Beach is the location with the highest solid waste density of 8.28 items/m2 (during flood tide) and 15.31 items/m2 (during ebb tide). Overall, the amount of marine debris found during ebb tide conditions was more than during flood tide conditions, and the amount of macro-sized trash was more than meso-size. White and transparent colors were the dominant color.Keywords: Composition; Density; Macro and Meso-Marine debris; Manado Bay; Color of debrisAbstrakSaat ini Indonesia sedang menghadapi krisis pencemaran sampah yang kian meningkat Sampah dapat masuk ke laut melalui aliran sungai, drainase kota, aktivitas laut maupun dari para wisatawan Keberadaan sampah tersebut menjadi ancaman baru yang sangat berdampak buruk terhadap ekosistem laut dan keberlangsungan sosial ekonomi masyarakat. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, Pemerintah Indonesia telah mengeluarkan suatu regulasi dalam Peraturan Presiden No. 83 Tahun 2018 tentang Penanganan Sampah Laut. Salah satu poin capaiannya yaitu tersusunnya baseline data dan publikasi sampah laut di seluruh wilayah pesisir Indonesia setiap tahunnya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu mengidentifikasi jenis sampah laut ukuran makro dan ukuran meso yang ditemukan dan menganalisis komposisi serta kepadatan sampah laut di pesisir Teluk Manado dan sekitarnya saat kondisi pasang dan surut. Pengambilang sampel dilakukan pada 5 pantai di Teluk Manado dan Sekitarnya dengan menggunakan Pedoman Pemantauan Sampah Laut oleh Kementrian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan (KLHK) Tahun 2020. Berdasarkan hasil pendataan, didapatkan 9 jenis bahan sampah laut dan jenis sampah plastik merupakan jenis sampah yang paling dominan ditemukan (sekitar 70-86%). Dari kelima lokasi penelitian, Pantai Sindulang merupakan lokasi dengan kepadatan sampah tertinggi yaitu sebesar 8,28 item/m2 (saat kondisi pasang) dan 15,31 item/m2 (saat kondisi surut). Secara keseluruhan, jumlah sampah laut yang ditemukan saat kondisi surut lebih banyak dibanding saat kondisi pasang dan jumlah sampah ukuran makro lebih banyak dibandingkan sampah ukuran meso. Warna putih dan bening merupakan warna sampah yang dominan.Kata kunci: Kepadatan; Komposisi; Sampah laut makro dan meso; Teluk Manado; Warna sampah.
Surface Thermal Front Persistence in Malacca Strait Annisa Aulia Lukman; Ayi Tarya; Widodo Setiyo Pranowo
Jurnal Ilmiah PLATAX Vol. 10 No. 2 (2022): ISSUE JULY-DECEMBER 2022
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/jip.v10i2.40879


The Malacca strait is an essential seaway for international sea traffic and a provider of biological and non-biological resources. This strait has dynamic conditions resulting from the interaction between the Indian Ocean in the north and the Pacific Ocean in the south. The characteristic of the thermal front is the strait dynamics that have not been studied comprehensively. This research aims to map and identify the spatial and temporal pattern of the thermal front in Malacca Strait. The data used are sea surface temperature of AquaMODIS level 3 satellite images and bathymetry data of Malacca Strait, Ocean Nino Index (ONI), and Dipole Mode Index (DMI). The sea surface temperature data were processed from 2010 to 2020 using the Single Edge Image Detection (SIED) method. This research denotes the thermal front phenomenon found with several variations in each season. The highest (lowest) number of thermal fronts was discovered in the east season (first transitional season). The total number of thermal fronts each year happened to be maximum in 2015 and minimum in 2019. Annual variability (ENSO and IOD) impacts the number of thermal front events, but the observation period has to be explicitly adjusted in the analysis needed. Persistent thermal fronts in the Malacca Strait occurred in 1-5 repetitions at the exact location. Thermal fronts are commonly found in the northern region of the strait and areas with significant depth changes.Keywords: Malacca Strait; sea surface temperature; thermal front.AbstrakSelat Malaka terkenal sebagai perairan penting dalam lalu lintas laut internasional serta penyedia sumber daya hayati dan non hayati. Perairan ini juga memiliki kondisi yang dinamis sebagai hasil interaksi antara Samudera Hindia di bagian utara serta Samudera Pasifik di bagian selatan selat. Dinamika perairan yang belum dikaji secara komprehensif di perairan ini adalah karakteristik thermal front. Sehingga tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah memetakan secara spasial dan temporal kejadian thermal front di perairan Selat Malaka serta menganalisis karakteristik dari thermal front yang dipetakan tersebut. Data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah data suhu permukaan laut citra satelit AquaMODIS level 3, data batimetri Selat Malaka, serta data Ocean Nino Index (ONI) dan Dipole Mode Index (DMI). Metode Single Edge Image Detection (SIED) digunakan untuk mengolah data suhu permukaan laut pada periode pengamatan tahun 2010 hingga 2020. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa di perairan Selat Malaka dapat ditemukan thermal front dengan jumlah variatif setiap musim. Jumlah thermal front tertinggi ditemukan pada musim timur dan terendah pada musim peralihan 1. Jumlah total thermal front setiap tahun ditemukan maksimum pada tahun 2015 dan minimum pada tahun 2019. Variabilitas annual (ENSO dan IOD) memberikan dampak terhadap jumlah kejadian thermal front, namun untuk kebutuhan analisis perlu disesuaikan terhadap periode pengamatan dari variabilitas tersebut. Thermal front persisten di Selat Malaka dapat terjadi pada rentang 1-5 kali pengulangan pada lokasi yang sama. Lokasi thermal front persisten lebih sering terjadi di wilayah utara selat dan/atau pada wilayah dengan perubahan kedalaman yang signifikan.Kata kunci: Selat Malaka, suhu permukaan laut, thermal front.
Analysis of Mangrove Vegetation and Distribution Using Landsat 8 Images In Bolaang Mongondow East, North Sulawesi Simon I. Patty; Doni Nurdiansah; Marenda Pandu Rizqi; Rikardo Huwae
Jurnal Ilmiah PLATAX Vol. 10 No. 2 (2022): ISSUE JULY-DECEMBER 2022
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/jip.v10i2.41069


Mangrove is one of the objects that can be identified by remote sensing technology using satellite imagery. Analysis of the distribution and density of mangrove vegetation using Landsat 8 imagery was carried out in Bolaang Mongondow Timur, North Sulawesi in September 2020. This study aims to map the distribution of mangroves and determine the correlation between NDVI values, canopy cover, and mangrove density. The data analysis used Landsat 8 images with ENVI 5.3 and ArcGIS 10.1 software. Maximum likelihood classification is used to separate mangrove and non-mangrove features. The calculation of mangrove vegetation density using the NDVI algorithm and single-channel classification using the density slice method to divide mangrove density based on the range of pixel values of the NDVI image. Next, to test the accuracy of the classification results using an error matrix (confusion matrix) and the NDVI vegetation index correlation test compared with canopy cover and density data. The classification resulted in four different land cover classes with an overall accuracy of 97.70% and a kappa coefficient of 0.9688. The mangrove vegetation distribution from the classification results is 524.75 ha. The NDVI correlation with the percentage of canopy cover is very significant with a correlation coefficient (r) = 0.9516, while the NDVI correlation with density resulted in moderate correlation (r = 0.5315).Keywords: density; mangrove; Landsat 8; NDVI                                             AbstrakMangrove merupakan salah satu objek yang dapat diidentifikasi menggunakan teknologi penginderaan jauh yakni memanfaatkan citra satelit. Analisis sebaran dan kerapatan vegetasi mangrove menggunakan citra Landsat 8 telah dilakukan di Bolaang Mongondow Timur, Sulawesi Utara pada bulan September 2020. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memetakan sebaran mangrove dan mengetahui hubungan korelasi antara nilai NDVI dengan tutupan kanopi dan kerapatan mangrove. Pengolahan data citra Landsat 8 dengan perangkat lunak ENVI 5.3 dan ArcGIS 10.1. Klasifikasi maximum likelihood digunakan untuk memisahkan fitur mangrove dan non mangrove. Perhitungan kerapatan vegetasi mangrove dengan algoritma NDVI dan klasifikasi saluran tunggal menggunakan metode density slice untuk membagi kerapatan mangrove berdasarkan rentang nilai piksel citra NDVI. Uji akurasi hasil klasifikasi menggunakan matriks kesalahan (confussion matriks) dan uji korelasi indeks vegetasi NDVI dengan data tutupan kanopi dan kerapatan. Hasil klasifikasi mendapatkan empat kelas tutupan lahan yang berbeda dengan overall akurasi sebesar 97,70 % dengan kappa coefisien sebesar 0,9688. Luas sebaran vegetasi mangrove dari hasil klasifikasi adalah 524,75 ha. Korelasi NDVI  dengan persentase tutupan kanopi termasuk korelasi sangat kuat dengan koefisien korelasi r = 0,9516 sedangkan korelasi NDVI  dengan kerapatan termasuk korelasi sedang (r = 0,5315).Kata kunci: kerapatan; mangrove; Landsat 8; NDVI 
Acanthuridae in Bitunuris Waters Talaud Islands Harpan Sasauw; Nego E. Bataragoa; Gaspar D. Manu; Ari B. Rondonuwu; Jans D. Lalita; Janny D. Kusen
Jurnal Ilmiah PLATAX Vol. 10 No. 2 (2022): ISSUE JULY-DECEMBER 2022
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/jip.v10i2.41165


 This study aims to determine the species of fish from the Acanthuridae family in Bitunuris Village, Salibabu Island, Talaud Islands Regency. Fish samples were caught using monofilament gill nets with a mesh size of 1.5 inches, net length of 15 m, and net height of 2 m. Sampling was carried out in April and May 2021. A total of 63 individuals were caught consisting of nine species. Acanthurus nigrofuscus 40 individuals, 10.0-17.0 cm in length and 18-77 g in weight. Acanthurus lineatus three individuals, 9.4-17.7 cm in length and 17-96 g in weight. Acanthurus triostegus is seven individuals, 9.3-12.4 cm in length, and weighs 21-55 g. Acanthurus nigricans two individuals each measuring 13.9-13.9 cm in length and weighing 67-70 g each. One individual Ctenochaetus cyanocheilus, a total length of 10.3 cm, and weight of 29 g. Naso lituratus four individuals, length 15.1-17.7 cm and weight ranging from 68-115 g. Naso brevirostris one individual measuring 23.0 cm in length and weighing 186 g. One individual Naso brachycentron, 24.5 cm in length and 172 g in weight. Zebrasoma scopas four individuals, 12.1-15.8 cm in length and weighing 54-105 g.Keywords: Species, gill nets.AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui spesies ikan Famili Acanthuridae di Desa Bitunuris Pulau Salibabu Kabupaten Kepulauan Talaud. Sampel ikan ditangkap menggunakan jaring insang monofilamen dengan ukuran mata jaring 1,5 inci, panjang jaring 15 m, tinggi jaring 2 m. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan pada April dan  Mei 2021. Sebanyak 63 individu yang tertangkap terdiri atas sembilan spesies.  Acanthurus nigrofuscus 40 individu, panjang berkisaran 10,0-17,0 cm dan berat 18-77 g.  Acanthurus lineatus tiga individu, panjang berkisaran 9,4-17,7 cm berat berkisaran 17-96 g.  Acanthurus triostegus  tuju individu, panjang 9,3-12,4 cm dan berat berkisaran antara 21-55 g.  Acanthurus nigricans dua individu masing-masing ukuran panjang 13,9-13,9 cm berat masing-masing ukuran 67-70 g.  Ctenochaetus cyanocheilus satu individu, panjang total 10,3 cm dan  berat 29 g.  Naso lituratus empat individu, ukuran panjang 15,1-17,7 cm berat berkisaran 68-115 g.  Naso brevirostris satu individu ukuran panjang 23,0 cm memiliki berat 186 g.  Naso brachycentron satu individu,  panjang 24,5 cm dan berat 172 g.  Zebrasoma scopas empat individu,  panjang 12,1-15,8 cm dan  berat 54-105 g.Kata Kunci: Spesies, jaring insang.
Meristic And Morfometric Characteristics Of Scad Mackerel Decapterus macarellus (Cuvier, 1833) Christian Karundeng; Anneke V. Lohoo; Fransine B. Manginsela; Ferdinand F. Tilaar; Joudy R. R. Sangari; Janny D. Kusen
Jurnal Ilmiah PLATAX Vol. 10 No. 2 (2022): ISSUE JULY-DECEMBER 2022
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/jip.v10i2.41285


Fish are cold-blooded vertebrates, whose body movements and balance are mainly using fins, breathing through gills, and living in an aquatic environment. Most vertebrates in the world are fish covering 48.1%, mammals (10.8%), reptiles (14.4%), amphibians (6.0%), and birds (20.7%). One of the fish consumed in North Sulawesi is scad mackerel locally called malalugis. This research focused on the meristic and morphometric characteristics of blue scad. The samples were caught in Makalehi waters and then landed in Manado Bay. Meristic observations (related to the number) included the number of spines and soft dorsal fin, pectoral fin, pelvic fin, anal fin (anal), and caudal fin. There were 9 spines on the first dorsal (D1), 2 spines and 30-37 soft rays on the second dorsal (D2), 3 spines and 24-31 soft rays on the anal fin (A), and 1,327 linea lateralis (LL). The morphometric observations cover total length, standard length, fork length, head length, tail stem length, eye width, body width, pectoral fin length, and anal fin length (anal). The total length ranged from 180 mm to 303 mm with a mean of 223 mm and a standard deviation of 25 mm.Keywords: fin, linea lateralis, Makalehi waters.AbstrakIkan merupakan hewan vertebrata berdarah dingin, yang pergerakan dan keseimbangan tubuhnya terutama menggunakan sirip dan umumnya bernapas dengan insang serta hidup dalam lingkungan air. Spesies hewan vertebrata terbanyak di dunia adalah ikan dengan persentase 48,1 persen dari keseluruhan hewan vertebrata yang ada, pada mamalia memiliki presentase 10,8 persen, reptile memiliki 14,4 persen, amfibi hanya 6,0 persen dan spesies burung 20,7 persen. Salah satu ikan yang dikenal dan dikonsumsi di Sulawesi Utara adalah ikan layang biru atau disebut ikan malalugis. Penelitian ini mengenai karakteristik meristik dan morfometrik ikan layang biru. Penelitian sampel ikan layang biru yang ditangkap di Perairan Makalehi dan kemudian didaratkan di Teluk Manado. Pengamatan meristik (berkaitan dengan jumlah) meliputi jumlah jari-jari keras dan jari-jari lemah pada sirip punggung, sirip dada, sirip perut, sirip anal (dubur) dan sirip ekor. Terdapat 9 duri sirip pada dorsal pertama (D1), 2 duri dan 30-37 sirip lemah pada dorsal kedua (D2); 3 duri dan dan 24-31 sirip lemah pada anal (A), dan 13-27 linea lateralis (LL). Pengamatan morfometrik (berkaitan dengan ukuran antara lain panjang total, panjang standar, panjang garpu,panjang kepala, panjang batang ekor, lebar mata, lebar badan, panjang sirip dada, panjang sirip anal (dubur). Panjang total berkisar 180-303 mm dengan rerata 223 mm dan standar deviasi 25 mm.Kata kunci: Sirip; Linea lateralis; perairan Makalehi. 
Benefit Value of Mangrove Forest in Sarawet Village, Likupang Timur, Minahasa Utara Chika Litawaty Tamsir; Ridwan Lasabuda; Adnan S. Wantasen; Khristin I. F. Kondoy; Alex D. Kambey; Calvyn Sondak
Jurnal Ilmiah PLATAX Vol. 10 No. 2 (2022): ISSUE JULY-DECEMBER 2022
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/jip.v10i2.41499


The purpose of this study is to: 1) identify various types of direct and indirect benefits of mangrove forests, and 2) estimate the total economic value of the mangrove forest in Sarawet Village. This type of research is descriptive and quantitative using survey methods. Data analysis in this study uses descriptive and quantitative analysis. Descriptive analysis is used to explain the activities of utilizing natural resources of mangrove ecosystems, while quantitative analysis is used to calculate the total economic value of mangrove ecosystems. The selection of respondents used the purposive sampling method, with a total of 76 respondents. Analysis of the total economic value for the value of direct benefits using market prices, and the value of indirect benefits using replacement costs. The results showed that the people of Sarawet Village use the mangrove forest ecosystem directly in the form of mangrove wood used as firewood and fence stakes, leaves Nipah are made with roofs, and the community carries out fishing and crab activities around mangrove waters.Analysis of the total economic value of the mangrove forest in Sarawet Village amounted to Rp. 6.884.344.178,-/year. The total economic value is obtained from the value of direct benefits including utilization as firewood Rp. 4,160,000,- /year; fence pegs Rp. 87.500,-/year; roof of the house Rp. 330.000,-/year; fishing Rp. 769.174.000,-/year; crab fishing is Rp. 190.320.000,-/year, and the value of indirect benefits is as a barrier to abrasion and seawater waves Rp. 5.920.272.678,-/year. The large economic value of the total mangrove forest ecosystem in Sarawet Village shows that the mangrove ecosystem provides great benefits to the community.Keywords: direct benefit value, indirect benefit value, total economic value, MangroveAbstrakThe purpose of this study is to: 1) identify various types of direct and indirect benefits of mangrove forests, and 2) estimate the total economic value of the mangrove forest in Sarawet Village. This type of research is descriptive and quantitative using survey methods. Data analysis in this study uses descriptive and quantitative analysis. Descriptive analysis is used to explain the activities of utilizing natural resources of mangrove ecosystems, while quantitative analysis is used to calculate the total economic value of mangrove ecosystems. The selection of respondents used the purposive sampling method, with a total of 76 respondents. Analysis of the total economic value for the value of direct benefits using market prices, and the value of indirect benefits using replacement costs. The results showed that the people of Sarawet Village use the mangrove forest ecosystem directly in the form of mangrove wood used as firewood and fence stakes, leaves Nipah are made with roofs, and the community carries out fishing and crab activities around mangrove waters.Analysis of the total economic value of the mangrove forest in Sarawet Village amounted to Rp. 6.884.344.178,-/year. The total economic value is obtained from the value of direct benefits including utilization as firewood Rp. 4,160,000,- /year; fence pegs Rp. 87.500,-/year; roof of the house Rp. 330.000,-/year; fishing Rp. 769.174.000,-/year; crab fishing is Rp. 190.320.000,-/year, and the value of indirect benefits is as a barrier to abrasion and seawater waves Rp. 5.920.272.678,-/year. The large economic value of the total mangrove forest ecosystem in Sarawet Village shows that the mangrove ecosystem provides great benefits to the community.Keywords: direct benefit value, indirect benefit value, total economic value, Mangrove.
Morphology of Crabs in Minanga Beach, Malalayang Satu, Manado City Christabella Louisa Ilaria; Darus S.J. Paransa; Desy M.H. Mantiri; Joshian N.W. Schaduw; Suria Darwisito; Fransine B. Manginsela
Jurnal Ilmiah PLATAX Vol. 10 No. 2 (2022): ISSUE JULY-DECEMBER 2022
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/jip.v10i2.41688


The coastal area in North Sulawesi which has a length of about 1.985 km, is a potential area with biodiversity supported by the associated biota in it. Order Decapoda, infraorder Brachyura is one of the many biotas found in coastal areas. It is estimated that about 5,400 species of Brachyura live in coastal areas. The purpose of the study was to identify the crabs caught at Minanga Beach, Manado Bay Waters, Malalayang Satu Village Malalayang District Manado City based on the morphological characteristics of crabs. The sample was collected in February 2022. The method used in this research is the cruising survey method, which has been done by tracing the marked location and then taking all the crabs species found. Identification is done by observing the morphology of the crab, such as carapace shape, claws, walking legs, presence of spines on the carapace, carapace size, abdomen shape, sexual dimorphism that occurs in crabs, presence of hair/setae, and color/pattern of crabs. Based on the research conducted, as many as five species of crabs were found in Minanga Beach, namely: Thalamita prymna, Thalamita sp., Thalamita admete, Ozius rugulosus, Ozius tuberculosus.Keywords: Brachyura; Identification; Thalamita; Ozius; Manado Bay.AbstrakWilayah pesisir di Sulawesi Utara yang memiliki panjang sekitar 1.985 km, merupakan wilayah yang potensial dengan keanekaragaman hayati yang didukung oleh biota yang berasosiasi di dalamnya. Ordo Decapoda, infraordo Brachyura merupakan satu dari banyak biota yang ditemukan di wilayah pesisir. Diperkirakan sekitar 5.400 spesies brachyura hidup di wilayah pesisir pantai. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengidentifikasi kepiting yang ditangkap di Pantai Minanga, Perairan Teluk Manado, Kelurahan Malalayang Satu, Kecamatan Malalayang, Kota Manado berdasarkan ciri morfologi kepiting. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan pada bulan Februari 2022. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah metode survei jelajah, yaitu dengan menyusuri lokasi yang telah ditandai lalu mengambil semua spesies kepiting yang ditemukan. Identifikasi dilakukan dengan memperhatikan morfologi kepiting, seperti: bentuk karapas, capit, kaki jalan, keberadaan duri pada karapas, ukuran karapas, bentuk abdomen, seksual dimorfisme yang terjadi pada kepiting, keberadaan rambut/setae, dan warna/corak kepiting. Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan, sebanyak lima spesies kepiting ditemukan di Pantai Minanga, yaitu: Thalamita prymna, Thalamita sp., Thalamita admete, Ozius rugulosus, Ozius tuberculosus.Kata Kunci: Brachyura; Identifikasi; Thalamita; Ozius; Teluk Manado.
Determination of Potential Pelagic Fishing Ground Based on Chlorophyll a Using Aqua Modis Satellite Hotma Stefany Sitorus; Lusia Manu; Frangky E Kaparang; Heffry V Dien
Jurnal Ilmiah PLATAX Vol. 10 No. 2 (2022): ISSUE JULY-DECEMBER 2022
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/jip.v10i2.41888


The purpose of this study was to determine the potential pelagic fishing ground using Aqua Modis satellite imagery in WPP 716. Catch data and coordinates of fishing ground from September to November 2021 were taken from the Tumumpa Fisheries Port, Manado. Chlorophyll-a data and Sea Surface Temperature data were downloaded from the website of The results showed that the distribution of chlorophyll-a was concentrated at 02011'982" N and 1240 57'913" E with a total catch of 5,050 kg. The results indicated that the higher chlorophyll-a concentration and the increase of sea surface temperature in the fishing ground the more catch produced.Keywords: pelagic fish, Aqua Modis, WPP 716, chlorophyll-a, sea surfaceAbstractTujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan daerah penangkapan ikan pelagis yang potensial dengan menggunakan citra satelit Aqua modis di WPP 716.  Data hasil tangkapan dan koordinat daerah penangkapan ikan pada September sampai November 2021 diambil dari   pelabuhan Perikanan Pantai Tumumpa, Manado. Data klorofil-a dan data Suhu Permukaan Laut diunduh dari situs Hasil penelitian menunjukan sebaran klorofil-a terkosentrasi di 02011’982” LS dan 1240 57’913” BT dengan jumlah hasil tangkapan sebanyak 5.050 kg. Hasil analisis menunjukan semakin tinggi konsentrasi klorofil-a dan suhu permukaan laut pada daerah penangkapan ikan maka semakin meningkat jumlah hasil tangkapan yang dihasilkan.Kata kunci: pelagis, Aqua Modis, WPP 716, klorofil-a, suhu permukaan laut
Fishing Season Estimation of Mackerel Scad (Decapterus spp) with purse seines in the Sulawes Sea based on catch data Jebry Yanta Ginting; Revols D. Ch. Pamikiran; Kawilarag W. A Masengi; Alfret Luasunaung; Heffry V. Dien; Lusia Manu
Jurnal Ilmiah PLATAX Vol. 10 No. 2 (2022): ISSUE JULY-DECEMBER 2022
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/jip.v10i2.41897


This study aims to determine the pattern or fluctuations in the fishing season of mackerel scad (Decapterus spp) and suspected months of the fishing season. Data analysis is made in the form of cross-tabulation and mapped into graphs. Fishing season is determined by the average percentage methods based on time series analysis. The results indicated that the fishing season of mackerel scad in the Sulawesi Sea fluctuates. The fishing season occurs from May to November with the highest season/seasonal index occurring in July, while non-seasonal conditions occur from December to April with the smallest seasonal index/non-seasonal peak occurring in January.Keywords:  mackerel scads, fishing season, fluctuation, Sulawesi SeaAbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui mengetahui pola atau bentuk fluktuasi musim  penangkapan  dan pada bulan apa saja diduga menjadi kondisi musim penangkapan ikan layang (Decapterus spp). Penyajian dan analisis data dibuat dalam bentuk tabulasi silang dan dipetakan dalam bentuk grafik. Untuk analisis musim penangkapan ikan menggunakan Metode Presentasi Rata-rata (The Average Percentage Methodes) yang didasarkan pada Analisis Runtun Waktu (Time Series Analysis). Hasil analisis menunjukan bahwa musim penangkapan ikan layang (Decapterus spp) di Laut Sulawesi berfluktuasi. Musim penangkapan terjadi pada Mei sampai November dengan puncak musim/indeks musim tertinggi terjadi pada Juli sedangkan kondisi bukan musim terjadi pada Desember sampai April dengan indeks musim terkecil/puncak bukan musim terjadi pada Januari. Kata-kata Kunci: ikan layang, musim penangkapan, fluktuasi, laut Sulawesi.
Application of chlorophyll in carrageenan from algae Kappaphycus alvarezii (Doty) Doty 1996 Budi Kurniawan; Desy M. H. Mantiri; Kurniati Kemer; Rizald M. Rompas; Nickson J. Kawung; Joppy D. Mudeng
Jurnal Ilmiah PLATAX Vol. 10 No. 2 (2022): ISSUE JULY-DECEMBER 2022
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/jip.v10i2.41935


The aim of this study is to determine the effect of NaOH and KOH on carrageenan. The addition of natural dyes was carried out with different concentrations of carrageenan and the value of viscosity and gel strength of the algae Kappaphycus alvarezii to a mixture of natural dyes. The samples of algae were taken from the cultivation area in Belang waters, Southeast Minahasa Regency. The results of this study on the addition of natural dyes in refined carrageenan have succeeded in giving a green color and did not affect the viscosity and gel strength of the carrageenan gel when compared to the control (without treatment). The viscosity value of carrageenan with 4% NaOH concentration was 53.34-53.69 cP and KOH concentration was 49.55-50.03 cP. The gel strength value at 4% NaOH concentration was 74.11-74.89 mm/g/sec, while at 5% KOH concentration it was 84.22-84.89 mm/g/sec. The viscosity and gel strength still meet standards set by the Food Agriculture Organization (FAO).Keywords: Carrageenan, natural dye, Kappaphycus alvarezii, viscosity, gel strengthAbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh NaOH dan KOH terhadap karagenan. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan penambahan pewarna alami dengan konsentrasi yang berbeda terhadap refined carrageenan dan nilai viskositas serta kekuatan gel karagenan dari alga Kappaphycus alvarezii terhadap campuran pewarna alami. Sampel alga diambil dari area budidaya di Perairan Belang, Kabupaten Minahasa Tenggara. Hasil penelitian tentang penambahan pewarna alami pada refined carrrageenan telah berhasil memberikan warna hijau dan tidak mempengaruhi viskositas serta kekuatan gel karagenan jika dibandingkan dengan kontrol (tanpa perlakuan). Nilai viskositas karagenan dengan konsentrasi NaOH 4% adalah 53,34 – 53,69 cP dan konsentrasi KOH 5% sebesar 49,55 – 50,03 cP. Nilai kekuatan gel pada konsentrasi NaOH 4% sebesar 74,11-74,89 mm/g/det, sedangkan pada konsentrasi KOH 5% diperoleh 84,22-84,89 mm/g/det. Viskositas dan kekuatan gel tersebut masih memenuhi standar yang ditetapkan oleh Food Agriiculture Organization (FAO).Kata kunci: Karagenan, pewarna alami, Kappaphycus alvarezii, viskositas, kekuatan gel

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