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Jurnal Teknik Industri
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Jurnal Teknik Industri aims to: Promote a comprehensive approach to the application of industrial engineering in industries as well as incorporating viewpoints of different disciplines in industrial engineering. Strengthen academic exchange with other institutions. Encourage scientist, practicing engineers, and others to conduct research and other similar activities.
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Articles 381 Documents
Algoritma Genetika untuk Mengoptimasi Penjadualan Pembersihan Jaringan Penukar Panas Totok Ruki Biyanto
Jurnal Teknik Industri: Jurnal Keilmuan dan Aplikasi Teknik Industri Vol. 17 No. 1 (2015): JUNE 2015
Publisher : Institute of Research and Community Outreach - Petra Christian University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1000.5 KB) | DOI: 10.9744/jti.17.1.53-60


The resulting MINLP problem is very complex and finding the global optimum is a challenging task. Solving this problem can use two methods, namely deterministic and metaheuristic. Deterministic method requires enough knowledge to determine areas that can provide global optimum solution. This method sometime provide unconvergen solution. Another method is metaheuristic method that simple and promising global optimum solution without introducing any approximations or simplifying assumptions. This method works without influenced by the previous optimization results. One of metaheuristic algorithms is Genetic Algorithm (GA). In this paper, the GA will be used to solve the optimization of cleaning schedule of Heat Exchanger Network (HEN) in a refinery Crude Preheat Train (CPT). The results showed that efficiency of HEN 23% increased which can be translated in IDR 14.1 Billion of fuel saving. Metaheuristic algorithm always provide a solution at the end of optimization’s iteration and it can be run  continuesly in order to get more optimal solution.
IMPLEMENTASI METODE 5S PADA LEAN SIX SIGMA DALAM PROSES PEMBUATAN MUR BAUT VERSING (Studi Kasus di CV. Desra Teknik Padang) Adriansyah Adriansyah; Yesmizarti Muchtiar; Noviyarsi Noviyarsi
Jurnal Teknik Industri: Jurnal Keilmuan dan Aplikasi Teknik Industri Vol. 9 No. 1 (2007): JUNE 2007
Publisher : Institute of Research and Community Outreach - Petra Christian University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (211.589 KB) | DOI: 10.9744/jti.9.1.63-74


The objective of this research was to minimize processing time in manufacturing using 5S (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke) method. As well as quality, processing time is one of the important points to consider. Improvement had been done in every step of the process to achieve 3.4 defect per million (DPM). Although 6s had not been achieved yet, but 5S method in Lean Sigma have already improved the production process Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperlihatkan penggunaan Metoda 5S (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke) dalam meminimalkan waktu proses pembuatan produk. Selain kualitas produk, waktu proses merupakan hal yang penting untuk diperhatikan. Perbaikan dari setiap proses dilakukan agar didapat 3,4 kegagalan persejuta (DPM). Walaupun 6s belum tercapai, tapi penerapan metoda 5S dalam Lean Sigma sudah menunjukkan perbaikan pada proses yang dilakukan. Kata kunci: 5S, six sigma, lean sigma
Genetic Algorithm for Solving Location Problem in a Supply Chain Network with Inbound and Outbound Product Flows Suprayogi Suprayogi; Senator Nur Bahagia; Yudi Thaddeus
Jurnal Teknik Industri Vol. 18 No. 2 (2016): DECEMBER 2016
Publisher : Institute of Research and Community Outreach - Petra Christian University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (583.942 KB) | DOI: 10.9744/jti.18.2.129-136


This paper considers a location problem in a supply chain network. The problem addressed in this paper is motivated by an initiative to develop an efficient supply chain network for supporting the agricultural activities. The supply chain network consists of regions, warehouses, distribution centers, plants, and markets. The products include a set of inbound products and a set of outbound products. In this paper, definitions of the inbound and outbound products are seen from the region’s point of view.  The inbound product is the product demanded by regions and produced by plants which flows on a sequence of the following entities: plants, distribution centers, warehouses, and regions. The outbound product is the product demanded by markets and produced by regions and it flows on a sequence of the following entities: regions, warehouses, and markets. The problem deals with determining locations of the warehouses and the distribution centers to be opened and shipment quantities associated with all links on the network that minimizes the total cost. The problem can be considered as a strategic supply chain network problem. A solution approach based on genetic algorithm (GA) is proposed. The proposed GA is examined using hypothetical instances and its results are compared to the solution obtained by solving the mixed integer linear programming (MILP) model. The comparison shows that there is a small gap (0.23%, on average) between the proposed GA and MILP model in terms of the total cost. The proposed GA consistently provides solutions with least total cost. In terms of total cost, based on the experiment, it is demonstrated that coefficients of variation are closed to 0.
Jurnal Teknik Industri: Jurnal Keilmuan dan Aplikasi Teknik Industri Vol. 10 No. 1 (2008): JUNE 2008
Publisher : Institute of Research and Community Outreach - Petra Christian University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (120.63 KB) | DOI: 10.9744/jti.10.1.86-96


This article discusses the combination of genetic algorithm (GA) and Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) to solve the flowshop scheduling problems with multicriteria. The criteria are makespan, total weighted tardiness, and mean flow time. DEA is used to calculate the overall value of criteria from each sequence. Relative efficiency value is employed as the fitted value in genetic algorithm, in order to have overall value that independent to a particular weight. The proposed algorithm that combines GA and DEA attain optimal solutions with relative efficiency as good as analytical solution, i.e., Mixed Integer Programming (MIP). From 30 problems generated, only one problem (3,33%) has relative efficienly less than 1. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia: Artikel ini membahas kombinasi algoritma genetik dengan Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) untuk pemecahan masalah penjadwalan flowshop multikriteria. Kriteria-kriteria yang digunakan, yaitu makespan, total weighted tardiness, dan mean flow time. DEA digunakan untuk menghitung nilai keseluruhan kriteria dari setiap sequence dengan menggunakan nilai efisiensi relatif sebagai fitted value dalam algoritma genetik. Hal ini ditujukan agar nilai keseluruhan dari kriteria-kriteria yang ada tidak terikat pada satu jenis bobot saja. Kombinasi dua metode ini menghasilkan suatu algoritma yang mampu menghasilkan kumpulan solusi optimal dengan nilai efisiensi relatif yang tidak kalah jika dibandingkan dengan hasil dari model Mixed Integer Programming (MIP), dimana dari 30 masalah yang dibangkitkan, hanya ada 1 masalah (3,33%) yang memiliki efisiensi relatif di bawah 1. Kata kunci: penjadwalan flowshop, algoritma genetik, Data Envelopment Analysis.
Implementasi Metode Metaheuristik Symbiotic Organisms Search Dalam Penentuan Tata Letak Fasilitas Proyek Konstruksi Berdasarkan Jarak Tempuh Pekerja Doddy Prayogo; Richard Antoni Gosno; Richard Evander; Sentosa Limanto
Jurnal Teknik Industri Vol. 19 No. 2 (2017): Desember 2017
Publisher : Institute of Research and Community Outreach - Petra Christian University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (464.482 KB) | DOI: 10.9744/jti.19.2.103-114


Penelitian ini menyelidiki performa dari metode metaheuristik baru bernama symbiotic organisms search (SOS) dalam menentukan tata letak fasilitas proyek konstruksi yang optimal berdasarkan jarak tempuh pekerja. Dua buah studi kasus tata letak fasilitas digunakan untuk menguji akurasi dan konsistensi dari SOS. Sebagai tambahan, tiga metode metaheuristik lainnya, yaitu particle swarm optimization, artificial bee colony, dan teaching–learning-based optimization, digunakan sebagai pembanding terhadap algoritma SOS. Hasil simulasi mengindikasikan bahwa algoritma SOS lebih unggul serta memiliki karakteristik untuk menghasilkan titik konvergen lebih cepat jika dibandingkan dengan metode metaheuristik lainnya dalam proses optimasi tata letak fasilitas proyek konstruksi.
Jurnal Teknik Industri: Jurnal Keilmuan dan Aplikasi Teknik Industri Vol. 4 No. 1 (2002): JUNE 2002
Publisher : Institute of Research and Community Outreach - Petra Christian University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (44.669 KB) | DOI: 10.9744/jti.4.1.19-25


Markov chain in the stochastic process is widely used in the industrial problems particularly in the problem of determining the market share of products. In this paper we are going to extend the one in the random field so called the Markov Random Field and applied also in the market share problem with restriction the market is considered as a discrete lattice and Pott's models are going to be used as the potential function. Metropolis sampler is going to be used to determine the stability condition. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Rantai Markov dalam proses stokastik seringkali digunakan dalam penyelesaian masalah industri khususnya dalam masalah penentuan market share. Dalam artikel ini akan dibahas perluasan Rantai Markov tesebut ke dalam sebuah random field yang disebut sebagai Markov Random Field (MRF) yang juga akan diaplikasikan pada masalah market share dengan batasan daerah pemasarannya dianggap sebagai sebuah lattice diskrit dan fungsi potensial yang akan digunakan adalah Potts models. Akan digunakan Metropolis sampler untuk menentukan kondisi stabil. Kata kunci: proses stokastik, Markov Random Field, Gibbs Random Field, Potts model, Metropolis sampling.
Disaster Management in Indonesia: Logistical Coordination and Cooperation to Create Effective Relief Operations Joost van Rossum; René Krukkert
Jurnal Teknik Industri: Jurnal Keilmuan dan Aplikasi Teknik Industri Vol. 12 No. 1 (2010): JUNE 2010
Publisher : Institute of Research and Community Outreach - Petra Christian University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (167.767 KB) | DOI: 10.9744/jti.12.1.25-32


Indonesia has in the past often been struck by natural disasters. After these disasters, the disaster relief operations turned out to be ineffective in most cases. This study focuses on the main problems in disaster relief operations in Indonesia and tries to deliver a general model to deal with those. Literature studies showed that the main problem occurred in the field of organization, communication and logistical processes. Literature studies on relief operations in other countries showed that cooperation with private parties can be effective in these operations. The result of this study is a model which handles with the main problems and has the potential to create effective disaster relief operations.
Jurnal Teknik Industri: Jurnal Keilmuan dan Aplikasi Teknik Industri Vol. 5 No. 2 (2003): DECEMBER 2003
Publisher : Institute of Research and Community Outreach - Petra Christian University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (215.65 KB) | DOI: 10.9744/jti.5.2.71-80


A Modified Giffler and Thompson algorithm combined with dynamic slack time is used to allocate machines resources in dynamic nature. It was compared with a Real Time Order Promising (RTP) algorithm. The performance of modified Giffler and Thompson and RTP algorithms are measured by mean tardiness. The result shows that modified Giffler and Thompson algorithm combined with dynamic slack time provides significantly better result compared with RTP algorithm in terms of mean tardiness.
Vehicle Routing Problem with Backhaul, Multiple Trips and Time Window Johan Oscar Ong; Suprayogi .
Jurnal Teknik Industri: Jurnal Keilmuan dan Aplikasi Teknik Industri Vol. 13 No. 1 (2011): JUNE 2011
Publisher : Institute of Research and Community Outreach - Petra Christian University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (276.788 KB) | DOI: 10.9744/jti.13.1.1-10


Transportation planning is one of the important components to increase efficiency and effectiveness in the supply chain system. Good planning will give a saving in total cost of the supply chain. This paper develops the new VRP variants’, VRP with backhauls, multiple trips, and time window (VRPBMTTW) along with its problem solving techniques by using Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) and Sequential Insertion as initial solution algorithm. ACO is modified by adding the decoding process in order to determine the number of vehicles, total duration time, and range of duration time regardless of checking capacity constraint and time window. This algorithm is tested by using set of random data and verified as well as analyzed its parameter changing’s. The computational results for hypothetical data with 50% backhaul and mix time windows are reported.
Jurnal Teknik Industri: Jurnal Keilmuan dan Aplikasi Teknik Industri Vol. 6 No. 2 (2004): DECEMBER 2004
Publisher : Institute of Research and Community Outreach - Petra Christian University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (53.104 KB) | DOI: 10.9744/jti.6.2.93-99


The future industry is the one who can manage the information system. Today, communication technology and distributed system computerization already have the ability to implement system that able to exchange and share information between different users. Product Data Management (PDM) is an up-to-date and excellent method on managing the exchange and share of information. PDM is able to integrate and manage data analyzing process and documentation of the related product component physically. By adjusting the CAD/CAM on certain condition, the PDM will function maximally by using the information based on STEP (Standard for the Exchange of Product Data model). This article will explain the relationship between PDM system and CAD/CAM on industry. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Sistem informasi merupakan ujung tombak sebuah perusahaan yang unggul di masa depan. Komputerisasi dengan sistem yang terdistribusi dan teknologi komunikasi saat ini memiliki kemampuan untuk mengimplementasikan sistem yang dapat menukar dan men-share informasi antar user yang berbeda. Teknologi yang mendapat cukup perhatian luas dalam hal pertukaran dan sharing informasi ini adalah Product Data Management (PDM). PDM dapat mengintegrasikan dan mengatur proses pengolahan data dan dokumen teknik yang berhubungan dengan komponen fisik produk yang bersangkutan. PDM akan berfungsi maksimal apabila kesesuaian dengan CAD/CAM diatur sedemikian rupa, dihubungkan dengan informasi berbasiskan STEP (Standard for the Exchange of Product Data model). Artikel ini akan menjelaskan hubungan antara sistem PDM dengan CAD/CAM dalam industri. Kata kunci: PDM, Manajemen Data, CAD/CAM, STEP.

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