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Indonesian EFL Journal
Published by Universitas Kuningan
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Indonesian EFL Journal Vol 8, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : University of Kuningan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25134/ieflj.v8i2.6456


This study was addressed to answer the following questions; 1) what is the role of moving class in English Language Teaching? and 2) what are the advantages and disadvantages of the moving class system? The research method used in this study was descriptive qualitative with observation as the data collection technique. Beside observation, Focus Group Discussion and interview were also taken to strengthen the data. The data were analysed, interpreted and were used in the presentation and discussion of the findings. From the result, it can be concluded that Moving Class system has a significant role in English Language Teaching. It gives the ELT teachers more space to control their classroom to be in accordance to the subject they taught. A fully-controlled classroom will provides an effective and efficient learning process. Implementing Moving Class system can be beneficial for the implementer especially in Boarding School. It can reduce the possibility of sleeping students during the class. Besides that, Moving Class system can be as an orientation to the college system.Keywords: moving class; classroom management; EFL. 
LEARNING HOW TO BE POLITE THROUGH A MOVIE: A CASE ON BROWN AND LEVINSON’S POLITENESS STRATEGIES Roita Angel Isabella; Eni Julita Br. Munthe; Dian Jessica Noventy Sigalingging; Ridwin Purba; Herman Herman
Indonesian EFL Journal Vol 8, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : University of Kuningan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25134/ieflj.v8i2.6438


 This research discusses politeness strategies at the Tinkerbell movie. The purpose of this study is to analyze the types of politeness strategies, to determine the most dominant types of politeness strategies and to determine the factors that influence the selection of politeness strategies contained in the Tinkerbell Film. This research uses theory by Brown and Levinson (1987). The research method is descriptive qualitative research with content analysis, because the data are collected from documents. There are several steps in collecting data, such as: searching, downloading, watching and listening, transcribing. The results showed 20 politeness strategies found in Tinkerbell Movie, such us: bald on-record 2 (10%), positive politeness 13 (65%), negative politeness 3 (15%), and off-record 2 (10%). The most dominant type of politeness strategy found in Tinkerbell movie is positive politeness. Factors that influence the selection of politeness strategies contained in the Tinkerbell movie are circumstances. Circumstances related to sociological variables included relative power of 6 (30%) and social distance of 14 (70%). Relative power (P) uses a greater degree of politeness with other people who have higher power or authority. Social distance (D) is seen as a composite of psychological factors such as status and age. In conclusion, with this research we must be careful when using language to communicate with other people so that the conversation goes well.Keywords: pragmatics; politeness strategies; movie. 
Indonesian EFL Journal Vol 8, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : University of Kuningan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25134/ieflj.v8i2.6476


 Professionalism is pivotal for teachers because it influences student accomplishment and qualifies educational goals. The demeanor of professional teachers encourages students to develop what is inside them and present it to the world. Based on Socket's professional teacher theory, the study analyzes Lagravenese’s Freedom Writers movie to describe teacher professionalism through Erin Gruwell's character. To answer this problem, literature study, in-depth analysis and descriptive-qualitative methods are used. The study revealed that professional teachers' performance by Erin Gruwell contains five aspects: character, commitment to change and continuous improvement, subject knowledge, pedagogical knowledge, obligations and working relationships outside the classroom. The impact is also seen by the changes in students’ behavior from being difficult to manage to being obedient students with good achievements. Thus, teacher professionalism produces prestige for students making them able to become learners with good behavior, motivation, and academic performance.Keywords: teacher professionalism; teacher competences; student behavior; teacher education.
Indonesian EFL Journal Vol 8, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : University of Kuningan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25134/ieflj.v8i2.6457


Having a certain reading ability is one of the prerequisites for becoming a professional teacher. The focus on language literacy, particularly reading abilities, has been upgraded as well. The focus of this research is to look into the process of developing an English teachers' reading test in vocational schools, and at the same time to investigate the quality of teachers' reading test reflects their ability in test construction. This study employs a case study approach, focusing on three English teachers who work in three distinct vocational schools. This study employs interviews to better understand the process of creating reading tests, as well as thorough expert standards to assess the quality of teacher-created tests. The study discovered that the process of creating a reading test for teachers includes the basic ability to find materials, select the correct text, determine the type of question, and determine the number of digits in the test. Read and rate. As far as the quality of the reading test conducted by the teacher is concerned, the results of the scoring scale show that the teacher’s first reading test is considered poor and good because the passing scores of the test are 69 and 87 respectively. With scores of 51 and 56, reading test number two created by the teacher of English was deemed inadequate. The third teacher's reading test score was 81, so he was considered very good. Other teachers' abilities in test creation have not been effectively utilized in terms of test design, relevance, balance, efficiency, validity, reliability, adequacy of test items, and technical voice of reading test. For reading test, English teachers should use authentic materials. The teacher is also suggested to use real text to create high-level comprehension problems. It is preferable to use a more comprehensive list as one of the study techniques in the future and to involve more participants. Keywords: Reading test; competence; criteria; process of constructing.
ANALYZING STUDENTS' PASSIVE VOICE DIFFICULTIES Muziatun Muziatun; Fahria Malabar; Lisnawati Mustapa
Indonesian EFL Journal Vol 8, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : University of Kuningan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25134/ieflj.v8i2.6439


The purpose of this study is to find out how difficult it is for students of using passive voice. There were twenty students in class B of the English Department's 2017 academy class at University Negeri Gorontalo, but only sixteen of them were chosen for this study, which employed a descriptive quantitative technique. A survey and an interview were used to get the data. As part of the test, students had to change the forms of numerous active sentences into passive ones. The data was examined using Sudijono’s (2006) formula and Parrot's (2000) theory of passive voice difficulties. This study found that students in the English Department's Class of 2017 at Universitas Negeri Gorontalo continue to struggle with the use of the passive voice. Auxiliary verb "be" utilization was found to be the most problematic by students admitted, with a percentage of 67.18 percent, followed by difficulties in changing the main verb into the past participle (48.43 percent) and changing the object and subject (43.75 percent). The usage of the auxiliary verb "be" is the most difficult part of passive voice for students, compared to the other two.Keywords: students’ difficulties; grammar; and passive voice.  
Indonesian EFL Journal Vol 8, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : University of Kuningan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25134/ieflj.v8i2.6477


 Social media has become the most influence media used by people. It changes the way people communicate and access information. Although it is not directly created for educational purposes, it has drawn educators' attention, especially in the English language learning field. Several studies have concluded that social media can be used as media in English classroom. However, to use social media effectively, it’s important to know student’s perception as reference for teacher in using social media. Thus the present study was conducted to explore high-school students’ perception of social media use for English learning. 83 students of one private Senior High School in Depok, Indonesia, were involved in this study. The study employed a qualitative approach with a case study design using questionnaires and semi-structured interview as data collection methods. Basic statistical analysis was used to analyze data from the questionnaire, and the data from interviews were analyzed using the flow model by Miles and Huberman. The results showed that the students in this study use social media for improving their English. They choose YouTube as the most used social media for learning English. Further, they stated that social media provides English content sources to practice their English skills, enlarges their vocabulary and pronunciation knowledge. They also stated the challenges in using social media for learning, such as internet connection problems, privacy, and inappropriate content.Keywords: English learning; social media; students’ perception
IDIOMS TRANSLATION ANALYSIS IN THE DUBBING OF MULAN MOVIE Dedeh Ariska; Muhammad Aprianto Budie Nugroho; Nida Amalia Asikin
Indonesian EFL Journal Vol 8, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : University of Kuningan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25134/ieflj.v8i2.6458


The aims of the research are to find out how English idioms are translated into Indonesian in the dubbing versions as well as translation equivalence, and the strategies used when translating the idioms in the movie. The data are collected from the dubbing in the movie entitled Mulan (2020) in order to achieve the research objectives which are dubbing translation how idioms are translated from English into Indonesia. The researcher applied research design of qualitative method by using document analysis. The researcher found 28 idioms in the dialogue of the movie. For the results, and the number of idioms were translated equivalently into idioms (39.29%) and into non-idioms (60.71%). Secondly, the researcher found that there are 3 from 8 types of translation strategies are used to translate idioms they are: translation by more general word (25%), translation by a neutral/less expressive word (7.14%), and translation by paraphrase using a related word. (67.86%). From the result of the research the translator is successfully translating the idioms properly, even though changing the sentence by paraphrasing but it was able to find the suitable synonyms to convey the real meaning of the idioms.Keywords: translation strategies; idiomatic expression; dubbing translation. 
Indonesian EFL Journal Vol 8, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : University of Kuningan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25134/ieflj.v8i2.6440


 The study employed the pre-test and post-test control group design focusing on strengthening reading comprehension and reading interest during the pandemic time using WhatsApp platform through survey, question, read, recite and review (SQ3R) strategy. The participants were the students of ninth graders of MTsN 6 Cianjur who were selected randomly to be the experimental and control classes. The instruments were the pre-post reading comprehension test and reading interest questionnaire especially on three dimensions; situational, individual and topic. The validity and reliability of both instruments were confirmed before applying them in the study. The analysis revealed that significant score (2 tailed) or (P) of post-reading comprehension test obtained by both experimental and control classes was 0%. Since it was less than 5%, the significant difference was confirmed, and the result quality of experimental class on reading comprehension was higher than control class. It decided that SQ3R strategy had strengthened reading comprehension skill. Moreover, all significant scores (2 tailed) or (P) of post-reading interest questionnaire on three dimensions obtained by both experimental and control classes were 0%. As they were less than 5%, the significant difference was confirmed, and the result quality of experimental class on reading interest was higher than control class. It exposed that SQ3R strategy had strengthened reading interest. Therefore, SQ3R strategy strengthened reading comprehension skill and reading interest using WhatsApp platform. Furthermore, SQ3R strategy was an alternative reading strategy in the pandemic time. However, the stakeholder should support it by providing free internet access and other requirements, and the study should be deepened by conducting other research especially qualitative study to enrich the scope of research. Keywords: SQ3R strategy; reading comprehension; reading interest; pandemic time; WhatsApp.
Indonesian EFL Journal Vol 8, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : University of Kuningan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25134/ieflj.v8i2.6489


 This is a critical review elaborated on the strengths and the weaknesses of the article content. The Purpose of the Study. It is aimed to review critically on the discussion of Developing Speaking Skills Through Task Based Materials by relating those findings with the theories, books and articles in reputated journal. Research Method. This study used Systemic Literature Review to identify, study, evaluate, and interpret the research about interesting phenomenon with certain relevant research. Every data is linked to studies which have the same discussion either from theories, books and relevant articles published in reputated journal. The data is analyzed using Content analysis to analyze the content of the article as the main data. The source of data were taken from the whole content of the article that discussed about processing action on improving speaking through the implementation of Task Based Material. Main Findings. The findings showed that there were some unclear discussions about abstract information; moves organization in introduction; lack of current and relevant studies and theories; unsystematic findings related to the proposed research questions; and the terms used in the article. As the conclusion, this critical review has given informative and suggested references to support the ideas and views of the articles from reputated and current journals and recent books started from 2003 (telling the story of Task Based language teaching implementation and theories) to 2021 (suggesting the steps in developing materials through Task Based materials).Keywords: speaking skills; task based materials; critical review 
Indonesian EFL Journal Vol 8, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : University of Kuningan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25134/ieflj.v8i2.6473


The management of waste or used goods that is still not optimal causes various environmental problems. One way to reduce the presence of used goods is to recycle them into learning media. This study focuses on the effectiveness of used goods effectiveness as learning media on fable storytelling in class VII. The method used is descriptive-qualitative. Students’ storytelling skills were assessed by observation method using storytelling skills assessment rubric. Storytelling style, Mastery of the content of the story, volume of voice, and fluency were assessed. The results of the discussion show that the use of used goods as learning media is considered effective with an average student score of 89 which is included in the very good category.Keywords: used goods; learning media; storytelling skill; fable.

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