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Proceedings of the 1st UR International Conference on Educational Sciences
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Articles 110 Documents
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Competence of SMK Teachers Based on Institutional Financial Accounting (SMK State in Pekanbaru) Gusnardi, Gusnardi; Trisnawati, Fenny
Proceedings of the UR International Conference on Educational Sciences 2018: Proceedings of the 2nd UR International Conference on Educational Sciences
Publisher : Proceedings of the UR International Conference on Educational Sciences

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Financial accounting institutions are the new subjects taught at the vocational school. Based on observations through the Pekanbaru City MGMP Accounting, most of the teachers have not understood this material properly. Usually accounting teachers only teach financial accounting in general. For the competence of teachers in teaching these subjects, it needs to be analyzed, so that it can be known to what extent the teachers competence in teaching this material..This study sought to analyze the competence of accounting teacher at SMK Negeri Pekanbaru City-based financial accounting agencies. Data is obtained by distributing questionnaires related to professional competence regarding financial accounting institutions with 7 sub sections. Data processing and analysis is carried out using descriptive analysis for parts of competence in the institutions financial accounting material. The results showed that the competency of teachers in SMK Kota Pekanbaru in understanding the institutions financial accounting is still lacking when compared to their competence in teaching their usual financial accounting previously taught.It is necessary efforts so that the competence of the teachers about the financial accounting agencies can increase at least in proportion to their competence in teaching financial accounting.
The Development of Scientific Literacy-Based Biology Textbook for High School Students Natalina, Mariani; Shafii, Wan; Prasono, Awanda
Proceedings of the UR International Conference on Educational Sciences 2018: Proceedings of the 2nd UR International Conference on Educational Sciences
Publisher : Proceedings of the UR International Conference on Educational Sciences

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Scientific Literacy-Based Biology Textbook can be used to improve the literacy of science of senior high school students. This research aims to provide a qualified scientific literacy-based biology textbook. The research consists of the stages of analysis, design, and development. This book was developed based on the analysis of question items of the PISA 2006 and 2015 as well as linkages with the basic competency of curriculum 2013. The stage of analysis, design, development, internal validation and test I carried out in the biology laboratory of FKIP Universitas Riau. The external validation and testing II implemented in SMA Negeri 1 Pekanbaru. The analysis of question items of the PISA 2006 and 2015 produce four topics which are developed; Methods, biodiversity, evolution, and biotechnology. This book was validated based on three aspects of scientific literacy: aspects of the format of the book and the graphic, aspect of content eligibility and scientific literacy. The contents eligibility includes the technique of presentation and scientific literacy includes science as the torso, science as a way of investigating, science as a way of thinking, and scientific as interaction between the science technology and society. The third aspect is the aspect of language. Scientific literacy-based biology textbook that is produced in this research is at a very valid category and very good so it is appropriate to be used as a source of autodidact learning in developing scientific literacy ability.
Development of Interactive Computer Based Media for Learning Mathematics on Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) and Least Common Multiple (LCM) Topics Jalinus, Jalinus; Alim, Jesi Alexander
Proceedings of the UR International Conference on Educational Sciences 2018: Proceedings of the 2nd UR International Conference on Educational Sciences
Publisher : Proceedings of the UR International Conference on Educational Sciences

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The purpose of research is to make an interactive computer based media for learning mathematics onGCD and LCM topics which is can be used by the teachers and students because this interactive computer based media is using the fun animation corresponded to the thinking stage of the elementary school student is on concrete stage. This research is development research with these following steps : 1. Analysis, including a) interview with fourth grade elementary school teacher about learning of mathematics, b) analyze the syllabus of the fourth grade mathematics subject, c) analyze the book text of the matchematics, d) review the literature of teaching materials. 2. prototype phase, including a) validation, b) practicality , doing a trial to Babussalam Elementary School Pekanbaru. 3. Assesment, evaluate if the prototype can be used as expected and effective to increase the quality of learning. The results show that the interactive computer based media for learning mathematic on GCD and LCM topics is valid. The trials to the fourth grade students of Babussalam Elementary School result show that the interactive computer based media for learning mathematics on GCD and LCM topics is practice, proven by the description and the data analysis can be conclude that the learning materials is effective to make the students learning activities and make the students learning independently and fun.
The Implementation of Talking Stick Model to Improve Speaking Skills Response for 10th Grade Students of Social Science in MAN Pasir Pengaraian Arianti, Rita; Wardani, Lia; Marta, Eni
Proceedings of the UR International Conference on Educational Sciences 2018: Proceedings of the 2nd UR International Conference on Educational Sciences
Publisher : Proceedings of the UR International Conference on Educational Sciences

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This research is trigerred by low speaking skills of students in delivering responses in learning. This type of research is Classroom Action Research. The research used mixed method asit combines both qualitative and quantitative methods. The purpose of this study is to improve student activity and learning outcomes in learning speaking skills through the application of the Talking Stick model. The results of this study were (1) the quality of student activity in pre-cycle was 60% and it increased to be 64% in cycle I, and increased again in cycle II to be 88%, the quality of student learning activities increased from sufficient quality to very high quality, (2) increased completeness learning outcomes of pre-cycle by 40% with an average class of 61.68 to 68% in cycle I with an average class of 74.04, an increase in the second cycle to 100% with an average class of 84.8. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that the application of the Talking Stick model can increase the average grade of class X MAN Pasir Pengaraian in speaking skills conveying responses to articles in the mass media.
Application of Example Nonexample Learning Model Based on Bruner’s Theory in Identifying Plane Figure Saragih, Sehatta; Suhermi, Zuhri D
Proceedings of the UR International Conference on Educational Sciences 2018: Proceedings of the 2nd UR International Conference on Educational Sciences
Publisher : Proceedings of the UR International Conference on Educational Sciences

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Lack of concept mastery is thought to be one of the causes of students difficulties in learning mathematics. Moreover, a learning management unsuitablewith the level of students’intellectual development and the low active role of students in learning is seen as a trigger for a tenuous control of concepts.This condition underlies the importance of a research, so the goal is to examine the impact of the application of ExampleNon Example learning models, guided by Bruners Theory. This study employs the design of pre-test and post-test Group Design with a sample of 199 people. Research data were collected by tests and analyzed descriptively and inferentially. The results show that the application of the Examples Non Examples model based on Bruner’s theory contributes significantly to improve students understanding ofthe concept of plane figure by 47.8%.
Empowerment of Women in the Making of Household Practices in Air Dingin Village Bukit Raya sub District Pekanbaru City Jas, Jaspar; Bahar, Aswandi; Alvi, Ria Rizkia; Jas, Jaspar; Bahar, Aswandi; Alvi, Ria Rizkia
Proceedings of the UR International Conference on Educational Sciences 2018: Proceedings of the 2nd UR International Conference on Educational Sciences
Publisher : Proceedings of the UR International Conference on Educational Sciences

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This study aims to find out the profile of womens empowerment and how positive the empowerment of women in making household workshops in Air Dingin Village, Bukit Raya District, Pekanbaru City. This study uses a quantitative approach with descriptive analysis in the form of percentages. The method used in this research is survey method. The study was conducted in the UPPKS group of Air Dingin sub-district, Bukit Raya City Pekanbaru, as many as 30 people. Sampling in this study uses saturated sampling technique. The instrument used was a questionnaire / questionnaire. The results of the study showed that the profile of womens empowerment in the making of handicrafts in Air Dingin Village, Bukit Raya Sub-District, Pekanbaru City was considered good / positive. The results of data processing related to how positive the empowerment of women in making household workshops in Air Dingin Village, Bukit Raya District, Pekanbaru City, the results were classified as good / positive with a percentage of 72.3%. This means that the empowerment of women in making household crafts in Air Dingin Village, Bukit Raya Sub-District, Pekanbaru City, has been able to provide enormous benefits and contributions for mothers in increasing family income and increasing womens independence.
Empowerment of Women in the Making of Household Practices in Air Dingin Village Bukit Raya sub District Pekanbaru City
Proceedings of the UR International Conference on Educational Sciences 2018: Proceedings of the 2nd UR International Conference on Educational Sciences
Publisher : Proceedings of the UR International Conference on Educational Sciences

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This study aims to find out the profile of womens empowerment and how positive the empowerment of women in making household workshops in Air Dingin Village, Bukit Raya District, Pekanbaru City. This study uses a quantitative approach with descriptive analysis in the form of percentages. The method used in this research is survey method. The study was conducted in the UPPKS group of Air Dingin sub-district, Bukit Raya City Pekanbaru, as many as 30 people. Sampling in this study uses saturated sampling technique. The instrument used was a questionnaire / questionnaire. The results of the study showed that the profile of womens empowerment in the making of handicrafts in Air Dingin Village, Bukit Raya Sub-District, Pekanbaru City was considered good / positive. The results of data processing related to how positive the empowerment of women in making household workshops in Air Dingin Village, Bukit Raya District, Pekanbaru City, the results were classified as good / positive with a percentage of 72.3%. This means that the empowerment of women in making household crafts in Air Dingin Village, Bukit Raya Sub-District, Pekanbaru City, has been able to provide enormous benefits and contributions for mothers in increasing family income and increasing womens independence.
Reactive Jump Effect on the Muscle Power of the Educational Center and Exercise of Riau 2018 Dispora Volleyball Student Juita, Ardiah; Lardika, Rola Angga; Meagalky, Haris Hami
Proceedings of the UR International Conference on Educational Sciences 2018: Proceedings of the 2nd UR International Conference on Educational Sciences
Publisher : Proceedings of the UR International Conference on Educational Sciences

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Sports is an effort to maintain a healthy body and is able to improve the function of body organs that are accustomed to exercising. There are many advantages when someone carries out sports activities, besides physical aspects, but also related to social aspects such as adding friends by participating in community sports activities, acknowledging the existence of other people with their willingness to share with their sports friends. The purpose of this study was to find out: the effect of Reactive Jump on the power of athletes leg muscle in the Education and Training Centre of Riau Dispora Volleyball 2018. This type of research was experimental research. The analysis of the t-test yields Tcount of 6,764 and Ttable of 1,753. Means Tcount>Ttable. Based on the t-test after calculating the basis, there is a difference in numbers that increases or rises by 5.01. It can be concluded that Reactive Jump exercises affect the Power of Leg Muscles in PPLP Athletes in Riau Province. Based on the findings and processing of the data above, it can be concluded the following: There is the effect of Reactive Jump (X) exercises with Leg Muscle Power (Y) on PPLP Athletes in Riau Province.
The Effectiveness of Practical Teaching of NFE Courses on the Placement Students at the NFE Partner Institutions Bahar, Aswandi; Maemunaty, Titi; Alvi, Ria Rizkia
Proceedings of the UR International Conference on Educational Sciences 2018: Proceedings of the 2nd UR International Conference on Educational Sciences
Publisher : Proceedings of the UR International Conference on Educational Sciences

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This study aims to determine the effectiveness level of Practical Teaching of NFE courses on the placement students in the partner institutions. This research uses quantitative approach with descriptive analysis. The population in this study were students who had taken the 2014 class of non-formal education Teaching Practice courses at the University of Riau as many as 58 people. Sampling used is simple random sampling, the sample is 37 students. The instrument used is a questionnaire. Instrument validity uses product moment. Reliability calculation used Alpha formula. The quantitative data were analyzed quantitative descriptive in terms of percentages. The results showed that the level of effectiveness of practical Teaching of NFE subject to placement students in NFE partner institutions was moderate with indicators: 1) input obtained percentage value of 38.91% 2) process obtained percentage value of 49.05% 3) output obtained the percentage value of 55.41% 4) the outcome obtained by the percentage value of 54.04%. Thus, the level of effectiveness of Practical Teaching of NFE subject to placement of students in the NFE partner institutions is good although there are still many improvements that need to be done by Practical Teaching lecturers in order to provide benefits for students, universities and society.
A Study on the Ability of First Grade Students in Communicating Language at SDN 005 Bukit Ranah, Kampar Febrialismanto, Febrialismanto; Nur, Hidayatun
Proceedings of the UR International Conference on Educational Sciences 2018: Proceedings of the 2nd UR International Conference on Educational Sciences
Publisher : Proceedings of the UR International Conference on Educational Sciences

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Beforestudying at elementary school, children should study in early education. One of the childrens early education was conducted at PAUD institutions. Here, thestudents give stimulants to grow and improve properly. One of them is the ability to communicate language. In communicating language, the children are easy to communicate with others in their environment. From the research findingsthat conducted at 005 Public Elementary School Bukit Ranah, Kampar, it is known that three indicators are communicating orally, having vocabulary, and knowing symbols inreading, writing and counting, For further information, they also continuethe stories that have been played and demonstratetheir understanding ofthe story.

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