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Faktor pelaksanaan kesehatan reproduksi perusahaan dan dukungan keluarga dalam penentuan pola menyusui oleh pekerja (buruh) wanita di Kabupaten Kudus Fatimah, Siti; Martini, Martini; Rostyaningtyas, Dewi; Soemarmi, Amiek
Jurnal Gizi Indonesia (The Indonesian Journal of Nutrition) Vol 2, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Department of Nutrition Science, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (265.822 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jgi.2.1.


Background: Indonesia still faces problems of health, especially infant and child mortality rate is quite high. One effort to overcome this problem by promotion of breastfeeding. Family problems arise when workers are women workers give birth and breastfeed. Objectives: This study aimed to determine the pattern of breastfeeding on women workers as well as the factors influencing the feeding patterns.Method: This study used cross sectional analytic survey. The research sample included women workers who had toddlers 2-5 years old and working in the industry in Kudus Regency, totaling 75  women workers (laborers) in the Djarum cigarette factory, Aroma and Norojono based and proportional random sampling. Data were collected through interviews using questionnaires and in-depth interviews. Results: The results showed that the majority (70.7%) of subjects had a basic level of education (elementary and junior high school), most (74.7%) was classified as less knowledge, most (53.5%) was classified as less supportive stance, the majority (69,3%) of breastfeeding pattern was quite good, although all subjects not exclusively breastfeed their children. Spearman Rank test showed no relation between education, knowledge, attitude, family support and company policies with breastfeeding pattern. It is advised that the company began planning the establishment of child care support coordination with the Ministry of Social Affairs, and that working women to breastfeed exclusively.Conclusion: There were no relation between education, knowledge, attitude, family support and company policies with breastfeeding pattern. Keywords breastfeeding pattern, family support, company support, women workers, cigarette manufacturing
Hubungan serum seng dengan jumlah CD4 pada lansia di Panti Jompo Sugeng, Maria Widijanti; Adriani, Merryana; Wirjatmadi, Bambang
Jurnal Gizi Indonesia (The Indonesian Journal of Nutrition) Vol 2, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Department of Nutrition Science, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (398.212 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jgi.2.1.


Background: Elderly people tend to have higher susceptibility to infections because of immune dysfunction, especially cell-mediated immune system which is related to zinc deficiency. Zinc has an important role in the cell-mediated immune system which can be determined by CD4 count. Objectives: To determine the zinc level in the serum and CD4 count in healthy elderly and the correlation between the zinc level in the serum and CD4 count. Method: This was a randomized cross-sectional study. Twenty seven healthy elderly subjects of both sexes aged 60-90 years were recruited for this study from a senior center. Zinc level in the serum and CD4 count were measured. Result: The average of CD4 count was 710 + 269 cells/ml, and the average of zinc level in the serum was 87,29 + 10,27 μg/dL. Twenty six percent elderly had low CD4 count (<460cells/ml. There was no zinc deficiency among the elderly but 30% elderly had zinc level 70- 80 μg/dL. There was a significant correlation (p<0,05) between zinc level and CD4 count, which was analyzed using Pearson correlation method.Conclusion: CD4 count has correlation with zinc level in the serum in elderlyKeywords: Zinc level, CD4 count, elderly
Hubungan kepuasan pelayanan makanan rumah sakit dan asupan makanan dengan perubahan status gizi pasien ( Studi di RSUD Sunan Kalijaga Kabupaten Demak ) Semedi, Pujo; Kartasurya, Martha Irene; Hagnyonowati, Hagnyonowati
Jurnal Gizi Indonesia (The Indonesian Journal of Nutrition) Vol 2, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Department of Nutrition Science, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (208.216 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jgi.2.1.


Abstract Background: Several studies have shown that hospital patients tend to have a decrease in their nutritional status during their hospitalization period. Patient satisfactions to the food service in the hospital will influence the food intake and this food intake will have an effect on the nutritional status. Objectives: To analyze the correlation between patients satisfaction to the hospital food service, food intake, and the change in the nutritional status of patients in Sunan Kalijaga Hospital, Demak.Method: This study was an analytic observational research with a cross sectional approach. This study was done on 85 subjects of inpatients in the first, second, and third classess of Sunan Kalijaga Hospital. The dependent variable was the change in nutritional status. The independent variables were the patient satisfactions to the hospital food service and food intake. Data on patient satisfactions to the hospital food service were collected by interviews using structured questionnaires. Data on food intake of the hospital food were collected by Comstock method of the food remains after the consumption, while on food intake from of hospital were collected by 3 x 24 hour recall. The changes in nutritional status were measured by the change in BMI. Data were analyzed by correlation tests.Result: Most of subjects (97,3%) satisfied to the foodservice in the hospital. The average energy adequacy level of the hospital was 76,5 ± 9,4% and protein adequacy level was76,1± 10,3%. The average energy adequacy of out hospital food was 6,5± 6,7% and protein adequacy level was 6,7± 6,9%.  The average BMI at first day were 20,0 ± 3,4 kg/m2 and at the end of hospitalization were 19,7± 3,4 kg/m2. The average decreased in this study was 0,3 ± 0,2 kg/m2. There was correlation between foodservice satisfaction and the energy (p =0,009) and protein adequacy level (p=0,015). There were correlation between food intake and energy (p= 0,0001) and protein adequacy level(p= 0,038) to the change in subjects nutritional status. There was a correlation between hospital foodservice satisfaction and the change in nutritional satisfaction (p = 0,003).Conclusion: The higher level of hospiotal foodservice satisfaction, the higher of food intake and result in smaller decrease of the nutritional status Keywords : hospital, foodservice,satisfaction, nutrition
Determinan kejadian anemia pada remaja putri di Kecamatan Gebog Kabupaten Kudus tahun 2006 Ida Farida; Laksmi Widajanti; Siti Fatimah Pradigdo
Jurnal Gizi Indonesia (The Indonesian Journal of Nutrition) Vol 2, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Department of Nutrition Science, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jgi.2.1.


Background : Anemia is one of the most prevalent nutrition problems. Based on a national survey in 1995, the prevalence of anemia was 57.1% among adolescent girls in Indonesia. Adolescent girls have higher risk of anemia compared to the schoolchildren and adults as they are still in the period of rapid growing, while they also start to think about body image. Objectives: This study aimed to investigate the determinants of anemia among adolescent girls in Kecamatan Gebog, Kabupaten Kudus. Method : This observational study was conducted cross sectionally by survey method. The population was adolescent girls aged 13-18 years, with a total sample of 163 girls who were chosen from the adolescent girls in four villages by multistage random sampling method. Data were analysed by Rank Spearman correlation and Chi Square test, which then continued to multivariate analysis by logistic regression test (forward method). Result : The results showed that the prevalence of anemia among adolescent girls in Kecamatan Gebog, Kabupaten Kudus was 36.8%. The correlation tests showed that there were associations between parents’ education level, family income, adolescents’ knowledge and attitude toward anemia and food consumption levels (energy, protein, iron, vitamin A and C). Conclusion : There were correlations between food consumption levels (energy, protein, iron, vitamin A and C), menstruation pattern, infection incidence and anemia incidence (p<0.05). The determinants of anemia among adolescent girls in Kecamatan Gebog, Kabupaten Kudus were energy, iron, vitamin A consumption levels, menstruation pattern and infection incidence. Keywords:  anemia incidence, socio-economic status, food consumption levels, menstruation pattern, infection incidence, adolescents
Tidak ada perbedaan respon imun perokok berat dan perokok ringan karena asupan mikronutrien Rahfiludin, Mohammad Zen; Ginandjar, Praba
Jurnal Gizi Indonesia (The Indonesian Journal of Nutrition) Vol 2, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Department of Nutrition Science, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (275.963 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jgi.2.1.


Background: Smoking may affect cytokine levels, including IFN-γ, IL-6, and IL-10. Objectives: This study aimed to analyze the difference in levels of cytokines (IFN-γ, IL-6 and IL-10) based on the degree of smoking, and how the daily intake of nutrient influence the relationship of smoking with cytokines level.Method: This was a cross sectional study. Study subject consisted of 23 adult, healthy, smoker men. Ethical clearance was issued by Commission of Ethics of Medical and Public Health Research, Faculty of Public Health Diponegoro University. Smoking variabel was obtained from questions. Level of cytokines examined consists of IFN-γ, IL-6 and IL-10 was measured using ELISA (pg/dl). Nutritional intake was measured by method of 2x24-hour recall. The difference of level of IFN-γ, IL-6, IL-10 and daily nutrient intake based on smoking degree was analyzed with Mann Whitney (α 0,05). Result: The result showed no difference in level of IFN-γ, IL-6 and IL-10 found between group of light and heavy smokers. In the group of heavy smokers, daily nutrient intake was higher compare to light smokers. However, the significant difference only found in vitamin C (p = 0.042). Conclusion: Immune response, as measured by level of interferon gamma, interleukin 6 and interleukin 10, do not differ betwen light and heavy smokers due to micronutrient intake Keywords: heavy smoker, light smoker, interferon gamma, interleukin 6, interleukin 10
Pengaruh konseling laktasi intensif terhadap pemberian air susu ibu (ASI) eksklusif sampai 3 bulan Ambarwati, Ria; Muis, Siti Fatimah; Susanti, Purwanti
Jurnal Gizi Indonesia (The Indonesian Journal of Nutrition) Vol 2, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Department of Nutrition Science, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (268.915 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jgi.2.1.


Background : In 2010 within the area of Semarang Municipality, exclusive breastfeeding by mothers to their babies reaches  up to only 20,06%. One of the problems was the lack of lactation counseling especially by the health service institutions. Objectives: To reveal the effect of intensive lactation counseling on exclusive breastfeeding up to 3 months. Method: This research study was designed as a quasi-experiment of non-equivalent control group. The population of this study was a group of mothers who were in the 7th to 8th months of pregnancy bearing the second child or more. The number of the subjects was 25 mothers who were grouped into 2: the experimental groups of 12(n=12) and 27 control group of 13 (n=13). The group underwent a treatment of intensive lactation counseling of 9 times on 2 stages, the first was four-time treatments during the medical examination on their pregnancy of 7th – 8th months. The second stage of treatments was done by home visit for 5 times during week 1, 2, 4, 8, and 12 after giving birth by certified lactation counselors for 40 work hours. These counselors had the experience of at least 5 clients counseling. The control group had the usual counseling that they normally received from the midwives at the Health Primary Center and  private midwives nearby. Results: The group without intensive lactation counseling showed no gain of knowledge, attitude towards early initiation of breastfeeding, exclusive breastfeeding, breastmilk and no increase of the number of exclusive breastfeeding on their babies prior to and during the study. The group with intensive lactation breastfeeding shows a significant gain of knowledge, positive attitude towards early initiation of breastfeeding, exclusive breastfeeding, breastmilk and significant increase of the number of exclusive breastfeeding for 3 months on their babies that born prior to and during the study from 2(16,7%) to 10(83,3%). Conclusion: Intensive lactation counseling increases the practice of exclusive breastfeeding up to 3 months. Keywords : intensive lactation counseling, exclusive lactation breastfeeding, 3 months

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