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Jurnal Rupa
Published by Universitas Telkom
ISSN : 25031627     EISSN : 25031066     DOI : -
Core Subject : Art,
JURNAL RUPA is a peer-reviewed academic journal to provide a platform for an interdisciplinary forum in the area of visual arts. This journal welcomes submissions from artists, makers, designers, researchers, historians, and other writers in the field of visual arts. This journal is published two times a year by Telkom University.
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Perancangan Visual Brand Communication Bank Sampah Induk Surabaya Lisa Indriati; Atria Nuraini Fadilla
JURNAL RUPA Vol 5 No 1 (2020): Open Issue
Publisher : Telkom University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25124/rupa.v5i1.2936


Pengelolaan sampah masih menjadi masalah besar di Indonesia. Kepedulian terhadap masalah pengelolaan sampah ini, Yayasan Bank Sampah Induk Surabaya (BSIS) hadir sebagai salah satu solusi untuk masalah pembuangan sampah sembarangan yang terjadi di Surabaya. Namun seringkali BSIS mengalami kesulitan dalam melakukan sosialisasi kepada masyarakat. Sehingga diperlukan sebuah rancangan media komunikasi yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan BSIS untuk mengomunikasikan brand mereka pada masyarakat Surabaya. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik sampel purposif untuk wawancara mendalam. Berdasarkan survei wawancara mendalam yang dilakukan pada 12 informan, data dianalisis untuk menjadi landasan strategi brand communication untuk BSIS. Pada penelitian ini dirancang program kampanye yang bernama REACT (Recreate Action) yang bertujuan untuk mengajak nasabah di area perumahan untuk lebih peduli terhadap pengelolaan sampah serta mengubah stigma masyarakat bahwa BSIS bukanlah organisasi yang berorientasi pada profit. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, membuktikan bahwa audiens lebih tertarik dengan BSIS dengan event berkelanjutan yang dekat dengan minat audiensnya serta visual yang menarik.
Singularity Valencia Sariputra
JURNAL RUPA Vol 5 No 1 (2020): Open Issue
Publisher : Telkom University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25124/rupa.v5i1.2276


We often find ornament on Indonesian traditional textile and fashion such as batik, songket, tenun, and some of them are natural dyed. However, most of the Indonesian teenagers in year 2019 do not wear traditional textile and fashion as their daily outfit, they just want to wear it on special events. Based on the information that already collected, in Jakarta Fashion Week 2019 there are only few designers used natural dye on their collection. Therefore, this research is to produce fashion with ornaments on silk fabric using natural dye based on singularity trend and as teenager’s style. The method used in this research is an exploratory research method carried out qualitatively and quantitative. The results of the research are in the form of ornamental kecakdance painted with secangextract on silk fabric, which was then sewn into clothing and designed based on teenagers’s style.
Perancangan Motif Tekstil dengan Mengolah Karya Lukis Anak Down Syndrome Ajeng Annisa Faradhila; Setyawan .
JURNAL RUPA Vol 5 No 1 (2020): Open Issue
Publisher : Telkom University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25124/rupa.v5i1.2381


The motif-designing collaborates the painting of Dwi Andini Ma'ruf (23 year-old), a student who experienced mosaic down syndrome 15% with textile design based on characters in the form of sloppy lines and imperfect shapes. The designing-process uses a design approach that goes through three main processes, namely; exploration, termination and extraction processes. By using this approach, the researcher explores information related to down syndrome, plans the designing-activity related to the concept as a whole, and analyzes the design that has been made to draw conclusions and solve existing problems. The result of the designing process is textile motifs that reprocess the painting of a down syndrome person’s painting as an initial idea by maintaining a composition in accordance with the character of the subject and is interpreted through a simple design using the screen printing technique for ready-to-wear clothing. The line emphasis and color selection are displayed in full to accentuate the uniqueness of the subject's perspective.
Klasifikasi Ilustrasi Decoupage Tas Rotan Khas Bali Sebagai Informasi Perkembangan Desain Industri Jessica Yonatia
JURNAL RUPA Vol 5 No 1 (2020): Open Issue
Publisher : Telkom University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Bali is one of tourism destination that have various and fascinating tourist objects, such as nature, culinary, culture and Bali’s signature handicrafts. Rattan bags made with Ate wood as main material is one of Bali’s signature handicraft that is currently popular because of it’s interesting shape and the using of unique material. The popularity of Balinese rattan bags increases since both local and foreign fashion bloggers often post the bags as ootd (outfit of the day) in their social media. Some Balinese masons did some innovation to elevate the visual aesthetic of the bags through adding decoupage technique illustrations. Data collection method that applied is structured interviews with Bali local craftmen, observation and study literature, in a year and a half period. Qualitative research method applied to reach the goal of the research, which is to review the development of illustration designs on Balinese rattan bags during late of 2017 until middle of 2019, by the choosing of visual object (flora and fauna) that most shown, colour majority and visual design composition, and the relation of those visual elements with Balinese traditional elements.
Proses Komunikasi Para Perancang Cover Album Musik Independen di Kota Bandung Pada Era 1990-an dan Era 2000-an Idhar Resmadi; Syarip Hidayat
JURNAL RUPA Vol 5 No 1 (2020): Open Issue
Publisher : Telkom University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25124/rupa.v5i1.2654


The city of Bandung has a long history in the development of independent music. This city since the 1990s, gave birth to many independent albums that enliven the Indonesian music industry until recently. Album covers could serve as a vessel to see the development of the visual style of the music subculture. Album cover illustrations have a substantial role as one of the communication media between musicians and listeners (the public). Thus, the role of the album cover designer become central in the independent music subculture. Inevitably, it is important to reassess how the illustrators of album cover music coverings carry out the creative process and the communication process. This study uses qualitative research to determine the context of designing an independent music album cover and its communication aspects. The results of this study are expected to reveal the visualization and influence of communication in the depth between the album designer or illustrator with the independent music subculture in the 1990s and 2000s.
Cover volume 5 no 1 Editorial Team Jurnal Rupa
JURNAL RUPA Vol 5 No 1 (2020): Open Issue
Publisher : Telkom University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25124/rupa.v5i1.3548


Menelusuri Estetika dalam Karakter-Karakter Joker Lingga Agung; Mohammad Isa Pramana Koesoemadinata; Patra Aditia
JURNAL RUPA Vol 5 No 1 (2020): Open Issue
Publisher : Telkom University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25124/rupa.v5i1.2929


Budaya popular seringkali dianggap sebagai hiburan semata. Pandangan tersebut kurang tepat karena, budaya popular sebetulnya dapat membantu pemahaman kita terhadap dinamika kebudayaan menjadi lebih utuh lagi. Di dalam budaya popular terdapat relasi antar nilai yang sangat kompleks. Seperti halnya estetika. Estetika dalam konteks ini merupakan nilai, dan nilai dalam pandangan Foucault dihasilkan dari perkelidanan kekuasaan dan pengetahuan. Karakter-karakter Joker merupakan sebentuk diskursus yang dihasilkan dari perkelidanan tersebut. Dalam penelitian ini, kami menemukan bahwa karakter-karakter Joker ini merupakan sebuah diskontinuitas yang berusaha untuk menelikung diskursus yang lebih mapan. Akan tetapi dalam prosesnya selalu ‘dijegal’ oleh diskursus yang telah mapan tersebut. Dari kelima Joker yang kami telaah, adalah Joker Heath Ledger dan Joaquin Phoenix yang secara signifikan melahirkan diskontinuitas yang berpengaruh cukup signifikan.

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