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Program Studi Doktor Ilmu Teknik, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Udayana Gedung Pasca Sarjana Universitas Udayana Jl. PB Sudirman
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International Journal of Engineering and Emerging Technology
Published by Universitas Udayana
International Journal of Engineering and Emerging Technology is the biannual official publication of the Doctorate Program of Engineering Science, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University. The journal is open to submission from scholars and experts in the wide areas of engineering, such as civil and construction, mechanical, architecture, electrical, electronic, and computer engineering, and information technology as well. The scope of these areas may encompass: (1) theory, methodology, practice, and applications; (2) analysis, design, development and evaluation; and (3) scientific and technical support to establishment of technical standards.
Articles 197 Documents
Strategic Information System and Interoganitation Planning Putu Widiadnyana; Ari Putra Wijaya; Ida Bagus Manuaba
International Journal of Engineering and Emerging Technology Vol 1 No 1 (2016): July - December
Publisher : Doctorate Program of Engineering Science, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University

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In the business development within an organization can’t be separated from the role of information systems and also support from other organizations. It needs a strategic plan to support the vision, mission and company objectives. Strategy that developed need to be supported with information that can support organization system which helps in the enterprise information system. With the existence of strategic information system and system interorganizational the company is able to build relationships with supplier and distributors to maximize product value and improve product competitiveness
Recommendation System Cooperative Stock Goods Orders Using Fuzzy Tsukamoto I Made Bagus Wiradivka Laksa Wibawa; Muhammad Ridwan Satrio; Ni Wayan Sri Ariyani
International Journal of Engineering and Emerging Technology Vol 3 No 2 (2018): July - December
Publisher : Doctorate Program of Engineering Science, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University

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Various types of daily necessities are available at all-round cooperatives. The Udayana University Karya Bina Sejahtera Civil Servants Cooperative. This cooperative is included as an all-round cooperative that sells various kinds of daily goods and transactions occur every day with considerable intensity. This causes the cooperative to be able to fulfill the demand for goods from the buyer and keep the items sold in good condition. So that in storing the stock of goods must be able to adjust so that the goods are not excessive in inventory or less in the inventory of goods to be sold. Seeing the problems described above, the author feels the need to build a system that can help the cooperative in determining the number of goods ordered. The recommendation system can be built with several methods. One method that can be used is to use the fuzzy logic method. Researchers want to do a study that aims to help in recommending ordering purchases of goods to be ordered based on the number of sales transactions of goods needed from existing data. To make a recommendation for the number of orders for goods, it will be calculated using the Tsukamoto Fuzzy Logic method which is considered suitable to assist in terms of recommending the number of goods purchase orders. With the calculation of this fuzzy logic, the cooperative will later be able to pay attention to the determination of the number of purchase orders for goods so as not to cause excess stock or stock shortages. The development of a system of recommendations for planning stock items can help the cooperative to provide a reference for the number of orders that must be ordered in order to reduce the occurrence of ordering errors as previously explained, such as excess stock or lack of stock
Prediction of Days in Hospital Dengue Fever Patients using K-Nearest Neighbor Dewa Ayu Putri Wulandari; Kadek Ary Budi Permana; Made Sudarma
International Journal of Engineering and Emerging Technology Vol 3 No 1 (2018): January - June
Publisher : Doctorate Program of Engineering Science, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University

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Dengue fever is found more in tropics andsubtropics area. The World Health Organization (WHO) notedthat Indonesia is as the highest dengue fever cases in South Asiansince 1968 till 2009. The treatment of patient dengue fever inhospital had spent rest time or the days in hospital in variationtreatment. Days in hospital often becomes questions from thepatients’ family. To predict of days in hospital is maybe to knowthe capacity for the long period strategies. In this research, weused machine learning approach to predict the period of denguefever patients. One of the machines of learning method is KNearest Neighbor (K-NN). In this case, we analyze the result ofimplementation K-NN method that used to predict period of daysin hospital patients for dengue fever. This paper used the result oflaboratory checking of blood complete with patients as parameterin predict the period of days in hospital dengue fever. The resultof examination used K-NN to show the accuracy levels reach65,67% with k optimal is k=13.
Design and Balancing Load Current in 3-Phase System Using Microcontroller ATMEGA 2560 Cok Gede Indra Partha
International Journal of Engineering and Emerging Technology Vol 2 No 1 (2017): January - June
Publisher : Doctorate Program of Engineering Science, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University

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The design of balancing the load current on three-phase systems using a microcontroller ATMega 2560 is a tool that serves to reduce the power loss. Power loss due to the load current unbalance the current flows in the neutral phase on three-phase systems. Current flows in the neutral phase distribution transformer into a detriment to PT. PLN (Persero) for the power lost to the earth and can not be used by consumers. So that it will balanced the load current to reduce the value of neutral current. The tool is also equipped with a monitoring system that displays current magnitude of each phase including the neutral phase.The methods in making this tool is divided into two parts: first, the design of hardware consist of designing electronic components which are used by the current sensor circuits, relay, LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) etc. Second, the design of software is a tool listing program procedure including the monitoring program displays the current of each phase on LCD using the Arduino IDE. SCT013-030 current sensor used, the output of the current sensor is connected to the pin ADC (Analog to Digital Converter) microcontroller ATMega 2560. Then microcontroller process the data and generate a current value displayed on the LCD. The other result of processing current value is a command to enable or disable the relay that connects three-phase resource with single-phase loads.The result of the test design of balancing load current on three-phase system using a microcontroller ATMega 2560 succeed balancing the load current by moving the channel load of sequence number load the smallest connected to the phase with the current biggest load toward a phase that has a load current smallest when neutral current exceeds the limit is permitted. In this situation, the neutral current will not be possible be zero. In fact, the maximum current value for the neutral phase for PT. PLN (Persero) 50 amperes calibrated to 1 ampere and is used as a limit on this prototype. If the neutral current on LCD monitor exceeds 1 ampere, then there will be balancing of the load current. The current sensor measurement results are displayed on a monitoring approach measurement result using pliers ampere.
Implementation of Data Mining To Predict Period of Students Study Using Naive Bayes Algorithm Ida Bagus Adisimakrisna Peling; I Nyoman Arnawan; I Putu Arich Arthawan; I Gusti Ngurah Janardana
International Journal of Engineering and Emerging Technology Vol 2 No 1 (2017): January - June
Publisher : Doctorate Program of Engineering Science, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University

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The quality of universities, especially study programs in Indonesia is measured based on accreditation conducted by BAN PT. According to BAN PT the quality is measured based on 7 main standards, one of them is Student and Graduate. One of the problems that still be the subject of discussion related to student failure is about the students who graduated not on time. Students graduating not on time are students who can not complete their studies in accordance with the provisions of time given. The existence of a graduate student is not timely of course cause problems and potentially drop out that affect the quality of education and accreditation. A system that predicts students' graduation is required by evaluating their learning outcomes. The timeliness of graduating students can be done with data mining techniques to find graduation patterns of students who have graduated which then used as a basis to predict students' graduation in the next year. This study showed that Naïve Bayes was able to classify the correct data testing on average by 86.16% and 13.84% error. In addition, other information obtained from the data testing used that the students who entered from the PMDK Pass graduated on time as much as 40%, other paths graduated on time by 26.7%, and pass filter exam on time 13.3%.
University Library Data Analysis to Help Book Collection Procurements using C4.5 Algorithm (Case Study: Udayana University Postgraduate Library) Anak Agung Gede Oka Kessawa Adnyana; I Nyoman Darma Kotama; Yanu Prapto Sudarmojo
International Journal of Engineering and Emerging Technology Vol 4 No 1 (2019): January - June
Publisher : Doctorate Program of Engineering Science, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University

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Library is one of many requirements for a university to be labeled as qualified university. Udayana University’s Library collections is one major concern. To keep a good collections that can fulfill the student and other academic purposes fulfilled. To create an efficient procurement, we need to keep tracks on every transactions that happening, to determine whether it is important to procure certain books from a certain study field by going through number of lending, number of novelty and book counts. Using C4.5 to learn about past procurement we are going to create an effective procurement
Evaluation Of Internal Control System Using COSO Framework (Case study: Koperasi Nirwana Arta Mandiri) Aggry Saputra; Zulfachmi Fachmi; Yanu Prapto Sudarmojo
International Journal of Engineering and Emerging Technology Vol 2 No 2 (2017): July - December
Publisher : Doctorate Program of Engineering Science, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University

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Good business activities undertaken by businesses verification and triangulation. Koperasi Nirwana Arta Mandiri has implemented some internal controls but seen from other components such as the control environment and risk assessment is still inadequate and require improvements to improve the effectiveness of the internal control itself.
The Concept of Gamification to Increase Position Decision Support System based on SAAS Method Rifky Lana Rahardian; Muhammad Anshari; Komang Oka Saputra
International Journal of Engineering and Emerging Technology Vol 1 No 1 (2016): July - December
Publisher : Doctorate Program of Engineering Science, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University

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Evaluation Process performance do not match reality, and through a very complicated process. As the employees were assessed on one criterion alone but immediately get a promotion. Though these employees are not necessarily superior to the other criteria, the absence of standards or the weight of a definite value in determining the quality of its staff and the absence of a system that can provide an alternative solution to employee performance evaluation for a promotion. There needs to be a system that can facilitate the General Manager in taking decisions raise. If the decision-making process is aided by a computerized decision support system, is expected to subjectivity in decision making can be reduced and can be replaced with the implementation of all criteria for all employees, so expect employees with the ability (other considerations) the best are selected. By applying the concept of gamification is expected the decision support process becomes more attractive and employees become more motivated in their work.
Effect of Solvents on Natural Dyes Extraction from Mangosteen Waste for Dye Sensitized Solar Cell Application I Nyoman Setiawan; Ida Ayu Dwi Giriantari; Wayan Gede Ariastina; Ida Bagus Alit Swamardika
International Journal of Engineering and Emerging Technology Vol 3 No 2 (2018): July - December
Publisher : Doctorate Program of Engineering Science, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University

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Natural dyes are economically and environmentally superior to ruthenium-based dyes because they are cheap and non-toxic. In this study, natural dyes were extracted from mangosteen peel waste. Color extraction was carried out with three types of solvents (distilled water, methanol and ethanol) which had been acidified with 10% citric acid and with a ratio of material: solvent (1: 4, 1: 6, 1: 8 w / v). The photochemical properties are studied by UV-Vis spectrophotometer and FTIR spectroscopy. The absorption peak of the three types of solvent occurs at different wavelengths. The presence of carbonyl (C = O) and hydroxyl (OH) groups contained in anthocyanins can attach coloring to the surface of TiO2. Ethanol solvents with a ratio of 1: 8 produce the lowest photon energy at wavelength and absorption coefficient of 539.00 nm and 2,008 km-1 respectively. The lowest band gap of the dye helps electrons move rapidly from the valence band to the conduction band and only requires less energy for electron recombination which will increase the performance of the DSSC.
Audit of Certification System Governance Using COBIT 5 Ni Luh Adriani; I Made Surya Sukma Mahardika; Ni Wayan Sri Aryani
International Journal of Engineering and Emerging Technology Vol 3 No 2 (2018): July - December
Publisher : Doctorate Program of Engineering Science, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University

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Efficient and effective IT resource management is needed to create solutions and minimize the risk of implementing Information Technology (IT) in organizations. The COBIT 5 framework helps in the information technology audit process because it covers all elements of the information technology used. Training Institute X is an institution to obtain certification from Tourism courses/training. Currently Training Institute X is developing information technology utilization in improving the quality of business processes in IT systems according to the vision, mission and purposes of the Training Institute X set. The need for an audit is because in its implementation there is still the use of information technology that has not been properly managed and alignment in the information technology process and business processes that have not yet been evaluated. In this paper the method to be used is COBIT 5 by using 3 domains that have been mapped according to the company's objectives, namely EDM, DSS and APO. Capability level measurement results in each domain of IT governance audit use COBIT 5 on the EDM and APO domains on level 2 (Managed process) and DSS on level 1 (Performed process).

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