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International Journal of Engineering and Emerging Technology
Published by Universitas Udayana
International Journal of Engineering and Emerging Technology is the biannual official publication of the Doctorate Program of Engineering Science, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University. The journal is open to submission from scholars and experts in the wide areas of engineering, such as civil and construction, mechanical, architecture, electrical, electronic, and computer engineering, and information technology as well. The scope of these areas may encompass: (1) theory, methodology, practice, and applications; (2) analysis, design, development and evaluation; and (3) scientific and technical support to establishment of technical standards.
Articles 197 Documents
Middleware ETL with CDC based on Event Driven Programming I Gede Adnyana; Made Sudarma; Wayan Gede Ariastina
International Journal of Engineering and Emerging Technology Vol 3 No 2 (2018): July - December
Publisher : Doctorate Program of Engineering Science, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University

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To achieve the real time data warehouse is strongly influenced by the process in the data warehouse known as Extract, Tranform, Loading (ETL). One way to optimize the ETL process is processing only data that undergoes changes on the On Line Transaction Processing (OLTP) system. This technique is known as Change Data Capture (CDC) which is designed to maximize the efficiency of the ETL process. In this research middleware was built as a place where the ETL process will be carried out, transaction data from the OLTP system will be captured and sent directly to the middleware for further processing. The method used to capture changes in OLTP systems is Change Data Capture (CDC) based on Event Driven Programming, where this technique relies on events that occur in OLTP in capturing data changes. Functional testing is done by making a simulation of the insert and update processes in test applications namely OLTP CRM system.The results of the research obtained are (1) Change Data Capture (CDC) based on Event Driven Programming can capture changes in data that occur in OLTP CRM database;(2) ETL process to load data from Normalized Data Store (NDS ) to data warehouse with Timestamp technique can load data that only undergoes changes that are processed to be loaded in Data Warehouse;(3) An increase in the amount of data that is processed has an effect on increasing processing time. Other factors that affect the value of process time are execution plan and cache memory
Experimental Study On The Use Of Ejector With Two-Evaporator Temperatures Applied For Performance Enhancement Of Split Type AC System Made Ery Arsana
International Journal of Engineering and Emerging Technology Vol 2 No 2 (2017): July - December
Publisher : Doctorate Program of Engineering Science, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University

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The study was focused on the performance of a modified split type air conditioning (AC) system that used an ejector as its expansion device. The purpose of this study was to demonstrate that replacement of accumulator device with secondary evaporator of a standard air conditioning ejector system could improve coefficient of performance (COP) of the system. The tested split air conditioning system was a non-inverter system charged with R290 refrigerant. The evaporator of the system was placed in a test chamber incorporated with electric air heater to maintain constant load to the system. The results showed that the modified ejector AC system utilizing secondary evaporator could provide significant COP enhancement of about 13% over that of the standard ejector AC system. Keywords: two evaporator temperature ejector system, COP enhancement, and split type AC system
Big Data Management Putu Suta Adya Dharma Rahadi; Kheri Arionadi Shobirin; Sri Ariyani
International Journal of Engineering and Emerging Technology Vol 1 No 1 (2016): July - December
Publisher : Doctorate Program of Engineering Science, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University

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In recent years, big data is a term representing large and complicated datasets that traditional data processing, including acquisition, pre-processing, storage, analytics, and visualization, etc, are not capable of tackling. Big data is a term that describes a large volume of data – both structured and unstructured – that inundates a business on a day-to-day basis. The usage of big data nowadays has deeply penetrated into various industries, such as e-commerce, retail, manufacturing, media, transportation, health-care, education, etc. In e-commerce, big data can be used in product ranking solution which offers solution to provide accurate information to the user based on their behavior when they are accessing any e-commerce website.
Management Information System of Event Organizer I Made Gede Yudiyana; Andrew Sumichan; Ni Wayan Sri Ariyani
International Journal of Engineering and Emerging Technology Vol 3 No 2 (2018): July - December
Publisher : Doctorate Program of Engineering Science, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University

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The rapid development of technology has had a major impact on the development of the industry to simplify the business processes involved. Event Organizer in the field of conference events is one of them which has many activities in one event that can be held more than one day. The management information system will assist and facilitate event activities in terms of ticket sales, booths, accommodation and activities outside of events such as tours held by organizer. The research methodology carried out begins with interviews with business operators organizing the event to look for functional requirements which are then produced at the end of the research a system that is in accordance with the needs to assist ongoing activities.
Classification Study Period Department of Information Systems at STMIK Bandung Bali using Support Vector Machine (SVM) Method Zulfachmi Zulfachmi; Aggry Saputra; I Gusti Ngurah Janardana
International Journal of Engineering and Emerging Technology Vol 3 No 1 (2018): January - June
Publisher : Doctorate Program of Engineering Science, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University

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Graduation is the final stage of learning processactivities in universities. The undergraduate study period underSTMIK Bandung Bali regulation is scheduled in 8 semesters (4years) or less and a maximum of 14 semesters (7 years).Information Systems is one of the majors in STMIK Bandung Bali.The study period of this department can be influenced by manyfactors. These factors are the Kumulatid Credit Index (IPK),gender, scholarship, part-time work, Student Activity Unit (UKM).Purpose of this study was to determine the classification ofaccuracy factors. In this study using SVM (Support VectorMachine) method with accuracy of 99.07%.
Data Mining for Clustering Revenue Plan Expense Area (APBD) by using K-Means Algorithm Wahyudin Wahyudin; I Putu Ari Wijaya; Ida Bagus Alit Swamardika
International Journal of Engineering and Emerging Technology Vol 2 No 1 (2017): January - June
Publisher : Doctorate Program of Engineering Science, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University

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APBD is a systematic detailed list of receipts, expenditures and local spending within a certain period ( 1 year ) arranged in Permendagri No. 16 of 2006, so that the data APBD can be used as guidelines for governments and local expenditures in carrying out activities to raise revenue to maintain economic stability and to avoid inflation and deflation. Government financial institutions in areas such as DPKA kota Bima, experienced difficulties in identifying the relevance of each archive data on a APBD that so much, that results in a data warehouse, in addition to the administration, APBD in the government of Kota Bima have not been effective. To minimize the difficulty in identifying heap data archive APBD, then the data warehouse can be used to produce a knowledge that by using the techniques of Data Mining ( DM ), the method used is clustering and forecasting, clusterisasi performed using the K-Means Algorithm while for forecasting with multiple linear regression. With this method intended to classify and identify the data in the budget that have certain characteristics in common, and can predict the value of APBD in the future.
Designing a Decision Support System for the Best Employee Selection Using AHP Method Case Study PT. Z Bali I Gusti Ngurah Wira Partha; Philipus Novenando Mamang Weking; Yanu Prapto Sudarmojo
International Journal of Engineering and Emerging Technology Vol 3 No 2 (2018): July - December
Publisher : Doctorate Program of Engineering Science, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University

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The chairman and owner of PT. Z Bali considers the employees who work in his company to be very important for the continuity of the industry in his company, so he is very concerned about what the employees need. His attention to the needs of his employees is realized by giving bonuses to employees who have the best performance in the company. Periodically he assigns tasks to the Human Resources Department (HRD) in his company to process the best employee selection or employees who have good quality work. But the best employee selection process at PT. Z Bali is still done manually and only based on the subjectivity of the HRD, this led to the HRD has trouble making decisions, so sometimes there is an employee who obtained the title of the best people by just looking at the first criteria, but these employees have not been certainly excelled on some other criteria. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to Designing a Decision Support System for the Best Employee Selection Using AHP Method Case Study PT. Z Bali to be able to help the difficulties that are being faced by the Human Resources Department (HRD) at PT. Z Bali.
The Audit of Governance Information Technology Services Using ITIL v3 Focuses on Service Operation Domain in Institution X Putu Sri Merta Suryani; dwi ardiada; I Gusti Ngurah Janardana
International Journal of Engineering and Emerging Technology Vol 2 No 2 (2017): July - December
Publisher : Doctorate Program of Engineering Science, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University

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Abstract-Information technology is currently growing very rapidly. Almost all agencies take advantage of the role of information technology. In the X agencies engaged in the social field of information technology as a goal that must be achieved. In order to create good government, an agency must be supported by good IT governance in order that information technology and business objectives are aligned and have added value for the agency. This study aims to measure the governance of IT services. This research is done because the agency X is now using IT services. The existence of good policies and procedures on the insight X can create a good service as well. This study uses the ITIL v3 framework that focuses on Service Operation domain. The ITIL framework is an IT services management guide. Measurement of maturity level using COBIT. The level of maturity in this governance audit is at level 3. Recommendations are given to achieve the expected targets within the ITIL framework. Keyword- Audit, ITIL V3, COBIT, IT Services
Analysis of Clustering for Grouping of Productive Industry by K-Medoid Method Indah Cahya Dewi; Bara Yuda Gautama; Putu Arya Mertasana
International Journal of Engineering and Emerging Technology Vol 2 No 1 (2017): January - June
Publisher : Doctorate Program of Engineering Science, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University

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With the number of existing data, would have difficulty in doing the classification and the classification of the existing data. To resolve the issue, one way to do clustering is with data mining using clustering technique. The purpose of this research is the importance of knowing the pattern of the production of an industry that can provide the decision and the construction of clustering patterns for development and industrial progress. The results of this research can provide recommendations to improve the development of industry, help the owners of industry to develop the industry to an increase in the number of production and product quality, improve the competitiveness of the owner of the industry in developing its products. In this research will use the K-Medoids algorithm for data grouping of the industry so that it will be found the information that can be used for the recommendations of the improvement of marketing. The results of clustering with the number of cluster 3 produces the first group contains 85 members, the second group contains 222 members and the third group numbered 3 members. The third group are classified as productive because it has a combination of the value of the production of the most high the results of clustering have the quality of purity worth 1 means good cluster quality.
Data Center Data Warehouse Development at Z Bali Clinic Using the Kimball Nine-Step Method I Gusti Ngurah Wira Partha; Philipus Novenando Mamang Weking; Putu Arya Mertasana
International Journal of Engineering and Emerging Technology Vol 4 No 1 (2019): January - June
Publisher : Doctorate Program of Engineering Science, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University

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Z Bali Clinic has implemented a clinical information system as an operational system. However, the system applied is only limited to carrying out registration and payment functions. Over time, the number of patients from the Z Bali Clinic is increasing and causes more and more complex patient visit data to be managed. The data is managed to be used in making reports. However, the process of making the report is still done through manual calculations, causing it to become an obstacle in the data processing and reporting process. In this study, the process of developing a Data center data warehouse at Z Bali Clinic Using the Kimball Nine-Step Method, where the data warehouse can be used as a center for processing and analyzing outpatient visit data, and to produce reports that can facilitate the executive in analyzing data on outpatient visits as consideration in making decisions at the Z Bali Clinic.

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