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Journal of Language, Literature, and Teaching
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JLLTE is an open access journal that publishes research-based articles or reviews. This journal is dedicated to expand information and knowledge related to language, literature, and teaching. It publishes articles triannually (April-July; August-November; December-March) managed by Sekolah Tinggi Bahasa Asing persahabatan Internasional Asia (STBA-PIA), Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia Focus and Scope 1.Second and Foreign Language Teaching and Learning 2.Bilingual and Multilingual education 3.Literature, Language, and Linguistics 4.Discourse Analysis 5.Translation 6.Stylistics
Articles 84 Documents
Speech Function In Insurance Advertising Slogans Johannes Jefria Gultom; Jimmy Jimmy
Journal of Language, Literature and Teaching Vol 1, No 1 (2019): April - July
Publisher : Journal of Language, Literature and Teaching

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (189.232 KB) | DOI: 10.35529/jllte.v1i1.99-102


The objectives of this study was to describe the types of speech function and the reasons of using them in the insurance advertising slogan. This research used descriptive qualitative research design. The data was taken from the insurance advertising slogans in the form of sentences that belonged to the types of speech function. To collect the data, the researcher used documentary technique. Based on the analysis of the data, it could be concluded that the types of speech function in the insurance advertising slogans can be classified into statement category. The reason of using speech function in the insurance advertising slogans was mostly used to persuade to readers or customers to join with the company despite of the speech functions of some advertisements which described its content.
浅谈印尼棉兰地区闽南方言里关于“停电”的表达 Antony Hardi
Journal of Language, Literature and Teaching Vol 2, No 1 (2020): April - July
Publisher : Journal of Language, Literature and Teaching

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (473.329 KB) | DOI: 10.35529/jllte.v2i1.113-119


A Brief Talk on the Condition of How Learners in Medan Learn the Blade-palatal Initials in Standard Chinese Antony Hardi
Journal of Language, Literature and Teaching Vol 1, No 1 (2019): April - July
Publisher : Journal of Language, Literature and Teaching

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (604.89 KB) | DOI: 10.35529/jllte.v1i1.1-17


Blade-palatal initials zh[ʈʂ], ch[ʈʂh], sh[ʂ], and r[ʐ] are important characteristics in Standard Chinese (Putonghua) pronunciation, which are also some difficult parts for non-Chinese speakers. This paper is intended to analyze the appearance and condition of the blade-palatal-initial pronunciation of learners in Medan, Indonesia, in which the learners are divided into two groups, Chinese Indonesians and locals. It also describes the brief differences between Standard Mandarin and Southern Min initials and between Standard Mandarin initials and Indonesian consonants. To achieve the objective, the research was conducted by using descriptive-qualitative design. Because there are no blade-palatal sounds either in Indonesian or in Southern Min, it is very common for Chinese descendants in Medan who speak Putonghua to always omit the blade-palatal parts, e.g.: “to eat” that should be pronounced as [ʈʂhʅ55] to always be pronounced as [ʦhəʔ], which is not correct and might lead to another meaning. As well as locals who speak Indonesian to always replace the blade-palatal sounds with the consonants which sound near to them: [ʦə], [ʦhə], [sə],[rə]. 
The Use of Edmodo Application System to Increase Motivation for Learning English in the Second Semester of English Department at Madura Islamic University Linta Wafdan Hidayah; Samsi Rijal; Rahmawati Ardila
Journal of Language, Literature and Teaching Vol 1, No 3 (2019): December - March (2020)
Publisher : Journal of Language, Literature and Teaching

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (387.988 KB) | DOI: 10.35529/jllte.v1i3.24-37


The use of technology in learning English is very important in today's modern era which is fully digital and electronic. Edmodo is one application of technology that can be used in the process of teaching and learning activities, also useful in learning English. Edmodo application can increase motivation to learn English and balance the development of an era that is completely sophisticated and fully uses electronic media technology. English learning in the second semester is the object of research and use of Edmodo system because second-semester students are considered to be still transitioning to emotional change so they need additional guidance in learning. The use of Edmodo is very useful for the second-semester students because they can discuss and share further online both with the lecturer and classmates. To support this research, researchers used descriptive qualitative. Edmodo is a developing application technology is very useful and important as a tool to assist lecturers in facilitating teaching and learning activities. This research focuses on the role of using Edmodo application in learning English to improve their learning skills and motivation of course. Keyword: Edmodo, application, improve, learning English  
Illocutionary Act in ABC new Interview with Meghan Markle and Prince Harry: A Pragmatic Study Muhammad Nasution; Syahron Lubis; Umar Mono
Journal of Language, Literature and Teaching Vol 1, No 2 (2019): August - November
Publisher : Journal of Language, Literature and Teaching

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (391.918 KB) | DOI: 10.35529/jllte.v1i2.7-21


Experiential Metafunction In Narrative Texts Alemina Alemina; Nanang Panggabean
Journal of Language, Literature and Teaching Vol 1, No 1 (2019): April - July
Publisher : Journal of Language, Literature and Teaching

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (160.146 KB) | DOI: 10.35529/jllte.v1i1.64-71


This study was aimed at describing the types of process and the reason of using those types in two narrative texts. It was conducted by using descriptive qualitative design. The data were collected by using documetary technique. There were 170 clauses in the story of Sleeping Beauty which contained material process (120/70,5%),mental process (9/5,3%), relational process (17/10,5%), verbal process (8/4,7%), behavioral process (12/7,1%) and existential process (4/2,3%). In the story of Zeus, there were 112 clauses which contained material process (81/72%), mental process (3/2,7%), relational process (23/20,9%), verbal process (2/1,8%),behavioral process (2/1,8%) and existential process (1/0,9%). From the data, it was concluded that all the types of processes were found in both strories. The reason of using those types because there was some descriptions of the events and were dominated by the act of doing performed by the participants.
Maksim-Maksim Kesantunan Berbahasa Tokoh dalam Novel Megat Karya Rida K Liamsi Hadi Rumadi; Syafrial .
Journal of Language, Literature and Teaching Vol 1, No 3 (2019): December - March (2020)
Publisher : Journal of Language, Literature and Teaching

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (457.706 KB) | DOI: 10.35529/jllte.v1i3.50-63


Latar belakang penelitian ini adalah fenomena kebahasaan tokoh dalam karya sastra berupa novel. Bahasa tokoh menarik untuk diteliti sebagai cerminan makna dan pesan cerita. Novel sebagai karya sastra memiliki peranan penting dalam merepresentatifkan nilai-nilai pendidikan, terutama kesantunan berbahasa. Rumusan penelitian adalah maksim-maksim apasajakah yang terdapat di novel Megat karya Rida K Liamsi. Tujuan penelitian yakni mendeskripsikan maksim-maksim apasajakah yang terdapat di novel Megat karya Rida K Liamsi. Manfaat penelitian sebagai media teoretis dan praktis. Teori yang digunakan adalah teori kesantunan berbahasa dan novel. Jenis penelitian adalah kualitatif. Objek penelitian yaitu novel Megat karya Rida K Liamsi. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif analitis. Teknik pengumpulan data menerapkan teknik dokumentasi dan kepustakaan dalam menganalisis kata, frasa, klausa, atau kalimat bahasa yang mengungkapkan kesantunan berbahasa melalui paparan maksim-maksim kesantunan. Teknik analisis adalah identifikasi, deskripsi, pembahasan hasil dan penyimpulan. Hasil dari penelitian teridentifikasi maksim kebijaksanaan 35 data, permufakatan 14 data, penghargaan 13 data, kedermawanan 4 data, kesederhanaan 13 data, kesimpatian 9 data. Kesantunan berbahasa tokoh terimplementasi melalui maksim-maksim kesantunan, sehingga unsur estetis dan etis bahasa dalam bertindak tutur oleh tokoh sangat diutamakan. Kata Kunci : Maksim, Kesantunan Berbahasa, Novel
从心所欲不逾矩:当代影视剧中的人性价值观对比观照 At one’s will but not beyond the rules: the viewpoint of comparison of the humanity value concept among the modern film and TV play Xue Mei Mei; Meng Shuguang
Journal of Language, Literature and Teaching Vol 1, No 2 (2019): August - November
Publisher : Journal of Language, Literature and Teaching

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (336.583 KB) | DOI: 10.35529/jllte.v1i2.1-6


【摘要】电影电视剧同小说戏曲一样,主要通过人物形象塑造和故事情节来展现一定时代和时期的不同人的生存状态,向观众传达有倾向性的人性价值观。本文以《欢乐颂 2》《那年花开月正圆》《漂洋过海来爱你》等几部当代影视剧为例,从正反两方面对剧中所体现的人性价值观进行对比观照,并从中国儒家传统哲学特别是明代哲学角度探讨作品的人性价值观导向。本文认为,时代在发展,社会环境越来越开放,当代影视剧特别是现实主义题材的影视作品在人性价值观的引导和传播方面,既要劝勉受众“缠绕的要脱洒”,又要提醒受众“放肆的要收敛”,从而引导人们树立“从心所欲不逾矩”的正确人性价值观,发挥文艺作品的正确导向功能。 【关键词】影视剧    人性价值观     从心所欲不逾矩
Motivasi Belajar Bahasa Mandarin Murid Kelas II SMP Sekolah Minggu Buddha Maitreya Medan Elly Romy; Nuryadi Nuryadi
Journal of Language, Literature and Teaching Vol 1, No 1 (2019): April - July
Publisher : Journal of Language, Literature and Teaching

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (166.389 KB) | DOI: 10.35529/jllte.v1i1.103-109


This research was aimed at explaining the learning motivation of the second grade of Junior High School students at Sekolah Minggu Buddha Maitreya Medan in learning Mandarin. Besides, the goal of this research was to describe the factors that influence their learning motivation. This study was conducted by using descriptive qualitative design. The subjects of this study was 20 students of the second grade of Junior High School students at Sekolah Minggu Buddha Maitreya. Motivation is divided into intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Thus, the study of the students’ learning motivation was separated according to the type of motivation. The results showed that there were about 8 students that had intrinsic motivation, while there were about 11 students that had extrinsic motivation. The factors that underlie this finding was due to the difficulty that the students faced in learning Mandarin.
Journal of Language, Literature and Teaching Vol 2, No 1 (2020): April - July
Publisher : Journal of Language, Literature and Teaching

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (255.511 KB) | DOI: 10.35529/jllte.v2i1.1-28


Nature is often not just a setting for a fictional story in a literary work, but can also be the main theme in a literary work. The existence of the link between nature and literature raises a concept of ecological problems in literature among literary critics. The term eco-criticism (ecocriticism) is used as a term regarding the concept of literary criticism related to nature and the environment. One of the writers who explored nature in literary works was Guntur Alam. One of his works is the short story "Harimau Belang". Short story "Harimau Belang" by Guntur Alam discusses ecological aspects related to the importance of protecting the forest and the importance of not behaving greedy in utilizing natural resources in the forest so that the animals in the forest can live and breed well. Based on this, the writer is interested in analyzing the short story "Harimau Belang" by Guntur Alam using literary ecological studies. This study used descriptive qualitative method. The research data were obtained using primary data and secondary data. The data analysis technique used in this research is descriptive qualitative. The technique is concretized with the ecocritical study method specifically regarding the problem of the relationships and interactions of the figures with the environment and the natural surroundings. Based on the results of the study, it was found that the natural ecology in the short story "Harimau Belang" is there is a relationship with nature as a source of human life and with efforts to preserve nature. Whereas the cultural ecology contained in the short story "Harimau Belang" is a belief in myth, mutual cooperation, and related livelihoods. Keywords: ecology, literature, short story “Harimau Belang”