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Journal of Language, Literature, and Teaching
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JLLTE is an open access journal that publishes research-based articles or reviews. This journal is dedicated to expand information and knowledge related to language, literature, and teaching. It publishes articles triannually (April-July; August-November; December-March) managed by Sekolah Tinggi Bahasa Asing persahabatan Internasional Asia (STBA-PIA), Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia Focus and Scope 1.Second and Foreign Language Teaching and Learning 2.Bilingual and Multilingual education 3.Literature, Language, and Linguistics 4.Discourse Analysis 5.Translation 6.Stylistics
Articles 84 Documents
Habit of Mind as Reflected in Applied Linguistics Research: An Analysis of Theses Writing by Undergraduate Students in EFL Teacher Education Berlin Sibarani
Journal of Language, Literature and Teaching Vol 2, No 1 (2020): April - July
Publisher : Journal of Language, Literature and Teaching

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (198.458 KB) | DOI: 10.35529/jllte.v2i1.%p


Habits of mind refers to collective thoughts shared by the members of a community which covers three aspects, they are the nature of knowledge and knowing the language, method of knowledge development, and rhetoric for the knowledge communication. Habits of minds develop as a result of learning. Personal belief governs the learning. Habits of minds or collective thought of Applied Linguistics researcher community shared by the undergraduate students of EFL education are incomplete.  This is indicated by the errors, mistake and misleading they made in writing the titles, research problems, review of related literature, research designs, subjects of the study, significances of the study, conceptual framework, data analysis, conclusions and suggestions. Habit of mind of the undergraduate students develops and the determinant factors of this development is personal belief of the students. Speeding up the acquisition of the habit of minds should be started from encouraging positive personal belief. 
“微电影”与“大电影”的承继与反哺 ——从“11 度青春”《老男孩》到《老男孩之猛龙过江》 The inheritage and return nurturing between the Microfilm and the Big Movie ——from the“11 Degrees of Youth“,“Old Boy“ to the “Old Boys:The Way of The Dragon“ Meng Shuguang; Xue Mei
Journal of Language, Literature and Teaching Vol 1, No 3 (2019): December - March (2020)
Publisher : Journal of Language, Literature and Teaching

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (313.315 KB) | DOI: 10.35529/jllte.v1i3.1-10


在互联网时代的“微革命”浪潮中,电影家族也迎来了新成员——“微电影”。那么,“微电影”与传统的“大电影”之间到底是各行其道, 还是相得益彰、并驾齐驱呢?笔者以“微电影” ——“11 度青春”《老男孩》与“大电影”——《老男孩之猛龙过江》及其之间的承继与反哺关系为例对这一问题进行探讨。“大电影”《老男孩之猛龙过江》无论在观众基础、题材音乐,还是在导演演员等方面,都极大程度地承继了“微电影”《老男孩》的成功因素,“微电影”为“大电影”奠基铺路。另一方面,“微电影”《老男孩》在营销传播、宣传互动,以及为“大电影”培养新生力量、储备后备人才方面体现出对“大电影”《老男孩之猛龙过江》的补充与反哺。因此,微时代下“微电影”的欣欣向荣并不是对传统“大电影”的取而代之,而是与之承继反哺、相得益彰、并驾齐驱、良性互动、共同发展的。我们希望,“微电影”与“大电影”之间能够形成更好的良性互动关系,希望更多的“微电影”能像《老男孩》一样,最终走进影院,延伸“大电影”的产业链。In the tide of micro-revolution in the internet era, the film family has alsoushered in a new membe“r  Micro-Film”. So, is micro-film different from the traditional“Big Film”or do they complement each other and keep pace with each other? The author takes“Micro- Film”——“11 Degrees of Youth”,“Old Boy”and“Big Film”——“Old Boys:The Way of The Dragon” and its relationship of inheritance and return nurturing as an example to discuss this issue. “ Big Film”,“Old Boys:The Way of The Dragon”,have inherited to a great extent the success factors of “ Micro-Film ” , “ Old Boy ” , in terms of audiences, theme music, directors and actors, and “ Micro-Film” paves the way for “ Big Film”. On the other hand, “ Micro-Film”, “ Old Boy”,complement and return nurture to“Big Film”, “Old Boys:The Way of The Dragon”, in marketing, communication, publicity and interaction, as well as in training new forces and reserving Supportive talents for “Big Film”. Therefore, the flourishing of “Micro-Film” in the micro-era is not to replace the traditional “Big Film”, but to inherit and return nurturing, complement each other, keep pace with each other, interact benignly and develop together with it. We hope that there will be a better interaction between “Micro Film” and “Big Film”, and more “Micro Film” like “Old Boy”will eventually enter the cinema and extend the industry chain of “Big Film”. 
Jamie Sullivan and Landon Carter : the Unique Characters in Nicholas Sparks’s Novel A Walk To Remember Felicia Bernadeth Simanjuntak; Syahron Lubis; Ridwan Hanafiah
Journal of Language, Literature and Teaching Vol 1, No 2 (2019): August - November
Publisher : Journal of Language, Literature and Teaching

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (408.581 KB) | DOI: 10.35529/jllte.v1i2.50-62


Abstract This reearch told about main characters in a love  story novel A Walk to Remember between Jamie Sullivan and Landon Carter, when they were seventeen years old, which ended marriage on young ages. The problem was formulated on what were the unique characters of Jamie Sullivan and Landon Carter and how they as characters could develop in that novel. The writer used the qualitative descriptive method and intrinsic approach. . To collect data, the writer followed these steps: (a) reading the whole novel, (b) selecting the physical appearance and attitude of Jamie Sullivan and Landon Carter, (c) classifying the data dealing with the problem of the research (d) summarizing. The results showed they were uniqueness characters because Jamie's uniqueness were she married at young age when she was dying of leukemia, she always carried the Bible and read it, her appearances, and her way to socialize with others; Landon's uniqueness were he wanted to help although he was a rebel boy, he changed be the good man because his love for Jamie, and he let his life the way of the Bible taught as the example he still married Jamie although he knew that Jamie was dying. Sparks as the author of novel portrayed them very clearly such as their age, family background, location they live, physical appearance, personality, and conflict within the story Keywords: literature, novel, the elements of novel, character
Pengaruh Media Buku Cerita Bergambar Terhadap Pemahaman Membaca Bahasa Mandarin Murid SD kelas 1 W.R. Supratman 2 Medan Lyna Lyna; Charissa Charissa
Journal of Language, Literature and Teaching Vol 1, No 1 (2019): April - July
Publisher : Journal of Language, Literature and Teaching

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (314.809 KB) | DOI: 10.35529/jllte.v1i1.56-63


This research was aimed at finding out the effect of storybook as the learning media on the first grade primary school students’ reading comprehension at W.R. Supratman 2 Medan. The storybook included the interrelated pictures and sentences that formed a coherent story. This research used experimental design. The subjects of this research was 88 students which were divided into 44 students in control group and 44 students in experimental group. From the data analysis, this research revealed that the average score of experimental group was 69.32 which was higher than the average score of control group 48.18 (69.32 48.18), and the result of t-test showed that tcount = 3.14 was higher than ttabel = 1.68 (3.14 1.68). It showed that thye effect of the storybook significantly influenced the achievement of the students’ reading comprehension.
Peningkatan Kemampuan Membaca Intensif Melalui Metode SQ3R Mahasiswa Perikanan Universitas Islam Madura Rahmawati Ardila; Moh. Taufiq Hidayat
Journal of Language, Literature and Teaching Vol 1, No 3 (2019): December - March (2020)
Publisher : Journal of Language, Literature and Teaching

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (395.301 KB) | DOI: 10.35529/jllte.v1i3.64-79


Bahasa merupakan komponen terpenting dalam kehidupan manusia. Manusia tidak akan bisa melanjutkan kelangsungan hidup mereka dengan baik dan teratur tanpa adanya bahasa. Mereka tidak bisa berinteraksi dengan mudah dan baik jika mereka tidak menguasai bahasa antara satu sama lain dan dengan tidak adanya kesinambungan tersebut mereka juga tidak dapat menangkap ekspresi kejiwaan maupun keinginan yang diutarakan oleh lawan komunikasinya. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Universitas Islam Madura ( UIM) Pamekasan disebabkan rendahnya kemampuan mahasiswa khususnya Fakultas Pertanian dalam membaca  dan hal tersebut menjadi masalah yang dominan dalam penelitian ini. Seorang pengajar merupakan manusia biasa yang tidak luput dari segala kekurangan dan keterbatasan yang meliputi keterbatasan ilmu pengetahuan, manajemen/pengelolaan kelas, serta keterbatasan dalam memahami karakter masing-masing peserta didiknya. Pembelajaran membaca memang mempunyai peranan penting sebab melalui pembelajaran membaca, dosen dapat mengembangkan nilai-nilai moral, kemampuan bernalar dan kualitas peserta didik. Metode SQ3R merupakan salah satu bagian dari sebuah metode elaborasi. Seorang pengajar mengharapkan peserta didik/mahasiswa mampu mengingat apa yang mereka baca, dapat membantu proses belajar mengajar di kelas yang dilaksanakan dengan kegiatan membaca intensif sehingga pembelajaran bisa lebih menantang dan menyenangkan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitan kuantitatif, yaitu kemampuan mahasiswa dalam membaca text Bahasa Inggris di Universitas Islam Madura (UIM) Pamekasan.Kata kunci  :  Metode  SQ3R, Membaca Intensif. 
Maxim Violation by Indonesian Government Officials with Different Cultures in TV Talk Show Meriani Meriani; Berlin Sibarani
Journal of Language, Literature and Teaching Vol 1, No 2 (2019): August - November
Publisher : Journal of Language, Literature and Teaching

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (366.479 KB) | DOI: 10.35529/jllte.v1i2.22-31


This research aimed at describing the violation of Grice Maxim’s Cooperative Principle by the three government officials in a TV Talkshow. Mata Najwa Talk Show and to seek out if the assumption of the different cultures would be the reason why the subjects violated the maxim. To achieve the purpose, this research was designed with descriptive qualitative. Its data were collected with documentary techniques in which the data were collected from the utterances between the host and the subjects in Mata Najwa Talk Show videos. To analyze the data Miles’ and Huberman analysis model was applied. The results of the research showed that not all of the officials violated the maxims. LBP violated all of the maxims, but JK did not, he violated the only maxim of quantity, quality, and relevance. JW did not violate all the maxim either. He violated the only maxim of relevance and maxim of quantity. The matrices showed that the different choice of what maxim to be violated was caused by their different culture. In the violation of more than one maxims, the three government officials did the violation in a different sequence. LBP firstly obeyed the M.of Rl and violated the M.of Qn, Meanwhile JK tends to violate M.of Qn and violated M.of Rl and Jokowi violated the M.of Rl and obeying the M.of Qn. These differences were due to the factor of social status, culture, education experience and awareness of the communication format of talk show, in which the participants are of three partied, namely host, guest, and TV audience all over Indonesia.
Journal of Language, Literature and Teaching Vol 2, No 3 (2020): DECEMBER - MARCH (2021)
Publisher : Journal of Language, Literature and Teaching

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35529/jllte.v2i%.20-25


The discussion of translation used by students has been investigated long time ago in which the setup of the Second Language Development was firstly established, i.e around 1900s. Many Error Analyses on translation have been analyzed by linguists which become the valuable contributions towards the study of translation.This study deals with error analysis of students’ project on translations of English Department of UNIMED so that there could be drawn some factors that make students are in difficulty in translating texts idiomatically. Qualitative method is used in analyzing this study and all the data are taken from students’ projects and worksheets on translation.Among factors that cause students are in difficulty in translating texts idiomatically are less understanding the meanings of the texts, do not fully master the lexicogrammar, do not understand the language concepts, social context, language use, etc. Keywords : Translating texts idiomatically, Error Analysis, Second language Acquisition, First language (L1), Second Language (S2)
Journal of Language, Literature and Teaching Vol 2, No 2 (2020): August - November
Publisher : Journal of Language, Literature and Teaching

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35529/jllte.v2i2.%p


Materials/coursebook evaluation is one of the features in materials development. It is imperative to conduct materials evaluation in order to examine whether the materials covered in the coursebooks are in accordance with teaching objectives, in line with learners’ needs, suits the learners’ background and above all, whether it is devised on the principles of language learning basis.  Evaluation checklists—the instrument used to evaluate the materials—have been developed during the past few years; however, they might need revising as the items in the checklist have not represented aspects which should be assessed such as the incorporation local cultures. For this reason, the current study attempted to propose adapted criteria and a model of evaluation checklist which expectedly suit English coursebooks both local and international English coursebooks. 19 respondents were involved in this research to try out the adapted checklist. In addition, they were required to give some feedback on the items of the checklist. The results have indicated that evaluation checklist items embody the paramount aspects of English language teaching and learning and integrate items representing local English coursebooks written by Indonesian authors and those written by non-Indonesian writers.  Although the reliability and the validity of the checklist were not investigated, the proposed checklist might be worth trying to evaluate both local and international English cousebooks.
Journal of Language, Literature and Teaching Vol 2, No 2 (2020): August - November
Publisher : Journal of Language, Literature and Teaching

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35529/jllte.v2i2.%p


ABSTRACT  The objective of the study is to develop project assessment for student’s writing assessment of recount text and to design the appropriate assessment for Computer Network Enginering students grade X at SMK Negeri 2 Binjai. The study used research and development method.The data of the study were taken from English teacher of Computer Network Engineering grade X at SMK Negeri 2 Binjai. Then the data were analyzed and developed into writing assessment.The average of the project assessment is 4,6 and the percentage is 92% .The result showed that the development of project assessment at SMK Negeri 2 Binjai is categorized  “Very Good”. The English writing assessment was developed through six phases, they were; 1) gathering information and data, 2) analyzing data, 3) designing new writing assessments, 4) validating by experts, 5) revising writing assessments, and 6) final product.Keywords: Project assessment, development, writing, Computer Network Engineering. ABSTRAKTujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan penilaian proyek penilaian menulis teks recount siswa dan untuk merancang penilaian yang sesuai untuk siswa Teknik Jaringan Komputer siswa kelas X di SMK Negeri 2 Binjai. Kajian ini menggunakan metode penelitian dan pengembangan. Data penelitian ini diambil dari guru Bahasa Inggris Teknik Jaringan Komputer kelas X di SMK Negeri 2 Binjai kemudian dikembangkan menjadi rubrik penilaian projek menulis teks recout. Rata-rata penilaian proyek adalah 4,6 dengannpersentase 92%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengembangan penilaian proyek di SMK Negeri 2 Binjai dikategorikan “Sangat Baik”. Penilaian penulisan bahasa Inggris dikembangkan melalui enam fase, yaitu; 1) mengumpulkan informasi dan data, 2) menganalisis data, 3) merancang penilaian penulisan baru, 4) memvalidasi oleh para ahli, 5) merevisi penilaian penulisan, dan 6) produk akhir. Kata Kunci: Project assessment, development, writing, Computer Network Engineering. 
Journal of Language, Literature and Teaching Vol 2, No 3 (2020): DECEMBER - MARCH (2021)
Publisher : Journal of Language, Literature and Teaching

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35529/jllte.v2i%.1-12


Song is a part of a person that can influence the emotions and thoughts. Nowdays millennial generation really like songs both to listen to and sing, especially western songs that are currently become hits songs. Previous studies have examined a lot about the effectiveness of using songs in learning English for young children. In this study, the authors wanted to examine the extent to which STMIK STIKOM Indonesia students' interest in learning English vocabulary through western hits songs, how to implement it properly, and how much effectiveness of using songs in learning English vocabulary. This study was designed using descriptive analysis through a linguistic approach.Keywords: Hits Songs, Western Songs, Learning with Songs.