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Jurnal Kebidanan Harapan Ibu Pekalongan
ISSN : 25492772     EISSN : 25795481     DOI : 10.37402
Core Subject : Health, Education,
Jurnal ini berisi sekumpulan Jurnal Kesehatan yang merupakan hasil penelitian, kajian teoritis dan konsep dasar di bidang kesehatan
Articles 121 Documents
Perilaku Perawatan Luka Perinium, Pola Hidup Sehat dan Kondisi Kesehatan Ibu Post Partum Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Islah Wahyuni
Jurnal Kebidanan Harapan Ibu Pekalongan Vol 7 No 2 (2020): Jurnal Kebidanan Harapan Ibu Pekalongan
Publisher : LPPM Akademi Kebidanan Harapan Ibu Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (231.186 KB) | DOI: 10.37402/jurbidhip.vol7.iss2.92


The pandemic covid-19 needs to be an effort to handle infection prevention for mothers and infants. Infection in pregnancy accounts for 11% of the causes maternal morbidity, the most vulnerable period for infection is in the puerperium or after delivery. One of the factors that facilitate infection is wound the birth canal. It can be a pathway for microorganisms. A healthy lifestyle is also a factor influencing the healing of perineal wounds. There is a relationship between of knowledge, nutrition, exercise and personal hygiene. Perineal injury requires time to heal for 2-3 weeks and it takes good care of the perineal wound to avoid infection. The purpose of the study was to identify the behavior of perineal Wound Care, Healthy Lifestyle and post partum maternal health conditions during the Covid-19 Pandemic at BPM Islah Wahyuni. The sample of 30 respondents were post partum on March 10 to June 25, 2020. The results obtained from the Behavioral Care of Perineal Injury both 27 respondents 90%, Healing Time <3 weeks 20 respondents (80%), PerinealInfection 0%, conditions physically healthy (96.7%). Post partum mothers should maintain perineal wound care, promote health and preventing transmission of post partum infection during this pandemic covid-19.
Hubungan Perilaku Sosial Budaya Pijat Bayi dengan Kemauan Ibu Melakukan Pijat Bayi Endah Wijayanti; Evita Aurilia Nardina
Jurnal Kebidanan Harapan Ibu Pekalongan Vol 7 No 2 (2020): Jurnal Kebidanan Harapan Ibu Pekalongan
Publisher : LPPM Akademi Kebidanan Harapan Ibu Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (175.812 KB) | DOI: 10.37402/jurbidhip.vol7.iss2.93


Based on the survey results found 7 out of 10 mothers who have babies aged 0-1 years want to massage the baby. This is because the mother considers baby massage to be an alternative treatment that can make a healthy baby, the mother's willingness to do baby massage can be influenced by traditions or culture that existed and adopted by the community passed down from generation to generation so that it has become a tradition and culture in the village community the.The research design used in this study is correlation analytic with cross sectional approach. The number of samples in this study were 40 mothers who had babies aged 0-1 years in April-May 2018.Based on statistical tests with the Chi Square test obtained Chi Square count (4.388)> Chi Square table (3.841) and p value = 0.036 (<0.05) so Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected, which means there is a relationship between maternal behavior and the tradition of infant massage age 0 -1 year with the willingness of the mother to do baby massage in Temulus village, Mejobo sub-district, Kudus Regency.
Kompres Air Hangat dalam Mengurangi Nyeri Persalinan Kala I Marlynda Happy Nurmalita Sari; Anis Alina Ramadhani
Jurnal Kebidanan Harapan Ibu Pekalongan Vol 7 No 2 (2020): Jurnal Kebidanan Harapan Ibu Pekalongan
Publisher : LPPM Akademi Kebidanan Harapan Ibu Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (172.217 KB) | DOI: 10.37402/jurbidhip.vol7.iss2.94


Every prespective mother has different intensity and level of pain during a labor. The greatest pain happens in the end of the first phase on servix opening, contraction and maximum uterus. Labor pain causes an uncomfortable feeling during labor process. There are many ways to resolve the pain, but the most effective way have not found yet. The purpose of this research is to measure the warm water compresses efectivity in resolving labor pain on the first phase. Design research with quasi experiment. The sample of this research are 28 giving birth mothers on the first active phase. The study was conducted by compressing warm water on the mother's back for 20 minutes by measuring pain scale. The results showed that mothers who entered labor in the first active phase had pain with a mean of 3.28 higher than mothers after warm water compresses with a mean of 1.54. The results of the dependent T-test analysis is P-value 0.0001 (P <0.05). There is a significant difference in pain of mothers entering labor on the first active phase before being given warm water compresses than after being given warm water compresses.
Perbedaan Penggunaan Minyak Zaitun dan Minyak VCO (Virgin Coconut Oil) dengan Kejadian Strie Gravidarum pada Ibu Nifas Hari 1-7 Yuli Irnawati
Jurnal Kebidanan Harapan Ibu Pekalongan Vol 7 No 2 (2020): Jurnal Kebidanan Harapan Ibu Pekalongan
Publisher : LPPM Akademi Kebidanan Harapan Ibu Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (161.873 KB) | DOI: 10.37402/jurbidhip.vol7.iss2.95


Striae gravidarum can be reduced by the use of olive oil.. 100 g of extra virgin oil contains 14.39 mcg alpha tocopherol. Whereas the coconut oil in 100 g only contains 0.1 mg of Vitamin E. The purpose of this study was to analyze the difference between the use of olive oil and coconut oil on the incidence of strie gravidarum in pregnant women. This research is included in experimental research. All pregnant women in January to August were 30 pregnant women. The sample in this study were 15 pregnant women who used olive oil and 15 pregnant women who used VCO oil. The mean value of Strie Gravidarum in postpartum mothers given Olive oil is 3.13 in a day and the standard deviation is 1,642. While the mean value (mean) of Strie Gravidarum in postpartum mothers who were given VCO oil was 2.93 in a day and the standard deviation was 1.831. Statistical test results with independent sample t test obtained p-value = 0.007 (p-value<a = 0.05), these results indicate that there are significant differences between the administration of olive oil and VCO oil to striae gravidarum in postpartum mothers.
Hubungan Frekuensi Makan dan Pola Istirahat dengan Produksi Asi pada Ibu Nifas Christina Nur Widayati; Yuwanti Yuwanti; Rizki Sahara
Jurnal Kebidanan Harapan Ibu Pekalongan Vol 7 No 2 (2020): Jurnal Kebidanan Harapan Ibu Pekalongan
Publisher : LPPM Akademi Kebidanan Harapan Ibu Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (163.849 KB) | DOI: 10.37402/jurbidhip.vol7.iss2.96


Breast milk is an emulsion of fat in a solution of protein, lactase and organic salts secreted by the two sides of the mother's breast glands, as the main food for the baby. Post-partum mothers who produce little breast milk will interfere with the adequacy of the baby's needs during their growth and development. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between eating frequency and resting patterns with mother's milk production during the postpartum period in the village of Kontak Grobogan. This research method using analytical method with cross sectional approach. The sample in this study amounted to 31 people. The analytical test for the research hypothesis used the Chi Square test. The results of this study show that mothers who consume food frequently are 38.7%, and mothers who have good resting patterns have sufficient milk production as much as 14.3%. The results of the analysis using Chi Square with α = 0.05 on the frequency of eating with breast milk production found a p value = 0.092, while the resting pattern with breast milk production is known to have a p value = 0.241. It can be concluded from this study that the frequency of eating is not related to the production of breast milk in the mother, and the resting pattern is also not related to the production of breast milk in the mother during the postpartum period.
Hubungan Pengetahuan dengan Keikutsertaan Wanita Usia Subur (WUS) dalam Pemeriksaan IVA Misrina Retnowati; Naomi Pramila
Jurnal Kebidanan Harapan Ibu Pekalongan Vol 7 No 2 (2020): Jurnal Kebidanan Harapan Ibu Pekalongan
Publisher : LPPM Akademi Kebidanan Harapan Ibu Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (187.905 KB) | DOI: 10.37402/jurbidhip.vol7.iss2.97


Cancer is a non-communicable disease that has become a health problem in the world, including in Indonesia. The high mortality rate from cervical cancer globally can be reduced by early detection through IVA testing. The high number of cervical cancer sufferers in Indonesia is due to the low motivation of WUS to perform IVA examinations, based on WUS 'knowledge of IVA examinations. This study aims to determine the relationship between knowledge and participation of women of childbearing age in IVA examinations in Pangebat Village. This type of research is an analytical survey research using a cross sectional approach. The population in this study were all women of fertile age (WUS) in Pangebat village as many as 851 people. The sample in this study as many as 90 people were taken by proportional random sampling technique. Univariate analysis using frequency distribution and bivariate analysis using Chi Square test. The results showed that knowledge of WUS about cervical cancer was mostly good as many as 48 people (53.3%) and most of them did not follow IVA examination as many as 56 people (62.2%). The results of bivariate analysis using the chi square test obtained p value = 0.010, which means that there is a relationship between knowledge and participation of WUS in the IVA examination. The conclusion is that there is a relationship between knowledge and the participation of women of childbearing age in IVA examinations in Pangebat Village.
Efektifitas Kelengkapan Pendokumentasian Buku KIA untuk Deteksi Resiko Tinggi Kehamilan Pedvin Ratna Meikawati; Ana Setyowati; Ni’matul Ulya
Jurnal Kebidanan Harapan Ibu Pekalongan Vol 7 No 2 (2020): Jurnal Kebidanan Harapan Ibu Pekalongan
Publisher : LPPM Akademi Kebidanan Harapan Ibu Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (164.102 KB) | DOI: 10.37402/jurbidhip.vol7.iss2.109


The Maternal and Child Health Book (KIA) is a form of family and community active participation in the field of maternal and child health. The successful application of the MCH Handbook as a tool to increase the coverage of MCH services is inseparable from the role of the parties related to the health of pregnant women, mothers in labor, newborns, infants and toddlers. The MCH Handbook has several uses, among others, as a guide for mothers and children to contain information and records on maternal and child health, and the MCH handbook serves as the only means of recording maternal and child health. This study aims to analyze the completeness of documenting pregnant women data from the MCH Handbook at the Pekalongan City Health Center. This research was conducted using a combination of quantitative and qualitative research methods (mixed methodology). Quantitative research uses survey research methods and a cross sectional approach, where the variables are measured at the same time. The population in this study was the KIA book, while the samples in this study were midwives who were serving at the Puskesmas with a minimum work period of 1 year and pregnant women who were having their pregnancies examined, the sample size was determined by the incidental sampling method and purposive sampling based on the health center used. The test results with logistic regression obtained p value <0.05 and the value of Exp (B) ≥ 2 is the variable of tenure. The working period variable has a p value of 0.095, the value of Exp (B) is 10.0 (OR ≥ 2), while the history variable does not have a p value <0.05, namely with a p value of 0.341, the value of Exp (B) is 3.0. So it can be concluded that there is no effect of working period and history together on the completeness of the MCH book documentation for early detection of high risk in pregnancy. Midwives at the Pekalongan City Health Center are advised to further improve the completeness of the MCH Handbook in the early detection of high-risk pregnant women. Increase motivation to midwives by rewarding midwives who have performed their duties well.
Hubungan Pendidikan dan Pendapatan Orang Tua dengan Pertumbuhan Balita Yulia Nur Khayati; Sundari Sundari
Jurnal Kebidanan Harapan Ibu Pekalongan Vol 8 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Kebidanan Harapan Ibu Pekalongan
Publisher : LPPM Akademi Kebidanan Harapan Ibu Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (154.489 KB) | DOI: 10.37402/jurbidhip.vol8.iss1.114


The factors influencing the growth and development of children are internal factor, external factor which is prenatal factor, during giving birth factor and after giving birth factor. Prenatal factors include nutrition, mechanism, toxin, endoctrine, radiation, and mother’s psychological condition, while for the factors after giving birth are nutrition, psychological condition, social environment and stimulation. Family and culture factors involve parents’ job and income, educational levels and knowledge. The purpose of this research is to know the correlation between parents’ educational levels and income with the growth of children under five measured by using Body Weight/Body Height (BB/TB) and Body Height/Age (TB/A). The method applied analytical observational using cross sectional approach. The samples were children under five aged 0-5 years as many as 75 respondents. The technique to collect the data used WHO’s growth table consisting of body height per age (TB/U) and body weight per body height (BB/TB), parents’ job and income were collected by using questionnaires and analyzed bivariately by using chi Square test. The results of this research showed a correlation between parents’ educational levels and income with the growth (TB/U), a correlation between parents’ educational levels and the growth of the children (BB/TB) and no correlation between parents’ income with the growth of the children (BB/TB)
Kesiapan Wanita Usia 45-55 Tahun dalam Menghadapi Perubahan Masa Menopause Ni’matul Ulya; Putri Andanawarih
Jurnal Kebidanan Harapan Ibu Pekalongan Vol 8 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Kebidanan Harapan Ibu Pekalongan
Publisher : LPPM Akademi Kebidanan Harapan Ibu Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (161.179 KB) | DOI: 10.37402/jurbidhip.vol8.iss1.115


Menopause is a process of transition from the productive period to the nonproductive period due to the reduction in the hormones estrogen and progesterone. The average age of most women going through menopause is between the ages of 45 and 55. Some women consider menopause to be a frightening thing, this worry comes from the thought that they will become unhealthy so that they feel anxious. In Indonesia, by 2025 it is estimated that there will be 60 million menopausal women. Readiness to face menopause is a condition for mothers to prepare themselves for menopause both physically, mentally and psychologically. The purpose of this study was to determine the readiness of women aged 45-55 years in facing menopause changes in Kuripan Yosorejo Village. This research is a quantitative study with a cross sectional study design and using the chi square statistical test. The results obtained p value 0.01 <α (0.05), which means that there is a relationship between knowledge of menopause and readiness to face changes in menopause. With this research, it is hoped that menopausal mothers can increase their knowledge about reproductive health, especially about menopause by reading many books about menopause or through other information media so that it can increase understanding of how to deal with menopause and reduce complaints before menopause, especially for menopausal mothers at a level lack of knowledge.
Hubungan Keragaman Pangan dengan Kejadian Stunting Wulan Margiana; Evicenna N Riani; Ima Syamrotul M
Jurnal Kebidanan Harapan Ibu Pekalongan Vol 8 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Kebidanan Harapan Ibu Pekalongan
Publisher : LPPM Akademi Kebidanan Harapan Ibu Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (138.651 KB) | DOI: 10.37402/jurbidhip.vol8.iss1.116


Stunting is a nutritional problem in the world, there are 165 million children under five in the world who are stunted. Eighty percent of children under five with stunting are spread across 14 countries in the world and Indonesia is in the fifth rank of the countries with the largest number of stunting. Stunting data in Indonesia shows that the national prevalence of stunting has increased from 35.6% (2010) to 37.2% (2013). This condition illustrates that around 8.9 million Indonesian children experience slow growth or one in three children is stunted. Based on a stunting survey study conducted in 2018, Banyumas Regency is included in the top 100 districts / cities with the highest stunting rate in Indonesia. Banyumas is one of the areas selected to be the priority in handling children under five stunting cases in Central Java along with nine other districts or cities. Rempoah Baturaden Village is one of the priority targets in an effort to reduce stunting in Banyumas district. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between food diversity and the incidence of stunting in the village of Rempoah Baturaden, Banyumas Regency. The research method used was analytic observational research, with a cross sectional design. The results show that there is a relationship between food diversity and the incidence of stunting in Rempoah Baturaden Village, Banyumas Regency.

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