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Journal of Parasite Science
Published by Universitas Airlangga
ISSN : 25990993     EISSN : 26565331     DOI :
Journal of Parasite Science (JoPS) publishes the results of original research in all aspects of basic and applied parasitology, and ranging from parasites biodiversity, parasites of all wildlife, invertebrate and vertebrate, as well as host-parasite relationships of intrinsic biological interest to those of social and economic importance predominately in veterinary, human medicine and agriculture aspect. Original research includes the development of novel and innovative concepts and ideas, as well as experimental and observational science that raises new theory.
Articles 6 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol. 1 No. 2 (2017): Journal of Parasite Science" : 6 Documents clear
The Anthelmintic Activity of Ethanol Extract of Basil Leaves (Ocimum americanum Linn.) Againt Haemonchus contortus Death in Vitro Rari Noviana; Chairul Anwar Nidom; Agus Sunarso; Setiawan Koesdarto; Sri Mumpuni Sosiawati; Iwan Sahrial Hamid
Journal of Parasite Science (JoPS) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2017): Journal of Parasite Science
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (455.906 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/jops.v1i2.16289


Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui daya anthelmintik dari ekstrak etanol daun kemangi (Ocimum americanum Linn.) terhadap mortalitas cacing Haemonchus contortus secara in vitro. Sediaan ekstrak dibuat dengan konsentrasi (berat/volume) 2,5%, 5%, 7,5%, dan 10%. Untuk kontrol positif digunakan PBS dan DMSO sedangkan untuk kontrol negatif digunakan Albendazole 10 mg/ml. Sebanyak 10 ekor cacing Haemonchus contortus betina direndam dengan berbagai perlakuan dalam cawan petri. Masing-masing perlakuan diulang sebanyak 4 kali. Pengamatan dilakukan setiap 1 jam sekali selama 6 jam untuk melihat apakah cacing masih hidup atau sudah mati. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak daun kemangi memiliki efek anthelmintik terhadap cacing Haemonchus contortus secara in vitro. Makin tinggi konsentrasi ekstrak, maka daya anthelmintiknya juga semakin tinggi. Pada ekstrak konsentrasi 10% memiliki kemampuan anthelmintik yang hampir sama dengan Albendazole.
Prevalence of Trypanosomiasis of Wild Rats (Rattus sp.) in Banyuwangi Zhaza Afililla; Lucia Tri Suwanti; Sri Agus Sudjarwo; Setiawan Koesdarto; Hani Plumeriastuti
Journal of Parasite Science (JoPS) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2017): Journal of Parasite Science
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (416.043 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/jops.v1i2.16283


The aim of this research was to investigate the number of prevalence of Trypanosomiasis of wild rats in Banyuwangi. Sixty wild rats were trapped from human residence, markets and rice fields in Banyuwangi. Rat`s  blood smear was stained by Giemsa. The result show that one (1.67%.) of 60 blood sample was appear Trypanosoma sp..  The prevalence of Trypanosomiasis of wild rats in Banyuwangi was 1.67%.
Anthelmintic Potential Extract Mango Gadung Seed (Mangifera indica L.) Mecistocirrus digitatus in vitro Ria Nikmatul Jannah; Sri Mumpuni Sosiawati; Sri Chusniati; Kusnoto Kusnoto; Rahmi Sugihartuti; Setiawati Sigit
Journal of Parasite Science (JoPS) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2017): Journal of Parasite Science
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (321.229 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/jops.v1i2.16290


This research aim to attest the potential anthelmintic extract  mango seed gadung  (Mangifera indica L.) against worms Mecistosirrus digitatus in vitro, the study also aims to determine the effect of immersion time, variasis concentration and the relationship between time and treatment. this study used 210 M. digitatus worm extracted regardless of gender worms. treatment that is given was  the concentration  extract  mango seed gadung  was 5%, 7.07%, 10%, 14.14%, 20%, negative control using NaCl physiological  and comparison using levamisole Hidrokloride 0.0025 mL. Observations death worm Mecistocirrus digitatus and observations were made at the 6th hour, 12th hour, 18th hour and 24th hour. The results showed that variations in concentration, soaking time and the relationship between soaking time with the treatment affect mortality Mecistocirrus digitatus worms. Test results of the analysis statitistik using factorial Anova and Duncan's Multiple Range Test showed a significant difference (p<0.01) between the time factor, variations in concentration and relations between time and treatment.
Effect of Garlic (Allium sativum) Infusion On The Time of Death of Ascaridia galli Ida Yuniarti; Suzanita Utama; Setiawan Koesdarto; Lucia Tri Suwanti; Ngakan Made Rai Widjaja
Journal of Parasite Science (JoPS) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2017): Journal of Parasite Science
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (416.655 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/jops.v1i2.16284


Infectious disease is a major problem for animal husbandry. One of infectious disease is caused by Ascaridia galli (A. galli). Ascaridiasis occurs in either broiler or layer that caused decrease of meat and egg productions. Garlic (Allium sativum) contain alicin  that have the ability to kill parasites.This research was conducted to determine the effect of garlic on time of death of A. galli. In this research used A. galli with length 7-11 cm regardless the sex. The treatment used local (Indonesian garlic), kating and single garlic with concentration of 39.50%, 62.40% and 98.60%. The negative control used NaCl physiology (0.9 %). The result showed that all the treatment group can shortened the time of death of A. galli compared to control. The time of death of A. galli on local garlic infusion with 39.50 % concentration was 6.24 hours, on 62.40 % concentration was 4.94 hours and on 98.60 % concentration was 3.97 hours, kating garlic infusion on 39.50 % concentration was 5.08 hours on 62.40 % concentration was 3.81 hours, on 98.60 % concentration was 2.96 hours, single garlic infusion on 39.50 % concentration was 5.4 hours, on 62.40 % concentration  was 3.86 hours, on 98.60 % concentration was 3.83 hours. The best treatment was kating garlic on 98.60% concentration because give shortest time of death.
Anthelmintic Activity of Basil Leaves (Ocimum sanctum Linn.) Infusion Against Ascaris suum In Vitro Ogen Sea; Mas'ud Hariadi; Setiawan Koesdarto; Kusnoto Kusnoto; Ngakan Made Rai Widjaja
Journal of Parasite Science (JoPS) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2017): Journal of Parasite Science
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (586.215 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/jops.v1i2.16285


Ascaris suum is a parasite nematode that causes infection in swines with high prevalence rates in host populations and usually associated with liver damages called “milk spots” caused by larvae migration, resulting in organ condemnation. Basil leaves (Ocimum sanctum) phytochemical constituents contains flavonoid, phenol and tannin. Tannins and phenolics are known to interfere with the energy generation in helminth parasites by uncoupling oxidative phosphorylation and also bind to free proteins in the gastrointestinal tract of host animal or glycoprotein on the cuticle of the parasite and leading to death. This study was aimed to determine the activity of basil leaves (Ocimum sanctum) infusion in several concentrations against A. suum in vitro. This research used six treatments and four replications. This research used 10 A. suum in each treatment with four replication. The observations were done at 12, 18, 24, 30 and 36 hours in an incubator at 37oC. Based on the data analysis, basil leaves (Ocimum sanctum) infusion has anthelmintic activity against A. suum in vitro. The greater of the concentration and the longer of time of immersion, will make the death percentage of A. suum become higher. Concentration of basil leaves (Ocimum sanctum) infusion 15% is the effective concentration that can kill 100% of the A.suum during 36 hours of immersion.
Infestation Pattern of Lice In Laying Ducks In Village of Kramat District of Bangkalan Region of Bangkalan Kiki Amalia Rama; Poedji Hastutiek; Oky Setyo Widodo; Endang Suprihati; Agus Sunarso; Soeharsono Soeharsono
Journal of Parasite Science (JoPS) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2017): Journal of Parasite Science
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (414.959 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/jops.v1i2.16286


The purpose of this research is to identify lice and to know the pattern of infestation of lice that infest laying ducks in Village of Kramat, District  of Bangkalan, Region of Bangkalan. Forty samples of laying ducks were taken in Kramat Village and identified in Entomology and Protozoology Laboratory of Parasitology Department of Veterinary Faculty of Airlangga University, the research was conducted from July to September 2017. This study used an explorative observational research design. Lice taken from a sample of laying ducks are fed into an ointment pot containing 70% alcohol to preserve lice and labeled in accordance with the infected duck's limb region. Identification of lice using Permanent mounting method without coloration. The results of identification, the lice that infest laying ducks consists of three types of Anaticola crassicornis 60%, Menacanthus stramineus 25% and Lipeurus caponis 17.5%. The results of infestation pattern, infected body's region is head-neck, wings and back. The wings infested two types of lice were A. crassicornis and L. caponis, head-neck infested M. stramineus and in the infected back region of A. crassicornis.

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