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JiTEKH (Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Harapan)
ISSN : 23385677     EISSN : 25496646     DOI : 10.35447
JITEKH merupakan jurnal ilmiah yang menyajikan artikel orisinal tentang pengetahuan dan informasi riset atau aplikasi riset dan pengembangan terkini dalam bidang keteknikan dan teknologi informasi. Ruang lingkup Jurnal JITEKH meliputi bidang Informatika, Teknik Mesin, Teknik Elektro, Sistem Informasi, Teknik Industri dan Teknik Sipil. Focus and Scope: Design Manufacture Konversi Energi Material Data analysis Natural Language Processing Artificial Intelligence Neural Networks Pattern Recognition Image Processing Genetic Algorithm Bioinformatics/Biomedical Applications Biometrical Application Content-Based Multimedia Retrievals Augmented Reality Virtual Reality Information System Game Mobile Data mining Artificial Intelligence Sistem Pendukung Keputusan IT Bussiness Incubation IT Governance Cloud Computing Dessision Support System Instrumentation and Control Electrical (Power) Electronics Engineering Industrial Engineering Optimasi Sistem Produksi Perencanaan Produksi dan Pengendalian Persediaan Penjadwalan dan Manajemen Operasi/Proyek Computer-Integrated Manufacturing System Sustainable Product Design and Manufacturing Penelitian Operasional dan Decision-Making Model Manajemen Teknologi Pengukuran Kerja, Faktor-Faktor Manusia dan Ergonomi Rekayasa dan Pengendalian Kualitas Sistem Logistik dan Supply Chain Management Perancangan dan Pengembangan Produk Concurrent Engineering Analisis Ekonomi Teknik Pemodelan Sistem dan Analisis Simulasi Perancangan Layout Fasilitas Knowledge Management Reliability and Maintenance Engineering Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi Rekayasa Pelayanan (Service Engineering) Technopreneurship dan Inovasi Aplikasi Model Stokastik dalam Teknik Industri Aplikasi Metode Metaheuristik dalam Teknik Industri Building Materials and Structures Constructions Technology Constructions Economy and Management Earthquake Engineering Environmental Engineering Renovation of Buildings Geotechnical Engineering Highway Engineering Hydraulic and Hydraulic Structures Road and Bridge Engineering Structural Engineering Surveying and Geo-Spatial Engineering Transportation Engineering Tunnel Engineering Urban Engineering and Economy Water Resources Engineering Urban Drainage
Articles 7 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 11 No 1 (2023): Maret 2023" : 7 Documents clear
Arsitektur Perusahaan untuk Mendukung Transformasi Digital Study Literature Review Wahyunia Ningsih Syam; Bambang Soedijono W.A; Alva Hendi Muhammad
JITEKH Vol 11 No 1 (2023): Maret 2023
Publisher : Universitas Harapan Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35447/jitekh.v11i1.688


Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menggambarkan perkembangan studi terkait Enterprise Archtiecture (EA) dalam mendukung Transformasi Digital. Metode Systematic Literature Review (SLR) digunakan, diperoleh 36.513 studi diambil dengan pencarian manual dalam dua database dan 12 studi primer akhirnya dimasukan dengan tahun yang dibatasi 2018 hingga 2022. Akibatnya 7 permasalahan/isu, kontribusi EA berdasarkan permasalahan/isu dan sektor penelitian diidentifikasi dan di analisis. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa perkembangan studi terkait EA dalam mendukung Transformasi Digital dalam lima tahun terakhir mengalami penurunan. Studi terkait permasalahan/isu manfaat EAM menyatakan masih menunjukkan kelemahan EA dalam mendukung Transformasi Digital. Sektor penelitian menunjukan masih sangat terbatas yaitu pada sektor UKM dan kesehatan. Ulasan ini memberi peneliti beberapa pedoman untuk peneliti di masa depan tentang topik ini.
Perencanaan Perawatan Mesin Electrolytic Tinning Line Menggunakan Metode Risk Based Maintenance Ira Wahyuli; Ardita Maharani; Ahmad Nalhadi; Supriyadi Supriyadi
JITEKH Vol 11 No 1 (2023): Maret 2023
Publisher : Universitas Harapan Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35447/jitekh.v11i1.694


Mesin Electrolytic Tinning Line adalah mesin yang penting dalam produksi tinplate, yang merupakan bahan dasar untuk membuat kaleng makanan dan minuman. Dalam proses produksinya, mesin ini mengalami downtime sehingga berpengaruh pada proses produksi tinplate. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi risiko kegagalan menggunakan Risk Based Maintenance (RBM) dan merekomendasikan sistem pemeliharaan berdasarkan hasil Fault Tree Analysis (FTA). RBM digunakan menentukan tingkat kerusakan pada mesin produksi. FTA dapat memĀ­prediksi probabilitas kegagalan dan mengĀ­identifikasi sebab akar kegagalan secara sistematis. Penelitian ini menggunakan data proses produksi selama tahun 2020. Berdasarkan hasil dari identifikasi risiko menggunakan RBM diperoleh hasil bahwa abration dan dent merupakan dua jenis kegagalan yang menjadi prioritas dan termasuk kategori catastrophic dengan nilai RPN sebesar 648 dan 512 . Hasil identifikasi menggunakan FTA diketahui bahwa penyebab defect abration adalah pada proses pickling section dan tin plating section. Penyebab defect dent yaitu pada mesin yaitu pada proses exit section dan exit loop tower. Rekomendasi perbaikan adalah dengan memperbaiki proses pemeriksaan dan perawatan rutin. Langkah lainnya adalah melakukan sistem monitoring menggunakan sensor sehingga dapat menampilkan informasi secara real-time. Sistem ini mempermudah tindak lanjut pemeliharaan sesuai dengan permasalahan yang terdeteksi.
Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Pemilihan Genteng Menggunakan Metode Analytical Hierarchy Process Dika Prasetyo; Sucipto Sucipto; Arie Nugroho
JITEKH Vol 11 No 1 (2023): Maret 2023
Publisher : Universitas Harapan Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35447/jitekh.v11i1.695


Penelitian ini berfokus pada pemilihan genteng berdasarkan kriteria setiap orang. Banyak jenis genteng yang telah dipasarkan , tetapi banyaknya kriteria dan kurangnya pengetahuan dan informasi genteng. Pembeli harus lebih teliti dan cermat untuk memilih genteng yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan. Namun membutuhkan pertimbangan dalam membuat suatu keputusan mengenai pemilihan genteng. Sehingga dibutuhkan sebuah sistem yang bisa membantu untuk memberikan rekomendasi pemilihan genteng. Sistem pendukung keputusan (SPK) menggunakan metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Laporan ini mendeskripsikan tentang sistem rekomendasi pemilihan genteng menggunakan 5 kriteria, seperti berat,harga,jarak atau reng, tebal dan lebar. Masing-masing diberikan nilai atau bobot sesuai dengan tabel pembobotan Thomas L.Saaty. kemudian menghitung nilai konsistensi menggunakan metode Analytical Hierarchy Process. Jika nilai yang dihasilkan konsisten maka dapat dijadikan acuan pemberian peringkat genteng. Pengujian sistem ini dengan cara membandingkan perhitungan excel dengan sistem, yang mana memprioritaskan harga, berat dan jarak atau reng dengan tujuan pembeli memiliki pilihan lebih banyak yang sesuai dengan kriteria masing-masing.
Analisa Respon Mekanis Bahan Dashboard Mobil dengan Metode Pengujian Tarik (Tensile Test) Doli Tryono Siregar; Ade Irwan; Din Aswan Amran Ritonga
JITEKH Vol 11 No 1 (2023): Maret 2023
Publisher : Universitas Harapan Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35447/jitekh.v11i1.701


Dashboard is a panel on the front of the car interior, here usually there are several facilities, such as instrumentation panels, drawers, radio / tape, and air conditioning. The dashboard also has many functions as a place for instrument panels and warning signal gauges and also has an audio system, ventilation air-conditioning head and many others. And here the researcher wants to know the strength on the car dashboard by using the tensile test method. Tensile testing is one such test. The method used in this research is a tensile test method using a UTM machine. Material testing machine with a length of 100 mm using ASTM E8. The results of the study have 5 specimens for the first specimen on the car dashboard having a tensile stress with a value of 33,95 Mpa strain with a value of 0,02 And the modulus of elasticity with a value of 1.697,5 Mpa the second specimen on the car dashboard has a tensile stress with a value of 35,98 Mpa strain with a value of 0,03 And the modulus of elasticity with a value of 1.199,33 Mpa The third specimen on the dashboard of the car has a tensile stress with a value of 43,55 Mpa strain with a value of 0,01 And the modulus of elasticity with a value of 4.345 Mpa the fourth specimen on the car dashboard has a tensile stress with a value of 33,95 Mpa strain with a value of 0,01 And the modulus of elasticity with a value of 3.395 Mpa the fifth specimen on the car dashboard has a tensile stress with a value of 42,77 Mpa strain with a value of 0,02 and modulus of elasticity with a value of 2.138,5 Mpa
Analisa Respon Mekanis Bahan Fiber Plastik Jok dengan Metode Uji Tarik (Tensile Test) Anggri Abdi Rullah; Ade Irwan; Fadly Ahmad Kurniawan Nasution
JITEKH Vol 11 No 1 (2023): Maret 2023
Publisher : Universitas Harapan Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35447/jitekh.v11i1.702


Plastic Fiber Upholstery Is a component that plays an important role for comfort and safety for motorcycle riders, the shape of the seat plastic fiber is also different according to the needs of motorcycles both in terms of type and type. Functions of Plastic Fiber Upholstery seats to support weight and shock absorbers. And here the researcher wants to know the strength of the Plastic Fiber Upholstery using the Tensile test method. Tensile testing is one such test. The method used in this research is a tensile test method using a UTM machine. Material testing machine with a length of 104 mm using ASTM E8. The results of this study have 5 specimens for the first specimen on Fiber Plastic Upholstery has a tensile stress with a value of 33.50 MPa, strain with a value of 0.03. And the modulus of elasticity with a value of 1,176.6 MPa. The second specimen on Plastic Fiber Upholstery had a tensile stress of 30.55 MPa, a strain with a value of 0.02. And the modulus of elasticity with a value of 1.527.5 MPa. The third specimen on Plastic Fiber Upholstery has a tensile stress of 51.60 MPa, a strain of 0.06. And the modulus of elasticity with a value of 860 MPa. The fourth specimen on Plastic Fiber Upholstery has a tensile stress of 19.01 MPa, a strain of 0.02. And the modulus of elasticity with a value of 950.5 MPa. The fifth specimen on Fiber Plastic Upholstery has a tensile stress of 44.81 MPa, a strain of 0.03. And the modulus of elasticity with a value of 1493.6 MPa.
Optimasi Keamanan Hasil Enkripsi Algoritma Playfair Cipher ke dalam Kode Morse Eko Prasetyo; Yessi Fitri Annisah Lubis
JITEKH Vol 11 No 1 (2023): Maret 2023
Publisher : Universitas Harapan Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35447/jitekh.v11i1.703


Improving the security of cryptosystems is a challenge that attracts many researchers to propose and develop new cryptosystems to achieve cryptographic goals. In addition to implementing new cryptographic algorithms, the way that can be done is to modify, combine algorithms or even add other methods to improve existing cryptographic algorithms. Playfair Cipher is a cryptographic algorithm that has long been known and is still widely used and studied today. To optimize or strengthen the confidentiality of data from encryption (ciphertext) using the Playfair Cipher algorithm, research will be carried out by adding reverse operations and conversion into Morse code. This research produces a desktop-based application that can be used in optimizing the security of the encryption results of the Playfair Cipher cryptographic algorithm. From the test results on 10 data samples, it shows that the frequency of characters from the results of reverse and encryption (ciphertext) changes in value constantly along with the addition of the number of characters in the test text. However, after being converted into Morse code, it does not show any pattern of connection between the results of the Morse code conversion and plaintext. This proves that the encryption results after being converted into Morse code can increase (optimize) the security of the Playfair Cipher algorithm, because it will produce more random text and will not show patterns of connection between the results of the conversion into Morse code and the original text (plaintext).
Implementasi Internet Protocol Versi 6 Pada Jaringan VoIP Berbasis Session Initiation Protocol Mhd. Tri Arief; Ilham Faisal; Divi Handoko
JITEKH Vol 11 No 1 (2023): Maret 2023
Publisher : Universitas Harapan Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35447/jitekh.v11i1.705


Analyzing the difference in performance values generated by the IPv4 protocol and the IPv6 protocol VoIP services on a WAN network using a bandwidth of 128 Kbps. Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) is one of the protocols commonly used in Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) telecommunications. SIP is a signaling protocol developed by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) under the label RFC3261. In a telephone call using IPv4 and IPv6 with a distance of 3 meters concluded that IPv6 is better with a bandwidth of 55.1 Kb and Packet Traffic of 140 compared to IPv4 with a result of 35.1 Kbps and Packet Traffic of 150. Computer network topology is a network arrangement in which each part is interconnected with each other through physical media such as cables and optical fiber.

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