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Mitra Raflesia (Journal of Health Science)
Core Subject : Health,
MITRA RAFLESSIA Journal of Health Science is an international, open access, peer reviewed and evidence-based scientific journal published by STIKES BAKTI HUSADA BENGKULU. The Journals mission is to promote excellence in nursing and a range of disciplines and specialties of allied health professions. It welcomes submissions from international academic and health professionals community. The Journal publishes evidence-based articles with solid and sound methodology, clinical application, description of best clinical practices, and discussion of relevant professional issues or perspectives. Articles can be submitted in the form of research articles, reviews, case reports, and letters to the editor or commentaries. The Journals priorities are papers in the fields of nursing, physical therapy, medical laboratory science, environmental health, and medical imaging and radiologic technologies. Relevant articles from other disciplines of allied health professions may be considered for publication. This journal is indexed or abstracted by Google Scholar
Articles 113 Documents
Mitra Raflesia (Journal of Health Science) Vol 15, No 2 (2023)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51712/mitraraflesia.v15i2.270


ABSTRAKLatar Belakang: Peningkatan populasi lansia membuat berbagai masalah kesehatan diantaranya adalah: hipertensi, jantung, diabetes mellitus, stroke, rematik dan cidera. Hipertensi menempati urutan pertama dengan prevalensi hipertensi global sebesar 22% dari seluruh penduduk dunia. Wilayah Asia tenggara termasuk Indonesia berada di posisi ke-3.Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kelompok swabantu terhadap kepatuhan minum obat hipertensi pada lansiaMetode:Jenis penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif dengan menggunakan desain Quasy Experimental With Control Group Design dengan populasi lansia hipertensi di Kabupaten Solok. Sampel dalam penelitian ini sesuai kriteria inklusi dan ekslusi berjumlah 36 orang yang terdiri atas 18 orang kelompok intervensi dan 18 orang kelompok kontrol. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik purposive sampling.Hasil: Hasil analisis univariat menunjukkan karakteristik responden paling banyak berjenis kelamin perempuan, status menikah dan lama menderita hipertensi 5-10 tahun. Hasil analisis bivariat menunjukkan p value kepatuhan = 0,000.Kesimpulan: Intervensi kelompok swabantu efektif meningkatkan kepatuhan minum obat hipertensi pada lansia. Kelompok swabantu direkomendasikan menjadi intervensi keperawatan untuk meningkatkan kepatuhan sehingga tekanan darah dapat terkontrol.Kata Kunci : Kepatuhan, Lansia, Kelompok Swabantu ABSTRACTBackground: The increase in the elderly population creates various health problems if they do not get good welfare. Diseases commonly experienced by the elderly are non-communicable diseases, degenerative in nature, caused by age such as hypertension, heart disease, diabetes mellitus, stroke, rheumatism and injuries. Hypertension ranks first in health problems in the elderly. Global prevalence of hypertension is 22% of the world's population. The Southeast Asia region including Indonesia is in 3rd position.Purpose : This study aims to determine the effect of self-help groups on adherence to taking hypertension medication in the elderlyMethods: This research is a type of quantitative research using a Quasy Experimental With Control Group Design. This research was conducted on elderly people with hypertension in Solok Regency. The sample in this study according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria was 36 people consisting of 18 people in the intervention group and 18 people in the control group. Sampling using purposive sampling technique. Collecting data through a survey using a questionnaire. Data were analyzed univariately and bivariately with the paired sample t-test.Results: The results of the univariate analysis showed that most of the respondents were mostly female with married status and 5-10 years and had suffered from hypertension for 5-10 years. The results of bivariate analysis showed p value = 0.000Conclusion: Self-help group intervention is effective in increasing adherence to taking hypertension medication in the elderly. Self help groups can be recommended as a nursing intervention to improve medication adherence so that blood pressure can be controlled.Keyword: Adherence, Erderly, Self help group 
HUBUNGAN KADAR ZAT BESI SERUM DENGAN KONSENTRASI ZAT BESI ASI IBU MENYUSUI DI KABUPATEN SELUMA Rika Ariana; Rostika Flora; Rico Januar Sitorus; Mohammad Zulkarnain; Hamzah Hasyim; Nur Alam Fajar; Nurmalia Ermi; Annisah Biancika Jasmine; Aguscik Aguscik; Ikhsan Ikhsan; Samwilson Slamet; Yetti Purnama; Neshy Sulung
Mitra Raflesia (Journal of Health Science) Vol 15, No 2 (2023)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51712/mitraraflesia.v15i2.289


Background: Maternal iron status affects infant neurocognitive development. When the maternal iron intake and status are disturbed, it can lead to iron deficiency which can lead to anemia if not treated.  Anemia in breastfeeding mothers has a negative impact on the quality and volume of breast milk, including the availability of iron in breast milk. This study aims to analyze the relationship between serum iron levels and breast milk iron concentration in breastfeeding mothers in Seluma Regency. Methods: This study was an analytic survey, cross-sectional design, conducted in Seluma Regency in 4 (four) public health center working areas, namely Rimbo Kedui Public Health Center, Talang Tinggi, Tais, and Masmambang. Respondents were 124 breastfeeding mothers of children aged 0-24 months who were taken by proportional consecutive sampling. Venous blood and breast milk samples were collected for iron level measurement. Iron measurement was done using the spectrophotometric method. Data on characteristics were obtained using a questionnaire. Furthermore, the data were analyzed univariately and bivariately. Results: The results of measuring iron levels showed that 38.7% of mothers had iron deficiency and 15.3% of mothers had low breast milk iron levels. The bivariate test results showed 25% of mothers who experienced iron deficiency had low breast milk iron levels. (p=0.034, OR= 3.28; CI= 1.190-9.071). Conclusion: There is a significant relationship between serum iron levels and breast milk iron levels in breastfeeding mothers. It is necessary to educate mothers regarding the prevention of iron deficiency during pregnancy and breastfeeding so that the quantity of breast milk iron can meet the needs of children during breastfeedingKeyword : Breast milk, Iron Deficiency, Breast milk Iron Level, Iron
Mitra Raflesia (Journal of Health Science) Vol 15, No 2 (2023)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51712/mitraraflesia.v15i2.263


ABSTRAK Latar Belakang: Klaim BPJS adalah pengajuan biaya perawatan pasien peserta BPJS oleh pihak rumah sakit kepada pihak BPJS Kesehatan, dilakukan secara kolektif dan ditagihkan kepada pihak BPJS Kesehatan setiap bulannya. Klaim BPJS yang tidak layak untuk rawat jalan dan rawat inap di  Harapan dan Doa Kota Bengkulu selama 1 tahun (2022) sebanyak 67 berkas   rawat jalan dan 205 berkas untuk rawat inap. Penelitian ini bertujuan Untuk menganalisis prosedur pengajuan klaim Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial (BPJS) Kesehatan di Rawat Inap Rumah Sakit Harapan dan Doa Kota BengkuluMetode : Menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan indepth interview yang diambil dari 4 informan. Pemeriksaan atau pengecekan keabsahan data menggunakan triangulasi sumber dan triangulasi metode.Hasil : Hasil penelitian diperoleh untuk rekapitulasi pelayanan masih terdapat hal- hal yang perluh diperbaiki antara lain banyak perawat dan juga DPJP yang masih sering salah dalam mengisi tanggal masuk perawatan dan tanggal keluar, berkas yang tidak terisi diagnosa penyakit dan perlu konfirmasi lagi dengan dokter yang menangani pasien tersebut selain itu untuk berkas pendukung pasien dan bukti pelayanan lainnya masih ada hal-hal yang perluh diperbaiki oleh pihak rumah sakit mulai dari diagosa dari dokter yang tidak tepat, perbedaan koding antara rumah sakit dan koding BPJS dan hasil pemeriksaan penunjang yang tidak ada berkasnya.Simpulan : Kesimpulan yang di dapat adalah Prosedur pengajuan klaim untuk poin rekapitulasi pelayanan dan berkas pendukung pasien dan bukti pelayanan lainnya masih ada hal-hal yang masi perlu di perbaiki lagi oleh pihak rumah sakit. Saran bagi Rumah Sakit Harapan dan Doa Kota Bengkulu untuk memperkuat kerja sama dengan dokter dan perawat agar tidak terjadi kesalahan penulisan data pasien dan untuk BPJS agar lebih memperbanyak pelatihan mengenai pengajuan klaim BPJS kesehatan dengan pihak Rumah Sakit Harapan dan Doa Kota BengkuluKata Kunci: Klaim BPJS, Rawat Inap, Rumah Sakit, BPJS Kesehatan ABSTRACTBackground : BPJS claims are submissions for the costs of treating BPJS participant patients by the hospital to BPJS Health, carried out collectively and billed to BPJS Health every month. BPJS claims that are not eligible for outpatient and inpatient care at Harapan and Doa Bengkulu City for 1 year (2022) are 67 files for outpatient care and 205 files for inpatient care. Method : This study aims to analyze the procedures for filing claims for the Health Social Security Administering Body (BPJS) at Inpatient Hope and Prayer Hospitals in Bengkulu City using qualitative methods with in-depth interviews taken from 4 informants. Results : Checking or checking the validity of the data using source triangulation and method triangulation. The research results obtained for the recapitulation of services there are still things that need to be corrected, including many nurses and also DPJP who are still often wrong in filling in the date of admission and date of discharge, files that do not contain disease diagnoses and need confirmation again with the doctor who treats these patients besides that for patient support files and other evidence of services there are still things that need to be corrected by the hospital starting from the diagnosis from the doctor who is not right, the difference in coding between the hospital and the BPJS coding and the results of supporting examinations where there is no file. Conclusion : The conclusion that can be obtained is that the procedure for submitting claims for service recapitulation points and patient support files and other evidence of services there are still things that still need to be improved by the hospital. Suggestions for Hope and Prayer Hospital of Bengkulu City to strengthen cooperation with doctors and nurses so that there are no errors in writing patient data and for BPJS to increase training on filing BPJS health claims with Harapan and Prayer Hospital in Bengkulu CityKeywords: BPJS Claims, Hospitalization, Hospitals, BPJS Health

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