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Juvenil: Jurnal Ilmiah Kelautan dan Perikanan
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Juvenil: Journal of Marine and Fisheries Sciences, is a scientific journal in the field of marine and fisheries science published electronically and periodically four times a year by the Department of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Trunojoyo University, Madura. This journal aim to become a medium of dissemination of high quality research and scientific note in the fiend of marine and fisheries. This journal can be accessed and downloaded freely for everyone. The article published in this journal have been pass the rigorious peer review by the expert reviewer. This journal accept every article that contain the following, but not limited to, scope: Juvenil: Journal of Marine and Fisheries Sciences, is a scientific journal in the field of marine and fisheries science published electronically and periodically four times a year by the Department of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Trunojoyo University, Madura. This journal is expected to function as a medium for the dissemination of quality scientific research results as well as scientific rebuttal (notes) in the marine and fisheries sector which can be accessed online and free of charge by the Indonesian community and the international community. The articles (articles) published in this journal are articles that have passed peer-review (partner bebestari). This journal accepts every article which contains, but is not limited to, the scope: 1. Ecology and biology of marine and fisheries 2. Marine and Aquaculture 3. Marine and Aquatic Conservation 4. Marine Water Pollution 5. Management of marine and aquatic resources 6. Marine and fishery processing technology
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Nilai Total Plate Count (TPC) Dan Jumlah Jenis Bakteri Air Limbah Cucian Garam (Bittern) Dari Tambak Garam Desa Banyuajuh Kecamatan Kamal Kabupaten Bangkalan Nur Hamida Laili; Indah Wahyuni Abida; Abdus Salam Junaedi
Juvenil Vol 3, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Department of Marine and Fisheries, Trunojoyo University of Madura, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/juvenil.v3i1.15075


ABSTRAKAir limbah cucian garam (Bittern) mengandung berbagai macam mineral dan mikroorganisme halofilik. Keberadaan mikroba indigenous yang ada pada air limbah cucian garam belum banyak digali potensinya baik dari jumlah maupun jenisnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui nilai Total Plate Count (TPC) dan jumlah isolat mikroba dari air limbah cucian garam (Bittern) yang berasal dari tambak garam Desa Banyuajuh, Kec. Kamal, Kab. Bangkalan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode purposive sampling, dimana sampel bittern di ambil dari tambak garam desa Banyuajuh, Kec. Kamal dengan melakukan pengukuran salinitasnya terlebih dahulu. Metode penghitungan nilai total bakteri menggunakan metode Total Plate Count (TPC) dan untuk identifikasi bakteri dilakukan isolasi bakteri heterotroph pada media TSA. Hasil penghitungan TPC didapatkan pada seri pengenceran 10-5 yaitu 416 CFU/ mL, sementara pada seri pengenceran 10-6 didapatkan sebesar 157 CFU/ mL, dan seri pengenceran 10-7 didapatkan sebesar 114 CFU/ mL.Sedangkan hasil isolasi didapatkan 10 isolat jenis bakteri Bittern.Kata Kunci: Bakteri Halofilik, Limbah Cucian Garam (Bittern), Total Plate Count (TPC)ABSTRACTSalt washing wastewater (Bittern) contains a wide variety of minerals and halophilic microorganisms. The existence of indigenous microbes in salt washing wastewater has not been explored for its potential, both in terms of number and type. This study aims to determine the value of Total Plate Count (TPC) and the number of microbial isolates from salt washing wastewater (Bittern) originating from the salt ponds of Banyuajuh Village, Kec. Kamal, Kab. Bangkalan. This research was conducted by purposive sampling method, where bittern samples were taken from the salt ponds of Banyuajuh village, Kec. Kamal by measuring the salinity first. The method of calculating the total value of bacteria using the Total Plate Count (TPC) method and for bacterial identification, heterotroph bacteria were isolated on TSA media. The results of the TPC calculation were obtained in the 10-5 dilution series, namely 416 CFU/mL, while the 10-6 dilution series obtained 157 CFU/mL, and the 10-7 dilution series obtained 114 CFU/mL. While the isolation results obtained 10 isolates. Bittern bacteria. Keywords: Halophilic Bacteria, Salt Laundry Waste (Bittern), Total Plate Count (TPC)
Pengaruh Perbedaan Metode Pembuatan Garam Sehat Rendah Natrium Terhadap Kadar NaCl, Air dan Sodium Romi Ariyanto; Ary Giri Dwi Kartika
Juvenil Vol 3, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Department of Marine and Fisheries, Trunojoyo University of Madura, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/juvenil.v3i1.15344


ABSTRACTGaram merupakan salah satu komoditas penting dalam dunia industri pangan untuk pemberi rasa asin pada makanan. Konsumsi garam oleh masyarakat dianggap berlebih sehingga rentan menimbulkan penyakit seperti hipertensi. Salah satu faktor yang mem pengaruhi penyakit hipertensi yaitu kelebihan asupan Natrium pada makanan. Penggunaan garam dapur biasa yang berlebihan dapat menyebabkan hipertensi. Berdasarkan hal tersebut untuk mengurangi konsumsi Natrium yang berlebihan pada garam dilakukan penelitian proses produksi garam rendah Natrium. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui kadar NaCl yang terkandung pada hasil garam yang dihasilkan. Tahapan penelitian meliputi: pengambilan bahan baku air laut, percobaan proses produksi garam sehat rendah Natrium dengan ke-3 perlakuan, pengukuran parameter (kepekatan air laut, ketinggian air, intensitas cahaya dan suhu air), uji kualitas hasil garam serta anilisis pengaruh pengukuran parameter. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kadar NaCl yang didapatkan berbeda signifikan antara perlakuan ke-1 kontrol, perlakuan ke-2 dengan penambahan air laut satu kali, dan perlakuan ke-3 dengan penambahan air laut hingga dua kali. Penambahan air laut pada penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dapat menurunkan hasil kadar NaCl dan Natrium pada garam yang dihasilkan. dimana hasil kadar NaCl perlakuan ke-1 didapatkan niilai sebesar 90 % , perlakuan ke-2 didapatkan kadar NaCl nilai sebesar 66 % , dan kadar NaCl perlakuan ke-3 didapatkan nilai sebesar 61 % . Hasil penelitian ini dapat menunjukkan bahwa pemberian perlakuan yang berbeda mampu mempengaruhi kandungan kadar NaCl pada garam yang dihasilkan.Kata Kunci: Garam, Natrium , kualitas garamABSTRAKSalt is one of the important commodities in the food industry for giving salty taste to food. Consumption of salt in public is considered too much, so that susceptible cause disease like hypertension. One of the factors that in fluence hypertension is too much sodium in take in food. Using too much regular salt can causing of hypertension. Based on this, to reduce sodium consumption in salt, research is carried out on low -sodium salt production processes. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of NaCl contained was generated of the salt. The research stages include: taking seawater raw materials, experimenting the production process of healthy low-sodium salt with the 3 treatments, measuring parameters (seawater density, water level, light intensity and water temperature), testing the quality of salty ields and analyzing the effect of parameter measurements. Show Generated that the NaCl levels obtained were significantly different between the first treatment control, the second treatment with addition of seawater once, and the third treatment with the addition of seawater up to two times. The addition of sea water in this study shows that it can reduce the results of NaCl and Sodium levels in the resulting salt. Where the results of the NaCl content of the first treatment obtained a value of 90 % , the second treatment obtained a NaCl value of 66 % , and the NaCl content of the third treatment obtained a value of 61 % . The results of this study can indicate that different treatments can affect the content of NaCl levels in the generated salt.Keywords: Salt, Natrium, quality salt
Penentuan Zona Aman Banjir di Wilayah Pesisir Kabupaten Jember Dengan Pemanfaatan Google Earth Engine Saifurridzal Saifurridzal; Wazirotus Sakinah
Juvenil Vol 3, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Department of Marine and Fisheries, Trunojoyo University of Madura, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/juvenil.v3i1.14889


ABSTRAKInformasi banjir yang lengkap dan akurat dibutuhkan untuk melakukan kegiatan mitigasi bencana dan evakuasi yang cepat. Informasi banjir dalam penanggulangan bencana umumnya meliputi lokasi spatio-temporal banjir, kedalaman banjir, kerentanan, lokasi beresiko serta zona aman. Hal ini dibutuhkan oleh kabupaten Jember yang memiliki beberapa desa rawan banjir hingga wilayah pesisir. Google Earth Engine (GEE) merupakan salah satu alat penginderaan jauh yang dapat digunakan untuk menghasilkan sebuah peta banjir dengan cakupan spasial dan temporal yang baik. GEE melakukan pemrosesan data secara parallel pada infrastruktur komputasi Google sehingga diperoleh efisiensi pemrosesan data dengan menggunakan data spasial batas administrasi desa di Kabupaten Jember, data citra satelit Sentinel-1 SAR dan data citra satelit DEMNAS yang telah dipotong sesuai batas kabupaten Jember. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah terdapat wilayah pesisir yang rawan banjir yaitu desa Sumberejo dan sebagian desa puger karena memiliki kelerengan yang rendah dan memiliki Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) dari hulu ke hilir. Wilayah pesisir yang lain termasuk Zona Aman Banjir karena sebagian wilayah memiliki kelerengan yang tinggi dan sebagian wilayah lainnya merupakan wilayah kelerengan rendah namun tidak memiliki DAS.Kata Kunci: GEE, Zona aman banjir, wilayah pesisir, JemberABSTRACTComplete and accurate flood information is needed to disaster mitigation and rapid evacuation activities. Flood information in disaster management generally includes flood spatio-temporal locations, flood depths, vulnerabilities, risk locations and safe zones. This is needed by Jember district, which has several flood-prone villages to coastal areas. Google Earth Engine (GEE) is a remote sensing tool that can be used to produce a flood map with good spatial and temporal coverage. GEE performs parallel data processing on Google's computing infrastructure so that data processing efficiency is obtained by using spatial data on village administrative boundaries in Jember Regency, Sentinel-1 SAR satellite image data and DEMNAS satellite image data that has been cut to the Jember district boundary. The results obtained are that there are coastal areas that are prone to flooding, namely Sumberejo village and some Puger villages because they have low slopes and have a watershed (DAS) from upstream to downstream. Other coastal areas are included in the Flood Safe Zone because some areas have high slopes and other areas are low slope areas but do not have watersheds.Keywords: GEE, flood safe zone, coastal area, Jember
Karakteristik Mikrobiologi (ALT, E. Coli dan Salmonella) pada Produk Hasil Perikanan di BPMHP Semarang Ayu Sulistiani; Hafiludin Hafiludin
Juvenil Vol 3, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Department of Marine and Fisheries, Trunojoyo University of Madura, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/juvenil.v3i1.15342


ABSTRAKIkan merupakan salah satu bahan pangan yang masuk dalam golongan bahan yang mudah rusak (Perishable food), karena di dalam daging ikan banyak terkandung air dan protein yang cukup tinggi, sehingga dapat mempercepat perkembangbiakan mikroorganisme apabila tidak ditangani dengan benar. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Balai Pengujian Mutu Hasil Perikanan (BPMHP) Semarang dari tanggal 5 Januari sampai 5 Februari 2022 dengan tujuan mengetahui mutu mikrobiologis pada produk hasil perikanan berupa udang beku dan rajungan pasteurisasi dalam kaleng. Parameter uji yang dilakukan terdiri atas uji total mikroba, uji E.coli dan uji Salmonella pada udang beku dan rajungan pasteurisasi dalam kaleng. Hasil penelitian menunjukan pada udang beku memiliki nilai ALT sebesar 131,36 x 102 kol/gram E.coli 3 APM/gram, Salmonella negatif dan masih memenuhi standar mutu mikrobiologi SNI 2705: 2014. Hasil uji pada rajungan pasteurisasi dalam kaleng memiliki nilai ALT 2500 kol/gram E.coli 3 APM/gram, Salmonella negatif dan masih memenuhi standar mutu mikrobiologi SNI 6929: 2016. Produk udang beku dan rajungan kaleng pada BPMHP Semarang masih aman untuk dikonsumsi.Kata kunci: Udang beku, Rajungan pasteurisasi dalam kaleng, ALT, E.coli dan SalmonellaABSTRACTFish is one of the foodstuffs that fall into the category of perishable food because fish meat contains a lot of water and high enough protein, so it can accelerate the proliferation of microorganisms if not appropriately handled. This research was carried out at the Fishery Product Quality Testing Center (BPMHP) Semarang from January 5 to February 5, 2022, to know the microbiological quality of fishery products in the form of frozen shrimp and pasteurized crabs in cans. The test parameters consisted of a comprehensive microbial test, an E.coli test and a Salmonella test on frozen shrimp and canned crab. The result showed that ALT value of frozen shrimp was 131.36 x 102 col/gram, E.coli 3 APM/gram, Salmonella was negative and still meets the microbiological quality standard of SNI 2705: 2014. The test results on canned crab have ALT value 2500 col/gram E.coli 3 APM/gram, Salmonella was negative and still meets the microbiological quality standard of SNI 6929: 2016. Frozen shrimp and canned crab products at BPMHP Semarang were still safe for consumption.Keywords: Frozen shrimp, canned crab, ALT, E.coli and Salmonella
Karakterisasi Tepung Semi Refined Carrageenan Dari Rumput Laut Kappaphycus alvarezii Dengan Berbagai Pelarut Alkali Novalina Maya Sari Ansar; Eko Cahyono; Obyn Imhart Pumpente; Stevy Imelda Murniati Wodi; Frets Jonas Rieuwpassa; Jaka Frianto Putra Palawe; Wendy Alexander Tanod
Juvenil Vol 3, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Department of Marine and Fisheries, Trunojoyo University of Madura, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/juvenil.v3i1.15013


ABSTRAKSemi Refined Carrageenan merupakan salah satu produk carrageenan dengan tingkat kemurnian lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan refined carrageenan. Semi Refined Carrageenan merupakan tepung hasil ekstraksi rumput laut jenis Kappaphycus alvarezii berwarna putih kekuningan, dapat membentuk gel sehingga sangat berperan dalam industri makanan dan obat-obatan. Tujuan penelitian untuk mendapatkan konsentrasi pelarut KOH dan NaOH yang tepat dalam proses ekstraksi tepung Semi Refined Carrageenan rumput laut Kappaphycus alvarezii. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode eksperimental, yaitu mengekstraksi Kappaphycus alvarezii menggunakan larutan alkali KOH dan NaOH yang direndam selama 4 menit. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa rendemen tertinggi terdapat pada larutan KOH 5% (56,10%) dan larutan NaOH 3% (42,29%), kadar air pada larutan KOH 5% (15,45%) dan larutan NaOH 1% (16,50%), kadar abu larutan KOH  4% (4,85%) dan larutan NaOH 2% (3,50%), nilai pH terbaik terdapat larutan KOH 3% (8,14) dan larutan NaOH 3% (8,01) dan viskositas laju alir pada larutan KOH 3% (36,50 mL/detik) dan larutan NaOH 3% (38,10 mL/detik). Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa rendemen tertinggi terdapat pada larutan KOH 5% dan larutan NaOH 3%.Kata Kunci: alkali, carrageenan, KOH, Kappaphycus alvarezii, NaOHABSTRACTSemi Refined Carrageenan is a carrageenan product with a lower level of purity compared to refined carrageenan. Semi Refined Carrageenan is flour extracted from Kappaphycus alvarezii type of seaweed, yellowish white in color, can form a gel so that it plays a very important role in the food and medicine industry. The aim of the study was to obtain the correct concentration of KOH and NaOH solvents in the extraction process of Kappaphycus alvarezii seaweed Semi Refined Carrageenan flour. The method used in this study is an experimental method, namely extracting Kappaphycus alvarezii using an alkaline solution of KOH and NaOH soaked for 4 minutes. The results obtained showed that the highest yield was found in 5% KOH solution (56.10%) and 3% NaOH solution (42.29%), water content in 5% KOH solution (15.45%) and 1% NaOH solution ( 16.50%), ash content of 4% KOH solution (4.85%) and 2% NaOH solution (3.50%), the best pH values were 3% KOH solution (8.14) and 3% NaOH solution (8 0.01) and the viscosity of the flow rate in 3% KOH solution (36.50 mL/second) and 3% NaOH solution (38.10 mL/second). From the results of the study, it can be concluded that the highest yield is found in 5% KOH solution and 3% NaOH solution.Keywords : alkali, carrageenan, KOH, Kappaphycus alvarezii, NaOH
Pemanfaatan Ekstrak Gracilaria sp. dari Perairan Pamekasan sebagai Antioksidan Ayu Nadila Insani; Hafiludin Hafiludin; Adyos Bobby Chandra
Juvenil Vol 3, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Department of Marine and Fisheries, Trunojoyo University of Madura, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/juvenil.v3i1.14783


ABSTRAKRumput laut merupakan salah satu sumber daya alam hayati laut yang memiliki nilai ekonomis tinggi dan memiliki peranan ekologis serta memiliki banyak manfaat, salah satunya yaitu sebagai antioksidan alami karena mengandung senyawa bioaktif yang berfungsi untuk menangkal radikal bebas. Salah satu rumput laut yang berpotensi dikembangkan dalam bidang farmasi yaitu Gracilaria sp. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kandungan proksimat, kandungan bioaktif dan aktivitas antioksidan dari rumput laut Gracilaria sp. Penelitian dilakukan dalam beberapa tahap yaitu: preparasi rumput laut, analisis proksimat, analisis fitokimia dan uji aktivitas antioksidan yang dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Bioteknologi Laut, Universitas Trunojoyo Madura. Kandungan proksimat dari rumput laut Gracilaria sp. kaya akan kadar air dan abu dalam bentuk segar dan kering, sedangkan jumlah lemak dan proteinnya sangat rendah. Senyawa bioaktif dalam rumput laut Gracilaria sp. mengandung saponin, steroid dan fenol hidrokuinon.  Rumput laut Gracilaria  sp. mempunyai aktivitas antioksidan terbaik dengan pelarut metanol dengan IC50 sebesar 308,19 ppm. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa rumput laut Gracilaria sp. mempunyai potensi untuk dikembangkan dalam bidang farmakologi dan pangan fungsional. Kata Kunci: Antioksidan, bioaktif, Gracilaria sp. proksimat. ABSTRACTSeaweed is one of the marine biological natural resources that has high economic value and has an ecological role and has many benefits, one of which is as a natural antioxidant because it contains bioactive compounds that function to ward off free radicals. One of the seaweeds that has the potential to be developed in the pharmaceutical sector is Gracilaria sp. This study aimed to analyze the proximate content, bioactive content and antioxidant activity of seaweed Gracilaria sp. The research was carried out in several stages, namely: seaweed preparation, proximate analysis, phytochemical analysis and antioxidant activity tests carried out at the Marine Biotechnology Laboratory, University of Trunojoyo Madura. Proximate content of seaweed Gracilaria sp. rich in ash content in fresh and dry form, while the amount of fat and protein is very low. Bioactive compounds in seaweed Gracilaria sp. contains saponins, steroids and phenol hydroquinone. Seaweed Gracilaria sp. has the best antioxidant activity with methanol solvent with IC50 of 308,19 ppm. The results of this study indicate that the seaweed Gracilaria sp. has the potential to be developed in the fields of pharmacology and functional food.Keywords: Antioxidant, bioactive, Gracilaria sp., proximate.

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