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Journal of Humanities, Social Science, Public Administration and Management (HUSOCPUMENT)
Published by ID Solutions Publisher
ISSN : 27748154     EISSN : 27748162     DOI :
Journal Husocpument a scientific journal in Humanities, Social Science, Public Administration and Management containing the scientific literature on studies of pure and applied research in Humanities, Social Science, Public Administration and Management science and public review of the development of theory, method and applied sciences related to the subject.
Articles 70 Documents
Factors Affecting Employee Performance of Education Office in Tabanan Regency Cahya Sudiarta
Journal of Humanities, Social Science, Public Administration and Management (HUSOCPUMENT) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): April: Journal of Humanities, Social Science, Public Administration and Managem
Publisher : ID Solutions

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51715/husocpument.v1i2.59


Human resources (HR) is one of the main assets in a company, the better the HR owned by the company , the easier the company's progress is to obtain. Good human resources are not only filled with employees with quality Intelligence Quotient (IQ), but also filled by employees who are able to control conflicts that occur around them, either in the work environment or in the family environment. The more qualified human resources an organization or company has, it is expected that the ability of the company or organization to compete will be better. Good performance is shown by workers, among others, by the education and training they receive. The actors used to improve worker performance include the education stage, training carried out by workers and worker satisfaction. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect both collectively and individually on the level of education, training and employee satisfaction on the performance of the staff of the Education Office of Tabanan Regency, Bali Province. This Study is a descriptive quantitative research, data collection method using questionnaires and multiple linear regression as data analysis, which was performed using SPSS software version 24. The sample used a number of 92 respondents. The results showed that both simultaneously and individually the level of education, training and employee satisfaction had an influence on the work performance of the employees of the Education Office of Tabanan Regency, Bali Province. The results also showed that the training factor gave the largest contribution to performance.
Influence of Gender, Emotional and Spiritual Intelligence on the Level of Accounting Understanding Ayu Indira Dewiningrat; Jonathan Jacob Paul Latupeirissa
Journal of Humanities, Social Science, Public Administration and Management (HUSOCPUMENT) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): April: Journal of Humanities, Social Science, Public Administration and Managem
Publisher : ID Solutions

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51715/husocpument.v1i2.60


Understanding of accounting is someone who is clever and understands accounting properly. Accounting is a process of recording, classifying, summarizing, processing and presenting data, transactions and events related to finance so that it can be used by people who use it easily understood for making decisions and for other purposes. This study aims to determine the effect of gender, emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence on the level of accounting understanding of students majoring in accounting at private universities in the city ​​of Denpasar. Samples were taken by purposive sampling technique as many as 376 accounting students. The data analysis technique used is multiple linear regression analysis. The results of the analysis show that the gender variable affects the level of accounting understanding with a significance value of 0.000 < 0.05 , the emotional intelligence variable has no effect on the level of accounting understanding with a significance value of 0.74> 0.05, the spiritual intelligence variable has no effect on the level of understanding. Accounting with a significance value of 0.663> 0.05.
The Study of Slang by Nicki Minaj in Pink Friday Album Kadek Indah Wulanningtyas Tyas
Journal of Humanities, Social Science, Public Administration and Management (HUSOCPUMENT) Vol. 1 No. 3 (2021): July: Journal of Humanities, Social Science, Public Administration and Manageme
Publisher : ID Solutions

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51715/husocpument.v1i3.21


The study concerns with the slang words in song lyrics in Nicky Minaj Album. The aims of the study are (1) to analyze the types of the slangs in the lyrics, and (2) to analyze the slang word formations. The method of the research was descriptive qualitative. The data were obtained through listening to the songs and reading the song lyrics. From all of the collected data only 6 samples have been analyzed. The method of the study was descriptive qualitative. The writer used theory types of slang in the lyrics by using the theory by Chapman (2007), and theory slang word formations by using the theory by Mattiello (2008) to answer the questions. Based on the theory, there are two types of slang, namely primary and secondary slangs. There are two types of slang, namely primary and secondary slangs. There were 2 words that were identified as primary slangs: crusty, niggas and legit. This research found 5 secondary slangs,, fuck, ‘bout, wanna, and baby. The types of word formations used for creating the slang words are 5, namely compounding, acronyms and initialisms, blending, clipping, and word manufacture and fanciful formations. There were 2 compounding,1 acronyms and initialisms, 1 blending, 3 clipping, and 1 word manufacture and fanciful formations.
The Indonesian-English Code-Switching Used by Najwa Shihab and Agnes Mo on Catatan Najwa YouTube Channel Nita Ayu Cahyani; I Made Iwan Indrawan Jendra; Komang Sulatra
Journal of Humanities, Social Science, Public Administration and Management (HUSOCPUMENT) Vol. 1 No. 3 (2021): July: Journal of Humanities, Social Science, Public Administration and Manageme
Publisher : ID Solutions

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51715/husocpument.v1i3.23


Code-Switching is one of the phenomenon of language in society where the people use more than one language alternately in their utterances. It can occur spontaneously but some people may do it on purpose. This study was focused on analyzing the functions of Indonesian-English Code-Switching as found in Najwa Shihab and Agnes Mo conversation on Catatan Najwa Youtube Channel. The data source in this research was taken from one of the videos entitled “Najwa Shihab X Agnes Mo”. For the analysis, the researcher used the theory proposed by Gumperz (1982) to identify the functions of the code-switching. In collecting the data, this study used direct observation method and descriptive qualitative method was applied in analysing the data. The data that had been analysed were presented by using simple table and picture as well as descriptively. The result found that from the six functions of code-switching, only five were found, namely: Quotation (7 data) Interjection (23 data), Reiteration (27 data), Message Qualification (25 data), and Personalization vs. Objectification (3 data). The function that was not found is Addressee Specification.
An Analysis of Personification Found in John Meyer's Selected Song Lyrics Ni Putu Puspa Wedayanti
Journal of Humanities, Social Science, Public Administration and Management (HUSOCPUMENT) Vol. 1 No. 3 (2021): July: Journal of Humanities, Social Science, Public Administration and Manageme
Publisher : ID Solutions

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51715/husocpument.v1i3.28


This study is mainly aimed at finding out the personification type in figurative language and the meaning of personification found in John Meyer’s selected song lyrics. The data source are John Meyer’s selected song lyrics. To answer the first problem, this study used theory proposed by Knickerbocker and Reninger (1963) about figurative language and classified the song lyrics into one type namely personification. Meanwhile to answer the second problem the theory of meaning proposed by Leech (1981) was used. There are six song lyrics by John Meyer analyzed in this study. This study used qualitative descriptive analysis. The analysis was started by continuously listening to the selected songs by John Meyer. Afterward, the researcher read the lyrics of the selected songs, wrote down and categorized it into personification expression. Based on the analysis, the researcher found the 5 total of personification and 5 connotative meaning in John Meyer’s selected song lyrics.
An Analysis of Assertive Illocutionary Acts Used by Local Guides in Tirta Empul Temple Sri Indrawati Ni Luh
Journal of Humanities, Social Science, Public Administration and Management (HUSOCPUMENT) Vol. 1 No. 3 (2021): July: Journal of Humanities, Social Science, Public Administration and Manageme
Publisher : ID Solutions

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51715/husocpument.v1i3.35


Language is an important factor in communication tools. By communication, people can build a good relationship. In order to make good communication, they have to understand well what the speaker says. In this case, learning speech act theory is important to cover this problem. This stud focused on classifying the types of assertive illocutionary acts used by local guides in Tirta Empul Temple and the meaning of assertive illocutionary acts conveyed by local guides in Tirta Empul Temple. The writer applied the theory proposed by Searle and Vanderveken (1985) to classify the types of assertive illocutionary acts used by local guides in Tirta Empul Temple. This research used a qualitative method to analyze the data descriptively using sentences that are already organized into paragraphs and also this research used a quantitative method to find out the frequency of types of assertive illocutionary acts used by local guides in Tirta Empul Temple. The research finding showed that there are four types of assertive used by local guides in Tirta Empul Temple: informing, stating, expressing an opinion, and reminding. Based on the data, there are 31 utterances includes types of assertive illocutionary acts found in local guide utterances in Tirta Empul Temple. Types of assertive illocutionary acts for informing become the dominant type used by local guides’ utterances. It holds (48,38%) for 15 utterances, stating (6,45%) for 2 utterances, expressing opinion (29,03%) for 9 utterances, and reminding (16,12%) for 5 utterances.
Function of Negative Imperative Sentences Found in Disney's Mulan Movie 2020 Ni Wayan Rai Sugiartini; I Wayan Resen; Ni Made Verayanti Utami
Journal of Humanities, Social Science, Public Administration and Management (HUSOCPUMENT) Vol. 1 No. 3 (2021): July: Journal of Humanities, Social Science, Public Administration and Manageme
Publisher : ID Solutions

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51715/husocpument.v1i3.40


This study was conducted to analyze the functions of negative imperative sentences found in Disney’s Mulan movie 2020. The data that used in this study taken from Disney’s Mulan movie which have been downloaded from Telegram application. This movie tells the story of a young Chinese woman who disguises herself as a male warrior in order to save her father.  The data were collected through observation method by watching the movie repeatedly, taking a note and making the list of negative imperative sentences. The theory used to classify the functions of negative imperative sentence proposed by Quirk et. al (1985). There are three functions of negative imperative sentences were found in this article. First function is prohibition. It is used to forbid someone to do something. Second function is warning. It is used to warn someone to stop doing something. The last function is suggestion. It is used to give a suggestion to someone in doing something or stop doing something. Keywords— negative imperative, function, movie
Compound Sentences In The Tripadvisor Reviews I Gede Adi Yoga Nanda Wiguna Adi; IGB Wahyu Nugraha; I.B.Gde Nova Winarta
Journal of Humanities, Social Science, Public Administration and Management (HUSOCPUMENT) Vol. 1 No. 3 (2021): July: Journal of Humanities, Social Science, Public Administration and Manageme
Publisher : ID Solutions

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51715/husocpument.v1i3.47


This study aims to find out the types of coordination in compound sentences and its syntactical structure. The data source was taken from the TripAdvisor reviews of the Padma Legian Resort and Padma Ubud Resort on June until September 2019. The data analyzed by using the descriptive qualitative method and supported with quantitative method. The theory proposed by Quirk and Greenbaum (1973) to find out the types of coordination in compound sentence and the theory proposed by Brown and Miller (1991) to find out the syntactical structure demonstrated by tree diagram. This analyzed  was presented in formal and informal method. As the result of this study shown that there were 3 types of coordination found in the TripAdvisor Reviews of the Padma Legian Resort and Padma Ubud Resort, those were compound sentences using syndetic coordination with 67 data (67%), compound sentence that used asyndetic coordination with 24data (24%) and compound sentence that used both syndetic and  asyndetic coordination with 9 data (9%).
Emotive Function Used in L'Oreal Paris Advertisements Ni Made Sutariani; IGA Vina Widiadnya Putri; Ni Nyoman Deni Ariyaningsih
Journal of Humanities, Social Science, Public Administration and Management (HUSOCPUMENT) Vol. 1 No. 3 (2021): July: Journal of Humanities, Social Science, Public Administration and Manageme
Publisher : ID Solutions

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51715/husocpument.v1i3.50


This study aimed at analyzing the occurrence of emotive function used in transcript of ten L’Oreal Paris advertisements videos. In addition, it also intended to analyze the elements of the sentence used to present emotive function in L’Oreal Paris advertisements.  There were two theories applied in this study. The theory proposed by (Jakobson, 1980) applied to analyze the emotive function. Meanwhile, the theory proposed by (Quirk & Greenbaum, 1973) applied to analyze the elements of the sentence used to present emotive function in L’Oreal Paris advertisements. Observation method was applied in collecting the data of this study which was done by watching and note taking technique. In analyzing the data, descriptive qualitative and quantitative methods were applied. Formal and informal methods were also applied for presenting the findings. Based on the theories applied, there were 35 data of emotive function found in transcript of ten L’Oreal Paris advertisements videos which were presented with various combination of sentence elements.
The Character Education through Moral-Philosophical Approach of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz Novel for Indonesian Student Ni Ketut Ayu Wiranti; Dewa Ayu Eka Agustini; Putu Adi Krisna Juniarta
Journal of Humanities, Social Science, Public Administration and Management (HUSOCPUMENT) Vol. 1 No. 3 (2021): July: Journal of Humanities, Social Science, Public Administration and Manageme
Publisher : ID Solutions

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51715/husocpument.v1i3.72


The conditions that occur in Indonesia, such as environmental damage, promiscuity, etc., it is one of the important factors in the formation of moral values today starting from school. The character building become the important part in the term of learning process in Indonesia. Indonesian government made Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan Dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia Nomor 20 Tahun 2018 Tentang Penguatan Pendidikan Karakter Pada Satuan Pendidikan Formal or Permendikbud No. 20 of 2018 about Strengthening Character Education in Formal Education Units to make the character education is very important. The aims of this research is to describe and analyse the character education values contained in The Wonderful Wizard of Oz novel by L. Frank Baum. Descriptive qualitative research used to uses. The technique of data collection uses the document data. Data analysis techniques used in qualitative research include data reduction, analysis, data interpretation and triangulation. The result conveys about there are ten character education value contained in The Wonderful Wizard of Oz novel such as: honesty, tolerance, work hard, creative, love the motherland, communicative, love for peace, care for environment, social care, and be responsible.