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Journal of Humanities, Social Science, Public Administration and Management (HUSOCPUMENT)
Published by ID Solutions Publisher
ISSN : 27748154     EISSN : 27748162     DOI :
Journal Husocpument a scientific journal in Humanities, Social Science, Public Administration and Management containing the scientific literature on studies of pure and applied research in Humanities, Social Science, Public Administration and Management science and public review of the development of theory, method and applied sciences related to the subject.
Articles 70 Documents
Students’ Perceptions and Constraints on The Use Of Quizizz in Teaching and Learning Process During Covid-19 Pandemic Ni Kadek Indah Dili Yanti Indah Dili; I Wayan Suarnajaya; Ni Putu Astiti Pratiwi
Journal of Humanities, Social Science, Public Administration and Management (HUSOCPUMENT) Vol. 1 No. 3 (2021): July: Journal of Humanities, Social Science, Public Administration and Manageme
Publisher : ID Solutions

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51715/husocpument.v1i3.73


The purposes of this research were to (1) identify students’ perceptions about the use of Quizizz to assist the learning process during Covid-19 Pandemic; (2) find out whether there are certain constraints that the students have about the use of Quizizz to assist the learning process during Covid-19 pandemic. This study was designed in the form of mixed-method. A research design that combines qualitative and quantitative study in the process of collecting and analyzing the data is called mixed-method (creswell&Tashakkori, 2017). The research subjects were 70 participants of the third-grade students of SMA N 1 Blahbatuh in academic year 2020/2021. Data collection was conducted using a questionnaire and interview. The result of this study had shown that students’ perceptions about the use of Quizizz were very good perceptions and internet connection problems became the constraint that the students had about the use of Quizizz in a pandemic situation.
The Implementation of Google Classroom Application in Teaching and Learning Process at Ninth Grade Students At SMP Negeri 4 Tejakula widya Ketut Widya Astuti
Journal of Humanities, Social Science, Public Administration and Management (HUSOCPUMENT) Vol. 1 No. 3 (2021): July: Journal of Humanities, Social Science, Public Administration and Manageme
Publisher : ID Solutions

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51715/husocpument.v1i3.76


This study aims to determine 1) how the implementation of Google Classroom in the teaching and learning process of English in grade 9 SMP Negeri 4 Tejakula and 2) the perceptions of grade 9 students of SMP Negeri 4 Tejakula on the use of Google Classroom in the learning and teaching process of English. This study uses a mixed-method. The subjects of this study were two English teachers in grade 9 and grade 9 students from class 9A, 9B, 9C, 9D, 9E, 9F, 9G, and 9H. The object of this research is the implementation of the Google Classroom in the learning and teaching process of English in grade 9 at SMP Negeri 4 Tejakula and the perceptions of the 9th-grade students of SMP Negeri 4 Tejakula on the use of Google Classroom in the learning and teaching process collected by the method of observation and questionnaires. From the research conducted on teachers and all students in grade 9 shows that, based on the results of observations, teachers use Google Classroom as a media for sending and receiving assignments or tests, while the results of questionnaires related to student perceptions indicate that the implementation of Google Classroom in the process of language learning and teaching English in grade 9 showed a positive response. This is indicated by the mean score of 3.20. From this mean score, it can be concluded that most of the students agreed with the statement contained in the questionnaire so that they were able to get the mean score which occupied the "positive" criteria.
How To Use Poster To Teach English Ni Made Purnami Widyawati
Journal of Humanities, Social Science, Public Administration and Management (HUSOCPUMENT) Vol. 1 No. 3 (2021): July: Journal of Humanities, Social Science, Public Administration and Manageme
Publisher : ID Solutions

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51715/husocpument.v1i3.87


the aimed of this article is to develop learning media, namely poster. because poster will drive student motivation and character in learning English. The students conducted this article because there were problems in learning, the students have to understand to knowledge and have skills in learning. Students must also have good character in increasing learning motivation. So that the author makes posters to gave students improve to learn because posters in education was make students to improve student learning. These poster as a media are common among the learner and student were easy to learn, particularly in the current condition, students have to build ideas and develop knowledge through written writing. so that in this writing the poster was chosen to be used as material to develop student creativity in class learning and theauthor chose a Canva application to make learning applications to serve as classes learning materials. This research was used qualitative method with DnD model namely design, development, and evaluation. The population of this research was the English teacher SMPN 4 Kintamani with a sample all seven grade students with 32 students who were sampled in this study. the results of using these three steps can help teachers to use posters in teaching English and the results of the posters can be used as material for teaching in class.
Market Strategy in Competition in Islamic Financial Institutions Yudhi K. Noorhidayat
Journal of Humanities, Social Science, Public Administration and Management (HUSOCPUMENT) Vol. 1 No. 3 (2021): July: Journal of Humanities, Social Science, Public Administration and Manageme
Publisher : ID Solutions

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51715/husocpument.v1i3.118


Entering a new era of economic and trade relations at the national, regional, and international levels, it is necessary to understand marketing and the right strategies to achieve marketing targets. On the other hand, in the field of Islamic institutions in Indonesia, there are several obstacles or problems including human resource problems and inappropriate marketing strategies. So it is necessary to improve the quality of human resources and several efforts in carrying out appropriate marketing strategies, including marketing mix strategies, marketing segmentation, radical marketing, and the creation of spiritual advocates. This research used descriptive qualitative research which aimed to find out how to use the right marketing strategy in the international arena, and how Islamic institutions can use the right marketing to encourage increased market share in the midst of global competition. The results of the study indicated that there are several marketing strategy efforts that can be carried out and developed, including through marketing mix strategies, marketing segmentation strategies, radical marketing strategies, creating spiritual advocates, and human resource development strategies.
Implementation and Planning of Human Resource Management in Islamic Banking Institutions Rohprihati
Journal of Humanities, Social Science, Public Administration and Management (HUSOCPUMENT) Vol. 1 No. 3 (2021): July: Journal of Humanities, Social Science, Public Administration and Manageme
Publisher : ID Solutions

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51715/husocpument.v1i3.119


Management is an important point for a company. Planning is needed in financial institutions, including Islamic banking. It aims to coordinate the workforce effectively. For the formation of quality workforce management so that it becomes a hope that can be the foundation of Islamic banking companies in Indonesia. HR management is planning, organizing, directing, and controlling. The existence of development, payroll, maintenance, and decay are the goals of individuals and society. The challenge in implementing HR management is the workforce who does not have a sharia financial background. The rapid development of Islamic financial institutions has resulted in great opportunities for the community in muamalah activities. Islamic financial institutions in Indonesia adhere to the policies contained in the law. This study used qualitative research methods that aimed to determine the function and role of human resource management in Islamic banking institutions. The results of this study concluded that Islamic law is the basis for implementing human resource development strategies. The development of the performance and quality of the workforce carried out by Islamic banks by providing regular training to all workers aims to improve the quality of the workforce. The lack of education in Islamic banking introduces an understanding based on Islamic law. The workforce in Islamic banking institutions aims to regulate and improve the system so that it can run effectively.
A SEMIOTIC ANALYSIS FOUND IN KUDETA BALI ADVERTISEMENTS Ni Ketut Ria Agustina; I Dewa Ayu Devi Maharani Santika; Desak Putu Eka Pratiwi
Journal of Humanities, Social Science, Public Administration and Management (HUSOCPUMENT) Vol. 1 No. 4 (2021): Oktober: Journal of Humanities, Social Science, Public Administration and Manag
Publisher : ID Solutions

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51715/husocpument.v1i4.65


The aims of the study are to identify the verbal and non-verbal signs as well as to analyze their meaning in Kudeta Bali advertisements. Advertisements usually contain with sign whether in verbal or non-verbal. Each of them is used to express the meaning intended by the advertisers. The signs used also can attract the attention of the audience as well as to persuade them to buy or use the products. The data of this study were taken from the internet. The process of collecting data was searching the data from the internet, downloading the data and note taking technique. The data were analyzed by descriptive qualitative method. This study used the theory of semiotics by (Saussure, 1983) to find out the verbal and non-verbal signs and the theory of meaning by (Barthes, 1967) and supported by theory of color by (Wierzbicka, 1996). By conducting of this study, it found that verbal and non-verbal signs have important rules to make an attractive advertisement. These verbal and non-verbal signs contain denotation and connotation meaning. The advertiser tends to use brief sentences and give an informative idea about the event that held in order to attract reader’s attention. The pictures, the models, and the colors used in the advertisements also support the sentences in delivering the idea. Both of verbal and non-verbal signs are related to each other since what is in verbal signs are conveyed in visual signs.
THE EFFECT OF PRICE PERCEPTION AND BRAND AWARENESS ON SERVICE QUALITY MEDIATED BY PURCHASING DECISIONS : (Study Case on PT. Maybank Indonesia Finance Credit Products) Melitina Tecoalu; Hery Winoto Tj; Ferdian Ferdian
Journal of Humanities, Social Science, Public Administration and Management (HUSOCPUMENT) Vol. 1 No. 4 (2021): Oktober: Journal of Humanities, Social Science, Public Administration and Manag
Publisher : ID Solutions

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51715/husocpument.v1i4.127


The finance company industry experienced much pressure in 2020 due to the covid-19 pandemic, this condition made business activities and social life almost stopped. This research was conducted at PT. Maybank Indonesia Finance is one of the financing companies in Indonesia that is currently proliferating. Purchasing decisions have an essential meaning for a financial institution because credit is one of the directives of funding by financial institutions to people who want to get an item on credit as the institution's main business. In determining a decision to purchase products and services, consumers perceive the goods and services they buy, such as the perception of the price of an item or service in making a purchase, and consumers can recognize the company's brand awareness. This research was conducted by nonprobability sampling method with purposive sampling type. Researchers distributed questionnaires to 100 Maybank Finance consumer respondents in Indonesia who had purchased Maybank Finance car loans in 2018-2020. The results of the analysis conclude that price perception has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions. Brand awareness has a positive and significant effect on credit purchasing decisions. Price perception has a positive and significant effect on service quality. Brand awareness has a positive and significant effect on service quality. Service quality has no positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions at Maybank Finance. Service quality mediating between brand awareness and purchasing decisions is not significant.
Journal of Humanities, Social Science, Public Administration and Management (HUSOCPUMENT) Vol. 1 No. 4 (2021): Oktober: Journal of Humanities, Social Science, Public Administration and Manag
Publisher : ID Solutions

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51715/husocpument.v1i4.128


This study discusses the effect of service quality on customer loyalty mediated by customer satisfaction at PT. Maybank Indonesia Finance Jakarta Branch. This research was conducted by using purposive sampling. Data analysis using Smart PLS analysis. The results of the analysis conclude that service quality does not affect customer loyalty. So it can be said, good service quality may not necessarily make the customer loyal to PT. Maybank Indonesia Finance because there are still several factors that can make customers loyal. Service quality has a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction. So it can be said, good service quality will increase customer satisfaction with PT. Maybank Indonesia Finance. Customer Satisfaction has a positive and significant influence on Customer Loyalty. So it can be said, increasing customer satisfaction will make customers more loyal to PT. Maybank Indonesia Finance. Customer satisfaction can mediate the effect of service quality on customer loyalty. So it can be said, if the quality of service provided is getting better, it will form high customer satisfaction in the minds of customers, then this will further increase customer loyalty at PT. Maybank Indonesia Finance.
Journal of Humanities, Social Science, Public Administration and Management (HUSOCPUMENT) Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): January: Journal of Humanities, Social Science, Public Administration and Manag
Publisher : ID Solutions

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51715/husocpument.v2i1.84


This article under the title “Revealing the Connotative Meaning of the Figurative Language in James Arthur’s Selected Song Lyrics” aims at revealing the connotative meaning of figurative language used in the Arthur’s song lyrics. Figurative Language is a language that uses words, sentences, or phrases with their meaning different from literal interpretations. The data are taken from several selected song lyrics by James Arthur in in the transcript form. To collect the data, the method used in this article is the documentation method. The collected data were analyzed by the qualitative method using the theory of figurative language proposed by Knickerbocker and Reninger (1963) to identify the types of figurative language and theory of connotative meaning proposed by Leech (1981) to reveal or interpret the intended meaning of figurative language.
Journal of Humanities, Social Science, Public Administration and Management (HUSOCPUMENT) Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): January: Journal of Humanities, Social Science, Public Administration and Manag
Publisher : ID Solutions

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51715/husocpument.v2i1.85


This research investigated the anxiety and speaking performance of students in the second grade of SMA Negeri 1 Mengwi. The objectives of this research was to determine relationship between anxiety and speaking performance. This research is a correlational study, and this study was designed using a quantitative method. The samples were 106 students of SMA Negeri 1 Mengwi in the 2020/2021 academic year. The data were collected using a questionnaire and speaking rubric. The result of this research revealed a significant correlation between the anxiety of students and their speaking performance. The strength of the relationship was highly negative, which indicated that if the anxiety of the students was high, the speaking performance would be poor.