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Journal of Science and Education (JSE) aims to facilitate and promote the inquiry into and dissemination of research results on primary education, secondary education, higher education, teacher education, special education, adult education, non-formal education, and any new development and advancement in the field of education. The scope of our journal includes: Language and literature education Social science education Sports and health education Economics and business education Math and natural science education Vocational and engineering education
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Articles 48 Documents
Pengembangan modul matematika berbasis ethnomatematika dengan tema permainan tradisional engklek Siti Halimatul Maulida; Jatmiko Jatmiko; Yuni Katminingsih
Journal of Science and Education (JSE) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): Journal of Science and Education (JSE)
Publisher : CV Rezki Media

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56003/jse.v1i1.3


Bahan ajar di sekolah yang sering digunakan dalam pembelajaran salah satunya ialah modul. Modul dapat dimodifikasi sesuai dengan kriteria siswa dan juga lingkungan sekolah, namun pada pelajaran matematika jarang ditemui modul matematika yang memiliki tema tentang kebudayaan. Banyak ragam kebudayaan yang mengandung nilai matematika, salah satunya ialah permainan tradisional engklek. Permainan tradisional engklek mengandung unsur bangun datar yang merupakan salah satu pembahasan yang ada dalam materi matematika. Untuk itu perlu dilakukannya pengembangan modul berbasis etnomatematika dengan tema permainan tradisional engklek. Pengembangan ini menggunakan metode ADDIE, dimana karna adanya pandemi penelitian ini hanya sampai tahap validasi ahli. Tujuan dilakukannya pengembangan tersebut ialah agar dapat menghasilkan modul matematika berbasis etnomatematika dengan tema permainan tradisional engklek. Hasil dari pengembangan ini ialah berupa bahan ajar modul matematika berbasis etnomatematika dengan tema permainan tradisional engklek. Hasil validasi modul dengan para ahli menunjukkan angka 91,64%, maka dengan ini modul yang dikembangkan dalam penelitian ini sudah masuk dalam kriteria layak.
Pengembangan media pembelajaran puzzle pada materi operasi aljabar Andri Yeskial Huan; Jatmiko Jatmiko; Aan Nurfahrudianto
Journal of Science and Education (JSE) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): Journal of Science and Education (JSE)
Publisher : CV Rezki Media

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56003/jse.v1i1.4


Pelajaran matematika  khususnya materi aljabar dianggap sulit dan tidak menarik sebagian siswa karena materi sagatlah abstrak, akibatnya nilai siswa menjadi kurang optimal. Di dalam mengatasi permasalahan tersebut guru dapat menggunakan media pembelajaran, salah satunya media puzzel. Penggunaan media pembelajaran haruslah memenuhi kriteria kelayakan, oleh karena itu dalam pengembangan media pembelajaran membutuhkan validasi. Validasi meliputi tiga validator yaitu ahli praktisi, ahli materi, dan ahli media pembelajaran matematika. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui validasi pengembangan media pembelajaran puzzle pada materi operasi aljabar. Validator  penelitian ini meliputi dua dosen FKIP program studi pendidikan matematika, satu guru mata pelajaran matematika Analisis yang digunakan analisis kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Analisis kualitatif berupa komentar dan saran yang dikemukakan oleh validator, yang digunakan sebagai dasar untuk memperbaiki dan mengetahui kelayaan produk yang dikembangkan. Analisis kuantitatif dilakukan dengan mencari rata-rata dari semua validator. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat diketahui bahwa Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran yang telah dibuat sesuai dan cocok dengan penggunaan media pelajaran puzzel aljabar yang dikembangkan dengan tingkat kevalidan 4.31. Sedangkan kualitas materi dalam media pembeljaran puzzle aljabar sesuai dengan materi operasi aljabar dengan tingkat kevalidan 4,23 dan kualitas media pembeljaran puzzle aljabar baik dan dapat digunakan untuk media pembelajaran pada materi operasi aljabar dengan tingkat kevalidan 4,42. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulankan bahwa media pembelajaran puzzle pada materi operasi aljabar dapat digunakan dengan kriteria kevalidan sangat valid
Jigsaw cooperative learning strategy based lesson study on Indonesian college study in National Information Polytechnic Husni Bt Salam
Journal of Science and Education (JSE) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): Journal of Science and Education (JSE)
Publisher : CV Rezki Media

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56003/jse.v1i1.7


Indonesian language courses are compulsory subjects in every tertiary institution so a learning model is needed. The purpose of this study is to describe the Lesson Study-based cooperative learning model in the Indonesian language course at the National Informatics Polytechnic. This research was conducted in 2 cycles. The subjects in this study were 16 students of Business Administration class. The research instrument consisted of the Lesson Study feasibility study instrument sheet, the observation sheet of problem solving skills assessment and the cognitive assessment assessment sheet. The results of the study used a Lesson Study-based jigsaw method of 90%. The application of the Jigsaw model based on Lesson Study was able to improve student collaborative skills by 8.26% and cognitive learning outcomes by 1.56% from cycle I to cycle II. The conclusion of this research is a strategy using the Jigsaw model based on Lesson Study can improve the collaborative skills and cognitive learning outcomes of each student.
Pemberian scaffolding terhadap berpikir pseudo penalaran siswa dalam mengkonstruksi grafik fungsi Ratna Yulis Tyaningsih; Dwi Novitasari; Deni Hamdani; Aprilia Dwi Handayani; Samijo Samijo
Journal of Science and Education (JSE) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): Journal of Science and Education (JSE)
Publisher : CV Rezki Media

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56003/jse.v1i1.9


Struktur berpikir pseudo merupakan struktur berpikir semu yang dialami siswa ketika memecahkan suatu masalah, dimana siswa tidak mengetahui letak kesalahan yang dilakukan. Siswa diberikan masalah berupa soal mengkonstruksi grafik fungsi eksponensial dan logaritma. Beberapa penyebab terjadinya proses berpikir pseudo siswa ketika mengkonstruksi grafik fungsi eksponensial dan logaritma adalah adalah (1) salah satu langkah proses penyelesaian diabaikan siswa, (2) tergesa-gesa ketika menghitung atau menggambar, (3) tidak bisa mengaitkan konsep satu dengan yang lain, (4) kurang memahami materi prasyarat, dan (5) tidak melakukan aktivitas refleksi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan bentuk pemberian scaffolding terhadap struktur berpikir pseudo siswa dalam mengkonstruksi grafik fungsi eksponensial dan logaritma. Subjek penelitian ini terdiri dari 2 siswa dengan kemampuan matematika sedang dan rendah. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan memberikan tes dan wawancara untuk mengetahui proses berpikir pseudo siswa ketika mengkonstruksi grafik fungsi eksponensial dan logaritma. Dalam penerapan scaffolding, alat bantu yang digunakan adalah Geogebra. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa proses scaffolding akan berhasil jika siswa memiliki kemauan untuk memperbaiki kesalahan sampai diperoleh jawaban yang benar. Pemberian scaffolding dimulai dari level 1 environmental provisions yaitu pemberian stimulus berupa masalah dengan alat bantu visualisasi, level 2 explaining, reviewing, and restructuring yaitu penjelasan rumusan masalah dan proses review. Pada level 3 developing conceptual thinking, yaitu tanya jawab hal-hal yang bersifat konseptual.
Survei tingkat kejenuhan siswa SMK belajar di rumah pada mata pelajaran produk kreatif dan kewirausahaan selama masa pandemi covid-19 Desy Rinawati; Eka Kurnia Darisman
Journal of Science and Education (JSE) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): Journal of Science and Education (JSE)
Publisher : CV Rezki Media

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56003/jse.v1i1.11


Kejenuhan merupakan sindrom psikologis yang memiliki ciri utama berupa kelelahan emosi, depersonalisasi, dan penurunan prestasi. Kondisi kelelahan ini dapat muncul ketika mereka memiliki sedikit waktu luang untuk hidup mereka. Ujung-ujungnya, mereka yang bersangkutan akan merasakan perasaan tidak enak yang semakin stres ketika dihadapkan kembali dengan aktivitas yang sama secara terus menerus. Belajar di rumah muncul setelah pemerintah secara resmi mengumumkan seluruh tingkat satuan pendidikan dihimbau untuk bekerja maupun belajar dari rumah demi memutus persebaran covid-19. Pembelajaran produk kreatif dan prakarya di SMKN 1 Dringu yang biasanya dilakukan secara langsung kini diharuskan untuk dilakukan dalam jaringan (daring). Hal tersebut diduga memicu kejenuhan siswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner sebagai instrumen utama pengumpulan data. Angket yang digunakan adalah angket tertutup dan dibagikan kepada siswa SMKN 1 Dringu kelas XII. Dari kuesioner yang terkumpul diperoleh data sebanyak 45% siswa mengalami gejala kejenuhan level rendah dan 55% mengalami gejala kejenuhuan tingkat sedang. Kejenuhan dapat diatasi dengan 5 cara yaitu meningkatkan kesadaran diri, menyeimbangkan waktu istirahat dan aktivitas, memilih aktivitas yang sesuai dengan rencana, mencari dukungan dari lingkungan terdekat, dan mempraktikkan teknik latihan mental.
Smartphone sleep technology: health apps during covid-19 to mitigate psychosocial stress among children and adolescents Cathy Mae Dabi Toquero
Journal of Science and Education (JSE) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): Journal of Science and Education (JSE)
Publisher : CV Rezki Media

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56003/jse.v1i2.20


Children and adolescents are prone to physical fatigue and psychosocial anxiety because of the ongoing social distancing and sleep deprivations due to the long exposure to digital technology usage during the covid-19 pandemic. This scenario of sleep deprivation affects their educational endeavors and health quality. Through the use of smartphones as a sleep technology approach in mental health, this article reviews relevant literature concerning the mobile health applications for sleep hygiene among children and adolescents. It provides insight into smartphone sleep technology utilization that can alleviate the psychosocial stress and mental health issues that children and adolescents can experience amid the pandemic. The author stressed that the collaboration among health practitioners, educators, and researchers are also pertinent to strengthen health measures and to conduct evidence-based research on digital health interventions. The scientific results can increase smartphone-based sleep applications' monitoring as health interventions for children and adolescents to practice sleep hygiene. Future investigation should also examine and assess the effectiveness of smartphone sleep technologies for sleep quality and mental health outcomes.
Rectangular learning through video, is it effective during the Covid-19 pandemic? Lisa Fitriana; Rachmaniah Mirza Hariastuti; Novita Purnamasari Supahmi; Risa Farroh Maulida
Journal of Science and Education (JSE) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): Journal of Science and Education (JSE)
Publisher : CV Rezki Media

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56003/jse.v1i2.25


The Covid-19 pandemic is a challenge for teachers and students in the learning process, especially to implement technology-based learning. Learning mathematics with the characteristics of abstract objects makes teachers have to innovate in the knowledge transfer process. However, not all teachers can make technology-based material innovations. For this reason, it is necessary to develop learning media in the form of videos on rectangular material so that they can become additional references for teachers in learning. The videos were created with the Microsoft PowerPoint application based on the ADDIE development model. The data was collected by using questionnaires, tests, and documentation. Data analysis was carried out qualitatively based on predetermined indicators. The development results show that the video is valid according to expert judgment and the results of the student response questionnaire after the implementation process. However, in terms of material, the video has not provided effectiveness in students’ mathematical understanding.
Improving reading comprehension skill through Listen-Read-Discuss (LRD) learning strategy Nur Faindah Syamsir; Zul Astri; Suhartina Suhartina; Fhadli Noer
Journal of Science and Education (JSE) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): Journal of Science and Education (JSE)
Publisher : CV Rezki Media

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56003/jse.v1i2.28


The problem in this research is the students' reading comprehension skills in English. The purpose of this study to investigate the improvement in reading comprehension skills of VIII grade students of SMP Negeri 5 Manda in Maros Regency. This type of research is experimental research. The technique of collecting data is done by using a test technique. The test instrument is in the form of multiple-choice questions tested before and after being treated with learning strategies. The data analysis technique used the t-test. Based on the calculation of the difference test, the average value of the data in the t-test for the equations of means column has a significance value of 0.025> 0.000, so H0 is rejected, so it can be concluded that the Listening-Read-Discuss (LRD) Learning Strategy can be used to improve reading comprehension skills in students.
Level of knowledge and behaviour of society district Jombang about covid-19 Kahan Tony Hendrawan; Arnaz Anggoro Saputro
Journal of Science and Education (JSE) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): Journal of Science and Education (JSE)
Publisher : CV Rezki Media

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56003/jse.v1i2.35


Occurrences of the COVID-19 outbreak have appeared in 215 countries worldwide, including the country of Indonesia. Jombang is a regency with a higher increase in COVID-19 patients than its neighboring cities and regencies in the province of East Java. The number of positive COVID-19 patients in Jombang currently stands at 64 documented cases. To reduce the increase in the number of new cases, all layers of the public and government are required to take part. The purpose of this research is as knowledge about Covid 19 is very important for the community so that people can make decisions in behaving appropriately to break the chain of transmission of Covid 19. This research is quantitative with an analytical correlation design. The sample count is 144 respondents randomly chosen to fill in a Google Form that was distributed via WhatsApp to the general public of the regency of Jombang. The data was analyzed using the Spearman Analytical Correlation method. Results show that the public of Jombang regency included into the category who possess a good knowledge of COVID-19 is (90%) with only (10%) in the category with enough knowledge. The public of Jombang in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic, such as wearing a mask, practicing hand hygiene, and physical/ social distancing, shows a percentage of (95,8%) included in the good category with only (4,2%) in enough category.
English language learning motivation of sports exchange students Fatona Suraya; Setya Rahayu; Mawarni Mohamed; Ani Mazlina Dewi Mohamed; Miranti Nur Anggrahini
Journal of Science and Education (JSE) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): Journal of Science and Education (JSE)
Publisher : CV Rezki Media

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56003/jse.v1i2.37


One of the benefits from students exchange program is to learn a foreign language. In the Faculty of Sports Science, UNNES, most students going abroad all-around Southeast Asia which English is the medium of instruction between countries. Thus, the exchange program were likely helped to motivate them to learn English. However, limited studies have discussed the English learning motivation of students who have been studying abroad. This study aims to explain the students’ motivation to learn English after being exposed to the exchange experience. The study explains their motivation in two domains: intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. It is descriptive quantitative research with a set of questionnaires as the primary source of data supported by interviews as the secondary data. The subjects of this study are 37 students from 4 majors; sports science (12), public health (11), physical education (7), and coaching education (7) which consisted of 20 females and 17 males, under the Faculty of Sports Science, UNNES who experienced the exchange programs between 2018-2019. The study found that personal belief on the importance of English to upgrade self-capacity, followed by practical practice of independent study to upgrade English performance, are the intrinsic motivational factors embraced by the exchange students. Furthermore, the exchange students’ view of the importance of English for their future career and the positive opinion from their environment on the people who can speak English have extrinsically motivated them to learn English. Future study needs to involve bigger participants by comparing those exchange and non-exchange students and examine the role of motivation toward the student's learning performance.