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Erwani Merry Sartika
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Journal of Innovation and Community Engagement
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Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 74 Documents
Point of Sales System in InHome Café Website using Agile Methodology Irma Amelia Dewi; Yusup Miftahuddin; Muhammad Assidiq Fattah; Cikal Bingah Palenda; Syahrul Fathurrahman Erawan
Journal of Innovation and Community Engagement Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Kristen Maranatha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28932/jice.v1i1.3321


The Point of Sales (POS) system is a system that supports sales transactions where POS is currently evolving because it can record sales, record inventory, print invoices, calculate profits and improve services for businesspeople and entrepreneurs. InHome Café is one of the growing cafe in Subang, Bandung. Ease of access to purchase products through online services led to an increase in transactions. At InHome Café Subang, data management, data processing, and sales transaction processing used to rely on a manual system or paper-based recording, which open to risks in data management and security. Therefore, to solve the problem, a website-based Point of Sales System was developed to record sales, collect inventory, print invoices, calculate profits using the PHP programming language with the CodeIgniter framework, and MySQL. The system was developed using the Agile development system with a reasoning that a short-term system development that emphasizes client satisfaction was required. The system functionality testing resulted in a success rate of 96.15%. Keywords: agile, café, point of sales, scrum, website
Soft Skill Improvement as a Data Update Effort in the Mekarsaluyu Village Development Program Utami -; Wahyu Buana Putra; Dian Duhita
Journal of Innovation and Community Engagement Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Kristen Maranatha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28932/jice.v1i1.3356


Natural wealth is an enormous gift. Located in northern part of Bandung, in a mountainous area, Mekarsaluyu Village has vast natural potential. The cool air, beautiful scenery, and the existence of rivers and contoured land, and the culture in the form of art and traditional music and culinary make the village has a unique local wealth. However, the local wealth available has not been managed well. The potential referred to has not yet had an optimal positive impact both on the social and economic life of its inhabitants. The background of this problem gives encouragement to empower the people of Mekarsaluyu Village by planning a tourist village development program with the theme of ecotourism. To design the program, it was necessary to collect data on the existing conditions in Mekarsaluyu Village, covering the physical aspects of natural resources and the non-physical aspects of the socio-cultural community. Getting real, accurate, and actual needs necessary to update the data and complete the lack of required data, were important for determining the ecotourism village program's planning. Therefore, the aim of this work was to carry out community service in counseling on updating data for Mekarsaluyu Village residents. The method used was in the form of training and assistance in filling out data. The writing team prepared the necessary database format tools in data variables related to the ecotourism village planning program. Then together with the residents, simulated the form filling. The results obtained from this community service are the ability of villager residents to fill in actual data independently with accuracy and validity related to physical data on the natural geographical conditions and Mekarsaluyu Village's socio-cultural community. Keywords: natural resource; training; updating data; village development
Application of Learned Optimism and Mindful Parenting for Caregivers of Putra Utama 03 Ceger Orphanage Yohana Ratrin Hestyanti; Penny Handayani; Abriyanti Riyanti; Sylvidire Maharani; Nelson Zelig; Alyssa Abidin; Tjong Michaella; Stephanie Anggun
Journal of Innovation and Community Engagement Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Kristen Maranatha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28932/jice.v1i1.3357


There used to be a gap between ideal and actual condition in the pattern of parenting at Panti Sosial Asuhan Anak (PSAA) Putra Utama 03 Ceger, an orphanage. The gap was caused by some factors namely the environment facilities, high levels of problematic behavior among adolescents, the system, insufficient number of caregivers, and cultural factors of parenting that have been going on for a long time in the orphanage. The gap could lead to learned helplessness of the caregivers in parenting pattern on children at the orphanage. A team was formed to create an intervention through community service activity to overcome the problem, by applying learned optimism and mindful parenting for the caregivers at the orphanage. This intervention program was aimed to increase the caregiver’s knowledge and motivation through training of learned optimism and mindful parenting. Therefore, the caregivers can be more optimistic and wholehearted in carrying out their role as caregivers. The approach used in this intervention is based on the Bioecological Model Theory from Bronfenbrenner, the Experiential Learning from Bandura, and the Change Theory by Lewin. The steps taken in this intervention program were a preliminary study using a problem tree, Fishbone Analysis, and SWOT analysis. After a preliminary study, the team prepared an intervention design consisting of preparation, training, monitoring, and evaluation of the intervention. The expected targets of this intervention program were an increasing knowledge in learned optimism training and caregivers’ motivation in applying the training materials. These indicators have been achieved well through the activities provided. Keywords: learned helplessness; learned optimism; mindful parenting; orphanage
Evaluation of Procurement Process on Ethanol Factory Construction – Lampung Roi Milyardi; Indra Koheru; Cindrawaty Lesmana
Journal of Innovation and Community Engagement Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Kristen Maranatha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28932/jice.v1i1.3366


The procurement process in construction is quite complicated with its various methods. One of them, design and construct contracting, which often used, is one that has an advantage of saving time and money. However, for companies without sufficient capabilities to carry out procurement, the design construct contract method also requires expert assistance in the process. To meet the construction procurement process requirements, one workable solution is that the company collaborates with a university for its factory construction development. The relevant academicians have expertise to solve problems in procurement process. The academician team was collecting appropriate data and then evaluating it to give suggestions on the construction procurement process. The method used was a simple comparison of the price proposed by the contractor to the owner estimate which was then calculated based on the Indonesian Regulation by the Minister of Public Works and Housing no. 28/PRT/M/concerning the unit price analysis that used as reference. Prices for materials, tools, and wages referred from Indonesian unit price journal references. The result of the evaluation was to determine the contract winner based on price and technical design aspects within company budget. During the evaluation process, clarification was made regarding the proposed design, construction method and quality of the proposed material to match the technical aspects of the design. The price evaluation process which was carried out in a short term has assisted the company in carrying out its construction procurement process. In the long run, cooperation can be developed in the form of human resource training so that the company can develop independently in carrying out the construction procurement process. Keywords: construction procurement, community service, owner estimate
Service Learning to Increase Utilization of X Video Editing Software Features within Limited Facilities for the Youth of Gereja Kristen Pasundan Cideres Pin Panji Yapinus; Leon Karsten; Emmanuel F. Sigit Bayu P.; Gilberth Giandy Taruna Kesumah; Rudianov Z.A. Parera; Richard Anderson
Journal of Innovation and Community Engagement Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Kristen Maranatha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28932/jice.v1i2.3373


The service learning in multimedia skills for teenagers and young people as training program for the community was conducted through the expertise of Bachelor Program in Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Kristen Maranatha, for Gereja Kristen Pasundan (GKP) Cideres. The purpose of this training was to equip people with skills or knowledge that can be useful in daily activities. As this training was given during the Covid-19 pandemic, by requirement of health and safety protocols, the service learning was implemented online via the internet in a form of webinar. Online digital activities are increasingly important as conventional physical interactions and communication in work or study environment become unsafe and to be avoided or to be done less often than usual. Unfortunately for most people, technical skills for working or studying online are not yet adequate, especially in multimedia using some recent tools and softwares. So in this program, basic multimedia producing skills using Microsoft Photos (video editing feature) and Microsoft Power Point were introduced. The end result of the training was satisfactory, as those who participate are being able to produce simple digital multimedia presentation using the aforementioned tools and softwares. The training program was held online on November 28th, 2020 via Zoom Meeting Application, and was made possible thanks to the collaboration of Bachelor Program in Computer Engineering with the Directorate of Student and Alumni Affairs, Universitas Kristen Maranatha. Keywords: Covid-19 pandemic; multimedia; service learning
PLTS 200 Wp to Meet Energy Needs at the Taqwa Muhammadiyah Mosque, Sei Litur Village, Sawit Sebrang Langkat District Partaonan Harahap; Irfan Nofri; Sudirman Lubis
Journal of Innovation and Community Engagement Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Kristen Maranatha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28932/jice.v1i1.3380


At the Taqwa Muhammadiyah Mosque, a local place of worship, the power blackout is becoming very troublesome. On one side of the village where the research was conducted, the light intensity was high enough so that it is very good to be used as a source of renewable energy, namely solar panels or better known as PLTS. Method used in this research is experiment which is fully functional to control the implementation of the solar panel for electricity supply for the Mosque everyday activity Based on the results of measurements and calculations, the 200 Wp solar panel, when the weather is sunny, will be able to charge a battery by 68.2% or 87.2 Watts. In using the battery, the efficiency factor of the battery must be considered because it cannot be operated until all power is used up. Battery Capacity is 754.7 Ah and is able to supply DC lamps for 1 day and is able to supply AC loads for 1.02 day. So in 11 hours (lowest data) the 200WP solar panel is able to charge a battery with a capacity of 100Ah at 80% of the full battery capacity. Keywords: generator; PLTS; solar cell
List of Reviewers Editorial Team
Journal of Innovation and Community Engagement Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Kristen Maranatha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


The Community Partnership Program BUMDES Catu Graha Mandiri in Gumbrih Tourism Village, Pekutatan, Jembrana, Bali I Wayan Ruspendi Junaedi; Gerson Feoh; I Gusti Bagus Rai Utama
Journal of Innovation and Community Engagement Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Kristen Maranatha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28932/jice.v1i2.3525


The partnership program between Dhyana Pura University and Catu Graha Mandiri BUMDES was applied by socialization activity, management training, mentoring, and evaluation. The program used a business management indicator that aims to improve the knowledge and skills of the Catu Graha Mandiri BUMDES community business group members. The partnership programs were measured by Pre-Test and Post-Test Method so that the effectiveness and output of the program can be measured accurately. The program offered the solution in terms of providing assistance and training on the use of appropriate technology in increasing the quantity and quality of production of BUMDES Catu Graha Mandiri Gumbrih Village, as well as making financial reports, providing assistance and training on management, education on ethics and consumer behavior, and training product marketing using social media. The results of this partnership program have been able to improve the services of BUMDES Catu Graha Mandiri Gumbrih to consumers and be able to make financial reports accurately. The sales turnover of partners BUMDES has also increased and developed so that job opportunities are open to the community as well as the addition of new entrepreneurs in Gumbrih Village. The increase in human resources in the application of professional management has also increased, an increase in business production has also occurred, marketing has also increased and financial reports can also be done regularly, and promotions on social media have increased so that the sales turnover of BUMDES partners Catu Graha Mandiri Desa Gumbrih more increasing. Keywords: digital marketing; finance management; technology; tourism village
Mural as Educational Media at Simpay Asih Kindergarten, Cideres, Majalengka, Jawa Barat Erwin Ardianto Halim; Sherlywati Sherlywati; Tri Octaviani
Journal of Innovation and Community Engagement Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Kristen Maranatha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28932/jice.v1i2.3547


Murals as educational media are a means of student development and good social life. Simpay Asih Kindergarten needs other learning media in teaching its students so that murals can be an alternative. Murals also provide motivation in learning. Another impact of a mural is to create a beautiful and positive space. Mural painting is painting in stages. Concepts and sketches are the first stage, then proceed to the preparation of the walls as a medium for painting, and the last stage is the final touch. Teachers and students of Simpay Asih Kindergarten welcomed the implementation of this mural, so that a positive response was obtained. With enthusiasm, the mural can have a positive impact on Simpay Asih Kindergarten students. Keywords: mural; education; kindergarten
Indonesian Sign Language Interpreter Device Based on ATMega328 Microcontroller for Bali Deaf Community Denpasar I Wayan Sukadana; I Nengah Agus Mulia Adnyana; Erwani Merry Sartika
Journal of Innovation and Community Engagement Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Kristen Maranatha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28932/jice.v1i2.3548


This study aims to design and build a Sign Language Interpreter Device with Voice Output in the form of an ATMega328 Microcontroller-Based Voice Speaker Module so that in its implementation and later in designing this device the writer focuses on the translation of 16 words that have been predetermined in Indonesian Sign Language especially in Denpasar City by using a Flex Sensor and a Gyro Sensor based on the ATMega328 Microcontroller with Arduino IDE programming. This device is also equipped with a 4GB SD card memory for storing voice recordings, using an ATMega328 microcontroller, four analog Flex sensors, a Gyro sensor, a buzzer and an 8 ohm speaker, and using a 7.4 volt Li-Po battery. The application of this device is aimed for thehearing impaired people who fall into the adult category who can understand writing and understand sign language. The output of this device uses an MP3 player module that is already included in the Sign Language Interpreter Device. The flex sensor readings range from 998-1005 ADC (analog digital converter) in open conditions and the sensor ranges from 1006-10018 ADC in closed conditions. The reading for the gyro pitch (Y axis) ranges from -10º to 76º then on the reading of the gyro Roll (X axis) ranges from -100º to 90º. Keywords: ATMega328 microcontroller; Buzzer; Flex Sensor; Gyro Sensor