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Jurnal Ekonomi, Manajemen Pariwisata dan Perhotelan
ISSN : 28095901     EISSN : 28096037     DOI :
JEMPPER : Jurnal Ekonomi, Manajemen Pariwisata dan Perhotelan (p-ISSN : 2809-5901 (print), e-ISSN : 2809-6037 (online) adalah merupakan merupakan journal yang mempublikasikan artikel-artikel ilmiah dalam studi Ilmu Ekonomi Manajemen yaitu manajemen sumber daya manusia, manajemen keuangan, manajemen pemasaran, manajemen operasional, manajemen strategik bahkan manajemen yang terkait dibidang Pariwisata dan Perhotelan. Redaksi menerima artikel untuk diterbitkan tiga kali dalam setahun yaitu edisi Januari, Mei dan September.
Articles 15 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 2 No 3 (2023): September : Jurnal Ekonomi, Manajemen Pariwisata Dan Perhotelan" : 15 Documents clear
Pengaruh Fasilitas Dan Kualitas Pelayanan Terhadap Kepuasan Konsumen Di Suko Kopi Padang Zahra Afra Arista; Nidia Wulansari
Jurnal Ekonomi, Manajemen Pariwisata dan Perhotelan Vol 2 No 3 (2023): September : Jurnal Ekonomi, Manajemen Pariwisata Dan Perhotelan
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Trianandra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55606/jempper.v2i3.1977


This research is motivated by the phenomenon of customer satisfaction which is thought to be due to facility factors and service quality. The purpose of this study was to determine and describe the effect of facilities and service quality at Suko Kopi Padang. This research is descriptive quantitative with sampling techniques using purposive sampling and a sample size of 371 respondents based on the Slovin formula. This research data collection technique uses a questionnaire with a Likert scale that has been tested for validation and reliability. Based on the results of the research analysis, it is concluded that the results of the t-test, for the facility variable (X1) produce a significant level of 0.000 <0.05, which means that there is an influence of the facility variable on customer satisfaction. And for the results of the t-test for the service quality variable (X2) results in a significance level of 0.000 <0.05, meaning that there is an influence of the service quality variable on customer satisfaction. Based on the results of the f-test, the significance level is 0.000 <0.05, indicating that simultaneously the facility variable (X1) and the service quality variable (X2) have an effect on customer satisfaction. Facility variables (X1) and service quality (X2) have an influence of 56.9%, while the rest is influenced by other variables.
Dampak Pariwisata Pada Industri Kreatif: Suatu Kajian Literatur Edi Irawan
Jurnal Ekonomi, Manajemen Pariwisata dan Perhotelan Vol 2 No 3 (2023): September : Jurnal Ekonomi, Manajemen Pariwisata Dan Perhotelan
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Trianandra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55606/jempper.v2i3.2099


Based on the results of the discussion in this study, it can be concluded that in order to examine more deeply the impact of tourism on the creative industry, it can be seen from two aspects, namely the creative industry. As for the creative industry aspect in tourism activities, it can be seen from the skills and talents of individuals who are full of a wealth of knowledge able to create jobs by exploiting intellectual property. Then in the aspect of the impact of the synergy of tourism and the creative industry can be seen in several things, namely: (1) Impact on the national economy, (2) Impact on the workforce, (3) Impact on increasing IPR, (4) Impact on the emergency of start ups, (5) Impact of increasing product export value, (6) Impact on cultural preservation, (7) Impact on social tolerance.
Pengaruh Positioning Dan Lokasi Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian (Survei Pada Konsumen Kedai Caffee Wartel) Pira Aprilianti; Arga Sutrisna; Suci Putri Lestari
Jurnal Ekonomi, Manajemen Pariwisata dan Perhotelan Vol 2 No 3 (2023): September : Jurnal Ekonomi, Manajemen Pariwisata Dan Perhotelan
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Trianandra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55606/jempper.v2i3.2104


This study aims to examine and analyze the effect of positioning and location on purchasing decisions at cafe shops. This study used a sample of 100 respondents from cafe shop consumers. In this study using primary data obtained from distributing questionnaires. The analytical method used in this research is multiple linear analysis. The results of the study show that positioning and location have a positive and significant simultaneous effect on purchasing decisions with an R-Square value of 68%. This shows that when the location and positioning partially effect are good and supportive, it will be able to increase the number of sales.
Analisis Minat Investor Milenial Berinvestasi Pada Securities Crowfunding Syariah (Studi Kasus Galery investasi di kota Medan) Aninda Mahfadillah; Andri Soemitra; Muhammad Ikhsan Harahap
Jurnal Ekonomi, Manajemen Pariwisata dan Perhotelan Vol 2 No 3 (2023): September : Jurnal Ekonomi, Manajemen Pariwisata Dan Perhotelan
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Trianandra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55606/jempper.v2i3.2107


This research was conducted with the aim of knowing the effect of investment knowledge, motivation and risk variables on the millennial generation's interest in investing in Securities Crowdfunding Sharia Gallery investment. Research using a quantitative approach. The technique of data collection was carried out using purposive sampling, and the sample used was 88 respondents. Data collection was carried out using a questionnaire with a Likert scale. The method used in this research analysis is a linear regression analysis method. The results of the Knowledge t test research (X1) show that partially knowledge influences the millennial generation's interest in investing in Sharia Securities Crowdfunding. Motivation (X2) that partially motivation influences the millennial generation's interest in investing in Sharia Securities Crowdfunding. Risk (X3) that partially does not affect the millennial generation's interest in investing in Sharia Securities Crowdfunding. The results of the f test show that simultaneously knowledge, motivation and risk affect the millennial generation's interest in investing in Sharia Securities Crowdfunding.
Pengaruh Beban Kerja Dan Stres Kerja Terhadap Produktivitas Kerja Dengan Motivasi Kerja Sebagai Variabel Intervening Pada Karyawan PT. ABC Ismartaya Ismartaya; Erni Yuningsih; Mutiara Rengganis
Jurnal Ekonomi, Manajemen Pariwisata dan Perhotelan Vol 2 No 3 (2023): September : Jurnal Ekonomi, Manajemen Pariwisata Dan Perhotelan
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Trianandra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55606/jempper.v2i3.2108


This research aims to determine the influence of workload variables, work stress and work motivation on work productivity among PT A B C. This sampling technique uses simple random sampling, with up to 100 respondents. The measurements in this questionnaire use an Ordinal scale. The data analysis technique in this research uses the IBM SPSS v22 software application with the path analysis method (path analysiss). The analysis used in this research includes validity test, reliability test, normality test, coefficient of determination test, t test and Sobel test. The results of this study show that workload has a direct negative and significant effect on work motivation, work stress has a direct negative and significant effect on work motivation, workload has a direct negative and significant effect on work productivity, work stress has a direct negative and significant effect on work productivity, motivation work has a direct positive effect on work productivity, workload has an indirect effect on work productivity through work motivation and work stress has an indirect effect on work productivity through work motivation.
Pengaruh Fasilitas Kerja Dan Kerjasama Tim Terhadap Kinerja Aparatur Desa di Kecamatan Nita Kabupaten Sikka (Studi Kasus Pada Desa Nita, Desa Nitakloang, Desa Tebuk dan Desa Lusitada) Mariani Aurelia Dua Kedong; Walter Obon; Vinsensius Ama Muda
Jurnal Ekonomi, Manajemen Pariwisata dan Perhotelan Vol 2 No 3 (2023): September : Jurnal Ekonomi, Manajemen Pariwisata Dan Perhotelan
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Trianandra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55606/jempper.v2i3.2115


The background of this research was the village administration performance in Nita Sub-district had not been maximized. This research aimed to (1) determine the description of village administration performance, work facilities, and teamwork of the villages in Nita Sub-district, Sikka Regency; and (2) analyze the influence of work facilities and teamwork on the village administration performance in Nita Sub-district, Sikka Regency both partially and simultaneously. The population in this research was village apparatus in Nita Sub-district as many as 36 people. This research was conducted by census or saturated due to limited population. Data were collected through questionnaires and analyzed through descriptive and inferential statistical methods, namely multiple linear regression. The hypothesis testing was done through the t-test and F-test. The results of descriptive analysis showed that the variables of employee performance, work facilities, and teamwork were categorized as good. The statistical results of the t-test showed that partially the work facility and teamwork variables had a significant effect on employee performace. The results of the F-test statistic showed that simultaneously the work facility and teamwork variables had a significant effect on the employees’ performance. The results of the determination analysis indicated that the two independent variables in this research could explain the fluctuation of village administration performance in Nita Sub-district by 56,3%.
Pengaruh Etika Kerja Dan Konflik Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Perumda Air Minum Wair Pu’an Kabupaten Sikka Agnes Evifania; Andreas Rengga; Yustina Olivia Da Silva
Jurnal Ekonomi, Manajemen Pariwisata dan Perhotelan Vol 2 No 3 (2023): September : Jurnal Ekonomi, Manajemen Pariwisata Dan Perhotelan
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Trianandra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55606/jempper.v2i3.2116


This study aimed to:(1) find out the a description of employee performance, work ethics, and work conflicts;(2) analyze the influence of work ethics and work conflicts on employee performance either partially or simultaneously. The research population was the employees of Wair Pu'an Regional Water Supply Company of Sikka Regency as many as 50 people. Due to limited population, this study was conducted by census or saturated sampling. Data were collected through questionnaires and analyzed using descriptive methods and inferential statistics i.e. multiple linear regression. Hypothesis testing was done through t-test and F-test. The results of the descriptive analysis showed that the employee performance variable was categorized as good,and work ethics and work conflicts were categorized as very good.The statistical results of the t-test showed that the variables of work ethics and work conflicts had a positive and significant influence on employee performance.The statistical results of the F test indicated that the variables of work ethics and work conflicts had a significant influence on employee performance simultaneously. The result of the determination analysis revealed that the two independent variables in this study were able to explain the fluctuation of employee Performance in Wair Pu’an Regional Water Supply Company of sikka Regency by 36,3%.
Pengaruh Partisipasi Anggota Terhadap Peningkatan Sisa Hasil Usaha (SHU) Pada Koperasi Simpan Pinjam (KSP) Credit Union Bahtera Sejahtera Maumere Maria Vionsiana Blogon; Yosefina Andia Dekrita; Cicilia Ayu Wulandari Nuwa
Jurnal Ekonomi, Manajemen Pariwisata dan Perhotelan Vol 2 No 3 (2023): September : Jurnal Ekonomi, Manajemen Pariwisata Dan Perhotelan
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Trianandra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55606/jempper.v2i3.2117


The research background was the low residual business results in the saving and loan cooperative of Bahtera Sejahtera Maumere Credit Union. The aims of this study were (1) to find out the description of member participation and remaining results of operation in the Savings and Loan Cooperative of Bahtera Sejahtera Maumere Credit Union; (2) to determine the influence of member participation and Remaining Results of Operation in the Savings and Loan Cooperative of Bahtera Sejahtera Maumere Credit Union. The population in this study is financial report data at the Saving and Loan Cooperative of Bahtera Sejahtera Maumere Credit Union. The sample in this research were financial statements data from 2017-2021. The research method employed simple linear regression analysis using quantitative data. Hypothesis testing was done through the t-test. The results obtained indicated that member participation did not influence the remaining results of operation. this condition occurs due to do average member did not actively make deposits, particularly the 26% obligatory savings. Another factor was the large operating expenses at Savings and Loan Cooperative of Bahtera Sejahtera Maumere Credit Union as a cause of increasing in member participation that not significantly contributed to the acquisition remaining results of operation.
Pengaruh Disiplin Kerja Dan Kemampuan Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Aparatur Desa di Kecamatan Nita Kabupaten Sikka (Studi Kasus Pada Desa Nita, Desa Nitakloang, Desa Tebuk dan Desa Lusitada) Emelinda Lopi Kedang; Walter Obon; Margaretha Yilianti
Jurnal Ekonomi, Manajemen Pariwisata dan Perhotelan Vol 2 No 3 (2023): September : Jurnal Ekonomi, Manajemen Pariwisata Dan Perhotelan
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Trianandra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55606/jempper.v2i3.2118


The background of this research was village administration performance in Nita Sub-district had not been maximized. This research aimed to (1) determine the description of administration performance, work discipline, and workability in the villages of Nita Sub- district; and (2) analyze the effect of work discipline and workability on the village administration performance in Nita Sub-district both partially and simultaneously. The population in this research was village administration as many as 36 people. This research was conducted by census or saturated sampling due to limited population. Data were collected through questionnaires and analysed through desctiptive and inferential statistical methods, namely multiple linear regression. The hypothesis testing was done through the F- test and t-test. The results of descriptive analysis showed that the variables of village administration performance, work discipline, and workability were categorized as good. The statistical results of the t- test showed that partially the work discipline and workability variables had a positive and significant effect on village administration performance. The result of the F-test significan effect on employee performance. The results of the deretmination analysis indicated that the two independen variables in this research could explain the fluctuation of employee performance by 38, 8%.
Pengaruh Motivasi Kerja Dan Soft Skill Terhadap Profesionalitas Guru Di SMAK ST. Gabriel Maumere Elisabeth Kristanti Nona Novi; Paulus Juru; Walter Obon
Jurnal Ekonomi, Manajemen Pariwisata dan Perhotelan Vol 2 No 3 (2023): September : Jurnal Ekonomi, Manajemen Pariwisata Dan Perhotelan
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Trianandra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55606/jempper.v2i3.2119


This research aimed to: (1) Know the description of teacher professionalism, work motivation, and soft skill, (2) analyze the influence of word motivation and soft skill ont teacher professionalism both partially and simultaneously. The populations in thus study were 50 teachers of SMAK St.Gabriel Maumere. Due to limited populations, this research was conducted through a census or saturated sampling. Data were collected through questionnaires and analyzed using descriptive methods and inferential statistic, namely multiple linear regressions. Hypotthesis testing was done through the F test and t test. The results of the descriptive analysis showed that the variables of teacher professipnalism, work motivation and soft skill were categorized as very good. The results of the t-test statistic showed that partially the variables of word motivation and soft skilol hand a positive and significant effect on teachers’ professionalism. The statistical result of the F test showed that simultaneously the variables of work motivation and soft skil had a significant effect on teacher professionalism.The statistical results of the F test showed that simultaneously the variables of work motivation and soft skills hand a significant effect on teacher professionalism, The results of the determination analysis showed that the two independent variables in this research were able to explain the variation of the teacher professionalism enhancement at SMA St.Gabriel Maumere by 82.00%

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