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Program Studi Teknik Sipil Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Batanghari Jambi Jl. Slamet Ryadi, Broni-Jambi, Kodepos: 36122
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Jurnal Talenta Sipil
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This journal publishes scientific articles on research results and reviews covering the fields of engineering
Articles 23 Documents
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Analisa Penjadwalan Proyek dengan Menggunakan Metode Line Of Balance (LOB) pada Proyek Pedestrian Jl. MH. Thamrin-Jl. Halim Perdana Kusuma Ahmad Efendi; Annisa Dwiretnani; Ari Setiawan
Jurnal Talenta Sipil Vol 5, No 2 (2022): Agustus
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33087/talentasipil.v5i2.137


Choosing the appropriate method in project scheduling is an important thing to meet the needs in construction. Construction projects that have repetitive or repetitive work require a continuous and well-scheduled supply of labor, because the repetitive project work must be able to continue to progress without being delayed. Of the several project scheduling methods, line of balance (LoB) is more suitable for repetitive projects because line of balance (LoB) is a construction project scheduling method in the form of a line that represents one type of recurring activity package. LoB can be applied to repetitive projects. Repetitive projects are construction projects whose work is done repeatedly. The study objectives to be achieved are as follows: To find out the form of the Line of Balance (LoB) method network in the “Pedestrian JL. H. Thamrin - JL. Halim Perdana Kusuma". Knowing what is the optimal time to complete the project “Pedestrian JL. MH. Thamrin - JL. Halim Perdana Kusuma” using the Line of Balance (LoB) method. From the results of the analysis using the LOB method, the optimal project completion duration is 218 days, while the existing project time schedule is 240 days. So the calculation using the LOB method is 22 days faster than the existing time schedule.
Optimalisasi Waktu Pelaksanaan Proyek Rekonstruksi Jalan Batanghari II-Zona Lima-Muara Sabak dengan Metode CPM (Critical Path Metode) Winda Dwiarti; Elvira Handayani; Kiki Rizky Amalia
Jurnal Talenta Sipil Vol 5, No 2 (2022): Agustus
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33087/talentasipil.v5i2.131


Project Management is planning, compiling, and controlling the schedule of project activities. Good time control can help implement projects that have been in accordance with the planned time. This project uses the Critical Path Method. CPM is a technique of analyzing the network of activities/activities when executing a project in order to predict the total duration. The purpose of this study is to analyze the new CPM Network after optimizing the work time so that there will be no delays in the Reconstruction work of Batanghari II Road – Zone Lima – MA.Sabak. Initially, the scheduling of the Batanghari II-Zona Lima-Muara Sabak Road Reconstruction Project took 34 calendar days. The author speeds up the time on the following 4 jobs: 1. Mobilization (AA) from 2 days to 1 day. 2. Management and work safety from 2 days to 1 day. 3. Environmental protection from 2 days to 1 day. 4. Selected stockpile from excavated sources from 7 days to 5 days. So the work time becomes 33 calendar days.
Evaluasi Layanan Terminal Bus Alam Barajo Kota Jambi Indra Lasmana; Amsori M Das; Kiki Rizky Amalia
Jurnal Talenta Sipil Vol 5, No 2 (2022): Agustus
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33087/talentasipil.v5i2.66


Terminal Alam Barajo Kota Jambi adalah terminal tipe A yang merupakan sentral dari aktivitas transportasi di Jambi. Namun, dalam perjalanannya Terminal Alam Barajo tidak berjalan semestinya terlihat dari aktivitas transportasi, keberangkatan maupun kedatangan penumpang dan kendaraan umum yang sepi dan bahkan terlihat seperti tidak ada aktivitas transportasi di Terminal Alam Barajo. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi volume keluar masuk dan waktu tunggu kendaraan AKDP dan AKAP yang ada di Terminal Bus Alam Barajo Kota Jambi dan untuk mengetahui apakah Terminal Alam Barajo sudah memenuhi standar peraturan Menteri Perhubungan Republik Indonesia Nomor PM 40 tahun 2015. Survei yang dilakukan pada penelitian kali ini adalah survei primer. Objek penelitian adalah angkutan umum yang melayani trayek Angkutan Kota Dalam Provinsi (AKDP) dan trayek Angkutan Kota Antar Provinsi (AKAP). Data yang diambil pada penelitian adalah waktu kedatangan bus AKAP dan bus AKDP, waktu keberangkatan bus AKAP dan bus AKDP, serta survei yang dilakukan yaitu survei fasilitas pelayanan kepada para pengguna terminal dan survei wawancara kuisioner kepada para pengguna terminal sebanyak 25 responden. Berdasarkan perhitungan persentase kenaikan bus didapat 34 tahun kapasitas terminal menjadi maksimum dengan kenaikan persentase bus sebesar 8% dan dari hasil penelitian didapatkan pada analisis ms excel diperoleh tingkat kesesuaian rata-rata 72 dapat diartikan bahwa pelayanan yang ada diterminal dinilai cukup baik oleh pengguna jasa Terminal Alam Barajo Kota Jambi pada saat pandemi covid-19.
Perbandingan Kapasitas Daya Dukung Fondasi Tiang Pancang Berdasarkan Pengujian Data Sondir dan Data N-SPT M Sang Gumilar P; Rio Marpen; Kiki Rizky Amalia
Jurnal Talenta Sipil Vol 5, No 2 (2022): Agustus
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33087/talentasipil.v5i2.70


Rig was erected on a foundation that must be able to support the forces caused by the rig. The purpose of this research is to find out how big the difference between the axial and lateral bearing capacity of RIG ARJUNA #28 foundation. The research was conducted at RIG Arjuna #28 in Prabumulih City. In this research, an analysis of the carrying capacity of the pile foundation was carried out using Sondir and N-SPT data which will then be compared with the results of these calculations. It can be concluded that with data analysis using CPT/Sondir, the foundation will use 12 piles with a depth of 17 m, while using N-spt data the foundation will use 8 piles with a depth of 24 m.
Analisa Pengaruh Hambatan Samping terhadap Kinerja Jalan Di Jalan Orang Kayo Pingai Kota Jambi Syarwan Abdan; Amsori M Das; Susiana Susiana
Jurnal Talenta Sipil Vol 5, No 2 (2022): Agustus
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33087/talentasipil.v5i2.127


Increased volume of traffic flow will cause changes in traffic behavior of a road segment, especially on urban roads. This increase is caused by the increasing number of residents and the need for transportation facilities so that enough space is needed for traffic infrastructure such as roads, parking locations and so on. High road side activity has a major effect on road capacity and performance in an urban area. Among them such as pedestrians, road crossings, street vendors (Street vendors), slow-walking vehicles (rickshaws, bicycles, horse-drawn carriages), vehicles stopped carelessly (city transportation, inner-city buses), parking on the street (on street parking), and vehicles in and out of road-side land use activities. The purpose and purpose of the study conducted by this author is to find out the performance of the road against side obstacles. And the objectives can be described as follows, namely:To find out the volume of traffic, the amount of capacity and level of service on the road people kayo pingai during rush hour.To analyze the modeling of side barriers and road capacity of Kayo Pingai people using simple linear regression. As for the benefits that are expected and can be taken by the authors of the implementation of this study, including: Increase knowledge and insight into the characteristics of traffic and vehicle parking on the road body and know the various lalaulintas problems that occur in urban areas, especially on Jalan Orang Kayo Pingai.
Analisa Kerusakan Perkerasan Jalan Rigid Dengan Metode Bina Marga Dan Metode PCI (Pavement Condition Index) Studi Kasus Jalan Lintas Muara Tembesi – Muara Bulian Ma’sum Fajri; Fakhrul Rozi Yamali; Emelda Raudhati
Jurnal Talenta Sipil Vol 5, No 2 (2022): Agustus
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33087/talentasipil.v5i2.138


In analyzing the condition of rigid road damage, the Bina Marga method and the PCI (Pavement Condition Index) method can be used. This study aims to determine the level of road surface damage and how to handle it on the Muara Tembesi - Muara Bulian crossing, Simpang Terusan Village to Tenam Village, with a length of 2,850km and a pavement width of 7.5m. In this study, the priority order of road handling using the Bina Marga method is based on a range of values from 0 to 7, while the PCI method ranks pavement conditions from 0 to 100. The results of the assessment on the Muara Tembesi - Muara Bulian cross-road using the Bina Marga method and the PCI method (Pavement Condition Index) shows a relatively similar assessment, where the Bina Marga Method has the results that the left side with the priority order of UP = 4 and the right side with the priority order of UP = 5 and is categorized in the periodic maintenance program. While the PCI method (pavement condition index) has the result that the value of the level of damage to the left side is 88.21 and the right side is 94.78, which is included in the perfect qualification (excellent), so it is categorized in the periodic maintenance program.
Perencanaan Bak Penampungan Air yang Berasal Dari Mata Air di Lingkungan Universitas Jambi Fiqroh Muhamad Akbar; Ade Nurdin; M Nuklirullah
Jurnal Talenta Sipil Vol 5, No 2 (2022): Agustus
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33087/talentasipil.v5i2.132


Jambi University is one of the State Universities in Indonesia which is currently in the phase of sustainable development which is currently focusing on increasing development, especially water resource infrastructure. Planning for water reservoirs with reinforced concrete is an option in long-term infrastructure planning. The planned reservoir is in the form of a reservoir that functions as a container for storing clean water in the water treatment system at the Jambi University. Planning focuses on the design of the capacity and structural elements of the reinforced concrete reservoir. Planning refers to ACI-350M using the LRFD method, as well as SNI 7509:2011. The reservoir capacity is planned according to (Al-Layla et al., 1977)at 39% of the maximum water discharge, and the structural elements of the reservoir are planned in the form of beams, columns, upper, lower plates and walls. Based on the design, the reservoir capacity is 216 m3 with a length of 12 m, a width of 6 m and a height of 3.5 m. In planning the structural elements used concrete quality 21 MPa with the type of reinforcement BJTP-28. Based on the design results, the column size is 20 cm x 20 cm with 4D12 reinforcement details, then for beam sizes 30 cm x 20 cm using 4D12 for tensile reinforcement and 3D12 for compression reinforcement, and for plates using a thickness of 150 cm with reinforcement details D12-150 for top plate and D12-200 for bottom plate and wall plate.
Tinjauan Drainase Jalan Budiman Kelurahan Budiman Kecamatan Jambi Timur Yuni Arifah Rarasati; Azwarman Azwarman; Kiki Rizky Amalia
Jurnal Talenta Sipil Vol 5, No 2 (2022): Agustus
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33087/talentasipil.v5i2.123


Kondisi jaringan drainase di Kelurahan Budiman Kota Jambi secara fisik sudah ada, namun saluran drainase tidak berfungsi secara optimal saat turun hujan dengan intensitas tinggi dan waktu yang lama serta adanya air limpasan dari daerah yang lebih tinggi  yang mengakibatkan kapasitas tampung saluran drainase tersebut tidak mampu lagi menampung limpasan air (run off). Dampak negatif dari adanya banjir tersebut adalah timbulnya berbagai macam penyakit serta menyebabkan berbagai kerugian berupa material seperti kerusakan pada dinding bangunan rumah warga dan isi barang dalam rumah. Maka dari itu perlu adanya tinjauan terhadap drainase di Jalan Budiman Kelurahan Budiman Kecamatan Jambi Timur dengan memperhatikan aspek fisik dan sosial di masyarakat agar permasalahan tersebut dapat terselesaikan dan tidak menjadi kerugian berkepanjangan. Berdasarkan hasil analisis perhitungan yang telah dilakukan, didapatkan kesimpulan berupa intensitas curah hujan sebesar 372,1451 mm/jam serta dimensi saluran eksisting yang berbentuk trapesium dengan lebar atas(A) = 5m, lebar bawah(B) = 3m, dan tinggi(H) = 0,9m. Sehingga didapat debit drainase eksisting(Qᴇ) = 30,835 m³/detik dan debit drainase rencana(Qᴛ) = 34,751 m³/detik. Maka direncanakan penampang ekonomis saluran yang berbentuk persegi panjang dengan  B = 2 m dan H = 2 m dan lingkaran dengan D = 2,3 m.
Formulasi Beton yang Mengalir Sendiri di Laboratorium Fakulas Teknik Universitas Batanghari Suhendra Suhendra; Fadlan Fadlan
Jurnal Talenta Sipil Vol 5, No 2 (2022): Agustus
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33087/talentasipil.v5i2.80


The compaction of concrete is carried out with a vibrating device or using an awl.  One solution in facing problems in concrete compaction is to use the Self Compacting Concrete (SCC) method or also called self-flowing concrete.  This study aims to obtain a mixture formula / composition of laboratory-scale SCC-making materials that meet the SCC acceptance criteria. The mixing method is carried out by trial and error by referring to the values of Flowability, Workability, and Passing Ability. The planned SCC concrete quality is fc' 35 MPa. The added ingredients used are the superplasticizer Sika Viscoflow 3660 LR dose variations of 1.2%, 1.6% and doses of 2% against the weight of cement and powder. The results showed that the established composition was quite good and met the criteria for acceptance of SCC concrete.  The quality of the plan was achieved with the addition of 2% sika viscoflow to fc' 35 MPa.
Tinjauan Drainase Jalan Dr Setia Budi Kelurahan Rajawali Kecamatan Jambi Timur RM Faisal; Azwarman Azwarman; Susiana Susiana
Jurnal Talenta Sipil Vol 5, No 2 (2022): Agustus
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33087/talentasipil.v5i2.128


Rajawali Village is one of the villages in East Jambi District which has problems with the drainage system. This is due to frequent flooding during the rainy season. The capacity of the canal is not able to accommodate rainwater, causing flooding which disrupts community activities and can cause various kinds of diseases. The purpose of this study was to analyze the performance of the drainage system and improve the drainage system in Rajawali Village, Jambi Timur District so that existing problems can be resolved. Based on the results of the analysis that has been carried out from rainfall data for a 10-year period (2010-2019), the rainfall for three minimum methods with a duration of 60 minutes is 121,259 mm/hour from the Sherman equation formula. Based on the calculations and the existing conditions in the field, the results of the existing discharge (QE) of 4.129 m3/second are smaller than the design discharge (QR) of 4.323 m3/second. So it is necessary to design a safer channel design.

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