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Redaksi Jurnal Riset Perkebunan.Program Studi Agroekoteknologi, Kampus III Fakultas Pertanian. Jl. Sungai Kambut, Kec. Pulau Punjung, Kab. Dharmasraya, Provinsi Sumatera Barat.
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Jurnal Riset Perkebunan (JRP)
Published by Universitas Andalas
ISSN : 2723780X     EISSN : 28289285     DOI : 10.25077
Core Subject : Agriculture,
Jurnal Riset Perkebunan (JRP) merupakan wadah untuk mempublikasi hasil-hasil penelitian di bidang perkebunan. JRP berada dibawah Jurusan Budidaya Perkebunan Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Andalas. Specific topics of interest include: 1. Agronomi 2. Pemuliaan Tanaman 3. Perlindungan Tanaman 4. Ilmu Tanah 5. Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Lahan 6. Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Lingkungan 7. Pascapanen 8. Sosial Ekonomi Perkebunan
Articles 48 Documents
Karakteristik Budidaya Kakao (Theobroma Cacao L.) Pada Perkebunan Rakyat Di Kecamatan Timpeh Kabupaten Dharmasraya Leslie Selviana Purba; Yulistriani; Wulan Kumala Sari
Jurnal Riset Perkebunan Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021): Jurnal Riset Perkebunan (JRP)
Publisher : Jurusan Budidaya Perkebunan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (309.46 KB) | DOI: 10.25077/jrp.2.1.40-54.2021


Cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) is a plantation commodity that has high economic value. The characteristics of cacao cultivation are used to describe the cultivation method or technique in a cacao plantation. The objective of this study was to collect data about the characteristics of cultivation in the smallholder cacao plantations in Timpeh Sub-district, Dharmasraya District. This research was carried out from January until March 2021 located in Timpeh Sub-district, Dharmasraya District, specific in Panyubarangan, Tabek, Timpeh and Ranah Palabi Village. This research was a survey by interviews the cacao farmers, followed by collecting data directly to the field by purposive sampling method with the criteria of respondents who having cacao farm of > 0.25 ha. The data collected were the characteristics of cacao cultivation techniques, i.e. planting material aspects (type of planting material/clone and its origin), land preparation aspects (planting spacing, planting holes and shade plants), maintenance aspects (fertilization, pruning and sanitation), aspects of pest and disease control (types of pests and diseases that attack and types of control) and harvest aspects. The obtained data were analized and shown descriptively. The results showed that the respondents (cacao farmers) in Timpeh Sub-district, Dharmasraya District had not carried out the optimal cacao cultivation techniques as indicated by the low cacao production there (50-200 kg/ha/year).
Pengaruh Lama Perendaman Air Kelapa Muda Terhadap Pertumbuhan Stek Bibit Vanili (Vanilla Planifolia Andrews) Angga Firando
Jurnal Riset Perkebunan Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021): Jurnal Riset Perkebunan (JRP)
Publisher : Jurusan Budidaya Perkebunan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (347.76 KB) | DOI: 10.25077/jrp.2.1.55-68.2021


This study was conducted to determine the appropriate duration of immersion in young coconut water on the growth of vanilla seed cuttings. This research was conducted at the Payakumbuh State Agricultural Polytechnic Experimental Garden in March – June 2021. The experiment used a one-factor completely randomized design (CRD) with five replications. The experimental units were five levels of immersion time, 2 hours of immersion (P1), 4 hours of immersion (P2), 6 hours of immersion (P3), 8 hours of immersion (P4), and 10 hours of immersion (P5). Parameters observed were shoot emergence, root emergence, internode growth, shoot diameter, root wet weight, and shoot wet weight. The results showed that the immersion time of young coconut water with 10 hours of immersion (P5) was able to produce better seedling growth compared to other treatments in each parameter of observation.
Uji Efektivitas Jamur Entomopatogen Terhadap Larva Penggerek Batang Kelapa Sawit (Oryctes Rhinoceros L.) Di Laboratorium Alkapi Sukra
Jurnal Riset Perkebunan Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021): Jurnal Riset Perkebunan (JRP)
Publisher : Jurusan Budidaya Perkebunan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1084.214 KB) | DOI: 10.25077/jrp.2.2.69-75.2021


Oil palm (Elaesis guinensis Jacq.) is a type of plantation/industrial plant in the form of straight- stem trees belonging to the Arecaceae family and Cocoideae subfamily. The horn beetle (Oryctes rhinoceros) is a pest of oil palm stem borer. The aim of the study was to determine the effectiveness of entomopathogenic fungi in controlling the larvae of the oil palm stem borer (O. rhinoceros L.). The study used a completely randomized design (CRD) consisting of 9 designs and 3 replications. The treatments consisted of M0 = control, M1 = M. anisopliae at a dose of 5 g/jar, M2 = M. anisopliae at a dose of 10 g/jar, M3 = M. anisopliae at a dose of 15 g/jar, M4 = M. anisopliae at 20 gr/jar, B1 = B. bassiana at a dose of 5 gr/jar, B2 = B. bassiana at a dose of 10 gr/jar, B3 = B. bassiana at a dose of 15 gr/jar, B4 = B. bassiana at a dose of 20 gr/jar jars. Observational parameters were the mortality percentage of O. rhinoceros larvae and symptoms of attack by O. rhinoceros larvae infected with entomopathogenic fungi. The results showed that the highest percentage of larval mortality of O. rhinoceros was M4 and B4 treatments, namely 100% and 93.33%, respectively, at 12 days of observation. Symptoms of larval death are pale larvae then turn brown or black, after death the larvae will harden like a mummy with a smaller posterior part.
Efikasi Herbisida IPA Glifosat Terhadap Gulma Dan Dosis Pupuk (Urea+Sp-36+Kcl) Terhadap Pertumbuhan Kelapa Sawit Pada Fase Tanaman Belum Menghasilkan Teddy Alfandi; Ardi; Zahlul Ikhsan
Jurnal Riset Perkebunan Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021): Jurnal Riset Perkebunan (JRP)
Publisher : Jurusan Budidaya Perkebunan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (378.947 KB) | DOI: 10.25077/jrp.2.2.76-88.2021


Weed control is one of the determining factors for achieving high oil palm yields, at the same time fertilization is necessary to provide nutrients for plants. This study aims to: (1) determine the interaction between the herbicide IPA Glyphosate with fertilizer Urea+SP-36+KCl on weed control and growth of immature oil palm. (2) to obtain an effective dose of herbicide to control weeds, and to obtain the best dose of Urea+SP-36+KCl fertilizer for the growth of oil palm. The study was conducted using a factorial Randomized Block Design (RBD) consisting of 2 factors and 8 treatment combinations. The first factor is herbicide doses of IPA Glyphosate (1,920 g/ ha, 2,400 g/ha, mechanical weeding, and control) and the second-factor is fertilizer doses of Urea+SP-36+KCl (600 g Urea +750 g SP-36 +700 g KCl/plant, and 700 g Urea + 850 g SP- 36 + 800 g KCl/plant). The data were analyzed for variance and if significantly different then continued with Duncan’s New Multiple Range Test (DMNRT) at the 5% level. The results showed that there was no interaction between the dose of the herbicide IPA Glyphosate with fertilizer Urea+SP-36+KCl on weed control and growth of immature oil palm. The herbicide dose of I PA Glyphosate which was effective in suppressing the dry weight of weeds was 1,920 g/ha because it was effective in suppressing the dry weight of weeds up to 12 weeks after application (WAA) and obtained the smallest average of weed dry weight. Urea+SP-36+KCl fertilizer application did not affect the vegetative growth parameters of immature oil palm.
Keanekaragaman Serangga Pengunjung Bunga Kelapa Sawit Aksesi Kamerun Dan Angola Siska Efendi; Dewi Rezki
Jurnal Riset Perkebunan Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021): Jurnal Riset Perkebunan (JRP)
Publisher : Jurusan Budidaya Perkebunan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1884.034 KB) | DOI: 10.25077/jrp.2.2.89-96.2021


Cameroon and Angola, accession palms oil, were two plants with different flower architectures such as bunch size, bunch length, number of spikelets and flowers, and volatile compounds produced. The difference in flower characteristics was thought to affect the presence of flower-visiting insects in the two palm oil accessions. The study aimed to determine the insects that visit Cameroon and Angola palm oil flower accessions. Insects that visit flowers were collected directly, using yellow pan traps, swing nets, and aspirators. Collected flower-visiting insects were identified as species. Diversity and evenness were calculated using the Shannon diversity index and the Simpsons’ evenness. The total number of flower-visiting insects collected was 2039 individuals. In the Angola accession, 150 individuals were found consisting of 5 orders, 10 families, and 14 species. Insects that visited Cameroon’s accession of palm oil flowers were 1889 individuals consisting of 8 orders, 16 families, and 22 species. Angola accessions’ diversity and evenness index were higher than Cameroon’s, namely 1.50; 1.14 and 1.14; 0.52. Flower-visiting insects that act as pollinators were Elaeidobius kamerunicus, Pyroderces Sp, and Thrips hawaiiensis.
Pengujian Beberapa Dosis Pupuk Kandang Jangkrik Terhadap Pertumbuhan Bibit Kakao (Theobroma Cacao L.) Ivonny Asri; Warnita; Wulan Kumala Sari
Jurnal Riset Perkebunan Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021): Jurnal Riset Perkebunan (JRP)
Publisher : Jurusan Budidaya Perkebunan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (310.707 KB) | DOI: 10.25077/jrp.2.2.97-106.2021


Crickets feces manure is the solid waste produced by cricket metabolism which contains some nutrients. Its application as the mix of planting medium is very potential for increasing plant growth. The objectives of this study were to determine the effect of several doses of crickets feces manure on the growth of cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) seedling and to obtain the best dose of it for growth of cacao seedlings. This research was a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 5 treatments and 4 replications to obtained 20 experiment units, and each of it consisted of 3 plants, so there were total 60 plants. The research was carried out in the experimental field of the 3rd Campus Andalas University, Dharmasraya. The observation data were analyzed by analysis of variance (F -test) and continued by the Duncan’s New Multiple Range Test (DNMRT) at 5% level significantly. The results showed that the crickets feces manure contained 2.70% N, 0.56% P, 2.24% K, 10.16% C, 3.76% C/N, 1.47% Ca, 0.69% Mg, and 0,28% Na. Application of crickets feces manure influences the growth of cacao seedlings on the variables of plant height, stem diameter, number of leaves, leaf length, and leaf width. Application of crickets feces manure with a dose of 50 g / polybag is the efficient treatment for the growth of cacao seedlings.
Pengaruh Pemberian Kompos Kulit Buah Kopi Terhadap Pertumbuhan Bibit Kopi Robusta (Coffea Canephora) Riki Riswandi; Wulan Kumala Sari
Jurnal Riset Perkebunan Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021): Jurnal Riset Perkebunan (JRP)
Publisher : Jurusan Budidaya Perkebunan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (320.425 KB) | DOI: 10.25077/jrp.2.2.107-117.2021


Coffee is a estate commodity that plays an important role in the economy of Indonesian. Plant nursery with proper planting medium is one of the important cultivation efforts to produce optimal coffee production. The objectives of this research were to study the effect of coffee rind compost on the growth of robusta coffee (Coffea canephora) seedlings and to obtain the best dose of it on the growth of robusta coffee. This research was conducted for 4 months at the experimental field of 3rd Campus, Andalas University where located in Dharmasraya District at altitude of 131 m above sea level. Experiment was arranged according to a completely randomized design (CRD) consisted of 5 treatments and repeated 5 times, in order to obtain 25 experimental units, each of it contained 2 sample plants, so that there were 50 plants in total. The results showed that the application of coffee rind compost had a significant effect on the growth of robusta coffee (C. canephora) seedlings on the variables of plant height, stem diameter, number of leaves, leaf length, and leaf width. The best dose of coffee rind compost to support the growth of robusta coffee seedlings was 300 g / polybag.
Karakteristik Budidaya Kakao (Theobroma Cacao L.) Pada Perkebunan Rakyat Di Kecamatan Panti Kabupaten Pasaman Riska Agian Putri; Wulan Kumala Sari; Dede Suhendra
Jurnal Riset Perkebunan Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021): Jurnal Riset Perkebunan (JRP)
Publisher : Jurusan Budidaya Perkebunan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (282.196 KB) | DOI: 10.25077/jrp.2.2.118-128.2021


Cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) is one of the plantation crop that has high economic value. Therefore it is important to carry out cacao cultivation as recommended. The objective of this study was to collect data on the cultivation characteristics on smallholder cacao plantations where located in Panti Sub-district, Pasaman District. This research was conducted from August until November 2021 in Panti Sub district, Pasaman District the present research was carried out using a survey method by purposive sampling, with the criteria that cacao crops have produced and the sample includes 10% of the smallholder cacao crops area in Panti Sub-district, pasaman District. The aspects that are included in the characteristics of cacao cultivation are in terms of land preparation, crop maintenance, the techniques for pest and disease control, as well as aspects of harvest and yield. The results showed that 80% of cacao farmers in Panti Sub-district had carried out cacao cultivation according to Puslitkoka standards, but its 20% have not carried out cacao cultivation according to the recommendations, including the aspects of land preparation, crops maintenance, and harvestthat were not appropriate the origin of planting material was unclear, unknown of the clone types, pest and disease attacks are still high and sanitation activitie. Are irregular.
Populasi Dan Tingkat Serangan Kumbang Tanduk (Oryctes Rhinoceros L.) Pada Pertanaman Kelapa Sawit Di PT. Cakra Alam Sejati, Provinsi Riau Adam Jorli Wong; Hidrayani; Hasmiandy Hamid; Zahlul Ikhsan; Aulia Oktavia
Jurnal Riset Perkebunan Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): Jurnal Riset Perkebunan (JRP)
Publisher : Jurusan Budidaya Perkebunan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (406.133 KB) | DOI: 10.25077/jrp.3.1.1-11.2022


The increasing area of oil palm plantations (Elaeis guineensis Jacquin) in Indonesia every year creates opportunities for pest that can harm oil palm plantations to develop, one of which is the coconut palm rhinoceros beetle (Oryctes rhinocheros Linnaeus). This research aims to determine the coconut palm rhinoceros beetle population, the percentage of plants attacked, and the intensity of the attack on the planting area Kebun-24 palm plantations of PT. CAS (Cakra Alam Sejati). In this research used a survey method on oil palm plantations Kebun-24. Determination of sample blocks was carried out by purposive sampling and plant samples were selected randomly. The location of the research was carried out in Pelalawan Regency, namely in the Kebun-24 plantation of PT. CAS, Riau Province. The results of the research, the highest population was TBM block with an average of 11.27 coconut palm rhinoceros beetle individuals. The highest coconut palm rhinoceros beetle population was in block 4c (1 year) with 86 imago individuals and 126 larvae individuals, while the lowest population was in block 11a (8 years) with 14 imago individuals and 68 larvae individuals. The highest percentage of affected plants was TM block with an average of 98.67%. The highest attack intensity of coconut palm rhinoceros beetle was TM block with an average of 37.07%. The percentage of affected plants and the highest attack intensity were in block 7b (6 years) with 100% percentage of affected plants and 37.60% attack intensity, while the lowest was block 14b (2 years) with 72.00% percentage of affected plants and 32, 00% attack intensity
Pengaruh Pemberian Beberapa Dosis Pupuk Organik Cair (Poc) Terhadap Pertumbuhan Bibit Kakao (Theobroma Cacao L.) Aulia Meyuliana; Muharama Yora; Nur Salamah Harahap; Yuli Wahyu Eka Putri; Sri Rahmadina; Yelmi Wahyuni; Zulfi Marisa Elfian; Amalia Putri; Ica Safitri
Jurnal Riset Perkebunan Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): Jurnal Riset Perkebunan (JRP)
Publisher : Jurusan Budidaya Perkebunan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (309.951 KB) | DOI: 10.25077/jrp.3.1.12-17.2022


This research aims to determine the effect of several doses of liquid organic fertilizer of tomatoes on the growth of cocoa nurseries. Cocoa nurseries need nutrients that support the growth of cocoa seedlings. Liquid organic fertilizer of tomatoes contains the nutrients needed for the growth of cocoa seedlings. This research method was carried out experimentally with 6 treatments of POC doses of a mixture of tomato extract, coconut water, and rice water, with 4 replications. he results of the study, it was explained that giving a dose of 25 ml of POC mixed with tomato extract, coconut water and ricE water/ 100 ml of water had a good effect on the growth and development of cocoa seedlings for the character of seedling height, number of leaves and leaf length. Furthermore, for the character of stem diameter, no significant effect was seen on the increased in stem diameter of cocoa seedlings. To overcome this, it is necessary to increased the dose of fertilizer or add other organic materials that can increases the diameter of the cacao seedlings.