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Eko Walujodjati
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Jurnal Konstruksi
ISSN : 14123614     EISSN : 23027320     DOI :
Core Subject : Engineering,
Jurnal Kosntruksi yang dapat menampung dan mempublikasikan hasil karya penelitian, karya tulis dan pengabdian masyarakat baik mahasiswa dan dosen-dosen intern maupun dari pihak luar. Jurnal Konstruksi memberikan informasi yang diperoleh dari laboratorium dan workshop penelitian maupun dari lapangan/ studi kasus di dunia nyata dengan cakupan (Scope of Journals) bidang meliputi struktur transportasi/ infrastruktur, air, geoteknik, manajemen konstruksi, dan lingkungan. Melalui jurnal konstruksi diharapkan dapat menampung semua inspirasi bidang teknik sipil sehingga didapatkan pemecahan masalah yang dihadapi dan mampu melahirkan inovasi baru dibidangnya.
Articles 142 Documents
Pengujian Kuat Lentur Balok Beton dengan Tulangan Baja Ringan Dandi Fahrul Akmal; Eko Walujodjati
Jurnal Konstruksi Vol 20 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Konstruksi
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Garut

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33364/konstruksi/v.20-2.1223


Reinforced concrete can be prepared in many ways to be lightweight but have high strength. One way to make an alternative to conventional steel reinforcement is to use mild steel. The use of mild steel as an alternative to reinforcement in concrete is still not very popular in the construction sector. Therefore, this research was conducted to determine the flexural strength of reinforced concrete beams with mild steel, as well as the comparison of the flexural strength of reinforced concrete beams with mild steel from the results of research analysis with concrete quality fc' 22 MPa and beam size 20x10 length 90 cm. This study uses an experimental method of testing the flexural strength of concrete with a simple test beam that is loaded with one load, this is intended as a reference and guideline for carrying out flexural strength tests in the laboratory. Starting from material testing to testing compressive strength, split tensile strength and flexural strength. With the results of the average compressive test of concrete with an age of 28 days fc' 12.07 MPa. The value of split tensile strength is usually 8% to 15% of the compressive strength of concrete, while the average value of flexural strength in concrete beams with mild steel reinforcement is 8.78 kN,m and the results of the analysis get 12,302 kN,m. So the results of the test values ​​at the Laboratory are smaller than the results of the analysis.
Analisis Hidrologi Perencanaan Embung Bratayudha Ai Rustini; Sulwan Permana
Jurnal Konstruksi Vol 20 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Konstruksi
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Garut

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33364/konstruksi/v.20-2.1227


Garut Regency is one of the areas in West Java Province which has a wet tropical climate, this causes quite high rainfall so there are several locations that often experience high overflows of water or commonly called floods. The construction of the reservoir is a step that can be taken in dealing with flooding that occurred in one of the areas in Garut, namely Jl. Bratayudha. The purpose of this study is to determine the type of reservoir that is suitable for the planning site and to determine the storage capacity of the reservoir using the hydrological analysis calculation method which includes planned rain using Normal Distribution, Normal Log 2 and 3 parameters, Gumbel type I and Pearson Log type III. The volume of the reservoir is determined by the inundation area of ​​the reservoir based on the elevation of the contour data on the topographic map. The final stage is to determine the construction material. The planning results of the Bratayudha Reservoir have an area of ​​6480 m² with a maximum volume of 15,552 m³ and a maximum elevation of 40.4 + m. The body of the reservoir, it is planned to be a river stone plaster wall covered with waterproof material and combined with reinforced concrete. The Bratayudha Embung is expected to be able to meet the irrigation needs of the residents' agricultural land. In addition, the location of the reservoir which is at a high ground level and has beautiful natural scenery is expected to become a new tourism object in Garut Regency.
Karakteristik Tanah di Daerah Tanjung Kamuning Garut Ardian Nur Rahman; Dendi Yogaswara
Jurnal Konstruksi Vol 20 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Konstruksi
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Garut

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33364/konstruksi/v.20-2.1230


Prof. KH Anwar Musaddad is located in the Garut City area, West Java Province, which is a connecting road between Banyuresmi District and Tanjung Kamuning District. Due to the large amount of damage on Jalan Prof. KH. Anwar Musaddad who set the goals for this research. The purpose of this research is to identify soil characteristics, analyze and classify soil types. The research method used is a quantitative experimental method. Tests carried out are by testing in the field and laboratory. Testing in the field, namely by sondir test and laboratory testing includes physical and mechanical properties of the soil. Testing of the physical properties of the soil includes water content, specific gravity, Atterberg limits and sieving analysis. As for testing the mechanical properties of the soil, it includes direct shear strength testing. The results obtained from this study indicate the type of soil in Jalan Pro. KH. Anwar Musaddad is a sandy soil with the USCS classification in the SP and SC groups, while the AASHTO classification is in the A-3 and A-2-7 groups.
Uji Kualitas Akustika Masjid Gedhe Mataram di Kotagede Yogyakarta Terhadap Konstruksi Bangunan Masjid Muhammad Badru Zaman; Tubagus Mulkan Azima
Jurnal Konstruksi Vol 20 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Konstruksi
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Garut

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33364/konstruksi/v.20-2.1249


The Gedhe Mataram Mosque is the oldest mosque in the city of Yogyakarta which is south of Pasar Kotagede, the Gedhe Mataram Mosque became the main mosque during the Mataram Kingdom and has a unique architectural style, namely with a blend of Hindu-Buddhist, Javanese and Islamic architecture. Until now, the Gedhe Mataram Mosque still maintains its architectural style because it is a historical heritage. The use of structures and materials in the interior of the mosque which is more dominant using natural materials, one of which is the use of wood, with the more dominant use of natural materials is an attraction to study whether the mosque in terms of acoustics meets the applicable standards or not. The research method was carried out by field observation, literature study, and testing using the CATT application. Field observation aims to collect physical data on the research object (Gedhe Mataram Mosque). Literature study aims to collect data about the object of research, and theories of acoustics in mosque buildings. Testing with CATT software aims to determine the initial quality of the mosque building, and the quality of the acoustics resulting from the design recommendations. The existing results obtained by simulating using CATT have an excess of reverberation time. The reverberation level of the acoustic standard for places of worship is 0.7 – 1.1 while the Gedhe Mataram mosque has a hum reaching 1.4 and the form of recommendation that we recommend so that the acoustic reverberation time is in accordance with the standards is by adding a ceiling layer to the interior of the Gedhe Mataram mosque, with an added layer the ceiling of the reverberation time is 0.7 – 0.9 so that it is in accordance with the applicable acoustic standards.
Konsep Penataan Pasar Wonokriyo Sebagai Citra Kawasan JL. Yosudarso, Kebumen Anjas Ninda Hantari; M Ivan Triguna
Jurnal Konstruksi Vol 20 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Konstruksi
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Garut

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33364/konstruksi/v.20-2.1284


The market is a public facility for people to obtain the necessities of life. Activities that occur in the market are not only buying and selling activities but also allow for acculturation of community culture. Like the Wonokriyo Market which is a wholesale market in Kebumen Regency as a public facility that encourages the economy of the community and local government. Wonokriyo Market also has non-bus terminal facilities in it and is directly adjacent to a provincial road, namely Jalan Yosudarso. Various problems at Wonokroyo Market, such as the absence of renovation in the last ten years, undirected access to the Wonokriyo Market area, the large number of traders selling more than the size of the stalls or stalls, the lack of drainage and garbage disposal so that the market looks slum. Various problems and conditions at Wonokriyo Market, the research question is how is the concept of structuring Wonokriyo Market so that it becomes the image of the Yosudarso Street area, Kebumen? Based on the analysis in determining the structuring concept of Wonokriyo Market, it classifies issues, objectives and criteria to obtain structuring design concepts and solve problems in the field. The building period for Wonokriyo Market was designed to be a landmark that has the character of the image of Jalan Yosudarso, Kebumen.
Analisis Struktur Bangunan Terhadap Beban Horizontal pada Bangunan Klinik Cilimus Medical Center Risa Kristalia Nurlaela; Dendi Yogaswara
Jurnal Konstruksi Vol 21 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Konstruksi
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Garut

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33364/konstruksi/v.21-1.1176


Keandalan bangunan yaitu suatu kondisi dari bangunan gedung yang terpenuhinya syarat-syarat administrasi dan teknis berupa keselamatan, kenyamanan, kesehatan, dan kemudahan penggunaan bangunan. Bangunan dengan struktur yang kokoh, kuat dan stabil diperlukan agar syarat andal dalam bangunan terpenuhi terutama dalam memikul beban atau kombinasi beban luar yang berupa beban angin dan beban gempa. Penelitian bertempat di Klinik Cilimus Medical Center yang terletak di Jl. Raya Garut – Cikajang No. 212 Jawa Barat Bayongbong Sukarame. Bangunan Klinik Cilimus ini memiliki luas bangunan 363,26 m². Satu unit bangunan ini cukup untuk menampung berbagai kegiatan pelayanan kesehatan berupa klinik dan apotek. Pemodelan dan analisis struktur memakai program ETABS 3D. Data-data yang dibutuhkan berupa gambar As-built-drawing dan data material dengan dimensi yang digunakan berdasarkan hasil dari pengukuran maupun pengujian dilapangan. Berdasarkan SNI 1726:2019, level gempa menggunakan gempa 100 tahun dimana 2% dimungkinkan gempa rencana dapat terlampaui dalam kurun waktu 50 tahun umur bangunan. Dari respon spektrum gempa diperoleh nilai = 0,74g dan = 0,70g. Dari hasil analisis kekuatan struktur bahwa bangunan Klinik Cilimus dapat dikategorikan aman dan mampu menahan beban-beban yang dipikulnya.
Perencanaan Embung Desa Pasawahan Kabupaten Garut Fim Fahrul Fauzi; Sulwan Permana
Jurnal Konstruksi Vol 21 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Konstruksi
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Garut

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33364/konstruksi/v.21-1.1208


Perubahan iklim ekstrem di Indonesia mengakibatkan terjadinya pola hujan yang menjadi tidak berarturan seperti semestinya. Walaupun demikian, kebutuhan warga akan air untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sehari-harinya tetaplah sama. Untuk memenuhi keperluan air pada saat terjadinya perubahan iklim yang buruk, salah satu solusi yang dapat diterapkan di desa Pasawahan adalah membuat embung. Maka dari itu, maksud dari penelitian ini adalah merencanakan embung yang sesuai dengan standar nasional Indonesia sehingga dapat dimanfaatkan oleh desa Pasawahan sebagai wadah untuk menampung cadangan air dikala cuaca ekstrem melanda. Luas daerah yang tersedia untuk membuat embung adalah 300m x 20m. Berdasarkan berbagai metode perhitungan yang telah dipakai, diketahui bahwa kapasitas maksimum embung pada penelitian ini memiliki Luas maksimum 1930 m2 dengan Volume maksimum 26.000 m3 dan kedalaman maksimum 13,48 m.
Analisis Dilatasi pada Beton Bertulang Studi Kasus Rumah Sakit Limbangan Yuga Pinanggih; Dendi Yogaswara
Jurnal Konstruksi Vol 21 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Konstruksi
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Garut

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33364/konstruksi/v.21-1.1240


Negara Indonesia merupakan negara yang berada pada daerah jalur gempa teraktif di dunia karena berada pada jalur cincin api pasifik. Secara tektonik aktif negara Indonesia sangat memiliki peluang besar terjadi gempa berpotensi besar pada saat sekarang dan pada masa depan. Pergerakan lempeng tektonik mengakibatkan bergeraknya permukaan bumi sehingga secara otomatis bangunan yang berdiri di atas permukaan bumi akan mengalami kerusakan fisik bahkan dapat mengakibatkan hal yang sangat fatal seperti membahayakan jiwa manusia. Sebagagian besar kerugian materi yang di sebabkan oleh gempa adlah kerusakan bangunan terutama bangunan yang tidak simetris yang bangunan nya lebih dari 2 tingkat yang sangat berpotensi besr terjadi perpindahan horizontal pada struktur bangunan. Maka untuk meminimalisir atau mencegah terjadinya perpindahan horizontal pada struktur bangunan harus di beri pemisah struktur yang sering di sebut dilatasi supaya dapat mengurangi ketidakberaturan bangunan. Pada penelitian ini di lakukan di bangunan berlayot T dimana bangunan tersebut berada pada daerah rawan gempa yaitu pulau jawa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perilaku struktur yang di beri dilatasi sehingga dapat di ketahui besarnya perpindahan horizontal bangunan yang mengakibatkan benturan antar bangunan, jarak dilatasiyang efektif digunakan di daerah rawan gempa dan perhitungan penulangan elemen balok, kolom di sekitar dilatasi. Analiasa dilakukan dengan memisahkan bagunan yang menjadi 3 bangunan yaitu bangunan 1a, 1b, dan 1c. dengan dipisah menggunakan balok kantilever. Bangunan masing masing terdiri dari 3 lantai dan tinggi antar lantai 4 meter. Untuk mempermudah penelitian ini digunakan software analisis struktur yaitu Etabs. Data gempa yang digunakan mengacu pada time history kota garut. Detail perhitungan tulangan mengacu pada peraturan SNI 2847-2013 dan SNI 2847-2019. Hasil perpindahan yang dari nilai analisis struktur kurang dari 10cm sehingga dilatasi yang di rencanakan aman di gunakan.
Analisis Kapasitas Simpang Tiga Tak Bersinyal Jalan Durian Raya – Jalan Tirto Agung Semarang Seno Suharyo; Lila Anggraini; Desy Ratna Arthaningtyas
Jurnal Konstruksi Vol 21 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Konstruksi
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Garut

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33364/konstruksi/v.21-1.1258


Jalan Durian Raya dan Jalan Tirto Agung merupakan dua diantara ruas jalan di kecamatan Banyumanik yang banyak dilalui kendaraan bermotor. Pada kedua ruas jalan itu, selain terdapat rumah-rumah penduduk, juga ada ruko-ruko, tempat makan, sekolah, kantor, dan minimarket. Pada jam-jam tertentu, akfititas kendaraan bermotor yang melintas di kedua ruas jalan tersebut dapat menyebabkan kemacetan pada simpang Jalan Durian Raya – Tirto Agung. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menghitung volume lalu lintas pada simpang tiga tak bersinyal Jalan Durian Raya – Tirto Agung, yang selanjutnya dilakukan analisis untuk memperoleh kapasitas, derajat kejenuhan, tundaan, dan peluang antrian pada simpang. Perhitungan analisis menggunakan data primer yang diperoleh selama waktu survei. Survei yang dilakukan yaitu menghitung lebar pendekat pada simpang, serta menghitung jumlah arus lalu-lintas yang melintas di simpang. Analisis data dengan menggunakan Manual Kapasitas jalan Indonesia 1997. Hasilnya adalah kapasitas simpang sebesar 2727 smp/jam. Derajat kejenuhan simpang sebesar 0,673. Tundaan simpang 11,88 detik/smp dan peluang antrian 19 – 38%.
Analisis Perbandingan Kuat Tekan dan Kuat Tarik Beton SCC dengan Campuran Pasir Cilopang dan Pasir Cimalaka Aditia Saparingga; Dendi Yogaswara
Jurnal Konstruksi Vol 21 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Konstruksi
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Garut

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33364/konstruksi/v.21-1.1272


Concrete has different compressive strength and tensile strength depending on the mixture of fine aggregate and coarse aggregate used. The use of SCC concrete mixed with Cilopang sand and SCC concrete mixed with Cimalaka sand has different compressive and tensile strengths. The purpose of this study was to determine the ratio of the compressive strength and tensile strength of SCC concrete with a mixture of Cilopang sand and Cimalaka sand. The method used in this study was an experiment or experiment in the laboratory, namely by conducting an experiment on a number of test objects to compare SCC concrete with a mixture of Cilopang sand with the addition of Superplasticizer and SCC concrete with Cimalaka sand with the addition of Superplasticizer. The total samples were 12 cylindrical concrete samples with dimensions of 150 mm x 300 mm with a percentage of liquid superplasticizer mixture of 1.8% of the total volume of fine aggregate (sand) with a concrete age of 7, 14 and 28 days. SCC concrete with a mixture of Cilopang sand in 6 samples and SCC concrete with a mixture of Cimalaka sand in 6 samples. It can be concluded from SCC concrete aged 28 days with a mixture of Cilopang sand for a compressive strength of 26.07 MPa and a tensile strength of 3.027 MPa. And SCC concrete with a mixture of Cimalaka sand for a compressive strength of 23.21 MPa and a tensile strength of 2.708 MPa. Based on the results of the two compression tests and tensile tests that have been carried out, it shows that SCC concrete mixed with Cilopang sand is superior to SCC concrete mixed with Cimalaka sand.