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e-Jurnal Inovasi Pembelajaran Sekolah Dasar
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The e-Jurnal of Elementary School Learning Innovation (e-JIPSD) is a vehicle for scientific publications originating from research and conceptual studies of lecturers, experts, education practitioners, teachers, and students who have a deep concern for progress and development as well as learning innovations covering the field of Indonesian Language, Mathematics, Natural and Social Sciences, Citizenship Education, as well as art, culture, and crafts in elementary schools.
Articles 20 Documents
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Peningkatan Proses Pembelajaran Tematik Terpadu Menggunakan Model Discovery Learning di Kelas V Sekolah Dasar Ulza Nadiyah; Farida Suardiman
e-Journal Inovasi Pembelajaran Sekolah Dasar Vol 7, No 7 (2019): EJPI-JIPD
Publisher : Departemen of Elementary Teacher Education, Faculty of Education, Universitas Negeri Padan

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The objective of this research is to describe an integrated thematic learning process improvement to the model of discovery learning in fifth grade elementary school 09 Bandar Buat Padang City. The approach used in this research is qualitative and quantitative. The research aspects of the teacher first cyclethe average value of 79,7% with enough qualification, in the second cycle to 90,6% with excellent qualifications. Aspects of the students' first cycle the average value of 79,7% with enough qualification,in the second cycle to 90,6%, with excellent qualifications. The student learning outcomes first cycle with an average value of 69 with the predicate B-,increased in the second cycle to 87,5 with the predicate A. Thus the model of discovery learning can enhance the learning process and student learning outcomes.
Pengaruh Strategi Active Learning Tipe Turnamen Terhadap Hasil Belajar Penyajian Data Di Kelas V Sekolah Dasar Elsa Tinova; Risda Amini
e-Journal Inovasi Pembelajaran Sekolah Dasar Vol 7, No 7 (2019): EJPI-JIPD
Publisher : Departemen of Elementary Teacher Education, Faculty of Education, Universitas Negeri Padan

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This study aims to determine the effect of tournament type active learning strategies on the learning outcomes of data presentation in class V of Elementary School. This type of research is Quasi Experimental Design. The population in this study were fifth grade students of SD Gugus IV Padang Timur Kota Padang who had used the 2013 curriculum. The simple random sampling technique was obtained by SDN 11 Air Camar as the experimental group and SDN 10 Aur Duri as the control group. Based on the results of data analysis using t-test, obtained tcount = 2.501 and ttable = 2.026 at a significant level of 0.05 and dk = 37. It means that tcount > ttable, so H1 is accepted. Thus, there is a significant effect of tournament type active learning strategy on the learning outcomes of data presentation in class V of Elementary School.
Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Siswa dengan Model Problem Based Learning pada Pembelajaran Tematik Terpadu Widia Ralita; Hamimah Hamimah
e-Journal Inovasi Pembelajaran Sekolah Dasar Vol 7, No 7 (2019): EJPI-JIPD
Publisher : Departemen of Elementary Teacher Education, Faculty of Education, Universitas Negeri Padan

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This research is motivated by the low student learning outcomes. The purpose of this study was to describe the improvement in student learning outcomes with the Problem Based Learning model in integrated thematic learning in fifth grade students of SDN 16 Koto Langang, South Coastal District. This type of research is classroom action research (PTK) using qualitative and quantitative approaches. The subjects of this study were teachers as observers, researchers as practitioners, and class V students as many as 28 people consisting of 16 male students and 12 female students. The study was conducted in two cycles. The results of the first cycle study on lesson plans averaged 76.79% (good), increasing in the second cycle to 92.85% (very good). The implementation of the first cycle on teacher activities averaged 80.35% (good), increasing in the second cycle to 96.42% (very good). The implementation of the first cycle on student activities averaged 76.79% (good), increasing in the second cycle to 96.42% (very good). Student learning outcomes in the first cycle averaged 62.83 (sufficient), increasing in the second cycle to 88.85 (good). Thus, it can be concluded that the Problem Based Learning (PBL) model can improve student learning outcomes in integrated thematic learning in elementary schools. Keywords : Learning outcomes, Problem Based Learning Models, Assessment
Pengaruh Strategi Active Learning Tipe Index Card Match Terhadap Hasil Belajar Peserta Didik pada Pembelajaran Tematik Terpadu di Kelas III Sekolah Dasar Rici Nofia Sari; Risda Amini
e-Journal Inovasi Pembelajaran Sekolah Dasar Vol 7, No 7 (2019): EJPI-JIPD
Publisher : Departemen of Elementary Teacher Education, Faculty of Education, Universitas Negeri Padan

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This study aims to determine the effect of the index card type active learning strategy on student learning outcomes in integrated thematic learning. This type of research is quasi-experimental with nonequivalent control group design. The research was conducted in 15 ulu gadut in Padang.  The sampling technique is simple random sampling, which is selected as the sample class is class IIIC as the experimental class and class IIIA as the control class. Sampling is using purporsive sampling technique. The instrument used in this study was an essay test in the form of an essay. Based on the results of data analysis using t-test, obtained tcount = (2,58) > ttabel (2,010) at a significant level of 0.05 and dk = 48. It means that tcount > ttable, so H1 is accepted. Thus, there is a significant effect of index card macth type active learning strategy on the learning outcomes of integrated thematic in class III of Elementary School.
Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Siswa Pada Pembelajaran Tematik Terpadu Menggunakan Pendekatan Scientific Linda Safitri; Yunisrul Yunisrul
e-Journal Inovasi Pembelajaran Sekolah Dasar Vol 7, No 7 (2019): EJPI-JIPD
Publisher : Departemen of Elementary Teacher Education, Faculty of Education, Universitas Negeri Padan

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 The research used was Classroom Action Research (CAR). The purpose of this study was to describe the increase in student learning outcomes in integrated thematic learning using Scientific approach  in class III SD Negeri 05 Puhun Pintu Kabun. The research subjects were teachers (practitioners) and 29 students. The research location is SD Negeri 05 Puhun Pintu Kabun. . The results showed an increase in: a) RPP observation of the first cycle was 86,1 (B)%, the second cycle was 97,2% (A);b) Observation aspect of the first cycle teacher is 84,37% (B), the second cycle is 96% (A); c) Observation aspects of the student's first cycle is 82,81% (B) and the second cycle is 93,7% (A);d) learning outcomes in the first cycle are 75,38 (C) and the second cycle is 84,27 (B).
Strategi Active Learning Tipe Turnamen Terhadap Hasil Belajar Pengukuran Sudut Kelas Iv Sekolah Dasar Yunita Nurmala Sari; Risda Amini
e-Journal Inovasi Pembelajaran Sekolah Dasar Vol 7, No 7 (2019): EJPI-JIPD
Publisher : Departemen of Elementary Teacher Education, Faculty of Education, Universitas Negeri Padan

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This study discusses active learning learning strategies for learning outcomes in the fourth grade of elementary school. This type of research is Quasi Experimental Design. The population in this study were fourth grade students of SD Cluster I Ampek Angkek Subdistrict Agam District who had used the 2013 curriculum. The simple random sampling technique was obtained by class IVB SDN 29 Koto Hilalang as a research group and class IVA SDN 29 Koto Hilalang as a control group. Based on the results of data analysis using the t-test, obtained tcount = 7,60 and Ttable = 2,021 at a significant level of 0.05 and dk = 40. This means that tcount> ttable, so H1 is accepted. Thus, there is a significant effect of participation type active learning strategies on the learning outcomes of angular measurements in grade IV of elementary school.
Pengaruh Teori Van Hiele Terhadap Hasil Belajar pada Materi Mengidentifikasi Sifat-Sifat Bangun Ruang dini Arentina putri; Syafri Ahmad; Desyandri Desyandri
e-Jurnal Inovasi Pembelajaran Sekolah Dasar Vol 7, No 7 (2019): EJPI-JIPD
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

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This research is done due to teachers lack of knowledge and ability in implementing the Van Hiele theory in the learning process of identifying solid figures’ characteristics. It aims at finding out the effects of the theory toward students’ learning outcomes at class V Gugus 8 SD Kuranji, Padang. This quasi experiment applied the purposive sampling technique to select the samples. Class V of SDN 41 Kuranji was selected as the experimental class while class VA of SDN 50 Kuranji acted as the control one. Date were obtained  from a multiple-choice test. They were analyzed by using the t-test formula. Based on the results of research conducted, obtained the average value of the experimental class pretest of 63.52 and the average value of the control class pretest of 65.05. While the average posttest value of the experimental class is 86.00 and the average posttest value of the control class is 81.05. From the results of the pretest and posttest scores of the two sample classes, the experimental class increased by 22.48 while the control group experienced an increase of 16.00. From the results of the t-test with a significant level (α = 0.05) in the experimental class with the acquisition of tcount of 7.61 and ttable 1.68 this means thitung> t table. So it can be concluded that the use of Van Hiele theory has a good effect the students’ learning outcomes indentifying solid figures’ characteristics. Keywords:  Learning Outcomes, The Van Hiele Theory
Pengaruh Media Edugame Berbasis Android Terhadap Kemampuan Komunikasi Matematis Siswa Pada Materi Keliling Bangun Datar Kelas IV SD Pembangunan Kota Padang Siti Rahmadhani; Masniladevi Masniladevi
e-Journal Inovasi Pembelajaran Sekolah Dasar Vol 7, No 7 (2019): EJPI-JIPD
Publisher : Departemen of Elementary Teacher Education, Faculty of Education, Universitas Negeri Padan

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The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of media usage edugame android based on the ability of students' mathematical communication. This study is a quasi-experimental study, using only non-equevalent posttest control group design. The study population was all students fourth grade development of the city of Padang. The sampling technique purposive sampling technique. Selected samples of two classes, each of which will be used as an experimental class and control class. Compared learning is learning by using media edugame Scientific approach based on android with learning using a scientific approach, but only with the media in the student book. The data collection technique is to test instruments. The instrument used was a test of mathematical communication in the learning material around the Flat. Data were analyzed using t-test. RESULTS t count = 3.24 and t table = 1.67. So that t count > t table, H0 is rejected and Ha accepted. The conclusion of this study is the use of Android-based media edugame generate mathematical communication skills are better than just learning to use media in students' books.Keywords: Media edugame; Mathematical Communications; Android
Peningkatan Hasil Pembelajaran Tematik Terpadu Menggunakan Pendekatan Saintifik Tema 7 Subtema 3 Di Kelas II Sekolah Dasar Melisa Melisa; Farida Suardiman
e-Journal Inovasi Pembelajaran Sekolah Dasar Vol 7, No 7 (2019): EJPI-JIPD
Publisher : Departemen of Elementary Teacher Education, Faculty of Education, Universitas Negeri Padan

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The aim of this research is to decribe the improvement of student achievement by using scientific approach in integrated thematic for theme 7 and subtheme 3 at the 2nd grade of SDN 34 Dadok Tunggul Hitam (elementary school) 2018/2019. This is a classroom action research by using quantitative and qualitative analysis. The research procedures are: planning, implementing, observing and reflecting. Research subjects are students in 2nd grade with 2 cycles. Research data was obtained from all cycles by using observation sheet and test. From the research results, in the first cycle 81,18% of the lesson plans are good (B) and in the second cycle 90,90% are very good (A). Teacher activities in the first cycle are 77,5% (B), in the second cycle increase to 95% (A). Students activities in the first cylce are 67,5% (C), in the second cycle increase to 90% (A). Students achievement in the first cycle are 66,4% (C) and in the second cycle increase to 87% (A). Based on this research we can conclude that the using of scientific learning could improve student achievement in integrated thematic for theme 7 subtheme 3 at the 2nd grade of SDN 34 Dadok Tunggul Hitam.
Pembelajaran Tematik Terpadu Menggunakan Model Cooperative Learning Tipe Make A Match di Sekolah Dasar Nurul Hayumi; Mansurdin Mansurdin
e-Journal Inovasi Pembelajaran Sekolah Dasar Vol 7, No 7 (2019): EJPI-JIPD
Publisher : Departemen of Elementary Teacher Education, Faculty of Education, Universitas Negeri Padan

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The purpose of this study was to describe the improvement of integrated thematic learning outcomes using the Cooperative Learning type Make A Match model in class IVA of SDN 03 Pakan Kurai, Bukittinggi  . The type of this research is Classroom Action Research (PTK). The results of research showed the increasing on: a) the score oh the lesson plan in cycle I was 86.37% (B), cycle II 90,91% (SB); b) aspect observation of teacher cycle I 83.37% (B), cycle II 90,63% (SB); c) aspects  observation of student cycle I students 81,36% (B) and the second cycle II 92,86% (SB); d) lthe  aerage f cycle 1 was I 77,80; and the second cycle II was 81,10. So,  Cooperative Learning Type Make a Match Model  can improve student learning outcomes in  integrated thematic learning.

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