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Core Subject : Humanities, Art,
This bi-annual journal published every April and October, managed by the Interior Architecture Department of Universitas Ciputra. KREASI-Journal of Design & Creative Industry invites students to disseminate the latest ideas and knowledge in the field of Architecture, Interior Design, Creative Industry and Design Management. Articles in the form of theoretical and empirical research, literature reviews, as well as case studies are welcome in this scientific journal.
Articles 149 Documents
Desain Interior Restoran Jepang dengan Sistem Self-Service yang Bernuansa Japanese Farmhouse Morina Morina; Astrid Kusumowidagdo; Stephanus Evert Indrawan
KREASI Vol. 1 No. 2 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Ciputra Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37715/kreasi.v1i2.195


Perancangan desain interior Japanese BBQ Restaurant ini dilatar belakangi oleh perancangan bisnis dalam bidang kuliner, yaitu restoran Jepang yang bernama Kiyoku Japanese BBQ Restaurant yang berlokasi di Kuta, Bali. Restoran tersebut menjual masakan khas Jepang, yaitu yakiniku (masakan panggang) dan shabu-shabu (masakan rebus), dimana restoran menerapkan sistem ‘self-service with assistance’. Maksud dari sistem ‘selfservice with assistance’ adalah customer melayani diri sendiri dengan cara memilih bahan masakan yang diinginkan dan memasaknya sendiri pada meja makan yang telah disediakan,namun tetap mendapatkan pelayanan profesional dari pegawai. Oleh karena menggunakan sistem self-service, maka diperlukan perancangan furnitur dan sistem kebakaran yang baik dan sesuai dengan standar. Restoran menggunakan lahan yang memanjang ke belakang, dengan bangunan yang merupakan bekas rumah tinggal, sehingga diperlukan perancangan interior yang menyeluruh dan zoning area yang tepat untuk menghindari kesan melorong dan memanjang. Gaya desain yang diangkat adalah gaya Jepang, sesuai dengan jenis masakan yang dijual di restoran, sedangkan tema desain diangkat dari rumah petani (farmhouse) Jepang pada zaman Edo. Lahan bangunan restoran memiliki luas total sebesar kurang lebih 865,22 meter persegi dan memiliki sepuluh kebutuhan ruang utama yakni, area makan, area display, area kasir, area dapur, area kantor, area pegawai, area guide, area toilet, area penyimpanan, dan area akuarium.
Alih Fungsi Bangunan Melalui Ambience, Space Planning dan Graphic Design untuk Memperkuat Image dan Brand Perusahaan Angeline Stacia Sutedjo; G. Herry Purwoko; M.Y Susan
KREASI Vol. 1 No. 2 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Ciputra Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37715/kreasi.v1i2.197


Dewasa ini, terlihat bahwa pertumbuhan bisnis sedang mengalami peningkatan, dimana hal tersebut dipengaruhi oleh jumlah populasi pada usia produktif yang cukup banyak dan mulai berani menjadi entrepreneur dalam berbagai bidang. Salah satu bisnis yang pesat berkembang adalah ritel yang didukung dengan grafis.Adapun grafis yang banyak ditawarkan oleh kebanyakan pebisnis lainnya adalah grafis yang bersangkutan dengan branding.AEGIS Interior mempunyai kemampuan grafis untuk interior yang dapat membantu untuk merealisasikan konsep bisnis.Sesuai dengan kompetensi dan konsep yang dimiliki AEGIS Interior. Perancangan Reve House of Couture di Malang menjadi studi kasus dalam kajian ini. Perancangan yang dilakukan adalah berupa alih-fungsi bangunan yang membutuhkan dukungan kekuatan image perusahaan melalui desain interiornya.Wacana ini menjadi dasar kerangka desain interior dan grafis untuk interior yang diaplikasikan pada bangunan.Image bisnis Reve yang ingin diperkuat adalah eksklusif dan elegan, maka dari itu gaya desain yang diangkat adalah gaya klasik rennaissance yang feminin dan kontemporer. Gaya desain tersebut terlihat dari penggunaan warna, bentuk, hingga material yang digunakan.Pengalih-fungsian bangunan dirancang melalui space planning yang sesuai dengan pengguna dan aktivitas masing-masing tipe penggunanya. Desain grafis untuk interior pun juga digunakan sebagai alat bantu pemerkuat image dan brand dari Reve.
#27 ONE STOP BAKING CENTER Vania Valentina; Tri Noviyanto P. Utomo; M. Y Susan
KREASI Vol. 1 No. 2 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Ciputra Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37715/kreasi.v1i2.198


The background of this project is from the owner’s business, which is engaged to baking activities. As we know, baking is a method of cooking food that uses prolonged dry heat, normally in an oven. The most common item to bake is bread or cake. Baking techniques are not same as another technique. It needs an accurate of ingredients mix, texture, heat, and soon for obtaining the best result. In the other hand, aesthetic visual quality is important too. It is purposely to ensure the customer regarding the food, and also giving some economic values for the products. There are some services in #27 One Stop Baking Center; baking course activity, cake decoration course, kitchen rental, and bake ware, including ingredients retail store. This business planned to be opened in Mataram. Based on the survey that has been done, there are a lot of Mataram’s societies that are interested in baking activities. They want to learn something new or just use their spare time for a useful activity. The influence of architecture and interior design in this business is for the purpose of giving a new innovative way in creating a new image of a baking store as well as for giving new inspirations and information. Architectural and interior design are important to support the people in doing indoor activities, therefore it could increase the life quality for the users.
Membangun Customer’s Experience Melalui Desain Interior Pada Sebuah Restoran Yeremia Martin; Tri Noviyanto P. Utomo; M.Y Susan
KREASI Vol. 1 No. 2 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Ciputra Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37715/kreasi.v1i2.199


Surabaya is a one of a developed industrial city in Indonesia. One of the most potential industries in Surabaya is Food and Beverages industry. Surabaya has various types of food and Beverages industry. Type of Food and beverages industry that interest people in Surabaya is a restaurant that sells western food. One of popular western food in Surabaya is Burger. Surabaya has a large amount of restaurant that sell burger product, thus it cause Burger Restaurant has a low entry barrier. One of the strategies to compete with another Burger Restaurant is to combine burger concept with barbeque concept where customers able to grill the burger’s meat by themselves. This idea is expected to be an additional value and appeal customers in Surabaya. This concept idea will be applied to the restaurant’s interior. The design of restaurant burger design is adapted with business concept that is to offer experience to customers. The design concept that will be applied is a design that gives an experience to the restaurant’s customers. The concept that will be used for the design of Lavarock Burger Restaurant is modern rustic concept. This interior design is expected to give experience value as the selling factor.
KREASI Vol. 2 No. 1 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Ciputra Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37715/kreasi.v2i1.262


Competition among companies to increase sale is getting fiercer, so branding is on to the public to socialize company image, impression or identity of is necessary. PT. Surya Pratista Hutama is a noodle company which is currently developing the brand of their noodle product. To develop the brand of the company, there should be a forum for public interest and positive responses. Therefore, the company plans to construct a Visitor Center as a space for cooking classes, presentations, and seminars on Mi Burung Dara. The building will be divided into two sections, which are cafeteria on the first floor and mini conference room on the second floor. The concept of the interior design of the building is international taste. To reflect the concept in the building interior, eclectic style, which is a combination of design styles from several periods and locations, is applied. The application of the eclectic style uses several national and international cultures in the building interior.
KREASI Vol. 2 No. 1 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Ciputra Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37715/kreasi.v2i1.263


Nowadays community lifestyle has rapidly growing in society, these are directly affecting the business development in Indonesia especially souvenir and gift business that specialized in face caricature, Illustration and silhouette. Communities are often having a difficulty to find a souvenir & gift that are unique and memorable yet multifunctional. These souvenir and gift are commonly used in variety events such as graduation, farewells, anniversaries and so on. Although consumers required to have a direct inspection of product quality, shape, and function. However these caricature souvenirs and gifts are hardly can be found in many retail stores in Surabaya. Therefore, NGIDE (art and craft venture space) is an innovative solution that created to meet consumer’s demand. In the initial phase, NGIDE (art and craft venture space) will be based on online shop, which sells souvenir and gift. Afterward, in the third phase, NGIDE (art and craft venture space) will be developed as building facility, which contains retail area, mini eatery, office, studio and meeting room. Consumers are able to freely choose product variant and consult their needs in the retail area. Furthermore, to give an extra added value, some of the souvenir and gift working progress can be awaited thus mini eatery is provided. Customers can relax and enjoy their meal in this area. Other facilities such as studio, office and meeting room are designated for employees as the production area. Besides, NGIDE (art and craft venture space)’s interior are designed with industrial style that combines the implementation of graphic and exposed material to outshine company identity as souvenir and gift company which specialized in caricature, illustration, and silhouette; and the focus of NGIDE (art and craft venture space)’s brand personality itself will be creative, fun and fresh. The purpose of designing interior architecture of NGIDE (art and craft venture space) is not only improving business development but also creating brand new art and craft space in Surabaya.
KREASI Vol. 2 No. 1 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Ciputra Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37715/kreasi.v2i1.264


Pal’S Gallery is a furniture design business that will be open in Surabaya, East Java. The showroom location will be in the 2nd floor of Marvell City Mall, Raya Ngagel 123, Wonokromo, Surabaya City, East Java. Pal’S Gallery specialize in furniture design and furniture product using rattan as the main materials. The purpose of this business are to fulfill the market demand for furnitures, and to enrich the Indonesia design with its uniqe rattan furniture design. Pal’S Gallery will serve customer with furniture design service and also selling the finished or ready-to-use furniture products. This research covered the design research, concept, and implementation report of the furniture, product, and its display space. Pal’S Gallery’s display space are consist of showroom and exhibition booth. The division area showroom and booth are less the same, there are public areas and private areas. Area divider of diplay space base on the showroom and booth existing. The existing area of showroom itself has 90 m2 total area. While, the booth has several alternatives design base on the booth size and type, there are the booth with a size of 3x3m surrounded with three backdrop in three different sides, the booth with a size of 3x3m surrounded with two backdrop in two different sides, the booth with a size of 3x6m surrounded with a backdrop in the 6m sides, and the island booth with a size of 6x6m. The concept for Pal’s Gallery display will be use rattan materials designed in a modern space planning and enclosure shape.
ARSITEKTUR INTERIOR HOTEL SIGNATURE DI BALI Dewi Lanny Manua; Astrid Kusumowidagdo; Stephanus Evert Indrawan
KREASI Vol. 2 No. 1 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Ciputra Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37715/kreasi.v2i1.265


Dewsign Interior is an interior design consultant that focus on hotel and hospitality design project. Lead by the founder herself, Dewi Lanny Manua, Dewsign Interior with the help pf experienced staffs are ready to make the best interior and hotel designs that meet the clients expectation. Located in Surabaya, Dewsign Interior provide service to all across Indonesia. Currently Dewsign Interior is working on design project of Signature hotel, Bali. Signature hotel is a three star hotel located at Intan Permai street, Gang Berlian Kerobokan, Badung, Bali. The total land area of this hotel is 2000 m2, with 705 m2 will be designed by Dewsign Interior. With tropical concept and using natural material, this hotel plan to give warm and comfort feelings for all the guests. Dewsign Interior choose the tropical signature concept for this hotel, which is combination from natural material (palimanan stone, jati wood and merbau wood) and the other combination is the shape of the hotel’s logo (celtic maze).
KREASI Vol. 2 No. 1 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Ciputra Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37715/kreasi.v2i1.266


Nowadays, the growth of human population and economy is increasing more rapidly than in the previous years. Those factors have given positive impact on the increasing of property development such as residential and commercial projects. Because of the increasing of property development, interior designers are required to make a good interior design so it can function well and solve space or interior problems correctly and also give a good esthetic look to each and every project given. By this case, iVEL_ Qing Interior Design Consultant is presenting an interior design firm with interior graphic application as the added value. The interior graphic design application service is used to strengthen the design character/ design by implicating graphic design on walls, ceiling and floor or even interior products. Referring to the added value of iVEL_Qing Interior Design Consultant, Polytron office interior project is selected to be the study case because the existing condition that has not reflected the character or signature of the company’s brand. To solve the design problem, iVEL_Qing Interior Design Consultant is giving the right solution by designing the interior focused on space planning, circulation, air quality and both interior design style especially, that it is supported by the interior graphic design application service from iVEL_Qing Interior Design Consultant itself.
RESTORAN DENGAN KONSEP SUSTAINABLE DESIGN Achmad Linggar Bagaskara; Gervasius Herry Purwoko; Maria Y. Susan
KREASI Vol. 2 No. 1 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Ciputra Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37715/kreasi.v2i1.268


Human as social being require a place where they can gather and interact each other. With that kind of space, they can improve or increase the life quality of every individual, or maybe it will add a new value for them. A restaurant is an example where people can gather and interact. The Garden Space is a restaurant with a concept to improve social and environment quality. So the design should answer and supporting restaurant’s concept. Sustainable design’s principle applied to support restaurant’s value of social and environment. The the architecture and interior design was inspired by the beauty of the modern contemporary design and it can be seen on the outside and inside the building. Skylights are designed to reduce the use of artificial lighting on midday and afternoon. Rainwater storage is used to minimise the use of water, and it is applied in the toilet’s urinal. There is also a hydroponic garden, a place where customer will be educated and they can interact with nature.

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