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Aqwal: Journal of Quran and Hadies Studies
ISSN : 27747980     EISSN : 29864585     DOI : 10.28918/aqwal
Aqwal: Journal of Quranic and Hadith Studies is a peer-reviewed (double-blind), open-access journal published biannualiy (Juni and Desember) by Ilmu Al-Qur’an-Tafsir (IAT) and Hadith (ILHA)Program, Faculty Ushuluddin, Adab and Da’wah, K.H Abdurrahman Wahid State Islamic University Pekalongan since 2020. Aqwal invites students, scholars and researchers to contribute the result of their studies and researches. This Journal is aims to Quranic and Hadith studies which covers original research and literatur review with various focus of linguistic (semantic, semiotic, stilistic qiroaat, nadhom), philosophy (hermeneutic), local wisdom studies, environment, gender, and others. This journal, serving as a forum for the study of Quranic and Hadith in Asian and other parts of the world within its local and challenging global context, supports focused Hadith studies of particular theme and multidisciplinary studies. Al-Aqwal has become a medium of exchange of ideas and research findings from various traditions.
Articles 71 Documents
Easy Steps To Search And Use Hadith For The General Public Muhammad Amin
AQWAL Journal of Qur'an and Hadis Studies Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (785.238 KB) | DOI: 10.28918/aqwal.v3i2.3149


This article examines the challenges of academics in dealing with the general public to describe concrete steps in their need for the hadith of the Prophet. Society is not only faced with the statuses of hadith, but also issues of understanding, search, books and so on. Therefore, the main purpose of this paper is to try to see a simple design in studying and practicing hadith so as to make it easier for the general public to interact with the hadith. Answering this question, this study uses a literature review with a discourse analysis approach. This study shows that an easy and practical step for the general public is to search for hadith through the application or web of a takhrīj service provider quickly and friendly to use. There needs to be a gesture of realization that the hadith narrated in general is not singular; both the pronunciation, the narration and the matan. The move can be implemented with i'tibār al-Sanad. Society also needs to emphasize the existence of a benchmark of hadith status that has been set by the muḥaddiṡīn; Both from the status of sanad and matan. The two points are inseparable because they are an integral part of the study of the Prophet's hadith.
The Ethics of Protecting Environment Ibn Khaldun Perspective’s: Analysis of Exegesis Maqasidi's QS. al-A'raf Verse 56 Erika Aulia Fajar Wati; Hakam al-Ma'mun
AQWAL Journal of Qur'an and Hadis Studies Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022)

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This paper discusses the ethics of protecting the environment according to Ibn Khaldun. Starting from his statement in his magnum opus entitled Muqaddimah, he explained how the orderliness of the universe and everything within is a unified system that is mutually dependent on one another. The order and harmony of the universe are full of endless wisdom and lessons. From this, lessons can be drawn, one of which is that the natural order system reflects the social system prevailing in society. Social systems that rely on each other between individuals will produce a civilized society. So to maintain the order and balance of the environment, the Qur'an through Qs. al-A'raf verse 56 forbids doing damage on earth. Through the maqasidi interpretation approach to the verse, it can be concluded that the main principle of maqasid al-syariah can only be implemented in everyday life if the environment is conducive. Environmental conditions will affect the effectiveness of the application of Islamic law.
Islam Wasathiyah dalam Wacana Tafsir Ke-Indonesia-an (Studi Komparatif Penafsiran M. Quraish Shihab dan Buya Hamka) Adam Tri Rizky; Ade Rosi Siti Zakiah
AQWAL Journal of Qur'an and Hadis Studies Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020)

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Basically, the Qur'an is predetermined. What is the ideal position of Muslims to behave. This ummah is called ummatan wasathan. Even so, in real life Muslims are still far from the values ​​of the ummahatan wasathan. Therefore, this study tries to study the ummah of wasathan according to Quraish Shihab in Tafsir al-Misbah and Buya Hamka in Tafsir al-Azhar. The aim is to understand the interpretation and concept of Ummatan Wasathan according to the two figures, as well as the relevance of the interpretation concept to the values ​​of Pancasila. Literature research. This research uses documentation techniques and descriptive-analytical methods. This research also uses the comparison method. The results of this study were obtained from: according to Quraish Shihab and Buya Hamka, ummatan wasathan were: (a) People who have the power of faith who need istiqomah towards Allah and His Messenger; (B) Wise people who have common sense; (c) A people who love unity and unity; (d) Inclusive people; role model, and fair; (e) People who have a high balance or stability. The concept of M. Quraish Shihab and Buya Hamka's interpretation of the Ummah wasathan is very relevant to the basis of the Republic of Indonesia, namely Pancasila.
Tindak Pencurian dan Korupsi Perspektif Kitab Tafsir Klasik, Tengah, Kontemporer Hasan Su'aidi
AQWAL Journal of Qur'an and Hadis Studies Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28918/aqwal.v1i1.3516


Perbedaan penafsiran terhadap al-Qur`an merupakan hal yang wajar, mengingat tafsir adalah hasil karya manusia dan bukan karya Tuhan (meskipun penafsiran itu didasarkan kepada nash-nash yang terdapat di dalam hadis Nabi SAW). Tesis seperti ini diperkuat dengan fakta, bahwa masing-masing mufassir kalaupun mendasarkan penafsirannya kepada hadis (sunnah), namun tetap saja berbeda antara satu dan lainnya. Perbedaan penafsiran ini disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor, antara lain; manhaj istinbath yang berbeda-beda, penilain terhadap nash hadis yang berbeda, kedalaman analisis mufassir yang beragam dan pengaruh madzhab yang dianut oleh masing-masing mufassir. Seperti yang sudah dijelaskan sebelumnya, bahwa tiga tafsir yang menjadi pembahasan di dalam makalah ini, dua di antaranya adalah kitab tafsir yang mewakili madzhab yang dianut oleh penulisnya. Kitab tafsir yang ditulis oleh al-Jashash sebagai representasi madzhab Hanafiyyah dan tafsir yang ditulis oleh al-Harasi mewakili madzhab Syafi’iyyah. Oleh karena itu dapat dikatakan bahwa kitab tafsir kedua mufassir tersebut tidak dapat sepenuhnya lepas dari kerangka madzhab yang dianutnya. Kitab tafsir ketiga (yang ditulis oleh Ali as-Sayis) menurut penulis merupakan kitab tafsir yang berposisi tengah (tidak terpengaruh oleh madzhab fiqh tertentu) kalaupun ada beberapa tarjih yang ia lakukan, namun hal itu bukan sebagai pembelaan terhadap madzhab tertentu, tetapi berdasarkan kepada kajian yang mendalam terhadap beberapa instrument penafsiran. Pembahasan tentang korupsi dalam kerangka had pencurian memang tidak berkaitan secara langsung, namun dengan mempertimbangkan bentuk-bentuk korupsi yang telah dijelaskan di atas, maka hal itu tetap relevan, lebih-lebih jika dikaitkan dengan tema pembahasan kasus pencurian harta yang tersimpan di baitul mal. Hal ini karena baitul mal merupakan lembaga pemerintahan yang dapat dianalogikan dengan lembaga keuangan pada masa sekarang. Jika sariqah (tindak kriminal pencurian) telah ditentukan hukum atau hudud nya, maka korupsi merupakan tindak kriminal yang tidak diatur secara jelas hukumannya. Oleh karena itu, dengan mempertimbangkan penafsiran masing-masing kitab tafsir tentang pencurian dari harta baitul mal di atas, dan dengan mempertimbangkan aturan fiqh dan ushul fiqh tentang perbuatan kriminal yang tidak ditentukan hukumannya, maka penulis berpendapat bahwa hukum bagi pelaku tindak korupsi adalah ta’zir yang bentuk dan ketentuannya diserahkan dan diatur oleh waliyyul amri (pemerintah) dengan tetap mempertimbangkan aspek kemashlahatan.
Pro-Kontra Penggunaan Metodologi Hermeneutik dalam Penafsiran Al-Qur’ān Reza Bakhtiar Ramadhan
AQWAL Journal of Qur'an and Hadis Studies Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020)

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Artikel ini berusaha menjelaskan sejauh mana perdebatan penggunaan hermeneutika sebagai salah satu aliran/cabang ilmu tafsir Al Quran. Perdebatan tersebut diindikasi melahirkan pro-kontra dalam menyikapi hermeneutika sebagai metodologi tafsir Al Quran yang terbagi menjadi tiga klaster, penolak, penerima dan penengah. Ketiga klaster ini saling mengisi wacana publik intelektual dengan berbagai dasar dan alasannya masing-masing. Tafsir Al Quran yang dinilai kurang relevan dan solutif dalam menyelesaikan masalah kontemporer menjadi dasar bagi para penerima dari metodologi hermenenutika ini. Sedangkan bagi para penolak, metodologi hermeneutika dapat merusak khazanah ilmu tafsir, karena metodologi yang digunakan hermenenutika khusus diterapkan pada Bibel, bukan Al Quran. Adapun para penengah, mereka mencoba menjembatani ruang-ruang kosong dari para penolak dan penerima, dengan melakukan seleksi ketat terhadap hal-hal yang bisa dan tidak bisa metodologi hermeneutika ini diterapkan dalam menafsiri Al Quran. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan analisis-deskriptif, artikel ini mencoba mengurai persoalan pro dan kontra penggunaan metodologi hermeneutika ini, dengan dilengkapi diskurus intelektual yang menyertainya. Pada akhirnya, artikel ini menemukan titik temu yang bersifat temporal antara para kelompok yang pro dan kontra tersebut. Sehingga titik temu ini akan mengalami dinamisasi, tergantung pada fenomena sosial, budaya, agama dan politik yang menyertainya kelak.
Tafsir Surah al-Ikhlāṣ Berbasis Tartīb Nuzūlī: Studi Karya Tafsir M. Abid al-Jabiri Salman Alfarisi
AQWAL Journal of Qur'an and Hadis Studies Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020)

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This article tries to analyze the tafsir of surah al-Ikhlāṣ based on tartīb nuzūlī in Muhammad Abid al-Jabiri’s work, Fahm al-Qur’a>n al-H{aki>m: al-Tafsi>r al-Wa>d}ih} H{asb Tarti>b al-Nuzu>l. Systematically, surah al-Ikhlas was put by al-Jabiri in the 19th order which entered into the theme of prophetic and deism. This surah is an affirmation of the Essence of God as well as the starting point for the transition of God’s terms: from ar-Rabb to Allah. This surah was also positioned as a response to the deism of Arab society who knew and believed in Allah, but they allied Him. Methodologically, al-Jabiri’s work can be categorized as a tafsir with historical perspective (al-lawn at-tārikhī). In term of interpretation sources, al-Jabiri doesn’t limit himself to contemporary works, he also accomodates classical works. So that he is classified as an postmodernist commentator (mufassir). Through his work, al-Jabiri invites readers to think historically until they have a complete, holistic and comprehensive understanding of the verses of the Koran.
Ortodoksi Penafsiran KH. Misbah Mustofa dalam Tafsir Al-Iklil fī Ma’ānī al-Tanzil Akhmad Syahrul Kurniawan; Heriyanto Heriyanto
AQWAL Journal of Qur'an and Hadis Studies Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020)

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Ortodoksi merupakan sebuah ketaatan pada ajaran resmi, dimana masih banyak sekali para tokoh-tokoh mufassir yang masih mempertahankan ajaran resmi tersebut. salah satunya adalah KH. Misbah Mustofa, beliau dikenal sebagai seorang yang tegas dalam hal beragama, dan juga beliau banyak sekali mengkritik mengenai tradisi-tradisi yang hidup ditengah masyarakat. Dalam tulisan ini, akan membahas mengenai kritik-kritik beliau terhadap tradisi yang ada ditengah masyarakat, sekaligus respon beliau terhadap tradisi tersebut. Dalam tulisan penulis menggunakan jenis penelitian kepustakaan, dimana objeknya langsung tertuju pada salah satu karya tafsir beliau yakni Al-Iklil fi Ma’ani Al-Tanzil. Selain itu pendekatan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan hermenutik. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah ortodoksi penafsiran KH. Misbah Mustofa dalam tafsir Al-Iklil fi Ma’ani Al-Tanzil yakni, mengenai kritik terhadap tradisi tarekat, kritik terhadap keluarga berencana, kritik terhadap tradisi taqlid, kritik terhadap penggunaan pengeras suara, dan yang terakhir adalah kritik terhadap tradisi MTQ.
The Romanticism of the Messenger of Allah in the Perspective of the Hadith of the History of Sayyidah 'Aisyah ra Arif Friyadi Friyadi
AQWAL Journal of Qur'an and Hadis Studies Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022)

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This article focuses on the figure of Aisyah as the wife of the Prophet and the author of the Hadith. In the midst of this position raises the fundamental question of what the story of her relationship with the Prophet is, whether as a romantic wife or not. So did the Prophet's attitude towards him. To answer this problem, this study tries to read the historical hadiths of Aisyah, whether the romance between the two is reflected in what she narrated. This study used library research with the help of pc software 'Gawami' al-Kalim' and searched using the keyword 'Aisyah'. The results of this study show that categorically, Aisyah narrated a hadith with the theme of romanticism of husband and wife 9 hadiths, namely the nobleness of women menstruating, kissing wives, bathing, combing, stroking, walking, talking, pleasing the wife's heart and comforting menstruating women. These hadiths are not only the Prophet as the perpetrator, but sometimes Aisyah. Therefore, the romance shows that the basic principle of the Prophet's attitude to Aisyah was to glorify, honor and make the wife happy.
Imam Abu Hanifah sebagai Ulama Hadis dan Imam Mazhab dalam Pandangan Abdul Fattah Abu Ghuddah Adi Abdullah Muslim
AQWAL Journal of Qur'an and Hadis Studies Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021)

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The study of classical book tahqiq is attached to the figure of a hadith scholar named Abdul Fattah Abu Ghuddah. This is because the research he has done has studied and commented on the works of classical scholars, who showed their attention to the treasures of past scholarship. In commenting on the studies researched him, the hadiths, interpretations, moral fiqh and others do not show his inclination towards the school that he holds. The scholarly figure of Abdul Fattah Abu Ghuddah in the field of hadith who adheres to the Imam Abu Hanifah school of thought does not make it necessary to quote all his tahqiq works from scholars of the Imam Abu Hanifah school of thought. As a behavior that maintains the scientific tradition of past scholars. However, there were times when Abdul Fattah Abu Ghuddah commented on the classical scholars' criticism of Imam Abu Hanifah's character in the field of hadith. This discussion is reviewed in several books that are tahqiq. This research is a qualitative research with a historical approach through descriptive analysis method
Al-Qur’ān dan Reproduksi Perempuan dalam Perspektif Aktivis Gender Indonesia (Analisis Tafsir Nur Rofi’ah) Aisyah Aisyah; Kurdi Fadal
AQWAL Journal of Qur'an and Hadis Studies Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021)

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Women naturally experience five biological experiences of women in the form of menstruation, pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum, and breastfeeding. Reproductive function is often found with pain, exhaustion, and risk. Nur Rofi'ah is here to present an interpretation of the reproduction verse by looking at the reality of society, especially the reality experienced by women. This research method is a type of qualitative research in the form of library research and the sociology of knowledge approach. The method of collecting data is by digging directly from studies of the KGI (Islamic Gender Justice) Koran and related literature and presenting data from the medical and psychological side of the condition of women experiencing reproductive function. From the author's analysis, it is concluded that Nur Rofi'ah's interpretation is part of the paradigm of transformative interpretation of reproductive verses. His explanation of the word aża which means pain becomes a reconstruction of the meaning of the verse while in explaining the words wahnān'alā wahnin and kurhān, he reproduces the meaning of the verse on the previous interpretations by providing an explanation of the condition of women who are menstruating, pregnant, giving birth, postpartum, and breastfeeding. From a medical and psychological perspective, the interpretation is expected to be a change in the attitude of the environment, family, especially husbands to be more caring and sympathetic.