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Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Itekes Bali
ISSN : 28095189     EISSN : 28079426     DOI :
Core Subject : Health,
Ruang lingkup Jurnal Abdimas ITEKES Bali adalah sebagai berikut : Keperawatan (Publikasi bidang keperawatan mencakup keperawatan medikal bedah, keperawatan anak, keperawatan jiwa, keperawatan maternitas, keperawatan komunitas, manajemen keperawatan dan juga keperawatan komplementer). Kebidanan (Dalam bidang kebidanan mencakup kesehatan ibu dan anak termasuk kehamilan, kelahiran, post-partum, bayi, keluarga berencana dan juga kesehatan reproduksi). Kesehatan masyarakat (Publikasi bidang kesehatan masyarakat mencakup area promosi kesehatan, pendidikan kesehatan, manajemen dan pelayanan kesehatan, epidemiologi dan area kesehatan masyarakat lainnya). Farmasi (Jurnal Bidang Ilmu Farmasi Klinik dan Komunitas mempublikasikan artikel riset dan review kefarmasian yang meliputi aspek farmakologi, biologi farmasi, kimia farmasi, kimia bahan alam, teknologi sediaan farmasi, farmasi klinik dan farmasi komunitas). Anestesi (Jurnal Bidang Ilmu Keperawatan Anestesiologi mempublikasikan artikel riset dan review mengenai keperawatan anestesiologi meliputi keperawatan anestesi pada praanestesi, keperawatan anestesi pada intraanestesi, keperawatan anestesi pada pascaanestesi, keperawatan anestesi pada gawat darurat dan kritis, keperawatan anestesi dalam manajemen nyeri). Makanan dan Teknologi (Jurnal Bidang Ilmu Teknologi Pangan mempublikasikan artikel riset dan review mengenai teknologi pangan yang terkait aspek kimia pangan, mikrobiologi pangan, rekayasa proses pangan, teknologi hasil pertanian, keamanan pangan, ketahanan pangan, biokimia pangan, pangan fungsional dan gizi pangan). Akupuntur (Jurnal Bidang Ilmu Akupuntur dan Pengobatan Herbal mempublikasikan artikel riset dan review mengenai akupuntur, moksibusi dan tuina: termasuk mekanisme efek akupuntur, moksibusi dan tuina, spesifisitas efek titik akupunktur, kompatibilitas titik akupuntur, evaluasi efikasi akupuntur, moksibusi dan tuina, serta evaluasi efikasi herbal Indonesia dan Cina).
Articles 12 Documents
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Socialization of Lactation Massage to Postpartum Mother Ni Kadek Neza Dwiyanti; Ni Wayan Sri Rahayuni
Jurnal Abdimas ITEKES Vol 1 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Abdimas ITEKES Bali September
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Institute Teknologi dan Kesehatan (ITEKES) Bali

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37294/jai.v1i1.395


Indonesia's health profile in 2016 shows that the coverage of infants who are breastfed for up to six months is only 29.5%. This figure is still far from the national target of 80%. Based on data from the profile of the Bali Provincial Health Office, the coverage rate of exclusive breastfeeding in Bali is 72.8%. By district or city, exclusive breastfeeding coverage in Badung Regency is 70.29%, Buleleng 61.95%, Gianyar is 80.02%, Jembrana is 84.7%, Karangasem is 69.68%. From these data, it can be seen that Gianyar Regency and Jembrana Regency have succeeded in achieving the national target (Bali Provincial Health Office, 2016). Meanwhile, the percentage of babies who received exclusive breastfeeding specifically at the age of 0 to 6 months in Bali Province was 30.1% (Kemenkes, 2016) The role of midwives in carrying out their profession must be in accordance with the existing midwifery concept in accordance with the results of the 2011 IBI National Work Meeting. One of the roles of the midwife during the postpartum period is to make home visits at least 3 times to monitor the condition of the mother and baby after giving birth and ensure that the baby is exclusively breastfed. In addition to home visits, the role of the midwife is also to provide counseling, counseling and socialization regarding proper breast care through lactation massage (Maternal and Child Health, 2016). The target of the program that will be carried out is to improve the health of mothers and babies by providing socialization about lactation massage to facilitate milk production. The output of the resulting program is an increase in the health status of mothers and babies.
Counseling on the Function of Vitamins in Increasing Body Endurance and Training on Hand Washing Movements, Wearing Masks, and Keeping Distance to the Marching Band Genta Bhuwana Ganeswara I Gusti Bagus Teguh Ananta; Dewa Gede Anom Anjasmara; Putu Indrayoni
Jurnal Abdimas ITEKES Vol 1 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Abdimas ITEKES Bali September
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Institute Teknologi dan Kesehatan (ITEKES) Bali

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37294/jai.v1i1.396


Various preventive measures in tackling the increase in COVID-19 cases must be carried out, both by the government and the community. Preventive efforts are so far the best practice to reduce the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, given that there is no treatment that is considered effective against the SARS-CoV-2 virus. One of the government's efforts to overcome the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic is by implementing the 3M movement, namely washing hands, wearing masks, and maintaining distance. Marching band is one of the art and sports learning activities that have been the impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Music learning methods in the classroom can be done online, but in practice mastery of musical instruments needs to be done offline. The offline training process needs to get more attention by implementing the 3M protocol, namely maintaining distance, using masks, and washing hands. Based on this, counseling activities on the function of vitamins were carried out in increasing endurance as well as training in washing hands, wearing masks, and keeping a distance. The implementation was carried out by conducting counseling and training which was attended by 25 participants. The results of the activity showed that there was an increase in the knowledge of the training participants regarding the COVID-19 pandemic and the movement to wash hands, wear masks and keep a distance, >80% of Marching Band members Genta Bhuwana Ganeswara had good knowledge.
Improved Ability to Provide Family Hand Washing Soap Facilities In Paket Agung Village, Singaraja-Bali Made Rismawan; IGNM Kusuma Negara
Jurnal Abdimas ITEKES Vol 1 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Abdimas ITEKES Bali September
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Institute Teknologi dan Kesehatan (ITEKES) Bali

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37294/jai.v1i1.397


Hand washing is a very important behavior, especially in this COVID-19 pandemic situation. This hand washing behavior needs to be instilled in all individuals starting from the family. To be able to carry out good hand washing behavior in the family, the supporting facilities and infrastructure must be prepared. One of the facilities that must be prepared is hand soap. This community service aims to improve the ability to provide family handwashing soap facilities, especially in the Agung Singaraja Village Package, Bali. The results of this Community Service (PKM) are expected to be able to increase the knowledge and behavior of the community, especially in the Package Agung Singaraja Village, Bali in carrying out hand washing behavior, especially in terms of providing family hand washing soap facilities independently. Furthermore, by implementing one of the health protocols, namely washing hands, it will be able to protect the public from the possibility of being exposed to COVID-19. The knowledge of the representatives of the community of Paket Agung Singaraja Bali about the provision of hand soap in the family has increased, this can be seen from the post-test scores which have increased. Likewise, the ability of the representatives of the community of Paket Agung Singaraja Bali in carrying out the manufacture of hand soap has increased, which can be seen from their ability to carry out the method of making hand washing soap during the red demonstration session.
Sleep Hygiene Counseling During the Covid-19 Pandemic To The Community In the Marga Tabanan village Ni Made Sri Rahyanti; Ni Kadek Sriasih
Jurnal Abdimas ITEKES Vol 1 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Abdimas ITEKES Bali September
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Institute Teknologi dan Kesehatan (ITEKES) Bali

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37294/jai.v1i1.398


WHO has declared Covid-19 to be a global pandemic that has occurred in many countries around the world. Clean and healthy living behavior is the key to preventing the transmission of Covid-19. PHBS consists of hand washing, consumption of healthy food, exercise and adequate rest. Adequate rest can be obtained through healthy sleep (Sleep Hygiene). Healthy sleep education is also one of the interventions in fatigue management that is useful for improving the ability to move. Based on the above, the authors are interested in doing community service in the form of healthy sleep counseling or Sleep Hygiene. The purpose of this counseling is to increase public knowledge about healthy sleep. Counseling was given to 35 people in the community. Based on the results of data analysis, it was found that there was an increase in public knowledge about healthy sleep from before and after being given counseling. The median knowledge of the community before counseling was 16.00 with a minimum value of 5 and a maximum of 15. The median knowledge after counseling was 19 with a minimum value of 16 and a maximum of 20. Based on this, promotive and preventive efforts to reduce fatigue and improve functional status must continue to be carried out so that endurance the body of the community is maintained and protected from the disease covid-19.
Prehospital Handling of Traffic Accidents in High School PGRI 4 Denpasar I Gde Agus Shuarsedana Putra; I Wayan Agus Maharyawan
Jurnal Abdimas ITEKES Vol 1 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Abdimas ITEKES Bali September
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Institute Teknologi dan Kesehatan (ITEKES) Bali

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37294/jai.v1i1.399


Traffic accidents are the eighth leading cause of death in Indonesia. Data from the Traffic Corps of the Police of the Republic of Indonesia states that every year 28,000-38,000 people die from traffic accidents in Indonesia. This number makes Indonesia ranked first in the country with the highest ratio of deaths from traffic accidents in the world (Kompas, 2017). In 2018 there was an accident with a death toll of 261 people. The number of victims of serious injuries/hospitalization due to transportation accidents was 190 people. Bali is classified as an area with heavy traffic and has a high number of traffic accidents. One of the efforts made is to seek to reduce the number of deaths due to pre-hospital snacking errors. Efforts made in this community service program are to educate students about handling pre-hospital patients at SMA PGRI 4 Denpasar which begins with counseling about fractures and continues with the introduction of pre-hospital handlers in fracture patients. This program aims to increase knowledge about the definition of fracture and train students on pre-hospital handling in road accidents so as to reduce the death rate in accident victims due to the first mishandling on the road. In the implementation of this activity, the activity begins with the provision of a pre-test questionnaire which is filled out by the participants, then counseling about fractures is carried out using the lecture method and finally a post-test aimed at SMA PGRI 4 Denpasar students. The results of the activity showed an increase in students' knowledge about fractures and could train students about handling fractures in road accidents.
Communication, Information and Education Iron Supplementation and Hemoglobin Putu Indrayoni; Sri Dewi Megayanti
Jurnal Abdimas ITEKES Vol 1 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Abdimas ITEKES Bali September
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Institute Teknologi dan Kesehatan (ITEKES) Bali

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37294/jai.v1i1.400


nemia in young women can cause decreased concentration in learning, lack of enthusiasm in activities, decreased memory and decreased learning ability at school. National prevalence of anemia in Indonesia reaches 21.7%, with anemia sufferers aged 5-14 years of 26.4% and 18.4% of patients aged 15-24 years with the highest prevalence in women. Iron nutrition anemia in adolescents becomes dangerous if not handled properly, especially in preparation for pregnancy and childbirth when they are adults. The solution related to the problem of anemia in adolescents can be in the form of providing a refresher on knowledge about good nutritional intake for students providing iron supplementation and checking Hb levels in female students. To determine the change in knowledge in adolescent students, a pre and post test was conducted using a knowledge questionnaire about the importance of iron supplementation followed by measuring the status of the risk of anemia. The data shows that the pretest results are 71.43% with sufficient knowledge and the post test shows that 100% of students have good knowledge. From the results of Hb examination, it was found that the average Hb value of female adolescent students was 12.5 gr / dl with the lowest value 11.2 gr / dl and the highest value 14.7 gr / dl. From these data it can be seen that the provision of KIE FE supplementation is useful for students of SMK Kesehatan Panca Atma Jaya Klungkung.
Digital Literacy-Based Health Promotion at Posyandu Banjar Teges Kanginan I Putu Gede Sutrisna; Kadek Nuryanto; Ida Ayu Manik Damayanti
Jurnal Abdimas ITEKES Vol 1 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Abdimas ITEKES Bali September
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Institute Teknologi dan Kesehatan (ITEKES) Bali

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37294/jai.v1i1.401


The lack of posyandu cadres who have expertise in health sciences causes the health promotion process to be less effective. This is because human resources do not have the knowledge and skills in health promotion. In addition, the cadres of the Banjar Teges Kanginan Posyandu, Peliatan Village have never received training on COVID-19 prevention. The media used in health promotion also tend to be monotonous, only using loudspeakers which are used for socialization around the Teges Kanginan Traditional Village. This shows that the process of health promotion takes place in a monotonous and less innovative way. Based on the description above, there are two problems that will be given a solution, namely the knowledge aspect of digital literacy-based health promotion and the skill aspect of digital-based health promotion. The solutions given related to the above problems are providing training and assistance in making health promotion media based on digital literacy, communication and public speaking, using and how to make hand sanitizers and disinfectants, training and mentoring on how to wash hands properly and correctly. The output target in the implementation of this devotion to the community is that the cadres of the Banjar Posyandu Teges Kanginan have the knowledge and skills of digital literacy-based health promotion. The results of this activities is implementation are as follows. (1) There is an increase in the knowledge of posyandu cadres related to digital literacy-based Health promotion. (2) there is an increase in the skills of posyandu cadres about conducting clean and healthy lifestyle, especially making handsanitizers. The high interest of posyandu cadres in improving public health, especially using health promotion based on digital literacy, it is necessary to hold further training and coaching related to the implementation of digital literacy in promoting public health
Counseling on the Selection of Contraceptive Devices for Women of Childbearing Age at Banjar Basa, Marga Village Tabanan Ida Ayu Ningrat Pangruating Diyu; Gusti Ayu Dwina Mastryagung
Jurnal Abdimas ITEKES Vol 1 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Abdimas ITEKES Bali September
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Institute Teknologi dan Kesehatan (ITEKES) Bali

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37294/jai.v1i1.402


Indonesia as a developing country with a large population is greatly helped by the contraception method to reduce population and improve women's health. The types of saline contraception start from MKJP and Non-MKJP. Each type of contraception has advantages and disadvantages and each has an individual suitability and suitability for each woman. Providing complete information is an important factor in choosing a contraceptive device. The provision of information related to contraceptives and their types as well as health detection in women after childbearing is optimized to increase the coverage of active family planning participants and reduce high-risk groups who are not allowed to use certain contraceptive methods. From the activities carried out, it was obtained from 15 women of childbearing age who participated in this activity as many as 6 people (40%) had good knowledge regarding contraception and as many as 9 people (60%) had less knowledge about contraception. After being given education, there was a significant increase in the understanding of women of childbearing age regarding contraception, namely as many as 15 people (100%).
DAGUSIBU Drug Management Counseling (Get, Use, Save, Dispose) in Banjar Kodok Darsana, Karangasem Regency Made Asmarani Dira; Lia Puspitasari
Jurnal Abdimas ITEKES Vol 1 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Abdimas ITEKES Bali September
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Institute Teknologi dan Kesehatan (ITEKES) Bali

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37294/jai.v1i1.403


Dagusibu is one of the efforts to improve health for the community which is carried out through health service activities by pharmaceutical personnel. Health services that can be provided by pharmacists to the community include, among others, providing information on the use and storage of pharmaceutical preparations and medical devices. People need to know the importance of managing drugs from getting prescriptions to throwing them away if they are not needed. Thus, the impact of community abuse errors can be prevented. Lack of public curiosity about this is very dangerous. They should not underestimate the procedures for drug management. Starting from the beginning they get a prescription from a doctor, to how to dispose of it if it can no longer be used. In fact, if we mismanage the drug a little, it will be very fatal for the consumer of the drug. The results of counseling on Dagusibu Drug Management (Get, Use, Save, Dispose) in Banjar Kodok Darsana, Karangasem Regency can provide insight and education on drug management from getting prescriptions to throwing them away if not needed. Thus, the impact of community abuse errors can be prevented. Participants can apply the knowledge that has been obtained in the family and community environment.
Food Counseling With Balanced Nutrition for Teenagers Anak Agung Ngurah Dwi Ariesta Wijaya Putra; Ida Ayu Putu Ary Widnyani; Pande P. Elza Fitriani
Jurnal Abdimas ITEKES Vol 1 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Abdimas ITEKES Bali September
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Institute Teknologi dan Kesehatan (ITEKES) Bali

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37294/jai.v1i1.404


Nutritional knowledge plays an important role in shaping the mindset of choosing the type and amount of food consumed. A person with good nutritional knowledge is expected to pay attention to the nutritional state of each food he consumes. Unhealthy eating habits in choosing types of food can also have an impact on nutritional status problems. Nutritious food is not expensive and delicious food, but one that has a balanced nutritional value for the body. The food counseling with balanced nutrition for adolescents aims to provide information and knowledge to adolescents at SMK Erlangga. The result of this activity was that 96.39% of students understood the counseling material on balanced nutrition. This is good because it adds insight to students in order to find out optimal nutritional needs and improve daily eating patterns.

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