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Bulletin of Informatics and Data Science
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The Bulletin of Informatics and Data Science journal discusses studies in the fields of Informatics, DSS, AI, and ES, as a forum for expressing research results both conceptually and technically related to Data Science
Articles 19 Documents
Penerapan Metode Weighted Product dalam Penyeleksian Supervisor Terbaik Adrianus Gultom; Titus Kristanto; Yonky Pernando; Joko Kuswanto; Nursaka Putra; Amsar Amsar
Bulletin of Informatics and Data Science Vol 2, No 1 (2023): May 2023
Publisher : PDSI

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In this study, the authors used the Weighted Product (WP) method to select the best supervisor at PT PLN (Persero). The Weighted Product (WP) method is the most appropriate method to be used in the selection stage for candidates with the potential to be the best supervisors. In applying the WP (Weighted Product) method, managers can rank by looking for the weight value of each attribute. The results of the study stated that alternative A2 had the best value with a value of 0.11877
Penentuan Penerima Bantuan Pangan Non Tunai (BPNT) Menerapkan Metode Multi Objective Optimization on the Basis of Ratio Analysis (MOORA) Ahmad Yanda; Mesran Mesran
Bulletin of Informatics and Data Science Vol 1, No 2 (2022): November 2022
Publisher : PDSI

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Non-Cash Food Assistance (BPNT) is something that is made as assistance in the form of food, to help the community, especially in social services that are given to the community in a non-cash way or called electronic money whose source is the government and is given to underprivileged families or beneficiary families. (KPM). This assistance is distributed every month using a card and exchanged at e-Warong. The result of the exchange is food or in the form of rice, milk, instant noodles etc. In the process of selecting candidates for BPNT assistance, it will be very difficult if it is decided manually. Therefore, a system called DSS is needed. Decision Support System (DSS) is a stage in finding a solution to a problem where the process is carried out using a solution according to how the computer works. DSS can work optimally if using the method. In this study, the authors chose the Multi-Objective Optimization Method on The Basic of Ratio Analysis (MOORA) which is a method that can be used in the completion and completion process of the DSS. This method has a working procedure that uses mathematical calculations. The results of this study were obtained as the best candidate for the recipient of BPNT funds, alternative A4 on behalf of Jefri with a value of 0.2362 as the first rank
Analisis Usability Testing pada SITIDES Menggunakan System Usability Scale dan PIECES Framework Valian Yoga Pudya Ardhana
Bulletin of Informatics and Data Science Vol 1, No 2 (2022): November 2022
Publisher : PDSI

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SITIDES Bengkaung Village is a website-based integrated system owned by Bengkaung Village located in West Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Province under the management of village officials. All information related to Bengkaung Village is displayed on SITIDES Bengkaung Village. However, since the system was officially used, there has never been an evaluation and testing of the level of user satisfaction, in this case the manager of SITIDES Bengkaung Village, so a usability analysis is needed which in this case uses two methods, namely the PIECES Framework and the System Usability Scale. The purpose of this evaluation and testing is to measure the level of satisfaction of SITIDES users in Bengkaung Village, in this case the managers of which there are 9 people who have different access rights. Based on the research that has been done, the results of the analysis using the Pieces Framework method are a value of 4.36 obtained from the average value of 6 domains. This value is in the very satisfied category. While the results of the user satisfaction level of SITIDES Bengkaung Village using the System Usability Scale method are obtained a value of 77.78 where the value for the acceptability range version is Acceptable, while the grade scale results from the level of user acceptance are included in class B. Based on the measurement results using 2 The method obtained almost the same results, which showed that the users were very satisfied with the SITIDES system in Bengkaung Village so that the system was very feasible to use.
Perbandingan Metode Random Forest Classifier dan SVM Pada Klasifikasi Kemampuan Level Beradaptasi Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh Siswa Ilham Adriansyah; Muhammad Diemas Mahendra; Errissya Rasywir; Yovi Pratama
Bulletin of Informatics and Data Science Vol 1, No 2 (2022): November 2022
Publisher : PDSI

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WHO has declared that COVID-19 or SARS-CoV-2 has been a global pandemic since March 2020. Distance learning as we often hear is learning that prioritizes independence. Teachers can deliver teaching materials to students without having to meet face to face in the same room. This kind of learning can be done at the same time or at different times. This study aims to compare the results of the classification of students' distance learning adaptability levels with the random forest classifier and SVM methods. Obtaining the evaluation results of each algorithm used. Precision, recall, f1-score, and accuracy are evaluation indicators. The results of the classification of each adaptivity class got 73.1% for Moderate, 74.7% for Low and 66.1% for High. With the total accuracy of the SVM algorithm on the tested data of 73.36%. The results of the classification of each adaptivity class got 92.1% for Moderate, 92% for Low and 86% for High. With the total accuracy of the Random Forest Classifier algorithm on the tested data, it is 91.5%. From 1205 test data contents for each model, it was found that the Random Forest model has a higher accuracy but has an incorrect classification value of 321 data, and the accuracy of the Support Vector Machine model is lower but has an incorrect classification value of as much as 101 data
Implementation of Operational Competitiveness Rating Analysis (OCRA) and Rank Order Centroid (ROC) to Determination of Minimarket Location Ida Mayanju Pandiangan; Mesran Mesran; Rohmat Indra Borman; Agus Perdana Windarto; Setiawansyah Setiawansyah
Bulletin of Informatics and Data Science Vol 2, No 1 (2023): May 2023
Publisher : PDSI

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Minimarket location placement is one of the main capital for the business to progress and develop. In determining the location of the minimarket, various considerations must be taken so that nothing is fatal to the sustainability of the business. The problem that occurs in the company in choosing the placement of minmarket locations, namely the various locations that are chosen, each location has its advantages and disadvantages, each of which can affect the analysis of results and takes a long time to make a decision. So that requires a system that can provide a solution to this problem. In this case the resulting system is a system that is useful for determining location placement for minimarkets using the ROC method as its weighting and the OCRA method as a decision generator. This system can provide a solution in determining the location of minimarkets, from various existing locations. The results of each alternative are more objective and definitive in determining the location of minimarkets in a computerized way. For this reason, it is necessary to have supporting criteria for using a decision support system. Determination of importance weight values on conflicting criteria is generated through a weighting method, namely ROC or Rank Order centroid. The OCRA method or Operational Competitiveness Rating Analysis is a method that can calculate and produce rankings efficiently so that the resulting decisions are accurate. The results obtained from the utilization of this system determine the location of minimarkets using the OCRA method and ROC weighting as well as various conflicting criteria determined by the company and development management in Lubuk Pakam resulting in the highest preference value of 0.673 as a location that is suitable for use as a minimarket
Implementasi Pendekatan Additive Ratio Assessment Pada Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Pemilihan Board Microcontroler Rini Nuraini
Bulletin of Informatics and Data Science Vol 2, No 1 (2023): May 2023
Publisher : PDSI

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Technology is currently developing into automation in the form of intelligent systems and the Internet of Things. These technologies will be related to components, one of which is a microcontroller. Today, there are more and more choices of microcontrollers with various specifications. Due to the large variety of microcontroller board products available on the market, one must understand one by one the specifications of the device to be purchased. It takes a long time for someone to make a choice. The research aims to develop a Decision Support System (DSS) using the Additive Ratio Assessment (ARAS) to assist in choosing a microcontroller board, so that it can assist in determining the best alternative appropriately and according to needs. The ARAS approach can select the best alternative based on the utility level of each alternative in determining the ranking of the best alternative or alternative. Based on the results of the case study conducted, the highest utility value was NodeMCU ESP8266 with a value of 0.8873, followed by FireBeetle ESP32 with a value of 0.8357, Arduino Uno R3 with a value of 0.5815 and Quark D2000 with a value of 0.5298. The calculation results obtained by the system by calculating manually show the acquisition of the same value. In addition, based on the results of black box testing, it shows that all the features tested have worked well
Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Penilaian Kinerja Tenaga Honorer Menerapkan Metode Weighted Product (WP) dan Complex Proportional Assessment (COPRAS) dengan Kombinasi Pembobotan Rank Order Centroid (ROC) Yarimani Laia; Mesran Mesran; I Gede Iwan Sudipa; Darma Setiawan Putra; Perani Rosyani; Riska Aryanti
Bulletin of Informatics and Data Science Vol 2, No 1 (2023): May 2023
Publisher : PDSI

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Honorary workers are someone who is appointed by a Personnel Development Officer or other officials in the government to carry out certain tasks in government agencies whose salary is paid by the APBN or APBD. The performance evaluation of honorary workers is aimed at planning the development of human resources and training and increasing the utilization of honorary workers in accordance with their duties and functions. The process of assessing the performance of honorary workers who are unfair can have an adverse effect on the honorary workers themselves. In the process of evaluating honorary staff, an efficient system is needed to see the performance results of the honorary staff, a Decision Support System is needed. The method applied in this study is the Weighted Product (WP) and Complex Proportional Assessment (COPRAS) methods applying Rank Order Centroid (ROC) weighting using these two methods, it is expected to provide effective results in evaluating honorary workers. The final results obtained in calculating the best alternative value in the calculation of the Weighted Product (WP) method, namely A4 on behalf of "Karin" with a value of Vi = 0.246 and in the calculation of the Complex Proportional Assessment method (COPRAS), namely A6 in the name of "Love" with a value of Ui = 100
Kombinasi Metode Rank Order Centroid (ROC) dan Operational Competitiveness Rating Analysis (OCRA) pada Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Penerimaan Kasir Riski Ferita Wahyu; Hetty Rohayani; Valian Yoga Pudya Ardhana; Frieyadie Frieyadie; Adi Supriyatna; Desyanti Desyanti
Bulletin of Informatics and Data Science Vol 2, No 1 (2023): May 2023
Publisher : PDSI

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A cashier is someone who, in carrying out his work, is responsible for processing payment transactions made by customers. In addition, cashiers can also serve cash and non-cash payments. The role of the cashier is needed in improving the quality of a company institution. In accepting the Cashier must meet several criteria such as Knowledge, Work Experience, Responsibility, Education, Loyalty, Status, and Age. So that in this problem requires a system that can provide the right solution such as Decision Support (SPK) to provide the solution found by using the Operational Competitiveness Rating Analysis or OCRA method in the process requiring data and cashier acceptance criteria. As for the results in the research on choosing the best cashier, the A5 alternative with a value of 1.9134 is Abdul Gani's name
Implementation of Weighted Product Method for Selection of Math Olympiad Participant Siti Khairunnisa; Vriska Amanda; Rohan Kristini Purba; Mesran Mesran
Bulletin of Informatics and Data Science Vol 2, No 1 (2023): May 2023
Publisher : PDSI

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So far, the selection of participants for the Mathematics Olympiad still has a number of problems, including a teacher or principal choosing a subject based on eye grades, even though the Science Competition questions that are asked in cities, districts and within the country require other aspects, such as intelligence and experience in Mathematics Competitions. . In addition to the above, sometimes the teacher does not pay attention to all of the above aspects when selecting students, which makes the end result not optimal. In overcoming these problems a system was formed that supports results in the selection of people who will take part in math competitions. In this research, the authors use the Weighted Product method with the results of the research obtained is alternative A5 with a value of 0.2391 as the best alternative

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