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Jurnal Nakula: Pusat Ilmu Pendidikan, Bahasa Dan Ilmu Sosial
ISSN : 30254132     EISSN : 30249945     DOI : 10.61132
Bidang kajian dalam jurnal ini termasuk sub rumpun Ilmu Pendidikan Ilmu Sosial, Bahasa dan Sastra, Olahraga dan Kesehatan, Matematika dan MIPA, Teknologi dan Kejuruaan, Ilmu Pendidikan dan Kesenian. Jurnal Nakula : Pusat Ilmu Pendidikan, Bahasa dan Ilmu Sosial menerima artikel dalam bahasa Inggris dan bahasa Indonesia
Articles 48 Documents
Implementasi Manajemen Perubahan Di MTS Negeri Di Kabupaten Sumedang Dalam Pencapaian Prestasi Institusi (Studi Pada MTS Negeri 3 Sumedang Dan MTS Negeri 8 Sumedang) Taufiq Rahman
Jurnal Nakula : Pusat Ilmu Pendidikan, Bahasa dan Ilmu Sosial Vol. 1 No. 5 (2023): September : Jurnal Nakula : Pusat Ilmu Pendidikan, Bahasa dan Ilmu Sosial
Publisher : Asosiasi Riset Ilmu Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61132/nakula.v1i5.179


Implementation of change management at MTsN 3 and MTsN 8 Sumedang is necessary so that the Madrasah can improve and overcome problems and obstacles in the Madrasah so that the existence of the Madrasah becomes better than before. The change management process which includes planning, organizing, implementing, monitoring and evaluating aims to ensure that the implementation of change management at MTsN 3 and MTsN 8 Sumedang can run effectively and efficiently. The formulation of the research problem is how is the implementation of change management carried out at MTsN 3 and MTsN 8 Sumedang. What factors hinder the implementation of change management in achieving institutional achievements at MTsN 3 and MTsN 8 Sumedang? And how to overcome obstacles to implementing change management in achieving institutional achievements. The research method carried out was qualitative descriptive research. The data sources are Madrasah heads, Madrasah Committees, Madrasah Teachers and Madrasah Supervisors. Data collection techniques were carried out by observation, interviews, and documentation studies. From the research results, it was concluded that the implementation of change management at State MTs in Sumedang Regency still experiences many obstacles and requires solutions to achieve institutional achievements.
Pengaruh Penggunaan Media Kartu Warna Terhadap Keterampilan Membaca Pantun Siswa Kelas V UPTD SDN Negeri 98 Barru Sahir Sahir; Sulfasyah Sulfasyah; Tarman A. Arif
Jurnal Nakula : Pusat Ilmu Pendidikan, Bahasa dan Ilmu Sosial Vol. 1 No. 5 (2023): September : Jurnal Nakula : Pusat Ilmu Pendidikan, Bahasa dan Ilmu Sosial
Publisher : Asosiasi Riset Ilmu Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61132/nakula.v1i5.180


The aim of this research is to describe the effect of using color card media on rhyme reading skills in class V UPTD SDN Negeri 98 Barru students. This type of research uses pre-experimental designs with a one-group pretest-posttest design type, namely an experiment whose implementation only involves one class without involving other classes (comparison class) which aims to find out the use of color card media in reading rhymes among class V UPTD students at SDN Negeri 98 Barru. The sample in this research was class V UPTD students at SDN Negeri 98 Barru with a total of 21 students. The data collection techniques used were observation, tests and documentation. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics. The results of the research concluded that the use of color card media had an effect on rhyme reading skills. This shows that before using the color card media it was classified as low with a score of 45 and the highest score was 85. However, after using the color card media the pantun reading skill was relatively high with the lowest score being 65 and the highest score being 100. So if it is linked to the category of learning outcomes after reading the pantun or given color card media in the very good category, there were 65%, 25% good, 10% fair and 0% less. Based on the hypothesis test that has been carried out, it can be concluded that the use of color card media has an influence on the rhyme reading skills of class V UPTD SDN Negeri 98 Barru. After obtaining tcount= 9.811 and ttable= (0.05= 1.725, we obtained 9.811 > 1.725. So these results show that after being given color card media it has a positive effect because the tcount value is greater than the ttable value.
Urgensi Pendidikan Praktik Berkuda Dan Memanah Dalam Meningkatkan Kecerdasan Emosional Santri Di PPTQ Qoryatul Qur’an: Studi Kasus Pada Perusahaan Asep Embordir Di Mangkubumi Tasikmalaya Muhammad Ikhsannudin; Joko Sarjono; M. Fatchurrohman
Jurnal Nakula : Pusat Ilmu Pendidikan, Bahasa dan Ilmu Sosial Vol. 1 No. 5 (2023): September : Jurnal Nakula : Pusat Ilmu Pendidikan, Bahasa dan Ilmu Sosial
Publisher : Asosiasi Riset Ilmu Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61132/nakula.v1i5.183


Furusiyah or equestrian sport is the ability to ride a horse and control it wherever the horse moves or runs. In general, the meaning is the science of dexterity in playing weapons on a horse or without a horse. This knowledge is considered a natural classic sport and has been very popular with Arab people since ancient times until now. Because horse riding was very important to the Arabs they taught their children from an early age to practice horseback riding and archery. In the history of the hadith that Rasulullah Shallallahu Alaihi Wasallam once raced a horse and competed with other horses. He once rode a black mare and then spurred her with both legs to say that this horse was running very fast. The person who first taught the science of furusia was Nabiyullah Ismail Alaihissalam at that time horses were wild like other wild animals. Then Allah tamed the horse and it could be ridden by Prophet Ismail Alaihissalam. Because of the diversity of horses, said Syarif Ahmad Al Hamawi in his book Annafhatul Miskiyah fii Sinaatil Furusiyah, he said, "Know that the problems with horses are very diverse that no one can know or go beyond their ends and limits because every horse of any kind has its own characteristics and gaps. each other's defects." Horse riding and archery extracurriculars at PPTQ Qoryatul Quran are one of the extras that can improve the quality of the students' memorization. Horse riding can also improve body health and physical strength. Horse riding and archery can also increase the focus of students in memorizing and learning general subjects in class.
Pengaruh Kompetensi Guru Terhadap Prestasi Belajar Siswa Di MTs. Negeri 3 Kota Tasikmalaya Rivan Marup; Caswita Caswita; Husni Mubarok
Jurnal Nakula : Pusat Ilmu Pendidikan, Bahasa dan Ilmu Sosial Vol. 1 No. 5 (2023): September : Jurnal Nakula : Pusat Ilmu Pendidikan, Bahasa dan Ilmu Sosial
Publisher : Asosiasi Riset Ilmu Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61132/nakula.v1i5.184


Teacher competence refers to a set of essential abilities that teachers must possess to perform effectively, impacting student learning outcomes. This competence includes pedagogic, social, personality, and professional skills. This study aims to: (1) assess teacher competence's impact on student learning achievement at MTs.Negeri 3 Tasikmalaya City, (2) evaluate student learning achievement at MTs.Negeri 3 Tasikmalaya City, and (3) determine the extent of teacher competence's influence on student learning achievement at MTs.Negeri 3 Tasikmalaya City. The study framework is based on Wina Sanjaya's theory, examining student learning achievement in cognitive, affective, and psychomotor aspects. The research employs a quantitative survey method with descriptive and associative approaches, collecting data through documentation, questionnaires, interviews, and observations. Findings indicate a strong positive correlation between teacher competence (X) and student learning achievement (Y) at MTs.Negeri 3 Tasikmalaya City, with an r count of 0.979, surpassing the r table value of 0.316 at a 5% significance level. This confirms the hypothesis that teacher competence (X) significantly influences student learning achievement (Y). Moreover, the coefficient of determination is 95.8%, indicating that teacher competence accounts for 95.8% of the variance in student learning achievement, while 4.2% is attributable to unexamined variables.
The Perception of Using TED Talks in Enhancing College Students’ Listening Skill for The Fourth Semester of Health Administration Students at STIKes RS Husada Academic Year 2023 –2024 Ludovikus Ludovikus; Yurita Mailintina; Ellynia Ellynia
Jurnal Nakula : Pusat Ilmu Pendidikan, Bahasa dan Ilmu Sosial Vol. 1 No. 5 (2023): September : Jurnal Nakula : Pusat Ilmu Pendidikan, Bahasa dan Ilmu Sosial
Publisher : Asosiasi Riset Ilmu Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61132/nakula.v1i5.186


This article presents survey data from 21 students from Bachelor’s Degree of Health Administration about the perception of using TED talks. The objective of the study was to know the students’ perceptions of using TED Talks in improving listening skill for the fourth semester of Health Administration students at STIKes RS Husada Academic Year 2022 – 2023. In the perception of convenience, the mean scores for all statements ranged from 2.05 to 2.33, which suggests a positive perception of convenience. The standard deviations were relatively low, indicating a certain level of agreement among the students. In the perception of benefits, the mean scores for all statements ranged from 1.86 to 2.10, indicating positive perceptions of benefits. The standard deviations were relatively low, suggesting a certain level of agreement among the students. In the perception of interests, the mean scores for all statements were around 2.00, indicating positive perceptions of interests. The standard deviations were relatively low, suggesting a certain level of agreement among the students. In conclusion, the findings from the study indicate that the students have positive perceptions regarding the convenience, benefits, and interests associated with using TED Talks for learning and practicing listening skills.
Figurative Language Applied In “The Show” Album By Niall Horan Dian Eklesia
Jurnal Nakula : Pusat Ilmu Pendidikan, Bahasa dan Ilmu Sosial Vol. 1 No. 5 (2023): September : Jurnal Nakula : Pusat Ilmu Pendidikan, Bahasa dan Ilmu Sosial
Publisher : Asosiasi Riset Ilmu Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61132/nakula.v1i5.195


Songs and language are inseparable companions in the world of music. Language is the framework on which songs are constructed, allowing songwriters and performers to engage audiences intellectually and emotionally by sharing their thoughts, feelings, and tales in songs. Figurative language and songs share a deep and symbiotic relationship. In order to give their lyrics emotion, depth, and inventiveness, lyricists employ a variety of figurative language techniques. This helps listeners engage with the music on a visceral and emotional level. Figurative language is an effective tool for turning lyrics into an engaging and memorable storytelling experience. The objective is to find out the figurative language applied in ‘The Show’ Album by Niall Horan. The method used for this study is descriptive qualitative method and used Kennedy and Gioia (1995) figurative languages as the theory. Various sources such as undergraduate thesis, articles, books, and internet sources are used to provide further information. The findings of this article are seven songs on the album that contain figurative language. The result is that four data in simile is found, one data in metaphor, five data in hyperbole, four data in personification, three in metonymy, and one in synecdoche.
Evaluasi Kebijakan Program SP3OR Jawa Barat Sopyan Rizki Haryadi; Arif Fajar Prasetiyo
Jurnal Nakula : Pusat Ilmu Pendidikan, Bahasa dan Ilmu Sosial Vol. 1 No. 5 (2023): September : Jurnal Nakula : Pusat Ilmu Pendidikan, Bahasa dan Ilmu Sosial
Publisher : Asosiasi Riset Ilmu Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61132/nakula.v1i5.212


This paper starts from the activities carried out labour in several periods SP3OR West Java programs undertaken by the government of West Java. It can be seen from the population in some districts in community sports activities. This study aimed to evaluate the extent to which the results and benefits of the program in the district of West Java SP3OR to cultivate and increase the number of Public Participation in sports. This study used descriptive qualitative method, as well as with research subjects labour, SP3OR and districts of Youth and Sports Department of West Java Province. Techniques of data retrieval by means of literature study and field study consisted of observations and interviews triangulation. Triangulation is done to society (the beneficiaries), Electric SP3OR and youth and Sports Department of West Java. These results indicate SP3OR program evaluation that describes the results of the program, the work done in the program, the program's ability to solve the problem of the sport, the distribution of the program at the district level and benefits program for people in the district SP3OR.
Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran POE (Predict-Observe-Explain) Terhadap Hasil Belajar IPA Materi Perubahan Sifat Benda Kelas V SDN 17 Binamu Kabupaten Jeneponto Sitti Hasmiyanti Sapiuddin; Hilmi Hambali; A.Muafiah Nur
Jurnal Nakula : Pusat Ilmu Pendidikan, Bahasa dan Ilmu Sosial Vol. 1 No. 6 (2023): November : Jurnal Nakula : Pusat Ilmu Pendidikan, Bahasa dan Ilmu Sosial
Publisher : Asosiasi Riset Ilmu Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61132/nakula.v1i6.213


The Influence of the POE (Predict-Observe-Explain) Learning Model on Science Learning Outcomes on Changes in the Properties of Objects for Class V Sdn 17 Binamu, Jeneponto Regency. Thesis. Department of Elementary School Teacher Education. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education. Muhammadiyah University of Makassar. Supervisor I Hilmi Hambali and Supervisor II A. Muafiah Nur.This research aims to determine the effect of the POE (Predict-Observe-Explain) learning model on learning outcomes in science material on changes in the properties of objects in class V. This research is a quantitative research using quasi-experimental research design with experimental methods in the form of pretest posttest group control design, with two groups, namely the control group and the experimental group.The data in this research were analyzed using descriptive statistical analysis techniques and inferential statistics. The results show that there is an influence of the POE (Predict-Observe-Explain) model in science subjects on science learning outcomes in material on changes in the properties of objects for class V SDN 17 Binamu, Jeneponto Regency. This can be seen in the average posttest score for the control class which only reached 66.74, while the average posttest score for the experimental class reached 82.83. Based on hypothesis testing using the independent sample t test, the tcount value = 6.279, while the ttable value = 2.015. Based on the results obtained because tcount > ttable (tcount = 6.279 > ttable = 2.015), thus Ho is rejected and H1 is accepted.
Pengaruh Kompetensi Kepribadian Guru Pendidikan Agama Kristen Dan Budi Pekerti Terhadap Moralitas Siswa Kelas Ix Smp Negeri 4 Tarutung Kabupaten Tapanuli Utara Tahun Pembelajaran 2023/2024 Sarah Br Barus; Simion Harianja; Limmarten Simatupang
Jurnal Nakula : Pusat Ilmu Pendidikan, Bahasa dan Ilmu Sosial Vol. 1 No. 6 (2023): November : Jurnal Nakula : Pusat Ilmu Pendidikan, Bahasa dan Ilmu Sosial
Publisher : Asosiasi Riset Ilmu Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61132/nakula.v1i6.226


The aim of this research is to find out whether there is a positive and significant influence between the Personality Competencies of Christian Religious Education Teachers and Character on the Morality of Class IX Students of SMP Negeri 4 Tarutung, North Tapanuli Regency for the 2023/2024 Academic Year. The method used in this research uses quantitative methods with descriptive and inferential approaches. The population is all class IX students of SMP Negeri 4 Tarutung, North Tapanuli Regency for the 2023/2024 academic year who are Protestant Christians totaling 108 people and a sample of 54 people was determined, namely 50% of the total population using random sampling techniques. Data was collected using a positive closed item questionnaire with 35 items. The results of data analysis show that there is a positive and significant influence of the Christian Religious Education Teacher's Personality Competency and Characteristics on the Morality of Class IX Students of SMP Negeri 4 Tarutung, North Tapanuli Regency for the 2023/2024 Academic Year: 1) Test the analysis requirements: a) positive relationship test The value obtained is rxy = 0.586 > rtable(a=0.05,n=54) = 0.226, thus it is known that there is a positive relationship between variable =0.05,dk=n-2=52)= 2,000, thus there is a significant relationship between variable X and variable Y. c) Regression coefficient of determination test (r2) = 34.3%. 2) Influence test: Regression equation test, obtained regression equation Y ̂=26.54+0.67X. Thus Ha is accepted and H0 is rejected.
Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Role Playing Terhadap Minat Belajar Pak Siswa Di Kelas VIII SMP Negeri 2 Siborongborong Tahun Pembelajaran 2022/2023 Aritha Raja Guk Guk; Tianggur Napitupulu; Dame Taruli
Jurnal Nakula : Pusat Ilmu Pendidikan, Bahasa dan Ilmu Sosial Vol. 1 No. 6 (2023): November : Jurnal Nakula : Pusat Ilmu Pendidikan, Bahasa dan Ilmu Sosial
Publisher : Asosiasi Riset Ilmu Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61132/nakula.v1i6.234


The aim of this research is to find out whether there is an influence of the role playing learning model on students' interest in learning PAK in class VIII of SMP Negeri 2 Siborongborong for the 2022/2023 academic year. The research method used is a quantitative method of inferential statistics. The population was all 221 students of class VIII of SMP Negeri 2 Siborongborong who were Christians and a sample of 42 people was determined using random sampling techniques. Data was collected using a positive closed questionnaire with 36 items, namely 20 items for variable : 1) Test the analysis requirements: a) positive relationship test obtained rxy = 0.407 > rtable(=0.05,n=42) = 0.304. b) Testing a significant relationship obtained tcount= 4.815 > ttable(=0.05,dk=n-2=40)= 2.021. 2) Test the effect: a) Test the regression equation, obtained the regression equation Y ̂="18.38"+0.51X. b) Regression coefficient of determination test (r2) = 16.5%. 3) Test the hypothesis using the F test to obtain Fcount > Ftable=(=0.05, dk numerator k=19, dk denominator=n-2=42-2=40) namely 7.92 > 1.51. Thus Ha is accepted and H0 is rejected.