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Tropical Genetics
ISSN : -     EISSN : 27984710     DOI : 10.24036/tg.v3i2.38
Core Subject : Agriculture,
The scope of this journal is; Genetics Basics, Classical Genetics, Theoretical and Applied Genetics, Molecular Genetics, Cytogenetics, Bioinformatics, Genetic Diversity, Population Genetics, Genetic Engineering, Forensic Genetics, Behavioural Genetics, Advanced Genetics and Evolution, Clinical Genetics and Genetic Counselling Genomics, Biotechnology and Genetics Education.
Articles 31 Documents
Genetic diversity of sugarcane (Saccharum Officinarum L.) based on morphological characters Intan Poespita Windiyani; Mahfut Mahfut
Tropical Genetics Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021)
Publisher : Genetikawan Muda Indonesia

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Sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) is an important plantation crop in the commercial sector as it accounts for 65% of worldwide sugar production. The role of sugarcane is very important in the sugar industry, so it needs to be supported by intensive research, especially for the breeding and assembly of superior varieties to improve the quality and quantity of sugarcane production. The process of plant breeding cannot be separated from the germplasm management program, because it is a source of genetic diversity of a plant species. Characteristics and evaluation of nuftah plasma are one of the activities carried out to determine the potential characteristics of the breeding program. One of the efforts to extract information in empowering the nuftah plasma collection is by morphological characteristics, so that superior plant varieties or accessions can be classified. Morphological characters were observed qualitatively and quantitatively. Each variety of a sugarcane species has a specific morphological description, both quantitative and qualitative traits, then the data base for these characteristics is used as a reference for filtering potentially superior to diversity in germplasm collections.
Design of primer Ipomoea batatas chloroplast gene matK S. Syamsurizal; Ardi Ardi; Des M; Resti Fevria; Yusni Atifah; Elsa Badriyya; Afifatul Achyar
Tropical Genetics Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021)
Publisher : Genetikawan Muda Indonesia

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Sweet potato varieties (Ipomoea batatas) Pucuk Hitam Panyalaian and Madu Pucuk Hitam Panyalaian have the potential to be a superior commodity in West Sumatra, but the information of genetic diversity is very limited. Data on the diversity of sweet potato germplasm is beneficial in the selection of plants to obtain superior cultivars in plant breeding. Aim: The aim of the study was to find specific primers for the study of sweet potato genetic markers using Ipomoea batatas chloroplast genes matK. Methods: DNA extraction from sweet potato young leaves; designing forward and reverse primers Ipomoea batatas chloroplast genes matK; PCR; sequencing; bioinformatics analysis and species identification by comparing the NCBI database. Results: Plant DNA barcoding PCR using designed primers matK were successfully resulting single DNA band in different amplicon size in some samples. This indicating that the designed primers used were able to distinguish variation in one species.
The effects of the plant extract on embryonic development of zebrafish (Danio rerio) Anita Restu Puji Raharjeng; Atika Ayu Kusumaningtyas; Dita Arya Widatama; Siti Zarah; Sandi Fransisco Pratama; Husnul Budiatman Dani
Tropical Genetics Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021)
Publisher : Genetikawan Muda Indonesia

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The early developmental stages of fish are particularly sensitive. Plant extract with its content can have a good or bad effect on this embryonic phase, depending on the concentration and period. The impact can range from disruption of embryonic development to death. Disorders of embryo development commonly observed are the hatching rate, delay or premature hatching, survival rate, heartbeat rate, morphological changes, and body malformations. The chorion does not fully protect the embryo against plant extract because the content of plant extract has a small specific gravity to enter and penetrate the chorion layer. The variety of plant extract contents can make the results of research less predictable so that the single material contain is felt to have a more accurate impact on natural medicine research.
Identification of single nucleotide polymorphisms on the D-loop region of mtDNA in Sundanese population Wolly Candramila; Sony Heru Sumarsono; Bambang Suryobroto; Maelita Ramdani Moeis
Tropical Genetics Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021)
Publisher : Genetikawan Muda Indonesia

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Identification of sequence polymorphism on the D-loop region of mtDNA has been done for various purposes, including health and medical treatment. In this research, single nucleotide polymorphisms were identified in the D-loop region of mtDNA of the Sundanese population in western Java. A total of 118 unrelated and healthy Sundanese probands were collected from closed-traditional kampung adat and open communities distributed in 14 cities and regencies in western Java. DNA amplification and direct sequencing of the D-loop region were proceeded using primers L15990 and H409. Multi-alignment was conducted not only intrapopulation but also with D-loop sequence data stored in GenBank for comparison. In this research, we categorized high-frequency SNPs as less effective for identification in population studies because of their presence in other populations outside Indonesia. Meanwhile, lower-frequency SNPs showed typical variants of Sundanese haplotypes. On the other hand, rare or low-frequency SNPs should be re-examined in larger size of samples to have a better understanding of risk factors for many diseases.
Extraction of DNA on human bone powder Muhammad Edhil Akbar Bur; Muhammad Tasri Hidayat; Isna Rasdianah Aziz; Setia Betaria Aritonang
Tropical Genetics Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021)
Publisher : Genetikawan Muda Indonesia

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Bone is a dynamic network that has a complex cellular regeneration system. A forensic examination is closely related to examining the physiology and anatomy of the living body, including bone as the evidence in DNA testing. This study aims to analyze the DNA extraction on human bone powder using PrepFiler® BTA Forensic DNA Extraction Kit. DNA was isolated from compact and cancellous bone tissue from decomposed human bodies. The bones were soaked in NaOCl for 5 min, then rinsed with nuclease-free water. The bone was sawn into bone powder and then extracted using 220 µl of BTA lysis, 7 µl of Prot-K, and 3 µl of DTT. PrepfilerTM Lysis Buffer was added as much as 300 µl then homogenized by vortex and spin using a centrifuge. Spectrophotometry was performed to measure the DNA concentration using an absorbance from 230 nm to 320 nm. The results showed that the DNA purity values of the three samples of compact and cancellous bone powder used were close to good quality: 2.08, 2.06, and 1.71, respectively. Low concentration values obtained from compact bone samples were 14.2 ng/µL and 11.9 ng/µL respectively, which inversely proportional to cancellous bones by 59 ng/µL.
Pedigree analysis of diabetes mellitus in Minangkabau ethnic S. Syamsurizal; Siti Halifah; Elsa Badriyya
Tropical Genetics Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021)
Publisher : Genetikawan Muda Indonesia

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Diabetes mellitus has a tendency to be inherited. The inheritance pattern of diabetes mellitus in the Minangkabau ethnic group follows the mitochondrial and autosomal inheritance pattern. Patients with diabetes mellitus in the Minangkabau ethnicity have a equal distribution between men and women. Patients with diabetes mellitus in this ethnic group generally know that they suffer from diabetes mellitus in old age or after other complications arise due to diabetes mellitus.
Genetic diversity of gamma ray aplication result on Mandarin’s SoE using ISSR markers Putri Kendari; Mahfut Mahfut
Tropical Genetics Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021)
Publisher : Genetikawan Muda Indonesia

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Mandarin’s SoEare one of Indonesia's leading mandarinto substitute imported oranges. The quality of oranges can be improved through breeding programs, one of which is mutation breeding using gamma rays. The purpose of this study was to obtain information about the genetic variation of SoE mandarin resulting from gamma ray radiation using ISSR markers. PCR results with ISSR markers on tangerine plants produced by gamma ray radiation showed various patterns, namely the bands were the same, lost bands, and experienced the addition of new bands compared to control plants.
Primer design, in silico PCR and optimum annealing temperature for Escherichia coli detection in refillable drinking water samples Afifatul Achyar; Annisa Irna Putri; Dwi Hilda Putri; Yuni Ahda
Tropical Genetics Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021)
Publisher : Genetikawan Muda Indonesia

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Refill Drinking Water Depots (DAMIU) in the community are easy to find at affordable prices, which is a concern in the feasibility of refill drinking water quality. E.coli is one of the pathogenic bacteria present in drinking water that has poor quality. When it enters the body it can cause symptoms of diarrhea, fever, vomiting and others. The purpose of this study was to create a specific primer for E.coli that can be used to detect E.coli and determine the optimum temperature of primer annealing. Researchers do a new primer design because the existing design does not necessarily produce the same results due to various factors of different experimental conditions. The primer design was carried out on an in silico-based and had to meet the criteria for a good primer because it would be used in vitro. E.coli gene sequences was aligned with Shigella sp. using Pairwise Alignment. Primer candidates were analyzed using NCBI's Primer3 and Geneious Prime tools. The result is that the first primer pair is forward 5'–ATGCAGTGGTTCCTTATCTCACA-3' reverse 5'- ATCCTTAATGGCACTGCGCT-3', amplifying the amplicons along 417 bp in the yraJ gene. The second primer pair, forward 5'-CAGAACGTTTTTCATTCAGCAGG-3' reverse 5'-GCCACTACCAGATCGAGTCA-3' amplifies the 573 bp amplicon in the rne gene. The optimum annealing temperature for both pairs of primers was 59.5oC.
Mapping and distribution of the telomeric sequences (T2AG3 repeats) in the marsupialia famili Macropodidae Rony Kunda; Mechiavel Moniharapon; Pieter Kakisina
Tropical Genetics Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021)
Publisher : Genetikawan Muda Indonesia

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Marsupial and monotreme mammals very important in vertebrate phylogeny studies between reptile-mammal divergence 310 million years ago (mya) and the eutherian (placental) mammal radiation 105 mya. They have many features including their distinctive chromosomes, which in marsupials are typically very large and well conserved between species. Monotreme genomes are divided into several large chromosomes and many smaller chromosomes, with a complicated sex chromosome models that forms a translocation chain in male meiosis. In Macropus genera members, telomeres have been shown to be involved in the fusion and inversion of chromosomes, but for Kangaroo, the telomere sequence remains consistent and does not change during the chromosomal fusion event, but this is not the case in mice. The ancestor of marsupials (plesiomorphic), has a karyotype of 2n=14, but for kangaroos and wallabies have a karyotype of 2n=22, based on fews curently research, we asserted that this karyotype is derived from the karyotype of marsupial ancestors who have a karyotype of 2n=14. Based on molecular genetic studies have shown that W. bicolor (swamp wallaby) is more appropriately grouped into the Macropus genera, not as a “sister” of Macropus genera. In addition Macropus and W. bicolor there has been a division of chromosomes due to chromosome fusion, but W. bicolor has fewer chromosomes than other members of Macropodidae, i.e (2n=10 for females, and 2n=11 for males).
Maternal genetic variation of Betawi population Wolly Candramila; Bambang Suryobroto
Tropical Genetics Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021)
Publisher : Genetikawan Muda Indonesia

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Betawi identity was assessed based on the diversity of maternal lines using genetic markers in the D-loop region of mitochondrial DNA. The results of the cleavage by the restriction enzymes DdeI, HaeII, HaeIII, and HinfI showed five patterns of genetic variants which were later named Haplotype I, II, III, IV, and V. Haplotype I had the highest frequency of 75.6%, followed by Haplotype III 11.5%, and Haplotype II 10.3%. Haplotypes IV and V were only found in 1 individual each and were assumed to be individual mutations. The highest haplotype in the Betawi population showed the same restriction enzyme cleavage pattern with all comparison samples from the Sunda and Malay populations. Meanwhile, Haplotype II and III were strongly suspected as the result of the divergence of Haplotype I and can also be found in other ethnic groups in Indonesia. This finding confirms Jakarta as a location for ethnic mixing which then produces a new local culture as Betawi Culture.

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