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Rizki Yunanda
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Jl. Sumatera, Bukit Indah Blang Pulo Kec. Muara Satu Kota Lhokseumawe
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Jurnal Solusi Masyarakat (JSM)
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Jurnal Solusi Masyarakat is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal published by Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Malikussaleh, Lhokseumawe, Aceh-Indonesia. The journal publishes articles from researchers and practitioners about new ideas and research findings in the field of service to the community (See Focus and Scope). The articles of this journal are published in January-June & July-December every year. This journal do not publish preliminary studies. Specifically, the topics and scope that are published consist of: 1) Social and political issues concerning community service; 2) Training, marketing, technological accuracy, and design; 3) Community empowerment and social access; 4) Outskirts areas and undeveloped areas; 5) Education for sustainable development
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 16 Documents
PEMBENTUKAN KELOMPOK TARUNA WISATA DI GAMPONG LHOK JOK KECAMATAN KUTA MAKMUR, ACEH UTARA M. Nazaruddin; Rizki Yunanda; Richa Meliza; Ade Ikhsan Kamil; Awaluddin Arifin; Nulwita Maliati
Jurnal Solusi Masyarakat (JSM) Vol 1, No 1 (2023): Pembangunan Masyarakat
Publisher : Universitas Malikussaleh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29103/jsm.v1i1.10438


Lhok Jok Village, Kuta Makmur District, North Aceh Regency has a beautiful river flow and the fruits are many and varied in every season. Some villagers said that the tourism potential in Lhok Jok Village can bring prosperity and has the potential to be built even greater than today. Income is an important goal for the sustainability of the tourist area. Especially with the current conditions where the impact of the stipulation of Covid-19 as a pandemic has caused changes in all lines of human life around the world, including Lhok Jok itself as one of the gampongs that has a tourist destinations with natural potential. Tourist locations in Lhok Jok also have another problem, that is not all components of the village community in Lhok Jok are aware of the benefits of the tourist destination itself. This unconsciousness comes from the lack of participation of the community in managing tourist destinations. In addition, the involvement of other very important components is also an obstacle to the management of Lhok Jok Village as a tourist destination with potential for natural beauty. For this reason, the role of youth in tourist destinations is very important and significant in the development of the Tourism Village in Lhok. Because youths are an educated group who have greater access to information technology in terms of introduction and sharing of information on tourist destinations.
Pelatihan dan Pengembangan Peningkatan Kompetensi Penulisan Karya Ilmiah Bagi Dosen Universitas Prima Kota Medan Yeni Absah; Syafrizal Helmi Situmorang; Beby Karina F. Sembiring; Saharman Gea
Jurnal Solusi Masyarakat (JSM) Vol 2, No 1 (2024)
Publisher : Universitas Malikussaleh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29103/jsm.v2i1.15526


Writing scientific papers is a way to convey knowledge, thoughts and research results to the scientific community and the general public. Lecturers who have competence in writing scientific papers are able to produce quality writing, based on strong research methodology, in-depth analysis, and a good understanding of their field of science. Quality scientific work not only contributes to the development of knowledge, but also triggers discussion, debate and further development. A lecturer's ability to write scientific papers also has an impact on the academic reputation of the lecturer himself and the institution where he teaches. Lecturers who are active in publishing scientific work in leading journals or contributing to academic books will be recognized as authorities in their field. Universities and higher education institutions have an important role in supporting the development of lecturers' competence in writing scientific papers. Scientific writing training or workshops will help lecturers understand the scientific writing process, from planning, data collection, to presenting results. Apart from that, interdisciplinary collaboration and collaborative networks with fellow researchers will also help in overcoming obstacles and improving the quality of scientific work. To overcome various obstacles and problems with lecturers' competence in writing scientific papers, the solution offered to overcome these problems is to provide training and assistance in writing scientific papers.
Jurnal Solusi Masyarakat (JSM) Vol 1, No 2 (2023): Pengembangan Kelompok
Publisher : Universitas Malikussaleh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29103/jsm.v1i2.13528


The PKK women's group is the most effective and efficient forum for providing training or in other words providing in-depth knowledge related to cultural preservation, especially Acehnese culture. Culture will be preserved and developed if we continue to hone our abilities in studying and understanding these customs. In fact, the cultural potential of a particular area can survive or experience change depending on the people. So far, some people think that culture can only increase the development of a region, even though if we know and study culture it can develop along with the times without leaving behind the uniqueness of a culture or customs such as the ranup hantaran in Acehnese wedding customs which is one that is mandatory for every person. Acehnese wedding event. Because ranup is a very vital medium in connecting symbolic communication between the two parties or the bride and groom, from the start of an event until the party ends. And most importantly, ranuh is a symbol of glory in glorifying the guests of "Pemulia Jamee" for the people of Aceh. So it is very important for the people of Aceh to preserve the "Ranup Hantaran" culture by developing innovations that are more modern, classic and decorated, which attract more public attention but do not abandon the ranup hantaran culture that has existed from previous ancestors. The aim is an effort to preserve Acehnese culture in the traditional wedding procession of the Acehnese people. Another outcome was that the group of PKK mothers and teenage women were able to innovate and be creative in assembling and designing delivery decorations. The output of the service will result in publication in the OJS journal with ISSN,
Jurnal Solusi Masyarakat (JSM) Vol 1, No 1 (2023): Pembangunan Masyarakat
Publisher : Universitas Malikussaleh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29103/jsm.v1i1.11015


Penerapan usaha penggemukan dan pembesaran bebek serati super merupakan langkah strategis untuk mengatasi persoalan kemiskinan akibat pengangguran musiman sebagian pemuda gampong Uteun Kot, khususnya yang berdomisili di Dusun E. Tidak memiliki pekerjaan tetap dan rendahnya keahlian untuk menghasilkan produk ekonomi, membuat mereka tidak mampu menghasilkan pendapatan stabil dalam memenuhi kebutuhan hidup yang semakin meningkat akibat inflasi ekonomi. Program Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Pemuda Pengangguran Musiman di Gampong Uteun Kot Kota Lhokseumawe Melalui Usaha Pembesaran dan Penggemukan Bebek Serati Super ini bertujuan tidak hanya menjadikan para pemuda pengangguran musiman memiliki pekerjaan tetap meskipun pekerjaan utama sebagai buruh sedang tidak ada dan meningkatkan kesejahteraan ekonomi mereka tetapi juga tidak kalah pentingya adalah menguatkan harmonisasi hubungan antara Universitas Malikussaleh dengan para pemuda gampong Uteun Kot. Hal ini urgen karena salah satu kampus Universitas Malikussaleh yaitu Fakultas Kedokteran berada di gampong Uteun Kot. Harmonisasi hubungan kampus dengan lingkungannya merupakan prasyarat bagi terlaksananya proses pembelajaran yang baik dan kondusif. Pelaksanaan kegiatan ini dilakukan melalui metode pemberdayaan yang terdiri dari pelatihan, pemberian modal usaha awal dan pendampingan hingga dengan produk dipasarkan. Sampai dengan akhir pelaksanaannya, kegiatan ini telah berhasil membentuk kelompok, mentransformasikan pengetahuan para pemuda sasaran tentang proses pemeliharaan bebek serati super, pemberian hibah bibit dan calon indukan bebek serati super agar memiliki keberlanjutan pasca panen serta infrastruktur kandangnya..
Pelatihan Penulisan Brosur Promosi Wisata dalam Bahasa Inggris untuk Siswa SMK Negeri 1 Takengon, Aceh Tengah Dini Rizki; Cut Rizka Al Usrah; Kurniawati Kurniawati; Agam Muarif; Mainisa Mainisa
Jurnal Solusi Masyarakat (JSM) Vol 2, No 1 (2024)
Publisher : Universitas Malikussaleh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29103/jsm.v2i1.13541


Kota Takengon merupakan salah satu kota destinasi wisata yang ada di Provinsi Aceh. Pariwisata yang dikembangkan di kota Takengon meliputi wisata alam Danau Lut Tawar dan agrowisata. Saat ini, Kota Takengon memiliki banyak pengunjung yang bertujuan untuk menikmati panorama alam dan hasil perkebunan kopi dan buah-buahan di Kota Takengon. Namun, banyaknya jumlah wisatawan yang berkunjung ke kota wisata ini masih didominasi oleh wisatawan lokal dan nasional. Jika dibandingkan dengan beberapa Kota dan Kabupaten lain di Aceh yang juga merupakan destinasi wisata, Kota Takengon masih memiliki jumlah kunjungan wisatawan mancanegara yang relatif sedikit. Kesiapan masyarakat dan pelaku usaha pariwisata di Kota Takengon untuk melakukan promosi dan menerima wisatawan mancanegara masih perlu dtingkatkan, baik dari aspek kemampuan berkomunikasi dalam bahasa asing, maupun standar pelayanan. SMKN 1 Takengon merupakan salah satu SMK di Kota Takengon Kabupaten Aceh Tengah yang memiliki Program Keahlian Usaha Perjalanan Wisata. SMK N 1 Takengon diharapkan dapat menghasilkan sumber daya manusia yang kompeten dalam bidang pariwisata yang nantinya akan berkontribusi pada peningkatan jumlah wisatawan yang datang ke kabupaten Aceh Tengah melalui penyebaran informasi wisata. Pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk dapat memberikan pelatihan penguatan kemampuan dan kecakapan komunikasi pariwiatsa dalam Bahasa Inggris khususnya pada aspek komunikasi promosi wisata dalam Bahasa Inggris yang disampaikan melalui media brosur/flyer objek wisata.
Pengembangan Kelompok Peternak Melalui Hibah Sarana Produksi Konsentrat Dan Pendampingan Usaha di Gampong Blang Gurah Kecamatan Kuta Makmur Kabupaten Aceh Utara M. Nazaruddin; Abdullah Akhyar Nasution; Rizki Yunanda; Iromi Ilham; Cut Sukmawati; Ade Ikhsan Kamil; Huzaifah Huzaifah; Nurul Miftahul Jannah Saragih
Jurnal Solusi Masyarakat (JSM) Vol 1, No 2 (2023): Pengembangan Kelompok
Publisher : Universitas Malikussaleh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29103/jsm.v1i2.12431


The main problem that has occurred so far is the unsatisfactory livestock productivity. One of the things behind it is the limited availability of animal feed. To get maximum results, one of the important things that must be considered is related to the availability of feed. Thus, community service activities with the theme of concentrate processing are important to be carried out in the farming community of Blang Gurah Gampong, Kuta Makmur District, North Aceh Regency. In 2021, the interdisciplinary lecturer service team has conducted training on making silage, while in 2022, which is a continuation of the previous year, is developing activities for concentrate production and business assistance. The problem experienced by breeders so far is limited knowledge and facilities in processing feed for livestock. So far, what the field team has done is to conduct a survey related to needs during the implementation of activities. While the follow-up agenda of this service is to conduct outreach and training on how to make concentrate feed.

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