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Konsep dan Hirarkhi Teungku di Aceh Nirzalin, Nirzalin
PASAI Vol 7, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Universitas Malikussaleh

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This study examines the concept and hierarchy of teungku in Aceh. The main question to answer in this research is what is the main concept of teungku  in Aceh And then how the hierarchy of teungku in Acehnese society.This research took placed in north Aceh district.Theoretical perspective adopted in this research was Geertz’s meaning of religion. And ethnographic collection method was utilized through involved observations, in-depth interviews, and also documentation study. This study found that status of teungku in Acehnese society is open or achieved status. It’s mean  everyone in different social background and strata got this status if he has capacity. The capacity needed in this status are broadly Islamic knowledge and highly spirituality. The measured of that capacity depend on evaluation of society.Teungku in Aceh divided to five categories i.e teungku dayah, teungku balee, teungku rangkang, teungku meunasah and pak teungku. That categories depend on their charisma and roled in society. That categories also showed different charisma amoung them. In fact, teungku is the main actor who determinant all of behaviors and actions of Acehnese society in  social, political and cultural fields mainly for villagers.
KOMUNITAS: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INDONESIAN SOCIETY AND CULTURE Vol 6, No 1 (2014): Lokalitas, Relasi Kuasa dan Transformasi Sosial
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/komunitas.v6i1.2948


Berdasarkan studi kasus di Aceh Utara, tulisan ini hendak menunjukkan realitas kompleks tentang komodifikasi Syari’at Islam oleh elite yang sedang memerintah di Aceh. Realitasnya, birokratisasi Syari’at Islam telah menutup ruang bagi lahirnya wacana tandingan (counter discourse) dari masyarakat terhadap wacana yang dikembangkan oleh negara. Hal itu termanifestasi pada pelbagai Qanun yang telah disahkan. Qanun-qanun tersebut justeru memperlihatkan dominasi kepentingan elite yang sedang memerintah daripada aspirasi yang disuarakan oleh masyarakat. Sementara itu, birokratisasi dayah (pondok pesantren salafi/tradisional) dan penciptaan ketergantungan ekonomi dayah pada negara melalui kegiatan yang mengatasnamakan “pembinaan” dayah ternyata merupakan kedok bagi dominasi negara terhadap teungku dayah (elite agama Islam tradisional). Dominasi ini berhasil memposisikan teungku dayah sebagai jastifikator pelbagai kebijakan pemerintah. Akibatnya, peran teungku dayah di Aceh yang pada awalnya adalah aktor sosial yang secara vis a vis sanggup berhadapan dengan pemerintah dalam mengkritisi pelbagai kebijakan berdasarkan aspirasi yang berkembang di masyarakat menjadi pudar. Based on a case study in North Aceh district, this paper wants to demonstrate the complex reality of current commoditization of Syari’ah committed by political elites in Aceh. In fact, the bureaucratization of Syari’ah has closed democratic spaces which enable civil society including local religious elite to counter state’s discourses and policies. Such bureaucratization was manifested in the enactment of several Qanuns which unveil the domination of ruling elites’ interests over society’s interests and aspiration. On the other hand, the bureaucratization of dayah (traditional or salafi pesantren) and the formation of its economic dependence on state’s budgets through what called as “dayah guidance/direction programs” became a powerful means for the state apparatus to co-opt teungku dayah as Islamic local religious elites. Such cooptation has successfully positioned teungku dayah to act as justificatory actor toward various government policies. As the result, the historical role of teungku dayah in Aceh as the main political actor, which able to criticize government policies based on people aspiration, is fading away in the aftermath of conflict in Aceh.
Jihad Against Drug Mafias: A Case Study of Community Collective Movement at Ujoeng Pacu, Lhokseumawe-Aceh Nirzalin, Nirzalin; Nazaruddin, M
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/komunitas.v9i1.5454


Collective movement for drug eradication organized by the community was proved to be more effective in stopping the drug trafficking compared to the security approaches organized by the state apparatus (government). Based on the case study of communitys collective movement in the village of Ujoeng Pacu Lhokseumawe, this artilce is intended to show the complex phenomena of genealogy and the dynamics of the collective movement of the community in fighting the drug mafias. Using the Perspective of Tilly Collective Movement and the Method of Phenomenolgy, the study found that the jihad collective movement on the drug eradication caried out by the community of Ujong Pacu was motivated by the rigging relationship among theological unrest, social and economical security, and concerns about the future generations. The consideration of the drug as the only trigger of any  immoral (ma maksiet) activities towards Allah Almighty has made the flow of this movement not only significant to the social movement but also to theological movement (jihad). Due to its interpretation as a religious movement, the moral of the drug eradication movement was not deterred despite the various threats and the terror bombing as an act of counter-attack from the drug mafias occured repeatedly in theUjoeng Pacu’s community.
Jihad Against Drug Mafias: A Case Study of Community Collective Movement in Aceh Nirzalin, Nirzalin; Nazaruddin, M
KOMUNITAS: International Journal of Indonesian Society and Culture Vol 9, No 1 (2017): Komunitas, March 2017
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/komunitas.v9i1.5454


Collective movement for drug eradication organized by the community was proved to be more effective in stopping drug trafficking than to the security approaches organized by the state apparatus (government). Based on the case study of community’s collective movement in the village of Ujoeng Pacu Lhokseumawe, this artilce is intended to show the complex phenomena of genealogy and the dynamics of the collective movement of the community in fighting the drug mafias. Using the Perspective of Tilly Collective Movement and the Method of Phenomenolgy, the study found that  jihad collective movement on the drug eradication caried out by the community of Ujong Pacu was motivated by the rigging relationship among theological unrest, social and economical security, and concerns about the future generations. The consideration of the drug as the only trigger of any  immoral (ma maksiet) activities towards Allah Almighty has made the flow of this movement not only significant to the social movement but also to theological movement (jihad). Due to its interpretation as a religious movement, the moral of the drug eradication movement was not deterred despite the various threats and the terror bombing as an act of counter-attack from the drug mafias occured repeatedly in the Ujoeng Pacu’s community.
KOMUNITAS: International Journal of Indonesian Society and Culture Vol 6, No 1 (2014): Lokalitas, Relasi Kuasa dan Transformasi Sosial
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/komunitas.v6i1.2948


Berdasarkan studi kasus di Aceh Utara, tulisan ini hendak menunjukkan realitas kompleks tentang komodifikasi Syari’at Islam oleh elite yang sedang memerintah di Aceh. Realitasnya, birokratisasi Syari’at Islam telah menutup ruang bagi lahirnya wacana tandingan (counter discourse) dari masyarakat terhadap wacana yang dikembangkan oleh negara. Hal itu termanifestasi pada pelbagai Qanun yang telah disahkan. Qanun-qanun tersebut justeru memperlihatkan dominasi kepentingan elite yang sedang memerintah daripada aspirasi yang disuarakan oleh masyarakat. Sementara itu, birokratisasi dayah (pondok pesantren salafi/tradisional) dan penciptaan ketergantungan ekonomi dayah pada negara melalui kegiatan yang mengatasnamakan “pembinaan” dayah ternyata merupakan kedok bagi dominasi negara terhadap teungku dayah (elite agama Islam tradisional). Dominasi ini berhasil memposisikan teungku dayah sebagai jastifikator pelbagai kebijakan pemerintah. Akibatnya, peran teungku dayah di Aceh yang pada awalnya adalah aktor sosial yang secara vis a vis sanggup berhadapan dengan pemerintah dalam mengkritisi pelbagai kebijakan berdasarkan aspirasi yang berkembang di masyarakat menjadi pudar. Based on a case study in North Aceh district, this paper wants to demonstrate the complex reality of current commoditization of Syari’ah committed by political elites in Aceh. In fact, the bureaucratization of Syari’ah has closed democratic spaces which enable civil society including local religious elite to counter state’s discourses and policies. Such bureaucratization was manifested in the enactment of several Qanuns which unveil the domination of ruling elites’ interests over society’s interests and aspiration. On the other hand, the bureaucratization of dayah (traditional or salafi pesantren) and the formation of its economic dependence on state’s budgets through what called as “dayah guidance/direction programs” became a powerful means for the state apparatus to co-opt teungku dayah as Islamic local religious elites. Such cooptation has successfully positioned teungku dayah to act as justificatory actor toward various government policies. As the result, the historical role of teungku dayah in Aceh as the main political actor, which able to criticize government policies based on people aspiration, is fading away in the aftermath of conflict in Aceh.
Islamic Shari'a Politics and Teungku Dayah's Political Authority Crisis in Aceh NIRZALIN, NIRZALIN
Jurnal Studi Pemerintahan Vol 3, No 2 (2012): August 2012
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

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This study examines the Islamic Shari’a politics and Teungku Dayah’s political authority crisis inAceh. The main question being answered is how Islamic shari’a is adopted and practiced by thegovernment of Aceh and why Teungku Dayah as traditional Islamic leaders in Aceh did not becomethe dominant actor and even their political authority those who have been in crisis since the latter partof the New Order era not yet recovered in the political structure that has turned into all-Islam in thepost Order Baru.The result of this study indicate that the presence of Islamic shari’a in Aceh in thePost New Order cannot be utilized by Teungku Dayah to recover their political authority that hasbeen in crisis since the latter part of the New Order era. Because as a political formula that is intendedto reduce conflict, Islamic shari’a in Aceh since the first fully controlled by the state, bureaucraticallymanaged and modified for the benefit of the ruling power elite. As a result, the political authority ofthe Teungku Dayah in Aceh on post-New Order era did not recover from but remained as in theprevious era. However, Teungku Dayah’s political authority crisis in Aceh was not followed by a crisisof authority in the realm of religion. This fact emphasizez that Teungku Dayah’s political andreligious authority in Aceh which is previously integrated have now been separated.
The Role of Government in Illegal Fishing Prevention to Increase Fishermen's Economic Welfare in Aceh Province Wahyuddin, Wahyuddin; Muksal, Muksal; Nirzalin, Nirzalin; Zulfikar, Zulfikar
Jurnal Ilmiah Peuradeun Vol 7 No 2 (2019): Jurnal Ilmiah Peuradeun
Publisher : SCAD Independent

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (750.353 KB) | DOI: 10.26811/peuradeun.v7i2.189


This research was conducted in order to assist the government to develop strategies and programs of poverty among fishermen in Aceh province. Aceh certainly has huge marine and fishery potentials, but the problem of fisherman poverty is still a major factor in the value of national poverty. The population of this research was fishermen in Nagan Raya, Pidie Jaya, Lhokseumawe, and Aceh Timur districts. Samples of the Active Fishermen are that society under the supervision of the Fisheries and Panglima Laot office. The results of this study indicate the lack of government's role in preventing illegal fishing hence there are still many illegal fishing cases that occur in the fisherman's area, causing fishermen not to get maximum results and make the fishermen always entangled into poverty conditions. Researchers recommend that the government should be able to solve the problems that exist in the scope of fishermen, especially the problem of illegal fishing, by adding programs that can improve the economic empowerment of fishermen so that fishermen do not just rely on catch but also have other side income so when fishermen do not get the catch expected, fishermen still have a stable income to support their daily life.
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Malikussaleh (JSPM) Vol 1, No 1 (2020): Karakter Bangsa dalam Era Revolusi Industri 4.0
Publisher : FISIP Universitas Malikussaleh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29103/jspm.v1i1.3011


This research discuss about the “Illegal Logging Habitus in Ketambe Community, Aceh Tenggara District”. The purpose of this research is to know and understand how illegal logging practices, the process of socializing illegal logging habits and why illegal logging practices are still carried out even though the community already knows the risks will have implications for natural disasters. This research was conducted in Ketambe District, Aceh Tenggara District, Aceh Province. This study uses the Habitus theory developed by Pierre Bourdieu. This study used a qualitative descriptive approach, the data in this study were collected through observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of this study explain that the practice of illegal logging in Ketambe Subdistrict, Aceh Tenggara District is carried out systematically by timber shopkeepers who have the capital and strategic positions as figures in society and their relationships with unscrupulous state apparatus and provide gratification to these State officials in order to maintain their business. in the logging sector. The socialization of habitus to illegal logging in the ketambe community through transformation results from empirical experiences by being heard, shown, and taught to act so that in order to survive, they are taught with explanations of how to act as loggers. As well as the motive that encourages people to continue to carry out illegal logging actions is a pragmatic perspective about obtaining economic benefits in a short time coupled with very limited decent work opportunities so that it encourages the action to continue continuously so that they can survive in the era of modernization and globalization which is all complexABSTRAKPenelitian ini mengkaji tentang “Habitus Pembalakan Liar pada Masyarakat Ketambe Kabupaten Aceh Tenggara”. Tujuan studi ini adalah mengetahui dan memahami praktik pembalakan liar, proses sosialisasi habitus pembalakan liar, dan alasan praktik ini tetap dilakukan meskipun diketahui resikonya akan berimplikasi pada bencana alam. Penelitian dilakukan di Kecamatan Ketambe Kabupaten Aceh Tenggara. Studi ini menggunakan teori habitus yang dikembangkan oleh Pierre Bourdieu. Pendekatan penelitian yaitu deskriptif kualitatif, dimana data dikumpulkan melalui observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa praktik pembalakan liar di Kecamatan Ketambe Kabupaten Aceh Tenggara dilakukan secara sistematis oleh para toke kayu yang memiliki modal. Mereka memiliki posisi sosial yang strategis sebagai tokoh masyarakat dan memiliki relasi dengan oknum aparatur negara. Gratifikasi diberikan kepada oknum aparatur negara agar dapat mempertahankan kelangsungan usahanya. Sosialisasi habitus pembalak liar pada masyarakat Ketambe melalui transformasi hasil dari pengalaman empiris dengan cara diperdengarkan, diperlihatkan, dan diajarkan untuk bertindak sehingga agar bisa bertahan hidup maka mereka diajarkan dengan penjelasan-penjelasan tentang bagaimana cara untuk bertindak sebagai pembalak. Motif yang mendorong masyarakat untuk tetap melakukan tindakan pembalakan liar bersifat pragmatis yaitu memperoleh keuntungan ekonomi dalam waktu singkat ditambah dengan keterbatasan lapangan pekerjaan sehingga hal tersebut mendorong tindakan tersebut tetap berlangsung secara terus-menerus
WALI NANGGROE ACEH : Transformasi, Eksistensi dan Model Penguatan Kelembagaan Nazaruddin, M.; Nirzalin, Nirzalin; Kamil, Ade Ikhsan; Nasution, Abdullah Akhyar; Yunanda, Rizki
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Malikussaleh (JSPM) Vol 2, No 2 (2021): Multidimensi Problematika Masyarakat
Publisher : FISIP Universitas Malikussaleh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29103/jspm.v2i2.5649


Artikel ini mengkaji tentang eksistensi dan transformasi Lembaga Wali Nanggroe dan perkembangannya dari peran dan fungsi Wali Nanggroe secara kultural kepada institusi formal dalam ketatanegaraan Republik Indonesia. Artinya tulisan ini ingin melihat lebih jauh bagaimana imajinasi sosiologis ideal Lembaga Wali Nanggroe dalam dualitas kedudukan saat ini antara hukum formil sebagai pemangku adat dan pemimpin ideologi dan politik secara sosiologis dalam meraih harkat , marwah dan kesejahteraan masyarakat Aceh. Dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif, peneliti menemukan bahwa Lembaga Wali Nanggroe dapat menjadi salah satu pilar kelembagaan sosial politik dalam konsepsi kuadra politika sehingga tidak saja dapat berperan pada wilayah kultural tetapi juga pada wilayah sosial politik. Keywords: Eksistensi, Transformasi Kelembagaan,Wali Nanggroe, Dualitas Fungsi, Kuadra Politika. 
LEMBAGA WALI NANGGROE DAN MASA DEPAN PERDAMAIAN ACEH Nazaruddin, Muhammad; Nirzalin, Nirzalin; Ilham, Iromi; Nasution, Abdullah Akhyar; Sjafruddin, Sjafruddin
Aceh Anthropological Journal Vol 5, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Department of Anthropology

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29103/aaj.v5i2.5625


Artikel ini mengkaji tentang keberadaan Lembaga Wali Nanggroe dalam relasinya dengan masa depan perdamaian Aceh. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam studi ini adalah observasi, wawancara mendalam serta kajian dokumen yang relevan dengan topik. Hasil kajian menyatakan bahwa Wali Nanggroe adalah institusi khusus yang memang sudah berakar dalam kultur politik keacehan. Lembaga tersebut menjadi “media” penghubung dalam berbagai sistem tatanan sosial, budaya dan politik di Aceh serta memiliki otoritas dan legitimasi yang terbentuk dari basis formal maupun non-formal. Paska Helsinki, Lembaga Wali Nanggroe berperan penting dalam memproduksi stabilitas dan kohesivitas perdamaian Aceh. Posisi Lembaga Wali Nanggroe bukan saja aktor utama perdamaian, tetapi juga aktor penentu dalam merawat perdamaian Aceh. Oleh karena itu, posisinya dalam tatanan kepemerintahan Aceh harus lebih dipertegas sehingga kuat dan otonom untuk penguatan perdamaian serta penjaga kekhususan dan keistimewaan Aceh.Â