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Biodik: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Biologi
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Biodik : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Biologi receiving and publishing article in the form of research (scientific article) in the field of biology education and utilization of biological research in learning. Moreover, this journal bridges the gap between research and practice, providing information, ideas and opinion, in addition to critical examinations of biology research and teaching. Through the coverage of policy and curriculum developments, the latest results of research into the teaching, learning and assessment of biology are brought to the fore. Special emphasize are as follow: 1. Research on Learning Biology/Science (Biology learning materials at all education levels, learning planning, learning models, biology teaching skills).). 2. Pure Research of Biology developed or studied to the sources, materials, or instructional media Biology/Science(Biology learning materials at all education levels and application in society, learning media, application of information technology for biology learning). 3. Curriculum of Biology Education at all education levels (learning design, competency analysis, syllabus and learning planning) 4. Class Action Research (CAR) and Lesson Study (material analysis, methods, student needs, student personality, student problems) 5. Other Qualitative Research, Quantitative, Research & Development and Mixedof Biology Education. 6. The school management and Biology/science laboratory management. 7. Biology/Science Learning Evaluation 8. Teacher Professional Issues/Trends in Biology Education. 9. Another study for the scope of Biology Education.
Articles 21 Documents
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Strategi Partisipatif untuk Meningkatkan Keterlibatan Siswa pada Pembelajaran Biologi: (Participatory Strategies to Increase Student Involvement in Biology Learning) Maria Kezia Gaghunting; Jessica Elfani Bermuli
BIODIK Vol. 9 No. 3 (2023): September 2023
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi FKIP Universitas Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22437/biodik.v9i3.15746


Student involvement is essential to do in learning because it can affect student achievement. Student involvement can determine they to get meaningful learning. However, in reality, there is still a lack of student involvement in learning. This was observed from the lack of student involvement in expressing opinions during the learning process. Educators need to increase student involvement as subjects in learning. The application of participatory strategies can be a solution to increase student involvement in learning. The purpose of writing this journal is to find out the role of participatory strategies to increase student involvement in Biology learning. The method used is a literature review and qualitative descriptive. Each student is an image and likeness of God who has various characters. Although they have various characters that affect students in learning, they are all valuable in the eyes of the Lord God. In understanding students' abilities, Christian anthropology studies are needed which study character, goodness, and the human person. The application of participatory strategies can increase the involvement of students in learning. The results of the application of the participatory strategy showed that the students were able to achieve the three observed indicators of involvement. The participatory strategy is implemented according to the implementation steps through two methods, namely, discussion and think, pair, and share. Abstrak. Keterlibatan siswa merupakan hal yang esensial untuk dilakukan pada pembelajaran karena mampu memengaruhi prestasi belajar siswa. Keterlibatan siswa juga dapat menentukan dalam memperoleh pembelajaran yang bermakna. Namun pada kenyataannya, masih terdapat kurangnya keterlibatan siswa dalam pembelajaran. Hal tersebut teramati dari kurangnya keterlibatan siswa dalam menyampaikan pendapat selama pembelajaran berlangsung. Pendidik perlu meningkatkan keterlibatan siswa sebagai subjek belajar dalam pembelajaran. Penerapan strategi partisipatif dapat menjadi solusi untuk meningkatkan partisipasi siswa dalam pembelajaran. Tujuan penulisan jurnal ini adalah untuk mengetahui peranan strategi partisipatif dalam meningkatkan keterlibatan siswa pada pembelajaran Biologi. Metode yang digunakan adalah kualitatif deskriptif yang dilengkapi dengan kajian literatur. Setiap siswa merupakan gambar dan rupa Allah yang memiliki beragam karakter. Karakter yang beragam sehingga memengaruhi siswa dalam pembelajaran, mereka semua berharga di mata Allah. Dalam memahami karakter siswa, diperlukan studi antropologi yang mempelajari tentang karakter, kebaikan, dan pribadi manusia. Penerapan strategi partisipatif dapat meningkatkan keterlibatan siswa dalam pembelajaran Biologi. Hasil penerapan strategi partisipatif menunjukkan bahwa para siswa dapat mencapai ketiga indikator keterlibatan yang diamati. Strategi partisipatif diimplementasikan sesuai dengan langkah-langkah penerapannya dengan menggunakan dua metode yaitu, metode diskusi dan think, pair, and share.
Media Pembelajaran Berbantuan Aplikasi Multimedia Interaktif pada Materi Pencemaran Lingkungan: (Interactive Multimedia Applications Assisted Learning Media on Environmental Pollution Materials) Muhammad Ilham Syarif; Meirisa Dahlia; Aldeva Ilhami; Safrizal Safrizal
BIODIK Vol. 9 No. 3 (2023): September 2023
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi FKIP Universitas Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22437/biodik.v9i3.22565


As technology and information advances so rapidly, technology has driven developments in the world of education. This can be seen from the use of various learning media and also the tools used in the learning process are increasingly advanced and sophisticated, the world of education is also increasingly advanced along with technological advances. The purpose of this study is to find out the evaluation of the products that have been produced by researchers and the benefits of this research are so that researchers can find out what needs to be improved from the multimedia they have produced. This research is an R&D model multimedia development research at SMP 23 Pekanbaru for the implementation of this multimedia. Data collection was taken from a field survey conducted. From the results of the survey data it is known that interactive multimedia on environmental pollution material is very effective and very good to use. So it can be concluded that this interactive multimedia can be used in the learning process in environmental pollution material for grade 7 junior high school students Abstrak. Seiring kemajuan teknologi dan informasi yang begitu pesat, teknologi telah mendorong perkembangan dalam dunia pendidikan. Hal tersebut dapat terlihat dari digunakannya beragam   media   pembelajaran dan   juga   alat -alat   yang   digunakan dalam   proses pembelajaran semakin maju dan canggih dunia pendidikan pun semakin maju seiring kemajuan teknologi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui penilaian dari produk yang telah dihasilkan oleh peneliti dan manfaat dari penelitian ini adalah agar peneliti dapat mengetahui apa saja yang perlu diperbaiki dari multimedia yang telah dihasilkannya. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan multimedia model R&D pada SMP 23 Pekanbaru untuk implementasi multimedia ini. Pengambilan data diambil dari survey lapangan yang dilakukan. Dari hasil data survey diketahui bahwa multimedia interaktif pada materi pencemaran lingkungan sangat efektif dan sangat bagus digunakan. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa multimedia interaktif ini dapat digunakan pada proses pembelajaran dalam materi pencemaran lingkungan untuk siswa SMP kelas 7
Pengaruh PBL Terhadap Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Peserta Didik Pada Materi Sistem Perkembangbiakan Tumbuhan: (The Effect of PBL on Students' Critical Thinking Ability on Plant Breeding System Material) Sonya Asokawati; Asrial Asrial; Afreni Hamidah Afreni Hamidah
BIODIK Vol. 9 No. 3 (2023): September 2023
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi FKIP Universitas Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22437/biodik.v9i3.23400


This study aims to determine the effect of the PBL learning model on students' critical thinking skills in plant propagation system material. The method used in this study was a quasi-experimental with the matching-only posttest only control group design research model, with a non-random assignment sampling technique consisting of class VIII-A as the experimental class and class VIII-B as the control class, respectively. -each as many as 20 students in each class. The results of this study indicate that there is no effect of the PBL learning model on students' critical thinking skills. Key words: PBL model, critical thinking ability, plant reproduction system   ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh model pembelajaran PBL terhadap kemampuan berpikir kritis peserta didik pada materi sistem perkembangbiakan tumbuhan. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu eksperimen kuasi dengan model penelitian the matching-only posttest only control group design,  dengan Teknik pengambilan sampel non-random assignment yang terdiri dari kelas VIII-A sebagai kelas eksperimen dan kelas VIII-B sebagai kelas kontrol, masing-masing sebanyak 20 peserta didik pada setiap kelasnya. Hasil penelitian ini menujukkan bahwa tidak terdapat pengaruh model pembelajaran PBL terhadap kemampuan berpikir kritis peserta didik. Kata kunci: Model PBL, Kemampuan berpikir kritis, sistem perkembangbiakan tumbuhan
Pengembangan Media Video Tutorial Uji Antibakteri pada Submateri Peranan Bakteri X SMA: (The Development of Tutorial Test of Antibacteril Media on Submaterial Role Bacterial Submaterials for Tent-Grade Students of Senior High School) Erma Erma; Laili Fitri Yeni; Eko Sri Wahyuni
BIODIK Vol. 9 No. 3 (2023): September 2023
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi FKIP Universitas Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22437/biodik.v9i3.24581


The use of learning media and information that is less varied is the reason for the need to develop video tutorial media. This study aims to determine the development and feasibility of antibacterial test tutorial video media on the sub-material the role of bacteria in tenth grade senior high school. This research uses the Research and Development method, which is a 4D model but is limited to three stages (define, design, develop). The instruments used in this study were validation sheets and validators consisting of 5 people with 4 aspects and 25 assessment criteria. The validation results use Aiken’s V formula to calculate the validity coefficient and test its reliability using the ICC formula. The result indicate that the tutorial video can proceed to the next stage by obtaining a minimum Aiken’s V value of 0,87 and an ICC value of 0,964. Abstrak. Penggunaan media pembelajaran dan informasi yang kurang bervariasi menjadi alasan perlunya dikembangkan media video tutorial. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengembangan dan kelayakan media video tutorial uji antibakteri pada Submateri Peranan Bakteri kelas X SMA. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Research and Development yaitu model 4D namun dibatasi dengan tiga tahap (define, design, develop). Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu lembar validasi dengan lima validator dengan 4 aspek dan 25 kriteria penilaiannya. Hasil validasi dianalisis menggunakan formula Aiken’s V untuk dihitung koefesien validitasnya dan diuji reliabilitasnya dengan menggunakan rumus ICC. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa video tutorial dinyatakan layak untuk dilanjutkan ke tahap selanjutnya dengan memperoleh nilai minimum Aiken’s V sebesar 0,87 dan nilai reliabilitas ICC sebesar 0,964.
Analisis dan Rekonstruksi Desain Kegiatan Laboratorium Mitosis Akar Bawang Merah (Allium cepa) melalui Model ANCOR : (Analysis and Reconstruction of Laboratory Activity Design: Mitotic of Allium cepa using ANCOR model) Zuliande Zidan; Bambang Supriatno Bambang Supriatno
BIODIK Vol. 9 No. 3 (2023): September 2023
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi FKIP Universitas Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22437/biodik.v9i3.25469


The purpose of this study was to analyze Biology LAD: Mitotic in shallot roots (Allium cepa) and reconstruct LAD with higher quality based on weakness and recommendations from analysis results. The method of this research is descriptive qualitative research with ANCOR model in 10 selected LAD. Research results show that LAD is generally poor-qualified and specifically unable to produce expected objects and phenomena. A designed LAD should describe the activity, guide students in finding objects and phenomena in a structured way, and include a record of the activity. Prerequiste skills of students such as using a microscope need to be emphasized as well as readiness of tools and material in practicum. The restructuring of the DKL was prepared based on the results of analysis from various aspects aimed at improving student learning outcomes. Key words: Laboratory Activity Design, Practical Work, Mitotic, Allium cepa   ABSTRAK Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis DKL mitosis akar bawang merah (Allium cepa) dan mengonstruksi DKL yang lebih berkualitas berdasarkan kelemahan dan rekomendasi. Metode penelitian ini ialah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan model ANCOR pada 10 DKL terpilih yang dianalisis secara kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan umumnya DKL belum berkualitas terutama tidak dapat memunculkan objek atau fenomena yang diharapkan. DKL yang disusun perlu menggambarkan kegiatan, secara terstruktur membimbing siswa menemukan objek atau fenomena serta memuat kegiatan pencatatan. Keterampilan prasyarat siswa dalam menggunakan mikroskop dan kesiapan alat bahan sebelum praktikum perlu lebih ditekankan. DKL rekonstruksi disusun berdasarkan hasil analisis berbagai aspek dengan harapan meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa yang lebih baik.  Kata kunci: Desain Kegiatan Laboratorium, Praktikum, Mitosis Akar Bawang
Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Interaktif Berbasis Website Menggunakan Google Sites Pada Materi Ekosistem Kelas X SMA: (Development of Website-Based Interactive Learning Media Using Google Sites on Ecosystem Material for Class X SMA) Siti Fadilatul Kamilah; Indria Wahyuni; Dwi Ratnasari
BIODIK Vol. 9 No. 3 (2023): September 2023
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi FKIP Universitas Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22437/biodik.v9i3.25523


This study aims to develop website-based interactive learning media using Google sites on ecosystem material and to determine the feasibility and student response to this learning media. The research method used is the Research and Development (R&D) research method with a 4-D research design modified to 3-D which consists of the define, design and develop stages. Assessment of the feasibility of learning media is carried out by material experts and media experts. Assessment of the feasibility of learning media by material experts includes aspects of content feasibility, presentation aspects, linguistic aspects as a whole included in the very feasible category with a percentage of 97.2%. Assessment of the feasibility of learning media by material experts includes graphical aspects and programming aspects which are included in the very feasible category with a percentage of 93.7%. Assessment of student responses to the use of website-based interactive learning media using Google sites as a whole has an average value of 89%. Based on the results of student responses including very good criteria, so that website- based interactive learning media using Google sites is very good to be used as one of the teaching materials on ecosystem material Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan media pembelajaran interaktif berbasis website menggunakan google sites pada materi ekosistem dan untuk mengetahui kelayakan serta respon siswa terhadap media pembelajaran ini. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian Reserch and Development (R&D) dengan desain penelitian 4-D dimodifikasi menjadi 3-D yang terdiri dari tahap define, desain dan develop. Penilaian kelayakan media pembelajaran dilakukan oleh ahli materi dan ahli media. Penilaian kelayakan media pembelajaran oleh ahli materi meliputi aspek kelayakan isi, aspek penyajian, aspek kebahasaan secara keseluruhan termasuk ke dalam kategori sangat layak dengan persentase sebesar 97,2%. Penilaian kelayakan media pembelajaran oleh ahli materi meliputi aspek kegrafikan dan aspek pemrograman yang termasuk kategori sangat layak dengan persentase sebesar 93,7%. Penilaian respon siswa terhadap penggunaan media pembelajaran interaktif berbasis website menggunakan google sites secara keseluruhan memiliki nilai rata-rata sebesar 89%. Berdasarkan hasil respon siswa termasuk kriteria sangat baik, sehingga media pembelajaran interaktif berbasis website menggunakan google sites sangat baik untuk dijadikan salah satu bahan ajar pada materi ekosistem.
Analisis Profil Pelajar Pancasila Dalam Proses Pembelajaran Biologi SMA Pada Kurikulum Merdeka Mandiri Belajar: (Analysis of Pancasila Student Profiles in the Biology Learning Process at Senior High School in the Merdeka Curriculum Category Independent Study) Amarina At'haya; Anna Fitri Hindriana Anna Fitri Hindriana; Sofyan Hasanuddin Nur Sofyan Hasanuddin Nur
BIODIK Vol. 9 No. 3 (2023): September 2023
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi FKIP Universitas Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22437/biodik.v9i3.27256


The purpose of this study is to analyze the profile of Pancasila in biology learning. This research is a descriptive qualitative research, with a research sample of six high schools implementing the Merdeka Curriculum in the independent learning category. taken proportionally between public and private schools. The informants of this study were grade X Biology teachers. Data collection was carried out using questionnaires, interviews, and documentation. Qualitative data analysis is carried out with data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing activities. The results showed that the implementation of strengthening the Pancasila learner profile in the biology learning process has been carried out by finding the values of the Pancasila learner profile dimensions, namely the dimensions of critical reasoning, noble character, mutual cooperation, and creativity. The value of the critical reasoning dimension is the most dominant. However, there are still shortcomings in its implementation related to the fact that teachers have not fully adapted learning to the conditions of students and conducted diagnostic assessments for differentiated learning. The preparation of planning documents used by teachers is also still not optimal in terms of formulating objectives, the existence of prerequisite knowledge components, diagnostic assessments, triggering questions, differentiated learning planning, and numerical activities. Strengthening teachers is needed to improve the shortcomings in the implementation of the Pancasila learner profile in the Biology learning process. Key words: Pancasila student profile, biology learning, Merdeka Curriculum   ABSTRAK Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis profil pancasila dalam pembelajaran biologi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif deskriptif, dengan sampel penelitian enam SMA pengimplementasi Kurikulum Merdeka kategori mandiri belajar. diambil secara proposional antara sekolah negeri dan swasta. Informan penelitian ini adalah guru Biologi kelas X. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan angket, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data kualitatif dilakukan dengan aktivitas data reduction, data display, dan conclusion drawing. Hasil penelitian menunjukan implementasi penguatan profil pelajar Pancasila dalam proses pembelajaran biologi telah terlaksana dengan ditemukannya nilai-nilai dimensi profil pelajar Pancasila, yaitu dimensi bernalar kritis, berkakhlak mulia, gotong royong, dan kreatif. Nilai dimensi bernalar kritis menjadi yang paling dominan muncul.  Namun masih ditemukan kekurangan dalam pelaksanaannya berkaitan dengan belum sepenuhnya guru menyesuaikan pembelajaran dengan kondisi peserta didik dan melakukan penilaian diagnostik untuk pembelajaran terdiferensiasi. Penyusunan dokumen perencanaan yang digunakan guru juga masih belum maksimal dalam hal perumusan tujuan, keberadaan komponen pengetahuan prasyarat, penilaian diagnostik, pertanyaan pemantik, perencanaan pembelajaran terdiferensiasi, dan kegiatan numerik. Penguatan terhadap guru diperlukan untuk menyempurnakan kekurangan dalam implementasi profil pelajar Pancasila pada proses pembelajaran Biologi. Kata kunci: Profil pelajar Pancasila, Pembelajaran Biologi, Kurikulum Merdeka
Hasil Pengembangan Booklet Tumbuhan Berpotensi Anti Fertilitas Di Kecamatan Lebong Selatan Kabupaten Lebong: (Results of the development of a plant booklet with the potential for anti-fertility in South Lebong District, Lebong Regency) Erika Neti; Nopa Nopiyanti Nopa Nopiyanti; Sepriyaningsih Sepriyaningsih
BIODIK Vol. 9 No. 3 (2023): September 2023
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi FKIP Universitas Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22437/biodik.v9i3.27311


This study aims to determine the results of the development of an booklet for potentially anti-fertility plants in South Lebong District which is used as a medium of information about anti-fertility plants. This research is a quantitative descriptive research. Samples were taken by exploratory or roaming methods and booklet development was made using the Borg and Gall development model. Booklet development was carried out through five stages of research and development, namely 1) Research and data collection stage 2) Planning stage, 3) Product draft development stage, 4) Initial field test stage, and 5) Revision stage of the trial results and final product. The results of the development of an exploration booklet for potentially anti-fertility plants in Lebong Selatan District were validated by 3 expert lecturers from PGRI Silampari Lubuklinggau University, namely the material expert validator with a score obtained of 85%, a media expert with a value obtained of 83%, a linguist with a value obtained of 81 %, and continued with the community readability test through trials on a small group of 12 people with a score of 90%. It can be concluded that the booklet that has been developed is valid and does not need revision and is very suitable to be used as a source of information about potentially anti-fertility plants. Key words: Booklet, Plants, Anti fertility   ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hasil pengembangan booklet tumbuhan berpotensi anti fertilitas di Kecamatan Lebong Selatan yang digunakan sebagai media informasi mengenai tumbuhan anti fertilitas. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif. Sampel yang diambil dengan metode eksploratif atau jelajah dan pengembangan booklet dibuat dengan menggunakan model pengembangan Borg dan Gall. Pengembangan booklet dilakukan melalui lima tahap penelitian dan pengembangan yaitu 1) Tahap penelitian dan pengumpulan data 2) Tahap perencanaan, 3) Tahap pengembangan draf  produk, 4) Tahap uji lapangan awal, dan 5) Tahap revisi hasil uji coba dan produk akhir. Hasil pengembangan booklet eksplorasi tumbuhan berpotensi anti fertilitas di Kecamatan Lebong Selatan di validasi oleh 3 dosen ahli dari Universitas PGRI Silampari Lubuklinggau yaitu validator ahli materi dengan nilai yang diperoleh 85%, ahli media dengan nilai yang diperoleh 83%, ahli bahasa dengan nilai yang diperoleh 81%, dan dilanjutkan uji keterbacaan masyarakat melalui uji coba kepada kelompok kecil sebanyak 12 orang dengan nilai yang diperoleh 90%. Dapat disimpulkan booklet yang telah dikembangkan valid dan tidak perlu revisi serta sangat layak digunakan sebagai sumber informasi mengenai tumbuhan berpotensi anti fertilitas. Kata kunci: Booklet, Tumbuhan, Anti fertilitas
Pengembangan Flipbook Berbasis QR Code Hasil Identifikasi Tumbuhan Obat Berdasarkan Kearifan Lokal di Kecamatan Karang Jaya Kabupaten Musi Rawas Utara: (Development of Flipbook Based on QR Code Identification of Medicinal Plants Based on Local Wisdom in Karang Jaya District North Musi Rawas Regency) Uswatun Hasanah; Nopa Nopiyanti; Ria Dwi Jayati
BIODIK Vol. 9 No. 3 (2023): September 2023
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi FKIP Universitas Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22437/biodik.v9i3.27314


This study aims to determine the types of medicinal plants based on local wisdom, the parts of plants used as medicine, and the processing of medicinal plants by the community in Karang Jaya District, as well as to find out the results of the development of flipbooks for identifying medicinal plants based on local wisdom in Karang Jaya District. . The results of the study found 31 plant species consisting of 18 families. The part of the plant that is most widely used as medicine by the people in Karang Jaya District is the leaf (54.55%), while the other plant parts used are the root (9.09%), stem (6.06%), rhizomes (12. 12%), latex (3.03%), fruit (3.03%), and all parts (12.12%). The most widely used method of processing medicinal plants by the people in Karang Jaya District is boiling (45.46%), while other methods of processing plants are dried (6.06%), scraped (3.03%), mixed (12. 12%), smoked (12.12%), tapped (3.03%), squeezed (2.12%), and direct consumption (6.06%). The results of the development of a medicinal plant identification flipbook based on local wisdom in Karang Jaya District, which was carried out by three validators and a small group community readability questionnaire of 12 people, showed that the developed flipbook was feasible and did not need revision. Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis-jenis tumbuhan obat berdasarkan kearifan lokal, bagian-bagian tumbuhan yang digunakan sebagai  obat, dan cara pengolahan tumbuhan obat oleh masyarakat di Kecamatan Karang Jaya, serta mengetahui hasil pengembangan flipbook identifikasi tumbuhan obat berdasarkan kearifan lokal di Kecamatan Karang Jaya. Hasil penelitian ditemukan 31 jenis tumbuhan yang terdiri dari 18 famili. Bagian tumbuhan yang paling banyak digunakan sebagai obat oleh masyarakat di Kecamatan Karang Jaya yaitu daun (54,55%), sedangkan bagian tumbuhan lain yang digunakan yaitu akar (9,09%), batang (6,06%), rimpang (12,12%), getah (3,03%), buah (3,03%), dan seluruh bagian (12,12%). Cara pengolahan tumbuhan obat yang paling banyak digunakan oleh masyarakat di Kecamatan Karang Jaya yaitu direbus (45,46%), sedangkan cara pengolahan tumbuhan yang lain yaitu dikeringkan (6,06%), dikikis (3,03%), diramu (12,12%), diasap (12,12%), disadap (3,03%), diperas (2,12%), dan konsumsi langsung (6,06%). Hasil pengembangan flipbook identifikasi tumbuahan obat berdasarkan kearifan lokal di Kecamatan Karang Jaya yang dilakukan tiga validator dan angket keterbacaan masyarakat kelompok kecil sebanyak 12 orang masyarakat menunjukkan bahwa flipbook yang dikembangkan telah layak dan tidak perlu revisi.
Pengembangan Modul Digital Berbasis Google Sites pada Materi Sistem Pertahanan Tubuh Kelas XI: (Developing Digital Module Based Google Sites for Material Immune System for 11th Grade of Senior High School) Camilla Masyita Yusha; Listika Yusi Risnani
BIODIK Vol. 9 No. 3 (2023): September 2023
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi FKIP Universitas Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22437/biodik.v9i3.27678


This research aims to produce a valid and practical web-based digital module (using Google Sites) for the topic of the immune system for the eleventh grade of senior high school. This study is a Development Research using the ADDIE model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation). The instrument used was a questionnaire. The data collection technique for this research was in the form of a questionnaire. The data obtained were analyzed using the quantitative descriptive analysis technique. The research results show that the developed web-based digital module on Google Sites received a "excellent" assessment from subject matter experts, media experts, teachers, and students. This module is proven feasible to be used as an effective learning tool in studying the immune system topic in Biology. The validity evaluation indicates that the assessment by subject matter experts obtained a total score of 3.89 (very good). In contrast, the assessment by media experts obtained a total score of 3.65 (very good). The practicality evaluation from regular school teachers received a total score of 3.75 (very good), and boarding school teachers received a total of 3.85 (very good). The assessment results from regular and boarding school students received a total score of 3.75 (very good). In conclusion, this web-based digital module product (using Google Sites) has been successfully developed and considered feasible as a learning tool for the Biology topic of the immune system for eleventh-grade senior high school. Based on this conclusion, further research is needed to determine the module's effectiveness in Biology teaching. Key words: Biology, Google Sites, Digital Module, Development Research, Immune System   ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan modul digital berbasis web (google sites) yang valid dan praktis pada materi sistem pertahanan tubuh kelas XI SMA. Penelitian ini merupakan Penelitian Pengembangan (Development Research) dengan mengadopsi model ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, dan Evaluation). Instrumen yang digunakan adalah angket. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini dalam bentuk angket. Analisis data yang diperoleh pada penelitian ini dianalisis menggunakan teknik analisis deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa modul digital berbasis web google sites yang telah dikembangkan mendapat penilaian "sangat baik" dari ahli materi, ahli media, guru, dan peserta didik. Modul ini terbukti layak digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran yang efektif dalam mempelajari materi sistem pertahanan tubuh pada pelajaran Biologi. Uji validitas menunjukkan bahwa penilaian oleh ahli materi memperoleh skor total 3.89 (sangat baik), sementara dari ahli media memperoleh skor total 3.65 (sangat baik). Evaluasi kepraktisan dari guru sekolah reguler memperoleh skor total 3.75 (sangat baik) dan dari guru sekolah asrama memperoleh skor total 3.85 (sangat baik). Hasil uji penilaian dari peserta didik sekolah reguler dan asrama sama-sama memperoleh skor total 3.75 (sangat baik). Dapat disimpulkan bahwa produk modul digital berbasis web (google sites) ini telah berhasil dikembangakan dan layak digunakan sebagai modul pembelajaran Biologi materi sistem pertahanan tubuh kelas XI SMA untuk materi sistem pertahanan tubuh. Berdasarkan kesimpulan tersebut perlu adanya penelitian lebih lanjut untuk mengetahui keefektifan modul dalam pembelajaran Biologi. Kata kunci: Biologi, Google Sites, Modul Digital, Penelitian Pengembangan, Sistem Pertahanan Tubuh

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