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Jurnal Abdimas Peradaban
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Jurnal Abdimas Peradaban (JAP) diterbitkan oleh Lembaga Pendampingan dan Konsultasi Karya Ilmiah GoAcademica Research & Publishing adalah peer-reviewed journal yang memuat artikel-artikel ilmiah dari berbagai disiplin ilmu yang diadopsi dalam berbagai aktivitas abdimas peradaban dan penelitian terapan lainnya. Artikel-artikel yang dipublikasikan di JAP GoAcademica CRP meliputi hasil-hasil penelitian ilmiah asli, artikel ulasan ilmiah yang bersifat baru, atau komentar atau kritik terhadap tulisan yang ada dimuat di JAP GoAcademica CRP maupun dalam terbitan berkala ilmiah lainnya. JAP menerima manuskrip atau naskah artikel dalam bidang riset terapan dan hilirisasi hasil penelitian ilmiah kuantitatif maupun kualitatif berbasis komunitas kedalam format Abdimas Peradaban yang mencakup bidang keilmuan yang relevan dari berbagai disiplin ilmu.
Articles 37 Documents
Pelatihan Pengenalan dan Pemanfaatan Media Sosial Untuk Meningkatkan Penjualan Hasil Hidroponik Karang Taruna dan Warga RW 03 Desa Sumber Jaya, Kecamatan Tambun Selatan, Kabupaten Bekasi Ana Ramadhayanti; Iwan Asmadi; Zahra; Yulianah
Jurnal Abdimas Peradaban Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021): Jurnal Abdimas Peradaban
Publisher : Global Writing Academica Researching and Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54783/ap.v2i2.1


The current era of digitization is known as the digital era 4.0. It is said that the digital era is due to the massive use of the internet in the community. But unfortunately not a few people can see the opportunity to use internet services is a potential market to market the products and services they produce. So we from the TEAM of the Faculty of Economics, University of Bina Sarana Informatika, carried out Community Service activities in the form of Training on Introduction and Utilization of Social Media to Increase Sales of Hydroponic Products for Youth and Youth RW 03 Sumber Jaya Village, Tambun Selatan District, Bekasi Regency with the aim of encouraging and improving the abilities of the Karang Taruna youth and residents of Sumber Jaya Village who are now able to produce hydroponic vegetables, so that they can develop their business by increasing sales through social media. Since the Covid-19 outbreak, which was followed up with PSBB and PPKM, it has had an impact on traders and entrepreneurs in increasing their product sales, as well as hydroponic agricultural products pioneered by youth organizations and residents of RW 03 Sumber Jaya Village, Tambun Selatan District, Bekasi Regency. The results of this training are expected to open up the insight and knowledge of youth organizations and residents of Sumber Jaya Village in utilizing social media to increase sales of hydroponic agricultural products they manage.
Implementation of the SERVQUAL Method in Service Quality to Increase Student Satisfaction and Loyalty in Tutoring Indriana Damaianti; Wiara Sanchia Grafita Ryana Devi; Fitri Dewi Afiany; Fenny Noor Salam; Rifni Nurrahmi
Jurnal Abdimas Peradaban Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): Jurnal Abdimas Peradaban
Publisher : Global Writing Academica Researching and Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54783/ap.v3i1.2


The rapid development in the industrial world causes the importance of a company to provide good service to its customers so that customers will feel satisfied and become loyal to the company. This also applies to companies engaged in tutoring services. Improving service quality can be implemented by implementing the SERVQUAL method to increase satisfaction and loyalty for tutoring students. This research will use qualitative methods with data from previous studies. The research concludes how the implementation of the SERVQUAL method in the service delivery process produces satisfaction for customers or students. This customer satisfaction will then continue to be maintained, leading to loyalty, and customers will not go to other competitors.
Pandangan Pendidikan Islam Kotemporer Terhadap Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Supardi Dwimaputra
Jurnal Abdimas Peradaban Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): Jurnal Abdimas Peradaban
Publisher : Global Writing Academica Researching and Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54783/ap.v3i1.3


Examining Islamic education from the standpoint of empowerment is the primary goal of this article. Instead of the traditional notion of empowerment as infrastructure development or a movement from the powerful to the powerless, he provides a new conceptual framework for activation. Empowerment, in our opinion, should be viewed as a societal process that allows people to take charge of their own lives and make decisions about things that matter to them personally. An educational process that aims to empower people must, from this perspective, provide the freedom and resources essential for comprehending the world and giving one's self authority to alter it. This article's concepts are based on the assumption that the discourse of Islamic education may be used to gauge how much involvement Islamic educators have with them.
Public Services to Achieve Good Governance in Indonesia Deding Ishak
Jurnal Abdimas Peradaban Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): Jurnal Abdimas Peradaban
Publisher : Global Writing Academica Researching and Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54783/ap.v3i1.4


To meet the various needs of its people, a country will carry out public services so that then goods, services, and various administrative services needed can be fulfilled. This certainly needs to be done because the effectiveness of a government system will be determined mainly by the quality of the implementation of public services from the state to its people. This research will use a qualitative approach with research data sources and previous studies. The study results show that good governance can be achieved through the participation of various holders of positions in government. Then good public service will show that the performance of government management has good quality. The improvements that can be implemented to improve public services include accelerating the formation of public service law, establishing one-stop services, transparency of public service costs, making SOPs, and implementing reforms for employees working in the public service sector.
Utilization of Customs Regulations Related to Import Export Insurance in Supporting the Export Process Ardiansyah
Jurnal Abdimas Peradaban Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): Jurnal Abdimas Peradaban
Publisher : Global Writing Academica Researching and Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54783/ap.v3i1.5


The impact of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic requires a precise strategy to encourage export activities. This community service activity aims to provide education for practitioners and academics in the insurance sector in understanding more deeply the use of customs regulations related to import export insurance in order to strengthen the important role of trade insurance and marine cargo in supporting the export process. There are various customs regulations that can be used by businesses related to insurance, namely: First, the use of domestic insurance will reduce the payment of import duties and taxes for imports because they are not included in the import value. Second, the use of guarantees from insurance companies (customs bonds) as a solution for paying state levies for companies that are unable to pay off these levies immediately and in utilizing customs facilities aimed at boosting national export performance. Among the customs facilities that can be utilized are bonded zone and Import Facility for Export Purpose (KITE). Both facilities are intended to provide fiscal and procedural facilities to producer exporters. The use of customs facilities requires guarantees for import duties and import taxes. One type of guarantee is a guarantee from an insurance company (customs bond). Based on this activity, participants can take advantage of customs regulations related to import-export insurance which ultimately aims to encourage export activities, especially during this pandemic.
Pemberdayaan E-Commerce di Kalangan Pelaku UMKM di Indonesia Kadar Nurjaman
Jurnal Abdimas Peradaban Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): Jurnal Abdimas Peradaban
Publisher : Global Writing Academica Researching and Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54783/ap.v3i1.6


In order to help the community's economy grow, one of the national priorities is to empower small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs). Developing an e-commerce platform for small businesses or SME e-commerce is one strategy to empower SMEs. Small and medium-sized businesses in Indonesia have enormous potential, but they have yet to fully realize it because of a lack of e-commerce adoption. Because of the current state of globalization, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) must stay up with technology advancements in order to remain competitive. Developing an e-commerce platform for small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) is not an easy task because of the unique characteristics of SMEs. As a result, a number of factors must be taken into account when creating SME e-commerce. Clear legal protection, a solid labor and infrastructure, banking support, and government support are all considered in a qualitative descriptive analysis. Taking these factors into consideration, it is hoped that SME e-commerce would continue to grow in order to meet Indonesia's economic growth goals.
Branding dan Digital Marketing Meningkatkan Penjualan pada Pelaku Usaha Dodol Nanas Desa Tambakmekar Jalancagak Kabupaten Subang Taufik Zulfikar; Sumeidi Kadarisman; Ony Djogo; Vip Paramarta; Farida Yuliati; Sri Rochani Mulyani; Fitriana; Kosasih; Biller Panjaitan; Aas Kurniasih
Jurnal Abdimas Peradaban Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): Jurnal Abdimas Peradaban
Publisher : Global Writing Academica Researching and Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54783/ap.v3i1.7


Today's very rapid technological advances must always be followed by every business actor, including pineapple lunkhead business actors in Jalancagak District, Subang Regency. The growing use of the internet and easier accessibility with a wider reach open up opportunities for pineapple dodol business actors to do digital marketing. The first step that can be taken in digital marketing efforts is branding. The problem faced by pineapple dodol business actors in digital marketing is that there are still many giving the same brand name and the same and less varied form of packaging. The purpose of community service for pineapple dodol business actors is to provide an understanding and understanding of the importance of branding and digital marketing in an effort to increase sales. The implementation methods are in the form of counseling, discussion, comparative studies, and mentoring. The result of community service is the benefits felt by dodol business actors about the importance of branding and digital marketing.
Penerapan Pemasaran Berbasis Digital Pada UKMK di Kecamatan Batujajar, Kabupaten Bandung Barat Abdul Ahmad Hafidh Nurmansyah; Eka Yulianti; Asep Kurniawan; Leni Evangalista; Faizal Fardhani Sigarlaki
Jurnal Abdimas Peradaban Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): Jurnal Abdimas Peradaban
Publisher : Global Writing Academica Researching and Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54783/ap.v3i1.8


Community Service (PKM) carried out for MSMEs in Batujajar District, West Bandung Regency in the form of training and digital-based marketing assistance for MSMEs in culinary centers. The PKM team selects training and assistance according to the needs of MSMEs. In the midst of this pandemic condition, MSMEs need new methods to be able to maintain their business. The PKM team uses training and mentoring methods so that MSMEs can apply digital marketing to their business. The results of the evaluation conducted by the PKM team show that MSMEs can implement digital marketing on social media, both in terms of quantity of use and quality of content. The importance of implementing digital marketing is so that MSMEs can independently conduct digital marketing so that MSMEs can survive in business to market their products to a wider market and MSMEs can also develop their business. Digital marketing training and mentoring programs can have an impact on MSMEs staying in the business and developing their market.
Pengelolaan Sampah Anorganik Berbasis Hand Craft Dari Sampah Plastik Bernilai Ekonomis di Indonesia Abdul Nadjib
Jurnal Abdimas Peradaban Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): Jurnal Abdimas Peradaban
Publisher : Global Writing Academica Researching and Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54783/ap.v3i1.9


Waste production will increase every year if economic and population growth also continues to increase. Problems will begin to arise when overcoming the problem of inorganic waste that cannot be decomposed naturally in a short time. The combustion process in overcoming the problem of inorganic waste also has a negative effect in the form of the emergence of dioxin compounds that can cause cancer and other dangerous diseases. This article will look at how students who are participating in the Community Empowerment Real Work Lecture (KKN-PPM) invite village communities to recycle inorganic waste to reduce plastic waste so that they can then produce new goods that have economic value that are worth selling. Then the existence of the Village Waste Bank Office can also be a means for villagers to be able to manage, buy and sell existing waste. The handicrafts that have been successfully made from this recycled waste are market baskets, wallets, ecobrick chairs, water baskets and fruit plates.
Peningkatan Keberdayaan dan Pendapatan Kelompok Tani Dompon Melalui Penanaman Padi Organik Premium dan Penangkaran Tyto Alba Sri Suwartiningsih; Lasmono Tri Sunaryanto; Andree Wijaya Setiawan
Jurnal Abdimas Peradaban Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): Jurnal Abdimas Peradaban
Publisher : Global Writing Academica Researching and Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54783/ap.v3i1.10


Purworejo Village is one of 17 villages in Suruh Subdistrict, Semarang Regency, located between Salatiga City and Boyolali Regency, with an area of ​​169.52 ha consisting of 101.14 ha of paddy fields, 9.70 ha of dry land and 58.68 ha of non-agricultural land. Agricultural problems faced include: land ownership area of ​​about 0.32 ha/family; the use of chemical/inorganic fertilizers is very high so that agricultural land becomes increasingly “sick”; high use of chemical insecticides; the threat of rat pests; farmers' knowledge is still very limited; and the involvement of farmers in farmer group activities is still very limited. On the other hand, the knowledge of farmer group administrators is also still lacking; and the type of rice produced is of medium quality so that the price is relatively cheap in the market. Due to low productivity, most of the rice yields are still used to meet family needs. Farmers have not been able and do not dare to grow organic rice with premium quality which actually has a higher price in the market. Solutions to agricultural problems are implemented through the Community Partnership Program by Increasing Empowerment and Income of Dompon Farmer Groups through Premium Organic Rice Planting and Owl Breeding (Tyto Alba). Through this PKM activity, there has been a change in the behavior of farmers in the Dompon farmer group to start planting organic crops and breeding owls so that rat pests can be avoided. Members of the Dompon Farmer Group can: 1) learn and apply environmentally friendly integrated agricultural technologies; 2) productivity and production of paddy fields increased; 3) produce premium quality organic rice products; and 4) eradicating rats in a more environmentally friendly way using owls (Tyto alba), which are natural enemies of rats.

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