27 Documents
Reaffirmation of Religious Intolerance And Inability of Justice In The Case of Apostle Paul Politics, Nepotism, Corruption And Neutrality
Adolfina Elisabeth Koamesakh;
Iwan Setiawan Tarigan
the International Journal of Education, Theology, and Humanities Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): December 2021
Publisher : LPPM IAKN Tarutung
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Human Rights Enforcement that has begun since the 17th century is increasing being fought in various parts of the world in this century. However, there are more and more injustices and human rights violations on the grounds of differences in beliefs. Conflicts between religious people often occur in religious societies including in democratic countries such as Indonesia in different scales of conflict and various forms of persecution, while the law often does not favor truth and justice. This research aims to raise the persecution experienced by the apostle Paul in the Book of Acts 24-26. The two angles highlighted in Paul's persecution are intolerance of belief and incompetence of legal justice. Intolerance of faith was committed by Jewish leaders. They demanded that Paul be put to death on charges of violating Jewish beliefs, the desecration of the Temple, the preaching of the remission of sins by Christ. Authorities and law enforcement failed to deliver justice and truth. Political interests, voice of majority, and mentality corrupt negate the personal human rights as free creatures. Apostle Paul shown his heroism in defending his faithful in Christ in front of the lawless persecutors. Indifferently from the king’s Agripa neutrality who knows the truth but he did not clear Paul's case to free him from being accused.
Data Mining Analysis Using Naive Bayes Algorithm and Knn to Predict Graduation of D3 Students Department of Information Management
Jonas Franky Rudianto Panggabean;
Kamson Sirait;
Frainskoy Rio Naibaho
the International Journal of Education, Theology, and Humanities Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): December 2022
Publisher : LPPM IAKN Tarutung
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In this study, the specific objective of this research is to obtain the results of decisions in predicting students of the informatics management study program whether they can graduate on time for 3 years or more in the specified time and with a minimum GPA of 3.00. Student graduation is one of the Internal Quality Assurance Standards on campus or college. To achieve a decent quality of graduation, a study is needed to be able to predict the graduation rate with predetermined standards, so as to reduce and anticipate problems in the academic field that occur. In this study, data mining methods are used to predict the passing rate and standard GPA with a classification function. The algorithm used in this study is Naïve Bayes and K-NN, the stages used in the application of this research are KDD starting with selecting, preprocessing, transformation, data mining and evaluation/interpretation stages. The final result of this study using the K-NN and Naïve Bayes algorithms is that K-NN produces an accuracy rate of 94.81% and Nave Bayes produces an accuracy rate of 90.49%, so it can be concluded that the K-NN algorithm is better used to predict graduation of D3 students majoring in informatics management.
Understanding the Pattern of Sowing-Reaping in Christianity: Efforts to Redesign the Model of Christian Education in Schools Facing the Aftermath of the Covid-19 Pandemic
Divya Baranwal;
Jungjungan Simorangkir;
Sandy Ariawan
the International Journal of Education, Theology, and Humanities Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): December 2021
Publisher : LPPM IAKN Tarutung
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Pandemic Covid-19 has changed everything, including the education sector. Education is no longer focused on place and time but transforms it from a manual to a virtual space. People have limitations to do activities that can cause crowds. During the Covid-19 pandemic we need to develop an attitude of spirituality that is very useful for children in religious education. Religious education is not a cognitive problem alone but includes emotive and spiritual. Christian educational institutions are expected to develop spiritual approaches that are the future trend of post-pandemic era education. This research aims to provide an overview of the importance of redesigning the model of christian education in school facing the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic. This research is a qualitative approach by trying to find the subject and its description by referring to the approach of education experts and can be accounted for scientifically. Therefore, researchers will describe the strategic steps of the spiritual approach education model in the face of the post-Covid 19 or new normal era. From the description can be drawn conclusions about the importance of trying to understand the pattern of sowing-reaping in Christianity. This section needs to get a more share in Christian Education, if the desired result is the formation of a character of learners similar to Christ. Christ's new perspective on the principle of sowing lies in Christ's discernment of the deepest source of the human heart. In this fundamental part lies the entire root of various human deeds. That is why every Christian is called to always live carefully, observantly, critically and prioritize the depth and maturity of his spirituality so that their lives can be constantly illuminated by the Holy Spirit.
Christology From the Perspective of a Batak Woman In Dalihan Natolu's Concept
Herowati Sitorus
the International Journal of Education, Theology, and Humanities Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): December 2021
Publisher : LPPM IAKN Tarutung
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This research made the title Christology From the Point of View of Batak's Women In The Concept of Dalihan Natolu. The purpose of this research is to see how Batak’s women, in their patrilineal culture, have begun to clearly express their own christologies now. The women's emancipation movement has spurred the enthusiasm and courage of Batak's women to be more courageous in believing in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. The Dalihan Natolu's concept appreciates the existence of Batak's women as boru (daughters) who are ready to serve hula-hula (fathers, brothers or relatives of the wife's clan) as Jesus Christ be the Servant of God who serves. Writing this journal uses a case study qualitative research method by examining a particular case or phenomenon in society which is carried out in depth to study the background, circumstances, and interactions that occur. This research materials is taken from the textbooks, journals and other written materials. The research finding is that the events of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ have made Batak's women aware of a human life, about a common desire to get liberation from any form. The findings in the study encourage Batak's women to emancipate in reflecting on the concept of dalihan natolu in their experience of understanding Christ.
The Comprehension of Tempo’s Newspaper English Article for the 10th Grade Students at Al-Qomariyah Boarding School
Frainskoy Rio Naibaho;
Lely Fitri Hasibuan;
Mahardika Abdi Prawira Tanjung
the International Journal of Education, Theology, and Humanities Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): June 2022
Publisher : LPPM IAKN Tarutung
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This study deals with the comprehension of Tempo’s Newspaper English Article for the 10th Grade Students at Al-Qomaiyah Boarding School. It was aimed to know the ability of students in comprehend of Tempo’s Newspaper English article. The data of this study were the score of students and the source od this study was the twenty students of Al-Qomariyah Boarding School. Observation, Interview, and test were used to obtain the data. the data were analyzed by using Miles and Huberman (1992). Based on the data analysis,the ability of the students in comprehension the English language article still tend to be weak, it can be seen from more than students who choose to translate the article rather than understand it.
Encounter of Hybrid Learning: Design in Religious Moderation Learning
Andar Gunawan Pasaribu;
Roy Charly H. P. Sipahutar;
Eduward H. Hutabarat
the International Journal of Education, Theology, and Humanities Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): December 2021
Publisher : LPPM IAKN Tarutung
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The parties in Indonesia are increasingly aware that exclusivity harms diversity, a breakthrough is needed that can bridge differences, especially in senior high school (SMA) in North Tapanuli Regency. Efforts have been made for this, for example with the encounter learning method for learning religious moderation, but this method cannot always be implemented due to various factors so that the results are not very effective, especially in developing the value of religious moderation among students. To obtain representative research data, this study uses the Research and Development (R & D) method. The purpose of this research is to produce a learning design of Encounter of Hybrid Learning that can be applied in a senior high school environment. From this study, it was found that the learning design of Encounter of Hybrid Learning was able to overcome the inhibiting factors that could not be answered in the learning encounter method but was able to foster the value of religious moderation among students.
Indonesia Spirituality and Learning Interest of Papuan Students in Malang
Lidia Susanti;
Sem Kogoya
the International Journal of Education, Theology, and Humanities Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): December 2022
Publisher : LPPM IAKN Tarutung
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Pandemic has forced students to shift to online learning. One of the challenges it poses that teachers need to cope with is student’s interest in learning which affects the mastery of the subject matter taught. Meanwhile, Christian spirituality may play a role in enhancing students’ interest in learning. The research used quantitative ex post facto design. The subject of the research comprised 75 students from Papua who live in Malang. The analysis was conducted using multiple linear regression. The results revealed that Christian spirituality had an effect on students’ interest in learning at 83 percent (R square). It proves that equipping Papuan students spiritually in the knowledge of God impacts on the learning. Keywords: Christian Spirituality, Learning Interest
Build The Ecclesiology-Theology Contextual In GKPA
Ramli Harahap
the International Journal of Education, Theology, and Humanities Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): December 2021
Publisher : LPPM IAKN Tarutung
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This research focuses on the ecclesiology of the Christian Protestant Angkola Church (GKPA). GKPA has implemented its ecclesiology for a long time. For a few decades GKPA's ecclesiology was dominated by the thinking and understanding of European ecclesiological heritage through zending (missionary) institutions that had worked and served in the Angkola-Mandailing area. The approach taken in this research is a grounded theory approach. This approach was chosen because of a lack of comprehensive knowledge regarding specific factors and inter-factor relationships that include the evolutionary ecclesiology process of GKPA, Patanakhon Hata ni Debata tu Luat Angkola (Sowing the Word of God to the Angkola region) at the beginning towards new ecclesiology GKPA Excellent Ministry in Togetherness. The process of evolution of the GKPA ecclesiology shows the new perspective of the GKPA’s ecclesiology theory and/or to find a new and relevant contextual ecclesiology’s theory of GKPA. The novelty of this article is to offer a new theory in ecclesiology namely: Excellent Ministry Ecclesiology in Togetherness. This ecclesiology is a new offer for GKPA to achieve GKPA's vision and mission to be "a Church that has Excellent Ministry in Togetherness".
Sources of Paul’s Teaching (Thoughts)
Warseto Freddy Sihombing;
Pelealu Samuel G
the International Journal of Education, Theology, and Humanities Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): June 2022
Publisher : LPPM IAKN Tarutung
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Where is the source of Paul's teachings or thoughts? This becomes an important and serious question when we open the New Testament. Some of the things that are of concern are that there are many letters written by Paul and in his writings, there are many doctrines and theological terms that are very inherent in the church. If we look at the background of Paul's life, we will feel astonished. The question that follows the above is why his writings really dominate the New Testament while he is not an apostle directly chosen by Jesus as with Simon Peter, Andrew, James, etc.? What is the main source for all of Paul's writings so that they dominate the New Testament? Where are the main sources of his teaching?
The Role of The Church In The Education of The Congregation or People To Influence The Surrounding Community
Bernard Lubis;
Yulius Enisman Harefa
the International Journal of Education, Theology, and Humanities Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): June 2022
Publisher : LPPM IAKN Tarutung
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Society is a group of people consisting of several humans. In society, Indonesia has six religions, namely Protestant Christianity, Catholicism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism and Islam. Of these religions have different ways of worshiping or worshiping and also have different reinforcement of faith. As five people who believe in the existence of a Christian God worship the Lord Jesus in the church. The church opens the building that we see where we worship but the church is the person or the church is ourselves. The foundation of Christian faith comes from the Bible which is the source of strength. So the Church must continue to take part in education in order to be able to carry out its greater role in society. The church must also be a place to educate and a place to be educated.