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Kilisuci International Conference on Economic & Business is a international scientific proceeding are open to seeking innovation, creativity and novelty. Either letters, research notes, articles, supplemental articles, or review articles. Kilisuci International Conference on Economic & Business aims to achieve state-of-the-art in theory and application of this field.
Articles 113 Documents
Forensic Audit, Auditor Competency and Emotional Intelligence on Fraud Prevention Fiona Lianita Zain; Endang Sri Utami
Proceeding Kilisuci International Conference on Economic & Business Vol. 1 (2023): Proceeding Kilisuci International Conference on Economic and Business
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi & Bisnis Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri

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Research aim: This research aims to find out how forensic audits, auditor competence, and emotional intelligence affect fraud prevention. Design/Methode/Approach: The method used is quantitative by distributing questionnaires to KAP auditors in Yogyakarta. Research Finding: The research results show that forensic auditing and emotional intelligence affect fraud prevention, while auditor competence has no effect. This indicates that the actualization of forensic audits and the emotional intelligence of auditors will form a good preventive pattern in fraud. Meanwhile, fraud prevention is less effective if it relies on auditor competence. Theoretical contribution/Originality: This research contributes to the development of attribution theory to explain individual attitudes in fraud prevention. Practitionel/Policy implication: This research is useful to the advancement of literature in the field of auditing and may become a reference for comparison in future research. Research limitation: The limitation of this research is the limited sample of auditors and variables that are too narrow so research development is needed to obtain more accurate results.
Proceeding Kilisuci International Conference on Economic & Business Vol. 1 (2023): Proceeding Kilisuci International Conference on Economic and Business
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi & Bisnis Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri

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Research aim: This research aims to investigate the impact of Good Corporate Governance procedures on firm value, using profitability as a moderating variable. The dependent variable in this research is the Good Corporate Governance mechanism, which is represented by the board of commissioners and board of directors. The dependent variable in this research is firm value as defined by Price to Book Value (PBV). Profitability is a moderating variable in this research and is measured using Return on Equity (ROE). This research focuses on pharmaceutical companies listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange. Design/Method/Approach: This study was carried out using a quantitative approach to test a theory or hypothesis to strengthen or even reject the theory or hypothesis resulting from existing research. The population in this study are pharmaceutical companies registered on the IDX in 2020-2021. This research sample used a purposive sampling method and obtained 55 samples that met the criteria. The data analysis method used in this study was processed using SPSS version 21 software by carrying out multiple regression tests and Moderated Regression Analysis (MRA) tests. Research Finding:  According to the findings of this study, the board of commissioners has a considerable impact on corporate value. The board of directors has a substantial effect on the value of the company. Profitability can mitigate the strong influence of the board of directors on firm value. Profitability can reduce the strong impact of the board of directors on firm value. Profitability can thus strengthen the effect of the board of directors and the board of commissioners on corporate value.  
Proceeding Kilisuci International Conference on Economic & Business Vol. 1 (2023): Proceeding Kilisuci International Conference on Economic and Business
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi & Bisnis Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri

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Research aim : The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of investment decisions and funding decisions on firm value and the moderating relationship of interest rates in influencing the strength or weakness of the relationship between investment decisions and funding decisions on firm value. Design/Methode/Approach : This study used a sample of property and real estate sector companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange during 2019-2021 as many as 7 companies with a total sample of 84 financial reports obtained using the purposive sampling method. The analysis method used is multiple linear regression and Moderated Regression Analysis (MRA) with the analysis tool IMB SPSS ver.21. Research Finding : Based on the study's results, investment decisions are positively but insignificantly affecting firm value, while funding decisions significantly negatively impact firm value, interest rates do not moderate the relationship between investment decisions and firm value, and interest rates do not moderate the relationship between funding decisions and firm value. Theoretical contribution/Originality : The objective of this study was to investigate whether or not interest rates influence the weak or strong relationship between investment decisions and funding decisions and company value, and to determine whether or not interest rates play a role Practitionel/Policy implication : - Research limitation : The research only focuses on property and real estate sector companies listed on the Indonesian IDX in 2019-2021
Proceeding Kilisuci International Conference on Economic & Business Vol. 1 (2023): Proceeding Kilisuci International Conference on Economic and Business
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi & Bisnis Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri

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One of the tourist destinations that is used as an icon in the Special Region of Yogyakarta is the Palace and other cultural heritage. Keraton which is the face of the Special Region of Yogyakarta is the official residence of the Sultan of Yogyakarta which is open to the public. The uniqueness of the shape of the building and the simplicity of the way of life in the Palace are the main attractions of tourists who are visiting the Special Region of Yogyakarta. The community around the palace uses palace tourism as a source of income. Most of the area is managed by Abdi Dalem keraton. In addition to being a source of income, the surrounding community uses it as an object of introduction to Yogyakarta culture to visitors. The purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of environmental problems on the return visit of Yogyakarta palace. To analyze the influence of palace performances on the return visit of Yogyakarta palace. To analyze the effect of health protocols on the return visit to the Yogyakarta palace, the Research Method uses multiple linear regression. Environmental issues did not have a significant effect on the return visit of the Yogyakarta palace. The performance of the palace has a significant influence on the return visit of the Yogyakarta palace. Health Protocols have a significant effect on the return visit of the Yogyakarta palace.
Investment Opportunities Through BSI Cicil Emas Financing Product Esy Nur Aisyah; Bagus Hermawan
Proceeding Kilisuci International Conference on Economic & Business Vol. 2 (2024): Proceeding Kilisuci International Conference on Economic and Business
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi & Bisnis Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri

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Research aim : This research aims to determine what creates opportunities for long-term investment through the BSI Cicil Emas Financing product at Bank Syariah Indonesia, Turen Malang Sub-Branch Office. Design/Methode/Approach : This qualitative research method uses a descriptive approach with data collection techniques using interviews, documentation and observation. Research Finding : The research results show that the BSI Cicil Emas financing product has the opportunity to become a long-term investment instrument because of the ease of applying for financing, the benefits of investing in gold, and the ease of buying and selling gold, precious metals, the continued increase in gold prices and low competition.
Green Marketing Influence: Examining Its Impact On Purchase Decision In Sustainable Halal Cosmetics Inayatur Rosidah; Ratih Hesty Utami Puspitasari; Muhammad Sani Arsyadi; Adinda Meilanny Putri
Proceeding Kilisuci International Conference on Economic & Business Vol. 2 (2024): Proceeding Kilisuci International Conference on Economic and Business
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi & Bisnis Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri

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Research aim: This study aims to determine the influence of Green Marketing on purchasing literature through brand awareness as a mediator. Design/Methode/Approach: This research used quantitative methods and took a sample of 121 respondents in Semarang who used Wardah halal cosmetics. Data management using SEM. Help. 4.0. The data obtained comes from primary data. The data collection technique using questionnaire distribution is a data collection method that is carried out by giving a collection of questions or written statements to respondents. Research Finding: The result of this study is that based on the composite reliability value of each variable, it is proven that all research variable indicators have a composite reliability value greater than (0.7). And this research that the hypothesis can be accepted and there is a relationship between variables, especially in (Product Green Marketing → Brand Awareness), (Product Green Marketing → Purchase Decision), (Price Green Marketing → Purchase Decision) and (Brand Awareness → Purchase Decision). So, halal cosmetics have a significant effect on the product, price and purchasing decision
The Impact of Overtime, Career Development, and Workplace Friendly towards Turnover Intention and Emotional Exhaustion as the Mediation of Variable Istiqomah Tri Wijayanti; Hawik Ervina Indiworo; Noni Setyorini
Proceeding Kilisuci International Conference on Economic & Business Vol. 2 (2024): Proceeding Kilisuci International Conference on Economic and Business
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi & Bisnis Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri

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Research aim : This study aims to examine the impact of overtime, career development, and workplace friendliness on employee turnover intention, with emotional exhaustion serving as a mediating variable. Design/Methode/Approach : Quantitative research methodology was employed, utilizing statistical analysis techniques. The population comprised all employees of Matahari Department Semarang exhibiting an intention to resign. A sample of 387 employees was selected using the Slovin formula (5% margin of error). Data collection was facilitated through a questionnaire survey administered to the respondents. Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) software was employed for data analysis. Research Finding : The findings indicate that overtime significantly influences emotional exhaustion, while career development does not exhibit a significant impact on emotional exhaustion. Workplace friendliness was found to have a significant effect on emotional exhaustion. Moreover, overtime, career development, and workplace friendliness were identified as influencing factors on turnover intention. Emotional exhaustion was not directly associated with turnover intention but served as a mediator in the relationship between overtime, career development, workplace friendliness, and turnover intention. Specifically, overtime, career development, and workplace friendliness were found to influence turnover intention through their effects on emotional exhaustion.  
Proceeding Kilisuci International Conference on Economic & Business Vol. 1 (2023): Proceeding Kilisuci International Conference on Economic and Business
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi & Bisnis Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri

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The aim of this research is to examine and analyze the influence of workload on employee work stress, conflict on employee work stress, and the influence of the environment on employee work stress at the Alexis Café, East Sumba Regency, NTT. The type of research is quantitative. The analytical tools used are validity and reliability tests using Smart (PLS) Version 3.0. PLS, with a Variance Based Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) approach. This research was conducted at Alexis Café, East Sumba Regency, NTT with a research population of 155 sources. The sampling method in this research used questionnaires and interviews so that the sample and population had the same size. The results show that workload has a positive and significant influence on work stress for employees of Alexis Café, East Sumba Regency-NTT, conflict has a positive and significant influence on work stress for employees of Alexis Café, East Sumba Regency-NTT, and the work environment has no effect on employee work stress. Alexis Café, East Sumba Regency-NTT.
The Influence of Price, Service Quality and Promotion on Customer Satisfaction of Make Up Services at Elma Wedding Nganjuk Dyah Siti Ayu Larasati; Restin Meilina
Proceeding Kilisuci International Conference on Economic & Business Vol. 2 (2024): Proceeding Kilisuci International Conference on Economic and Business
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi & Bisnis Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri

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Research aim: The aim of this research is to analyze the influence of price, service quality and promotion partially and simultaneously on user satisfaction of make-up services at Elma Wedding Nganjuk. Design/Method/Approach: This research uses a quantitative approach and the technique used is causality. The population of this research is all Elma Wedding consumers in 2023 and the sample used in the research was 50 respondents and analyzed using the multiple linear regression method. Research Findings: The results of this research are that the price variable does not have a partially significant effect, but the service quality and promotion variables have a partially significant effect. Price, service quality and promotion simultaneously have a significant influence on customer satisfaction. Theoretical Contribution/Originality: Not much research has discussed the marketing of MUA services. Practical/Policy Implications: Can be useful for marketing make up services. Research Limitations: The limitation of this research is the lack of sampling time because it has entered the rainy season.
Analysis Examination of the Execution of Bookkeeping Records as per SAK-EMKM in MSMEs (Contextual analysis of Isha Cake, Banjaran Town, Kediri City) Delfira Rimbi Pertiwi; Sigit Puji Winarko; Andi Kurniawan
Proceeding Kilisuci International Conference on Economic & Business Vol. 2 (2024): Proceeding Kilisuci International Conference on Economic and Business
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi & Bisnis Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri

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Research aim: To find out and examine the use of SAK EMKM to MSMEs, to see if the SAK EMKM bookkeeping recording framework has been carried out in MSMEs, to figure out the impediments looked in carrying out SAK EMKM to MSMEs. Design/Method/Approach: Research utilizes expressive subjective strategies, information gathered through interviews and monetary report documentation. Research Finding: The consequences of the exploration show that PT Inside factors incorporate an absence of comprehension of SAK and HR (HR). The outer component is the absence of management from partners who have an interest in monetary reports for MSMEs. Theoretical contribution/Originality: The quick development of MSMEs is affected by the strength of the capital they have. MSMEs whose organizations are developing quickly require capital credits from banks or capital help from financial backers. In the mean time, all MSMEs can't get credits effectively, in light of the fact that there are necessities that are not met, to be specific monetary reports that don't conform to principles. At Isha Cake has barely any familiarity with the SAK-EMKM based monetary reports which became effective on January 1 2018. Practitionel/Policy implication: The hindrances by and by to executing SAK-EMKM are, absence of comprehension of SAK, and HR doesn't figure out Bookkeeping. To beat this, Isha Cake ought to go to a course on monetary recording/fundamental bookkeeping information. Research limitation: Limits in this examination, Shortcomings incorporate, Promoting Troubles, Monetary Constraints, Restricted HR (HR). In this examination, the impediments in leading exploration are, Isha Cake doesn't maintain that the proprietor should give his yearly monetary records to plan proper monetary reports. correlations can't be made.

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