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Focus: EDUKASI is a scientific journal dedicated to the study and research of Religion and Religious Education. It is committed to enriching and expanding the body of scientific knowledge relevant for policy-making and the advancement of theoretical and conceptual frameworks. The journal aims to provide valuable literature, data, and information to governmental bodies, education practitioners, and academics to support decision-making and further studies. Scope: EDUKASI is a scientific journal focused on research and development in the field of religious education. The journal accepts articles that make significant contributions to understanding and solving issues in religious education, whether in formal or non-formal institutions. The topics covered include: Management of Religious Education Institutions Roles and Practices of Religious Educators Management and Funding of Religious Education Evaluation, Quality Assurance, and Accreditation of Religious Education The Role of Students in Religious Education Study of educational aspects relating to various diciplines such as psychology, sociology, management, philosophy, theology, anthropology, and political science to enrich the discourse on religious education.
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 588 Documents
Restrukturisasi MAK : Studi Kebijakan Penyelenggaraan Program Tafaqquh fid-Din Era UU Sisdiknas No 20 Tahun 2003 Suwendi Suwendi
EDUKASI: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Agama dan Keagamaan EDUKASI | VOLUME 4, NOMOR 4, DESEMBER 2006
Publisher : Badan Litbang dan Diklat Kementerian Agama RI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32729/edukasi.v4i4.140


Implementation of national education system law number 20 year 2003 apparently brings out new problem. some articles arranging the kinds of education, educational management, and majors (articles number 15, 18, 30) do not give a clear explanation or direction of what, where, and how the legal status of Madrasah Aliyah Keagamaan (MAK). The problematic’ implication of the unclarity of such legal messages is that the madrasah stake-holders not only confused in understanding the status or position of the MAK, but also the status of MAK institution itself becomes very problematic. the article tries to describe the real condition of MAK today including the problems faced by madrasah itself, the real needs and public aspiration toward the existence of MAK, and also the management of tafaqquh fiddin programs of MAK in the future.
Profil Mutu Lulusan Madrasah Sumarni Sumarni
EDUKASI: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Agama dan Keagamaan EDUKASI | VOLUME 4, NOMOR 4, DESEMBER 2006
Publisher : Badan Litbang dan Diklat Kementerian Agama RI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32729/edukasi.v4i4.141


The research is conducted to know the quality of madrasah graduate profile seen from many aspects or variables, namely, “student academic” and “non-academic achievement”, and “the perception of consumer (parents and teachers) toward the graduate and profile of input” and the quality of madrasah graduate” such as learning medium, the student and teacher characteristic, and the school management as the supporting factors. the research method used is survey with quantitative approach. the result of the research indicates that generally madrasah graduates are not be able to complete with public school graduates-both academically and non-academically. however, the perception of educational consumer related to students’ attitude, participation I religious activities, student creativity, etc. is perceived as good enough. they feel satisfied enough to the madrasah graduate. the school management in madrasah is also good enough but it has not been supported by the infrastructurals input, namely such as physical building condition, library and laboratory, and so forth.
Drop Out Siswa Madrasah : Kecenderungan, Penyebab, dan Solusi Lisa’diyah MF
EDUKASI: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Agama dan Keagamaan EDUKASI | VOLUME 4, NOMOR 4, DESEMBER 2006
Publisher : Badan Litbang dan Diklat Kementerian Agama RI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32729/edukasi.v4i4.142


There are some factors causing student drop out in madrasah. testing the correlation between the number of students drop out and the factors causing student drop out conducted in 14 provinces comes to conclusion that economic social status of parents is the most dominant factor causing them dropped out. the other factors are parents’ awareness toward the importance of education, condition of student environment, student learning motivation, level of student competency (IQ), and student opportunity to get education. to lessen the number of student drop out in madrasah caused by parent economic social status, government intensively implements PKPS BBM program like BOS and BKM evenly and coincided with the target.
Masyarakat dan Eksistensi Madrasah Diniyah Wahid Khozin
EDUKASI: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Agama dan Keagamaan EDUKASI | VOLUME 4, NOMOR 4, DESEMBER 2006
Publisher : Badan Litbang dan Diklat Kementerian Agama RI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32729/edukasi.v4i4.143


As a part of social structure, any educational institution is always changing depending on the social dynamic in a society. in the same manner, madrasah diniyah-as one of the religious educational institutions is also changing due to their environment and social aspiration. in this case, the madrasah existence seems to be depended on what and how social aspiration towards madrasah. madrasah is built and managed by society. social differences-because of difference in gender, age, level of education, and occupation-do not hinder the educational spirit of community to support madrasah diniyah. this paper tries to answer some questions dealing with their existence today. why the community still wants to conserve the existence of madrasah diniyah? how far the social aspiration to conserve and develop the madrasah diniyah as a tool of values cultivation.
Pendidikan Keagamaan Madrasah Diniyah Al Fatah Abdul Azis Al Bone
EDUKASI: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Agama dan Keagamaan EDUKASI | VOLUME 4, NOMOR 4, DESEMBER 2006
Publisher : Badan Litbang dan Diklat Kementerian Agama RI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32729/edukasi.v4i4.144


According to the law of national education system number 20 year 2003, religious education of madrasah diniyah is a part of national educational system. consequently, madrasah diniyah is not only fully as the responsibility of moslem community to establish, maintain, and develop, but it also a kind of the government’s responsibility and duty. historically, in the early existence, madrasah diniyah comes from-by and for the people. but, now, the government is legally demanded to manage madrasah diniyah in a parallel with the community’s aspiration and needs. this article tries to elaborate how people respond madrasah diniyah as the formal religious educational institution and how is the strategy for developing madrasah diniyah in line with the implementation of national education system law, number 20 year 2003. by taking case of madrasah diniyah al fatah, one of madrasah diniyah in demak, this article comes to conclusion that there are any situational responses to the issue of institutionalization of madrasah diniyah.
Pelayanan Pendidikan Keagamaan pada Masyarakat Minoritas di Kabupaten Tapanuli Utara, Sumatera Utara Husen Hasan Basri
EDUKASI: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Agama dan Keagamaan EDUKASI | VOLUME 4, NOMOR 4, DESEMBER 2006
Publisher : Badan Litbang dan Diklat Kementerian Agama RI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32729/edukasi.v4i4.145


This article depicts the implementation of religious educational service in minority society-involving the form and kinds of religious educational service given by minority society, the obstacles of its establishment and also its expectation to religious education in minority society. by taking a case in Tarutung, it is found that religious educational service in the region is depended on how far the creativity of moslem minority in managing the religious-educational service for themselves. in tarutung, the religious education service is organized by the Association of Moslem Tarutung. through this organization, the moslem minority of Tarutung carrying out the religious educational service such as reading al-Quran, writing al-Quran, and learning Shalat for fulfilling their community’s needs.
Evaluasi Diklat Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam Tingkat SMA Qowaid Qowaid; Neni Setianingsih
EDUKASI: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Agama dan Keagamaan EDUKASI | VOLUME 4, NOMOR 4, DESEMBER 2006
Publisher : Badan Litbang dan Diklat Kementerian Agama RI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32729/edukasi.v4i4.146


Improving the quality of human resources in educational institute becomes one of the priority of government program. the effort is intended for increasing the accessability of society toward qualified educational institution. the article will unpack the establishment of Islamic educational teacher’s trying in a number of religious education and training center. some findings of this research, can functionally be applied for improving the quality of training management in such education and training institutions.
Pe­san­tren Salaf dan Pe­ru­bah­an So­si­al (Studi Kasus Pe­san­tren Salaf Al Anwar Sarang Rembang) Murtadlo Murtadlo
EDUKASI: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Agama dan Keagamaan EDUKASI | VOLUME 10, NOMOR 1, APRIL 2012
Publisher : Badan Litbang dan Diklat Kementerian Agama RI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32729/edukasi.v10i1.147


AbstractGlobalization and modernization of information sponsored by the state have resulted in a variety of social changes. The impact on social changes must be faced by all social institutions, including traditional Islamic boarding school (or called pe­san­tren sa­la­fi­yah in Indonesia). One important issue in dealing with challenges of social changes is the identity issue. How is traditional Islamic boarding school identity in dealing with social changes? This study attempts to analyze the model of traditional Islamic boarding school identity creation in dealing with social changes. The study took the case of Al-Anwar Traditional Islamic boarding school, Sarang, Rembang in Central Java. The study found that the traditional Islamic boarding school has developed a specific identity creation in dealing with social changes.AbstrakGlo­ba­li­sa­si in­for­ma­si dan modernisasi yang disponsori oleh negara telah menghasilkan ber­ba­gai pe­ru­bah­an so­si­al. Dampak pe­ru­bah­an so­si­al ini harus dihadapi oleh semua institusi so­si­al, termasuk Pe­san­tren salaf. Salah satu isu penting da­lam menghadapi tantangan pe­ru­bah­an so­si­al ada­lah masalah identitas. Bagaimana identitas pe­san­tren salaf menghadapi pe­ru­bah­an so­si­al ter­se­but? Studi ini mencoba mengkaji model kreasi identitas pe­san­tren salaf menghadapi pe­ru­bah­an so­si­al. Studi mengambil kasus pada Pe­san­tren Salaf Al Anwar Sarang Rembang Jawa Tengah. Studi ini menemukan bah­wa pe­san­tren salaf da­lam mengahadapi pe­ru­bah­an so­si­al telah mengembangkan kreasi identitas tertentu.
EDUKASI: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Agama dan Keagamaan EDUKASI | VOLUME 10, NOMOR 1, APRIL 2012
Publisher : Badan Litbang dan Diklat Kementerian Agama RI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32729/edukasi.v10i1.148


AbstractIn addition to clerics and values, yellow books are essential elements of an Islamic boarding school. Yellow Books are Islamic boarding school instructional materials that have been used for a long time. One area of yellow book that has been long taught is jurisprudence (fiqh) field. Teaching of fiqh books starts from the low level books, such as Safinahan-Najah to the high level books, such as Al-Muhadzdzab. Teaching methods used were Bandongan and Sorogan methods. In line with diversified development of forms and types of education in Islamic boarding schools, such as formal education (madrassas and schools) and vocational education, it is expected that teaching of yellow books, including books of fiqh, was changing, either books taught, teaching methods used, number of meetings in teaching, and teaching level. Through a survey of 951 schools in 15 provinces of 72 books of fiqh chosen by the researchers, there were 5 books of 72 books of fiqh included in a group of the most widely taught books of fiqh, namely: Taqrib, Safinah an-Najah, Fath al-Mu’in, Fath al-Qarib, and Sullam at-Taufiq. Besides Fath al-Mu’in, these books are elementary books of fiqh.AbstrakSelain Kyai dan tata nilai, kitab kuning me­ru­pa­kan unsur pokok dari sebuah pondok pe­san­tren. Kitab kuning ada­lah bahan ajar pe­san­tren yang sudah lama di­gu­na­kan. Salah satu bidang kitab kuning yang sudah lama diajarkan ada­lah bidang fiqih. Pengajaran kitab-kitab fiqih dimu­lai dari kitab tingkat rendah seperti kitab Safinah an-Najah sampai kitab tinggi seperti kitab al-Muhadzdzab. Metode pengajarannya meng­gu­na­kan metode bandongan dan sorogan. Seiring de­ngan munculnya diversifikasi pengembangan bentuk dan jenis-jenis Pen­di­dik­an di pe­san­tren seperti Pen­di­dik­an formal (madrasah dan sekolah) dan Pen­di­dik­an ke­te­ram­pil­an, diduga pengajaran kitab kuning, termasuk kitab-kitab fiqih, mengalami pe­ru­bah­an pengajaran kitab, baik kitab-kitab yang diajarkan, metode pengajaran yang di­gu­na­kan, jumlah pertemuan da­lam pengajaran, dan tingkat pengajaran. Me­la­lui survei pada 951 pe­san­tren di 15 propinsi ter­ha­dap 72 kitab fiqih hasil pilihan peneliti, terda­pat 5 kitab dari 72 kitab fiqih yang termasuk ke­lom­pok kitab fiqih yang banyak diajarkan, yaitu: Taqrib, Safinah an-Najah, Fath al-Mu’in, Fath al-Qarib, dan Sullam at-Taufiq. Kecuali, Fath al-Mu’in, kitab-kitab ter­se­but me­ru­pa­kan kitab-kitab fiqih elementer.
PONDOK Pe­san­tren KYAI AGENG SELO (Otoritas Ke­aga­ma­an, Pemberdayaaan Ekonomi, dan Pen­di­dik­an) Soemanto Soemanto
EDUKASI: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Agama dan Keagamaan EDUKASI | VOLUME 10, NOMOR 1, APRIL 2012
Publisher : Badan Litbang dan Diklat Kementerian Agama RI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32729/edukasi.v10i1.149


AbstractThis research was conducted using the qualitative approach. Data collection was done using in-depth interviews, participatory observation. This study aims at uncovering the religious, economic, and educational roles at Ki Ageng Selo Islamic Boarding School. In religious affairs, the boarding school has portrayed itself as a spiritual guide for the people. The interaction between the boarding school and the community in economic development spawned economic independence in the boarding school. Education developed was traditional (salafi) Islamic education focusing on religion teaching in order to preserve of salafi values both tafaqquh fi addin tradition and the culture.AbstraksiPe­ne­li­ti­an ini di­la­ku­kan de­ngan pen­de­kat­an kualitatif. Pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara menda­lam, observasi partisipatif. Pe­ne­li­ti­an ini bertujuan mengungkap peran ke­aga­ma­an, ekonomi, dan Pen­di­dik­an di Pondok Pe­san­tren Ki Ageng Selo. Da­lam hal ke­aga­ma­an, pe­san­tren ini telah memerankan diri sebagai pemandu spritual bagi ma­sya­ra­kat. Adanya interaksi antara pe­san­tren dan ma­sya­ra­kat da­lam pengembangan ekonomi melahirkan pola kemandirian ekonomi di pe­san­tren. Pen­di­dik­an yang dikembangkan berjenis Pen­di­dik­an sa­la­fi­yah yang fokus pengajaran agamanya sehingga terjaga nilai-nilai kesa­la­fi­yahan baik tradisi tafaqquh fi addin maupun kulturalnya.

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