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Pengaruh kepemimpinan kepala sekolah terhadap kinerja guru SMA Buddhis Bodhicitta Medan Josua Chariston Simanungkalit; Eben Haezarni Telaumbanua; Elsina Sihombing
Keguruan Vol 11, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara

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Terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan kepemimpinan kepala sekolah dan terhadap kinerja guru pada SMA Buddhis Bodhicitta. Hal ini dapat dilihat bahwa nilai F hitung F tabel (34,786 3,15) dengan tingkat signifikansi 0,000 lebih kecil dari 0,05. Artinya secara simultan atau bersama- sama kedua variabel bebas tersebut mempengaruhi secara positif terhadap variabel terikat. Hal ini berarti bahwa gaya kepemimpinan kepala sekolah dan etos kerja guru meningkat maka kinerja guru akan meningkat. Begitu pula sebaliknya kepemimpinan kepala sekolah dan etos kerja guru menurun maka kinerja guru juga menurun.  pengaruh yang signifikan antara kepemimpinan kepala sekolah terhadap kinerja guru pada SMA Buddhis Bodhicitta. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari uji t antara gaya kepemimpinan kepala sekolah dengan kinerja guru, dari hasil perhitungannya menunjukkan thitung ttabel yaitu 3,116 2,000 pada taraf signifikansi 5 % dan N = 31. Hal ini berarti gaya kepemimpinan kepala sekolah meningkat maka kinerja guru juga meningkat, dan kinerja guru menurun atau rendah bila gaya kepemimpinan kepala sekolah menurun.
The Use of History Textbooks as Learning Resource For Students of The History Education Study Program at UISU Mestari Zai; Surya Aymanda Nababan; Pulung Sumantri; Abdul Azis
Keguruan Vol 11, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara

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Learning resources are part of learning that is very important for the success or failure of learning. So far, experience has shown that many lecturers who teach on campus still rely on books as the main reference in their teaching process. Of course, this cannot be called wrong, but making textbooks the only reference work has led to a decrease in the creativity of lecturers and students. This also happened to history subjects at UISU. In sixth semester history classes, where the subject is based mostly on facts and past events and one's memory is limited, books are very reliable in recalling the lecturer's memory of the material he taught the students. Likewise, students who are often given assignments by subject lecturers often make history textbooks and/or textbooks for other subjects, most of them make textbooks as learning resources and sources or materials to complete their subject assignments. The purpose of this work is to describe and analyze the use of history textbooks as a source of student learning in the history curriculum of the Islamic University of North Sumatra. The research method used in the preparation of this article is the literature review method, namely by means of sources obtained from books and scientific journals. The results of this study indicate that history textbooks play a very important role in ongoing history learning, so that it can be said that textbooks must have several content qualifications, which include the completeness of the material, the breadth and depth of the material. about the material and the accuracy of the material. Textbooks also have advantages and disadvantages, such as textbooks which must contain core and basic skills to support successful learning.
Analisis Pemilihan Buku Teks Sejarah dalam Pemanfaatan Sebagai Sumber Belajar Untuk Siswa/Siswi di SMA Swasta Rakyat Fiqri Haiqal; Surya Aymanda Nababan; Benny Junior Kaban; Aditya Darma; Fikri Alkhairi
Keguruan Vol 11, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara

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History books play an important role in history learning because they provide information and explanations about important historical events. However, choosing the right textbook is an important factor in ensuring the effective use of textbooks as learning tools. The research method used is literature research by collecting and analyzing history textbooks available and used at Pancur Batu People's Private High School. The results of the analysis show that in choosing a good history textbook should pay attention to the accuracy of the information presented. Textbooks must contain accurate historical facts and be supported by valid evidence. In addition, textbooks must be in accordance with the applicable curriculum of Pancur Batu People's Private High School so that they contain relevant material and support the achievement of narrative learning objectives. Ease of reading is also an important factor when history textbooks have to be written in a language that students can easily understand. /Student. The use of images, charts, and graphs can also help students better understand historical content. In addition, a good history textbook should provide multiple perspectives to help students understand multiple perspectives on historical events. Finally, the importance of history books to students' lives is very important. History textbooks that connect the material to students' current reality or experience can increase their interest and participation in history learning. By considering these factors, the selection of the right history textbook at Pancur Batu People's Private High School can provide effective and quality learning resources for students. The importance of this research lies in the importance of selecting quality history textbooks to enhance students' understanding of history and develop critical thinking.
Implementation of History Textbooks as A Learning Resource at SMA Brigjend Katamso 1 Medan Nadiyah Zahra Lubis; Benny Junior Kaban; Surya Aymanda Nababan; Muhammad Adika Nugraha; Dedi Kusbiantoro; Muhammad Ricky Hardiyansyah; Fikri Alkhairi
Keguruan Vol 11, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara

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History textbooks play an important role in the history learning process at SMA Brigjend Katamso 1 Medan. These textbooks become the main source of information and understanding of historical events for students. The implementation of history textbooks shows a systematic and structured effort in incorporating historical material into the school curriculum. The use of high-quality history textbooks provides accurate and in-depth information about historical events, helping students understand their context. While important, the use of history textbooks also faces challenges such as limited information, the need to update content according to the latest research, and maintaining an inclusive diversity of historical perspectives. The use of history textbooks can improve history learning at SMA Brigjend Katamso 1 Medan by helping students gain a better understanding of history and relate it to the current social, political, and cultural context. This research is a library research where research is based on previous literature searches that are relevant to the problems discussed in this study. The data collected in this study were obtained through excavation and tracing of books, articles, magazines, journals, internet access, and other important records related to the subject of this study and can help understand the issues discussed. However, this research is descriptive analytical, which means collecting data, interpreting it, then analyzing and interpreting it.
Pemahaman Mahasiswa PPKN Terhadap Kemajemukan Bangsa Indonesia Yang Berpotensi Menimbulkan Konflik Meliana Girsang; Egrin Manurung; Fisca Amanda Ramadhana; Juliandi Juliandi; Ira Yenita Malau; Julia Ivanna
Keguruan Vol 11, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara

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Indonesia is one of the big countries in the world with a lot of diversity in terms of ethnicity, religion, language and culture in general. Maintaining and fostering diversity has become a necessity and an important issue in the life of the Indonesian nation state since the beginning of independence. again causing conflict. From the results of interviews with Unimed students, they suggested efforts that could be made by all Indonesian citizens, especially by the students themselves, namely first instilling an attitude of tolerance. The type of research used in this research was qualitative research using descriptive qualitative methods. to emphasize the search for meaning, understanding and concepts, characteristics and symptoms, symbols and descriptions of a phenomenon that is natural and comprehensive and presented in a narrative manner by prioritizing quality and following research procedures. interview field notes and other materials in a way that is easy to understand and the results are easy to communicate to others where using interview data collection techniques to Medan State University students, conducting observation and study of literature by obtaining information through books and journals.
Penerapan Metode JIGSAW untuk Meningkatkan Pemahaman Siswa SMP Materi Listrik Statis Unita Sukma Zuliani Nasution; Diah Kesumawati; Azrina Purba; Dini Puji Anggraini
Keguruan Vol 11, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara

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This study aims to enhance middle school students' understanding of static electricity material by implementing the jigsaw method. The research was conducted within the context of classroom action research and intended to improve the science learning process concerning the concept of static electricity. Research data were collected using achievement instruments and student learning activity observation sheets, presenting the data as they occurred during the learning process. Actions provided to the research subjects included cooperative learning of the jigsaw type implemented over four cycles. The research stages encompassed action planning, implementation, action observation, and reflection. The research findings indicate that the utilization of the jigsaw method in enhancing the understanding of the static electricity concept in science education has been successful. The improvement in students' understanding of the static electricity concept is evident through the progression of their learning outcomes from Cycle I to Cycle IV.
The Implementation of Scientific Approach in Teaching English at SMP Negeri 38 Medan Roni Juliansyah; Masniati Murni Ritonga
Keguruan Vol 11, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara

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This research was to describe the implementation of scientific approach and the problems in teaching English. The writer used qualitative research. Subjects of this research were English teachers of SMP Negeri 38 Medan.The data of this research were collected by relating observation, interview and documentation. The data were evaluated by applying data reduction, data display, and conclusion based on Miles and Hubberman (1994). The findings showed that the teachers used scientific approach covering the activities were as follows, (1) in the observing activity, teachers showed prohibition images, English instructions and introduced in English, (2) in the activity of asking, there was activity of asking and answering about the observed objects., (3) in the activity of experimenting, the teachers guided the students to demonstrate, discuss and try, (4) in the activity of associating, the teachers guided the students to conduct English exercise, (5) in activity of communicating, students present orally. Meanwhile there were problems faced by the teachers as follows, (1) lack of attractive media in the observing activity, (2) lack of students’ activiness, (3) lack of students’ self-confidence and partaking to experience, (4) lack of students’ vocabulary, (5) and lack of students’ responsiveness.
Inovasi Metode Pembelajaran Pendidikan Sejarah untuk Generasi Milenial Risdam Habibi Hasibuan; Rahmi Seri Hanida
Keguruan Vol 11, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara

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This article discusses the need for innovative teaching methods in history education that are suitable for the millennial generation. This emphasizes the importance of incorporating technology-based learning, such as mobile applications, e-learning platforms, and social media, to make history education more engaging and interactive for the millennial generation. The use of data visualization, virtual field experiences, and an inclusive approach to historical and cultural perspectives are also emphasized. The goal of history education is to provide students with the critical, analytical, and historical literacy skills necessary to understand the modern world. The curriculum should focus on competencies that prepare future generations to compete effectively. Blended learning, which combines face-to-face and online learning, is considered an effective solution in education today. Innovative history teaching methods, such as interactive technology, project-based learning, collaborative learning, digital resources, and multicultural approaches, can help millennials better understand history in the digital era.
Penggunaan Media Digital Pembelajaran Sejarah dalam Masa Pandemi Covid-19 di SMA An- Nizam Andyoda Siregar; Pulung Sumantri; Hadiani Fitri; Latifah Hanum
Keguruan Vol 11, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara

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The execution of schooling ought to have the option to synergize in different circumstances. In any event, when hit by the Coronavirus pandemic, teachers and understudies are expected to keep battling so that learning exercises can run well, however with negligible gamble of contamination. Thusly, during the pandemic the growing experience was coordinated towards the utilization of online media. Through this exploration, it is trusted that we can figure out how online media is utilized in learning history in the city of Medan. This exploration was led utilizing subjective examination techniques, while the sort of exploration utilized was distinct subjective. In the information assortment process, information sources are resolved purposively and compounding. Information assortment strategies were done utilizing perception, meetings and documentation. Moreover, the information that has been gathered is dissected by information decrease, information show, and check. The consequences of the examination show that the applications that are frequently involved by AN-Nizam Secondary School history subject educators in web based learning are WhatsApp, Google Study hall, Google Meet, Zoom Meeting, and Learning The board Framework (LMS). The web based educational experience is done utilizing general elements contained in the application, in particular sending messages, sharing material in document structure, like Microsoft PowerPoint (PPT), learning modules, and recordings, as well as through video gathering. The different hindrances confronted both connected with the utilization of innovation, educator qualities and understudy attributes can possibly prompt retrogression in web based learning.
Indikator yang Mempengaruhi Peningkatan Mutu Pendidikan di Prodi Pendidikan Sejarah Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara Anita Silviana; Suya Aymanda Nababan; Muhammad Ricky Hardiyansya; Muhammad Adika Nugraha; Latifah Hanum
Keguruan Vol 11, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara

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Regulation number 20 of 2003 concerning the state school system states that community development aims to grow capacity and shape individuals as well as the progress of the state in order to make state life more broad-minded. However, in educational organizations, various obstacles have been traced that interfere with the most common way of achieving quality training as found in the History Education Study Program of the Islamic University of North Sumatra, where efforts to work on the existing nature of training have not been ideal. Various things hinder the improvement of the nature of non-ideal teaching, including: (1) an administrative framework that is not functioning properly, (2) the incompatibility of existing educational programs with the demands of current needs, (3) the nature of showing insufficient staff, (4) there is no student discipline, (5) and there are problems and solidarity between teachers and staff. In circumstances like this, a position of authority is needed that functions to improve and improve the existing framework so that change can occur from now on.

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