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Syifa al-Qulub : Jurnal Studi Psikoterapi Sufistik
ISSN : 25406445     EISSN : 25406453     DOI : -
Core Subject : Health,
Syifa al-Qulub adalah Jurnal Prodi Tasawuf Psikoterapi Fakultas Ushuluddin UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung. Terbit enam bulan sekali (Januari dan Juli). Materi yang dipublikasikan merupakan hasil kajian dan penelitian. Jurnal Syifa al-Qulub memiliki tujuan memperluas wawasan, paradigma, konsep dan teori dibidang Tasawuf, Psikoterapi dan Konseling perspektif Islami dan Sufi.
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Articles 101 Documents
Tasawuf Nusantara (Studi Tentang Nilai-Nilai Mistis dalam Agama Sunda Wiwitan di Kampung Pasir Samarang Garut) Enok Risdayah
Syifa al-Qulub Vol 4, No 1 (2019): Juli, Syifa Al-Qulub
Publisher : Fakultas Ushuluddin UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/saq.v4i1.5251


Local religion in Indonesia is actually a form of pluralism that should be protected, because religion is part of human rights. Although many experienced challenges and obstacles, they were recognized and not officially recognized by the state, but the adherents of the local religion to this time still exist and they proved to be able to survive. On the other hand the flow of global life hit all sides of human life including religion. Modern life has almost permeated allatheapeople of theaworld with theiglitter ofimaterialism. Inithisicondition Sufism is present as an antidote to soothing and purifying the mind, but not as a place of escape. Sufism teaches various things about how humans should behave, acting to achieve the ultimate goal, namely the pleasure of God. The problem is whether in local religion there are Sufism values, and how those values are applied in daily life. Thisdstudyauses qualitativetmethodsqwith interviewsiandgliterature as the data collection technique. Thefresultsdofjjtheggstudyccshowdthat therediare Sufism values in Sundanese Wiwitan religion as a local religion in the archipelago that can be applied inqdailydlife, onesof whicheeisaby always refraining from doing evil, instilling compassion with fellow humans.
Academic Guidance Management in Islamic State University Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung Nani Nuranisah Djamal; Medina Chodijah
Syifa al-Qulub Vol 4, No 1 (2019): Juli, Syifa Al-Qulub
Publisher : Fakultas Ushuluddin UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/saq.v4i1.5239


This research starts from the observations of researchers regarding the condition of the academic guidance at UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung.  Academic advisers are lecturers who are appointed and assigned the task of guiding a group of students who aim to help develop the individual potential of students. However, the results of the observation illustrate that the role has not yet proceeded as it should and not accompanied by clear and detailed guidelines for both the lecturer and the students themselves.This study aims to obtain an ideal academic guidance management model design for students at  UIN Sunan gunung Djati Bandung by considering: a) general description of academic guidance experienced by students; b). operational student academic guidance; and c). Academic guidance content provided to students.In this study there is only one variable, namely academic guidance management which means the application of management functions in academic guidance activities. The approach used in this research is mixed methods research, where the researcher seeks and analyzes the data obtained both quantitatively and qualitatively simultaneously, which is then processed and presented using descriptive statistics. The respondents in this study were students and lecturers who were representatives of 8 faculties at UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung.The results of the study are presented in 4 major sections, namely; general description of academic guidance, operational academic guidance, academic guidance content and academic guidance management that have been taking place at UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung. General description of academic guidance contains the objectives of academic guidance, rights, and obligations of academic supervisors and guidance students. The operational academic guidance of students is focused on the point of time guidance, guidance cards and indicators of the success of guidance. In the aspect of academic guidance content given to students, researchers focus on 4 points, namely; academic guidance, personal guidance, social guidance, and career guidance. Management in academic guidance activities themselves have several functions that have not been discussed in detail in this study. This is because researchers only focus this research on the functions of planning, organizing and controlling. The function of decision making, staffing, communication and direction is highlighted by the researcher on the proposal or recommendation of the ideal academic guidance management pattern that should apply in UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung.Based on the data obtained then the researcher gives advice; both theoretical, suggestions for further research and suggestions for validating the design of academic guidance management that is ideal for UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung which has been designed by researchers.
Tasawuf dalam Karya Sastra Kontemporer Enok Risdayah; Krisna Somantri; Dedi Suyandi
Syifa al-Qulub Vol 3, No 2 (2019): Januari, Syifa Al-Qulub
Publisher : Fakultas Ushuluddin UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/saq.v3i2.4324


Tasawuf adalah budi pekerti, akhlak, dan moral. Merupakan inti serta bagian yang tidak dapat dipisahkan dari Islam, bersumber pada Al-Quran dan al-Hadis. Bertujuan untuk mushāhadah (menyaksikan Allah) sebagai pemaknaan mendalam terhadap kata ihsān melalui safā (penycian jiwa) sebagai tarīqatuh (jalan menuju ma’rifatullah). Prilaku tasawuf adalah cerminan akhlak mulia yang semestinya hadir dalam setiap bidang kehidupan termasuk dalam dunia sastra atau sastra bercorak sufistik. Ia merupakan internalisasi ajaran-ajaran sufi dalam sastra. Inilah yang dilakukan oleh Fahd Pahdepie, novelis asal Indonesia yang mewakili generasi muda dengan creative writink-nya. Metode kualitatif digunakan dalam penelitian ini untuk menggali sedalam-dalamnya tentang karya Fahd terutama novel berjudul “Menatap Punggung Muhammad” dengan teknik wawancara dan studi pustaka. Melalui pendekatan analisis-deskriptif menunjukkan bahwa karya Fahd termasuk pada sastra kontemporer bernuansa sufistik.
Gerakan Pemikiran Islam Kultural Sufistik di Indonesia Yumna Yumna; Zainal Abidin
Syifa al-Qulub Vol 4, No 1 (2019): Juli, Syifa Al-Qulub
Publisher : Fakultas Ushuluddin UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/saq.v4i1.5252


Bersatunya Islam di di kehidupan manusia sejak empat belas abad yang lalu telah membangkitkan ajaran hidup yang sebelumnya statis menjadi dinamis. Eksperimen sejarah memiliki andil besar dalam mengaktualisasikan hubungan Islam dan Negara. Masyarakat Muslim menjadi agent nya. Tujuan-tujuan terpenting dalam sebuah Negera dalam Islam adalah mempertahankan integritas dan keselamatan Negara. Pemerintah yang kuat akan mampu mengambil keputusan positif bagi stabilitas Negara dan terpeliharanya Agama. Dalam tulisan ini akan dijelaskan pola hubungan antara Islam dan Negara dalam diskursus politik Islam, berkaitan dengan isu pluralisme dan ideologi politik aliran serta dinamika politik Islam dalam konteks keindonesiaan.Tipologi pemikiran politik Islam dalam catatan sejarah dapat dilacak dari peristiwa sejarah dan bukti-bukti yang otentik.  Munawir Sjadzili menjelaskan dalam bukunya Islam dan Tata Negara bahwa ada tiga tipologi. Pertama, golongan yang menyatakan bahwa Islam adalah agama yang universal dan kaffah, sehingga agama besar ini turut mengatur urusan politik dan ketatanegaraan. Kedua, golongan yang menyatakan bahwa politik dan negara adalah sesuatu yang terpisah dari Islam, maka keduanya harus dipisahkan satu sama lain. Ketiga, kendati agama tidak secara rinci menjelaskan aturan yangberkenaan dengan urusan politik dan ketatanegaraan, tetapi di dalamnya terdapat seperangkat prinsip dan peraturan yang berkenaan dengan masalah politik dan ketatanegaraan. Perkembangan politik Islam di Indonesia senantiasa menjadi pusat perhatian yang menarik, baik di dalam maupun luar negeri. Terlebih lagi, fenomena desakan penerapan syariat Islam dan amandemen Pasal 29 UUD 1945 belum juga selesai diperbincangkan dan diperjuangkan oleh sebagian ormas dan partai yang berasaskan Islam.Perpecahan dan konflik di tubuh PPP, PKB, PAN, dan PBB belum lama ini adalah fakta yang tak terbantahkan. PPP dan PBB yang pernah mengharamkan pemimpin wanita, namun setelah diberi jatah kekuasaan menjadi diam, menunjukkan bahwa dalam politik umat Islam hanya dijadikan bumper kekuasaan elite partai.Kesimpulan dari pembahasan ini, Pertama, bahwa berbeda dengan pemikiran politik Islam klasik dan pertengahan yang homogen dan realis dengan kekuasaan yang ada akibat realitas politiknya yang menghendaki hal itu, maka pemikiran politik Islam modem beragam dan mengalami perkembangan mengagumkan.Kedua, fragmentasi politik Islam di Indonesia ditandai dengan berdirinya partai politik Islam. Ketiga, gerakan Islam kultural dalam konstelasi politik Indonesia ditunjukan dengan adanya kaukus partai Islam dan partai berbasis massa umat Islam dalam pesta demokrasi di Pemilu tahun 1999 dan 2004.
Sedekah Sebagai Kekuatan Spiritual (Studi Kasus pada Komunitas Yuk Sedekah Bandung) Dewi Mariyana; Naan Naan; Tamami Tamami
Syifa al-Qulub Vol 4, No 1 (2019): Juli, Syifa Al-Qulub
Publisher : Fakultas Ushuluddin UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/saq.v4i1.5241


Many societies are moslem, but some of them don’t want to give alms. Their reason don’t give alms because they wait for rich. Actually the alms doesn’t have to wait for to be rich, but is difficult condition also Allah suggests to give the alms. This research is done to know the alms existential in Yuk Sedekah Bandung community. And, to know spiritual valeu which form giving alms in teh Yuk Sedekah Bandung community. The method is used in this observation is descriptive qualitative, it’s the method which describes of gives imagination about event which is observed completly (not only something is looked and suppressed). In order to produce the deepest meaning. It’s own data source are founding, director, members and donors Yuk Sedekah Bandung community. The result of this research show that: (1) the existential of alms is looked at from alms implementation proces in the Yuk Sedekah Bandung community is done with theree fixed program of community, they are Yuk Sedekah Bank, Yuk Sedekah Berbagi and Yuk Sedekah Berbakti. While the alms support factor in this community there are inspiration, motivation, massage, empathy excessive treasures and freetime which is had by the members og Yuk Sedekah Bandung community. And the alms resistor factor in this community are personal necessity, wrong place to give alms and temptation don’t give high alms. (2) spiritual value form from the alms in Yuk Sedekah Bandung community are increasing faith, and it can be responsible it’s own treasure on the judgment day, increasing spirited, knowledge, istiqamah, good manners and as a liaison after praying between the child with parents who has died. Increasing hospitality and happiness between donors with receiver, and expediting matter and sustenance, increasing inner serenity and meaning of life.    
Konsep Tasawuf Modern dalam Pemikiran Nasaruddin Umar Didin Komarudin
Syifa al-Qulub Vol 3, No 2 (2019): Januari, Syifa Al-Qulub
Publisher : Fakultas Ushuluddin UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/saq.v3i2.3535


Tasawuf pada zaman dahulu sangat terasa di kalangan masyarakat, peran Tasawuf sangat membawa dampak yang sangat positif. Rasa persatuan yang sungguh erat, jiwa gotong royong yang sungguh terasa. Berbeda dengan zaman modern ini, dimana mulai lunturnya beberapa konsep kehidupan yang saling mengasihi dan mencintai sesama umat manusia atau bahkan sesama muslim. Terjadi di dewasa ini, bahwa umat manusia atau umat muslim telah hilang daya nalar kehidupan yang cinta damai dan saling mengasihi dan munculnya rasa saling membenci satu sama lain. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pemikiran Nasaruddin Umar tentang konsep Tasawuf Modern, dan juga pandangan Nasaruddin Umar tentang Impikasi Tasawuf Modern dalam tinjauan pemikiran Nasaruddin Umar. Metode yang digunakan dalam Penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif, dengan pendekatan Deskriptif Analitif, serta konsep triangulasi yakni: observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Observasi ini dilakukan di tempat pengajian yang diadakan oleh Nasaruddin Umar sebagai Informan Kunci. Dan proses wawancara dilakukan langsung bersama Informan kunci di Rumahnya.Berdasarkan hasil data yang diperoleh dilapangan dan hasil analisis data, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa: Pemahaman konsep Tasawuf Modern adalah dengan meninggalkan segala praktek Tasawuf yang memisahkan diri dari kehidupan dunia dan menggantikannya dengan praktek Tasawuf yang tidak memisahkan diri dari tatanan sosial kemasyarakatan. Tasawuf itu pada intinya mensucikan diri dari polusi pemikiran  materealistis yang masuk kedalam pemikiran komprehensif.
Shalat Perspektif Kaum Sufi Ihsan Sobari; Hasan Mud'is; Muhtar Gojali
Syifa al-Qulub Vol 4, No 1 (2019): Juli, Syifa Al-Qulub
Publisher : Fakultas Ushuluddin UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/saq.v4i1.5253


One way for a servant to establish good relations with God is to pray. prayer is a form of worship of a servant to his God who can prevent it from vile and evil deeds. If humans are able to pray well, then the potential to commit crimes will be closed. However, some of the people who perform prayers but the immoral acts are also cariied out is not used as a method of self transformation in order to be able to prevent themselves from vile and mockery.This background raises some formulation of the problem, namely how to pray in the sufi view, in this case Imam Al-Ghazali and Ibnu Qayyim Al-Jauzi who is a Sufi figure popular among students of sufism and spiritual walkers. With the comparative study of the sufi figures, it will respresent other thoughts about prayer. Then the formulation of the next problem ia about how similarities are also different views about prayer. The purpose of this study was to find out and understand the views of the sufis, in this case Imam Al-Ghazali and Ibnu Qayyim Al-Jauzi, about how to pray in their view and to know the differences in their similarity of views about prayer.Al-Ghazali argues that prayer is actually dhikr, reading, munajat, and dialogue. but, it will not happen without the presence of the heart. Ibnu Qayyim Al-Jauziyah defines prayer by exposing the heart to Allah and presenting the total heart to him. If the heart is not facing God and is busy with others and lulled by the whisper of his lust, he is like a guest visiting the royal palace to express the reason for all his mistakes and forgetfulness, expecting a cloud of kindness, compassion and mercy, and proposing a number of things can strengthen his heart to be more loyal to serve. Prayers and worship are actually prayer and heart worship. If the heart is negligent and solemn or not concentrating in prayer, the physical prayer will fall apart. If this happens, the physical peace that is expected to come through physical prayer will not be achived. physical prayer can only be done with a solemn heart.
Manusia Holistik Dalam Perspektif Psikologi dan Tasawuf Meta Malihatul Maslahat
Syifa al-Qulub Vol 4, No 1 (2019): Juli, Syifa Al-Qulub
Publisher : Fakultas Ushuluddin UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/saq.v4i1.5242


Penelitian ini betujuan untuk mengkaji manusia holistik dalam perspektif psikologi dan tasawuf. Dalam perspektif psikologi, manusia holistik adalah manusia yang dengan potensi yang dimilikinya ia mampu menemukan makna hidup sehingga hidupnya bermakna, bahagia dan sejahtera. Dalam perspektif tasawuf, manusia holistik adalah ia yang dengan kehendak Tuhan bisa mencapai kondisi jiwa yang tenteram (nafs muthmainnah). Adapun dalam perspektif psikologi sufistik, manusia holistik diartikan sebagai manusia paripurna.  Manusia paripurna ini adalah manusia yang mampu mengintegrasikan dan menyeimbangkan potensi diri dan potensi yang diberikan Tuhan sehingga akal dan hatinya tercerahkan oleh pancaran cahaya pengetahuan dan sinar Ilahi.
ZIKIR HENING SUFI DALAM ANALISIS SEMIOTIKA Hasanuddin Chaer; Ahmad Sirulhaq; Abdul Rasyad
Syifa al-Qulub Vol 4, No 2 (2020): Januari, Syifa Al-Qulub
Publisher : Fakultas Ushuluddin UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/saq.v4i2.7308


The Sufis are practitioners of the science of purification of heart. Sufism is the esoteric or inner dimension of Islam. Sufism can’t to be explained theoretically, it can only be understood through participation and practice. The activities of the ritual dhikr of Sufi have signs and meanings. The Sign of systems include words, movements, pictures, numbers, and objects. These signs have meaning to convey. The Signs have denotative and connotative of meanings.This article uses a descriptive analysis method. We analyze discursive and non-discursive symbols, is words that involve emotions and non-verbal meanings such as Sufi body movements in ritual prayers and dhikr. Dhikr “silence” is a command to observe silence which is the purpose of dhikr silent. The purpose of this article is to open the essence of Sufi and semiotics of tasawwuf as the deepest spiritual teachings of the Prophet Muhammad in achieving of silence of “qolbu mu’min Baitullah”
Religious Epistemologis: Evidentialisme dan Eksklusivisme Humanist Muliadi Muliadi
Syifa al-Qulub Vol 4, No 2 (2020): Januari, Syifa Al-Qulub
Publisher : Fakultas Ushuluddin UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/saq.v4i2.7574


This article seeks to explain about the spiritual model as an effort that is passed and taken by humans in understanding and achieving Something Absolute, namely God. The method used is reflective analysis, which describes deeply and comprehensively the potential inherent in human beings that is used in understanding the existence of self and God. Human definitions are very diverse, including: socio-political beings, thinking beings, sentient beings, even godly beings. All of these definitions reinforce that humans are creatures. While the object sought by humans is something that is outside and inside him. In its search, humans exploit the potential of knowledge inherent in themselves, starting from the simplest with empirical experience, then rationalist knowledge, to religious-spiritualist knowledge. With the perfection of potential and knowledge achieved, human beings are placed in two functions that must not be broken, namely to strengthen their pertical and horizontal relationships. This pertikal relationship is a form of exclusivity with his Lord, while his horizontal form is sincere dedication because he is with his fellow humans and his nature.                                                             

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