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Journal of Governance and Public Policy
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The journal aims to publish research articles within the field of Public Policy and Governance, and to analys a range of contemporary political and governing processes.
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Articles 366 Documents
Strategi Pemerintah Daerah Poso Periode 2010-2015 dalam Menghadapi Konflik Sosial Zulkifli Hi Manna; Inu Kencana Syafiie
Journal of Governance and Public Policy Vol 1, No 2: June 2014
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/jgpp.v1i2.2099


The purpose of  this study was 1) to determine the government’s strategy in dealing with the Poso area of  socialconflict and 2) to assess the constraints faced by local governments in dealing with conflict in Poso sosial.Jenis in thisresearch is a qualitative descriptive study using a case study approach took place in Poso, Central Sulawesi. Descrip-tive study (descriptive research) is a research method that is intended to describe the phenomena that exist, whichtakes place in the present or the past. Methods of  data collection in this research is to use interviews and documen-tation. The informant in this research is the Local Government Poso, Poso Regional Police and Community LeadersPoso. Results from the study is that there are three strategies Poso district governments in the face of  social conflicts.The first economic development policy by opening jobs, economic empowerment, providing educational facilities andhealth facilities. Both of  multicultural education by building schools harmony in collaboration with religious leaders andreligious organizations. The third inter-religious dialogue by establishing the Forum for Religious Harmony which isfunded budget. While the constraints faced by the local authorities in the face of  social conflict in Poso: First there is no permanent reconciliation. Both recovery funds for humanitarian tragedy of  the central government has not been well targeted and Third stigma that religion causes conflict. The results of  this study can be used as a reference for otherregions in anticipation of a conflict that could lead to social conflict. The conflict in the region is generally caused byeconomic factors, but wrapped in religious conflicts.
The Uttilization of Jogja Smart Service Application: an E-Readiness Approach Auliya Try Anggraini; Muhammad Iqbal
Journal of Governance and Public Policy Vol 7, No 2 (2020): June 2020
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/jgpp.72130


This study will analyze the readiness of the Yogyakarta City Government in Jogja Smart Service services. This study will use the E-Readiness approach to measure government preparedness. The four indicators of the E-Readiness model are Policy, infrastructure, financial resources, and human resources. This research uses a qualitative approach. The findings show the Yogyakarta City Information and Bath Communication Office is ready in the implementation process in developing the concept of the smart city through the Jogja Smart service application. Policy readiness can be seen from the availability of the legal basis stated in Yogyakarta Mayor Regulation No. 15 of 2015 concerning e-Government and the decision of the mayor of Yogyakarta number 373 regarding the application of Jogja smart services related to the position, duties, and functions of technical managers. From the aspect of the development of Jogja Smart Service application infrastructure, it is ready to implement the application of Jogja smart service. It is intended that the infrastructure has been available from previous years. Overall readiness of musty budget resources can be seen from a very significant budget allocation from year to year where the application of these funds comes from the budget, and there is no allocation of funds from the private sector. If viewed from the aspect of internal human resources, there is still a lack of human resources in the field of programmers so that the government cooperates with programmers in developing Jogja Smart Service applications.
Konflik Agraria Di Kabupaten Pulau Morotai (Studi Peran Pemerintah Daerah Pada Konflik Pertanahan di Masyarakat) Indra Lesang; Zuly Qodir
Journal of Governance and Public Policy Vol 1, No 3: October 2014
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/jgpp.v1i3.2111


Matter agrarian (matter land) is matter live and livelihood human, due to land is origin and source food. Land causeproblem and conflict. Land conflict case in Pulau Morotai regency is conflict land between five villagers with TNI-AU.This research use descriptive qualitative approach. Data source obtained from study literature, documentation, andinterview with some information sources. First result research, this conflict land matters have roots in from history.This land matters conflict development originating from from difference perception of mastery land. Less firm attitudeLocal Government also is one of this source conflict. The conflict by economy impact to community five village particularlyin development. All invenstor also afraid instill the capital, this was because because happened resistance bysociety five village. Second, less intense it Pemerintah Daerah Melakukan Konsiliasi, mediation. Conciliation and Mediasionly happened when action protest getting intense. Happened by house foundation demolition and community propertyhouse five village no intervene by government to block. Third, policies issued by government of Pulau Morotairegency in conflict land matters between community five Desa with TNI-AU not touched in society. Policies made toomuch bias elite.
Local Government Respond to COVID-19 Pandemics: A Study of South Tangerang City Evi Satispi; Retnowati Wahyuning DyasTuti; Aqil Teguh Fathani; Phimlikid Kaewhanam
Journal of Governance and Public Policy Vol 8, No 2 (2021): June 2021
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/jgpp.v8i2.11439


This study aims to analyze local governments' efforts in promoting and implementing policies issued during COVID-19. It can also be seen what instruments are used by the government in the socialization of the policy, and the communication between local government officials and the media, society, and business can be seen. The method used in this research is descriptive with a qualitative approach to see the stages of communication in their role in socializing the Tangerang City Government's policies. The results showed that a policy's socialization had gone very well through various socialization of communications such as online media, print media, and electronic media. This type of socialization media is the main instrument of the Tangerang local government in disseminating policies. Another type of socialization is direct media or outreach to each village. It is recommended that the Tangerang City Government improve its performance in disseminating policies to achieve the resulting policy objectives to build public order towards the policies taken.
Analisis Hasil Reses DPRD dalam Penyusunan Dan Penetapan APBD Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ulu Selatan Tahun Anggaran 2014 Alva Beriansyah; Dyah Mutiarin
Journal of Governance and Public Policy Vol 2, No 2: June 2015
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/jgpp.v2i2.2127


The Parliament recess activity is a form of participation from the community in the planning process of developmentin the area. Perliament of the South OKU regency implement recess 3 times in one year. The process of recessactivities began with preparations of parliament to determine the place, time and all material to be delivered duringrecess implementations. Preparations of recess participants conducted to determine the aspirations to be deliveredduring recess. The aspiration to be delivered during the recess comes from Musrembangdes, all aspirations has beendelivered during the previous recess and unrealized aspirations, also in village meeting. The first thing that discussedto the implementation of the recess is consulting parliament activities before and after recess. The second things arethe expressions of aspirations by recess participant. Aspirations articulated by recess participants will be identifiedtogether by the recess participants and parliament. The results of this agenda will be used as a report aspirationsrecess and it will be submitted to the regional government. Articulate of aspirations during the discussions of KUA andPPAS will be prepared at fractions meeting by asking the opinions of each member in factions by the discussions of thegeneral statements of fractions. The general statement form fraction used as a reference for members of parliamentsto follow commission and board budget meeting
Analisis Implementasi Kebijakan Wajib Belajar 9 Tahun dalam Meningkatkan Mutu Pendidikan di Kota Ternate Wahyudi Barmawi; Suranto Suranto
Journal of Governance and Public Policy Vol 3, No 1: February 2016
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/jgpp.v3i1.2143


Education is very effective to build nation and country with dynamic civilization. Government Regulation number 47 of2008 on compulsory education is intended to realize acceleration and even distribution of education to all directionwith central and local government commitment. This research discusses implementation of 9 year compulsory educationpolicy in Ternate and factors affecting the implementation. The research was intended (1) to identify implementationof 9 year compulsory education policy in improving educational quality in state primary school and state juniorhigh school in Ternate and (2) to identify factors affecting implementation of 9 year compulsory education policy inimproving educational quality in state primary school and state junior high school in Ternate. Theory used in thisresearch is policy implementation refereeing to Grindle and Edward III views. This research used descriptive qualitativeapproach. The results show that implementation of compulsory education program in Ternate has not been optimalyet. It is indicated with attitude of policy executor in education office of Ternate in responding problems occurring inschools. There are many non-permanent employees in some school, one building for two school and library in SMPN12 in Moti Island that was hit by abrasion have not been fixed. Conclusion of the research indicated that implementationof compulsory education program in Ternate has not been optimal yet. Factor affecting compulsory educationpolicy is disposition. The disposition factor determines 9 year compulsory education policy in Ternate.
Journal of Governance and Public Policy Vol 4, No 1: February 2017
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/jgpp.v4i1.2642


Health care is one of the fundamental rights of the people who held the government as mandated in the 1945 ConstitutionArticle 28H Paragraph (1) Everyone has the right to live physically and mentally prosperous, residence and got a goodenvironment and healthy and receive medical care. Social Security Agency consists of BPJS BPJS Health and Employmentwhich will cover the entire population of Indonesia no later than January 1, 2019. Services BPJS many people questioned.According to Assistant Representative ORI D.I.Y. Reports BPJS services complaints procedure is quite high in 2015. Thereare also complaints of them in the management of the bureaucracy, registration, until the queues are long and the relatedpayment. Of the existing problems researchers aim to investigate the implementation of the National Health Insurance(JKN) focused on Stakeholder Relations, Financing Model and Outcome JKN in Bantul. This research approach using acombination of methods. The research location in the district of Bantul. Sources of data in this study are primary data andsecondary data. Data collection techniques in this study using interview, questioner and documentation. The unit of dataanalysis in this study is the Social Security Agency. The sampling technique using the formula Slovin. Data analysistechniques in this study using data reduction, data presentation and conclusion. According to the research there is arelationship between BPJS with Health Facilities regulated in PP No.85 Year 2013 on cooperation in improving healthservices. Hospitals and health centers in collaboration with BPJS had been running quite positive. A total of 90 healthfacilities in Bantul who cooperate with BPJS. Of health insurance financing model thats enough ideal assessed on the indexaverage of 2.74 included in either category. JKN one principle of mutual assistance means helping each one participant tothe other participants. While the outcome JKN assessed on the percentage of the guarantee of health in Indonesia (52.5%)in the province D.I.Y. (64.6%) and in Bantul (73%). Tinkat Bantul merepon public awareness by becoming participantsBPJS. Service is guaranteed for the First level services and advanced stipulated in Presidential Decree No. 19 Year 2016.And the cost of minor health for the poor. Of the average index value JKN outcome of 3:06 categorized as either couldmean that JKN program has considerable benefits for both participants.
Journal of Governance and Public Policy Vol 4, No 3 (2017): October 2017
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/jgpp.v4i3.3607


Berdasarkan Undang-Undang Nomor 21 Tahun 2001 tentang Otonomi Khusus Bagi Propinsi Popua, kepada Provinsi dan Kabupaten/kota di Provinsi Papua diberikan Otonomi Khusus, yakni bentuk otonomi yang hanya diberikan kepada Provinsi Papua dan Provinsi Nanggroe Aceh Darusalam. Dalam bidang keuangan, khususan ini diwujudkan dengan pemberian Dana Otonomi Khusus yang berupa dana penerimaan khusus dan dana bagi hasil minyak bumi dan gas alam yang presentasenya lebih besar dibandingkan daerah lain di Indonesia. Dana otonomi khusus yang besar jumlahnya tidak sebanding dengan kualitas sumber daya manusia yang mengelola dana tersebut. Hal ini bisa menghambat efektivitas dalam mencapai tujuan pemberian otonomi khusus, yaitu peningkatan pendidikan dan kesehatan (gizi) masyarakat asli Papua.Sifat penelitian ini adalah deskriptif analisis dengan menerapkan metode studi kepustakaan dan wawancara tidak berstruktur dengan pejabat di lingkungan Direktorat Fasilitas Dana Perimbangan Direktorat Jenderal Bina Administrasi Keuangan Daerah Departemen Dalam Negeri. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dana otonomi khusus ternyata tidak memberikan keseimbangan fiskal, baik vertikal maupun horizontal, bahkan sebaliknya menambah kesenjangan fiskal, mengingat sebagian besar kapasitas fiskal kabupaten/kota di provinsi Papua termasuk kategori sedang dan tinggi (hanya 2 yang berkapasitas fiskal rendah). Selain itu, terdapat peraturan pelaksanaan pengelolaan dana otonomi khusus yang saling bertentangan sehingga dapat menimbulkan perbedaan persepsi. Oleh karena itu perlu diperjelas aturan mengenai pengelolaan dana otonomi khusus sehingga dapat dijadikan pedoman dalam pelaksanaannya.
Quality of Healthcare Services in the Tengger Tribe Community of Ranu Pane Village Sakir Sakir; Akhmad Habibullah
Journal of Governance and Public Policy Vol 6, No 1 (2019): February 2019
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/jgpp.61104


One of the primary functions of the state is to provide public services. Through their authority, the state is required to provide excellent service, in order to respond to public demands which gets increasingly complex. Ideally,  high-quality public services should not only be given to people in the urban areas, but also towards marginalized people, including isolated indigenous communities. This study intends to determine the extent of the quality of the public services provided to the Tengger Tribe community in Probolinggo Regency, East Java. The research is conducted in Ranupane Village, Probolinggo Regency. And the research method used is qualitative method, with the techniques for collecting data are interviews, observation and documentation. Results showed that the quality of healthcare services for the people of Tengger Tribe was not optimal. The influential factors are local culture, geographical location, infrastructure and the quality of government official resources. As for the recommendations offered are for the regional government to give an optimal healthcare service, through the placement of health workers (doctors, nurses, midwives) with adequate experience, repair infrastructures and build health facilities on Maternity Cottage (Polindes) and Assisting Health Center (Pustu) level, and creating innovation in healthcare specifically for marginalized communities like the Tengger Tribe and other tribes in Indonesia, in order to create a synchronization between medical and non-medical treatments.
NGO and Community Empowerment Based on Local Wisdom (a Case Study of Spedagi NGO in Temanggung, Central Java, 2018-2019) Dian Eka Rahmawati; Dwi Woro Astuti
Journal of Governance and Public Policy Vol 6, No 3 (2019): October 2019
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/63114


Community empowerment is an effort to develop community skills through various activities by utilizing the potential of existing resources so that it has a positive impact on the socio-economic activities of the community. One significant role in community empowerment is the Non-Governmental Organization (NGO). This study aims to analyze the role of the NGO Spedagi in empowering rural communities based on local wisdom through the Papringan Market activity in Temanggung, Central Java.This study used a qualitative method. The researchers collected the data through observation, documentation, and interview techniques. The observation was examining various activities in Spedagi NGOs and the community, as well as the condition of the Papringan Market, was the observation. The researchers collected data for documentation from several types of literature, documents, websites, and official social media. The NGO's manager, the village leaders, the community, and Papringan Market traders were the parts of interviews. The results of this study found two purposes of the NGO Spedagi in empowering communities based on local wisdom through the Papringan Market. They were political and non-political purposes. The political role could be seen from the efforts to strengthen the capacity and articulation of community interests to increase community bargaining to influence village government policies while the non-political role could be seen from the efforts of the NGO Spedagi along with the local community to carry out physical development, economic empowerment, and social empowerment that lead to sustainability by utilizing the local potential.

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