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Jurnal Ilmiah Advokasi Vol 10, No 2 (2022): Jurnal Ilmiah Advokasi
Publisher : Universitas Labuhanbatu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36987/jiad.v10i2.2333


Micro, Small Medium Enterpise (MSMEs) play a vital part in a financial improvement in Indonesia. In setting up a business, very much like other enormous ventures, MSMEs won’t ver escape from Licensed innovation Privilages, particularly reserve. This brand name enlistment will stay away from counterfeiting and get lawfull assurance from the public authority. However, truth the told there are as yet numerous MSMEs that poor person enrolled their brand names since they are compelled by capital and comprehension of the advantages of the brand name. Considering this, a guideline is expected to secure the brands possessed by the MSME business. So in this review, I will analyze how government strategies give lawfull insurance to MSMEs. This examination utilizes standardizing juridicial exploration strategies. The consequence of the review show that the Public authority’s strategy in giving lawful insurance to MSMEs is to give accommodation in brand name enlistment, in particular the enrollment expense for MSMEs brands which is less expensive than non-UMKM brands, teaming up with the Chief General of Data ad Correpodence Innovation of the Service of Cooperatives and MSMEs, escalated awards for financing the enlistment of MSME marks, and can complete aggregate brand name enrollmens for MSME business.      Keywords : Legal Protection, Government Policy, MSMEs, Law Number 20 year 2016 on Merk                   and IG
Handling Global Warming With The Movement To Plant Trees In Terasbendung Village Communities Firdaus Firdaus; Azef Rahmat Hary Sapto; Muhtasor Jidan; Hairul Afandi; Ratu Anggita Aprilia; Rara Anggraeni Nur Afifah; Regina Permatadewi Tantiany Gunawan; Mareta Puspita Arianie; Elly Nurmahlia; Andini Marwah; Rima Oktavian; Wafdaa Taaz Hafsari Putri; Belardo Prasetya Mega Jaya
MOVE: Journal of Community Service and Engagement Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): September 2022

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54408/move.v2i1.123


Terasbendung Village is one of the villages in Lebakwangi district, Serang regency and is located in a lowland area with an area of rice farming land as the main commodity. The size of the farmland is not accompanied by shady areas so that the village environment becomes arid with weeds around the road. Related to this problem, the efforts made are with the DEMEN (Village Planting Tree) movement as a superior program. This program consists of four stages starting from the preparation stage with regional observation, the implementation stage, the implementation stage, and the evaluation stage. Trees planted include pulai trees, ambon trees, manga trees, and rambutan trees. Planting is carried out in the area around the road to the village starting from the Terasbendung village office with a total of 90 trees. This effort educates the public regarding the importance of trees in the environment and is expected to be a massive effort in the future. The movement of one tree for the world starting from the village will be able to develop into a massive movement for other regions as a model.
Criminal Responsibilities of Criminal Trafficking in PerCriminal Responsibilities of Criminal Trafficking in Persons with Mail-Order Bride Mode Between China and Indonesiasons with Mail-Order Bride Mode Between China and Indonesia Reine Rofiana; Muhyi Mohas; Belardo Prasetya Mega Jaya; Nuryati Solapari; Shofia Khairunnisa
Asy-Syir'ah: Jurnal Ilmu Syari'ah dan Hukum Vol 56, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Faculty of Sharia and Law - Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/ajish.v56i1.994


Abstract: This article discusses legal provisions regarding the criminal act of trafficking in persons between Indonesia and China with the mail-order bride mode, which has recently occurred in various regions in Indonesia, and the criminal responsibility of the perpetrators of the trafficking in persons. The primary sources of this research are Law No. 21 of 2007 on the Eradication of Human Trafficking, the Criminal Law of the People’s Republic of China, Law No. 13 of 2017 concerning the Ratification of the Agreement between the Republic of Indonesia and the People’s Republic of China regarding Extradition, and the results of interviews with various party. The secondary sources come from scientific works that study or are related to the object of this research. Using juridical-empirical approach, this study results indicate that the criminal act of trafficking in persons with the order mode of the bride and groom between men with Chinese citizenship and women with Indonesian citizenship was committed by several parties, including Indonesian agents, Chinese agents, mail-order bride service users, and intermediary parties (makcomblang). The perpetrators of the crime of trafficking persons who are in Indonesia can be subject to criminal sanctions as stipulated in Law No. 21 of 2007 on the Eradication of Human Trafficking. Meanwhile, perpetrators who are domiciled in China can be subject to criminal sanctions through extradition based on an extradition agreement between China and Indonesia (July 1, 2009) which has been ratified by Law No. 13 of 2017 concerning the Ratification of the Agreement between the Republic of Indonesia and the People’s Republic of China regarding Extradition. Abstrak: Artikel ini mengkaji ketentuan hukum tentang tindak pidana perdagangan orang antara Indonesia dan Cina dengan modus pengantin pesanan yang akhir-akhir ini banyak terjadi di berbagai daerah di Indonesia dan  pertanggungjawaban pidana para pelaku tindak pidana perdagangan orang tersebut. Sumber utama penelitian ini adalah Undang-Undang Nomor 21 Tahun 2007 tentang Tindak Pidana Perdagangan Orang (TPPO), Criminal Law of the People’s Republic of China, Undang-Undang Nomor 13 Tahun 2017 tentang Pengesahan Persetujuan antara Republik Indonesia dengan Republik Rakyat Cina, dan hasil wawancara dengan berbagai pihak. Adapun sumber sekundernya berasal dari karya-karya ilmiah yang mengkaji atau berkaitan dengan objek penelitian ini. Menggunakan pendekatan yuridis-empiris, penelitian ini menemukan bahwa tindak pidana perdagangan orang dengan modus pengantin pesanan antara laki-laki berkewarganegaraan Cina dengan perempuan berkewarganegaraan Indonesia dilakukan oleh beberapa pihak, yang meliputi agen Indonesia, agen Cina, pengguna jasa pengantin pesanan, dan pihak perantara (makcomblang). Para pelaku tindak pidana perdagangan orang yang berada di Indonesia ini dapat dikenai sanksi pidana sebagaimana diatur dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 21 tahun 2007 tentang Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Perdagangan Orang. Sementara para pelaku yang berkedudukan di negara Cina dapat dikenai sanksi pidana melalui pemberlakuan ekstradisi berdasarkan persetujuan ekstradisi antara Cina dan Indonesia (1 Juli 2009) dan telah disahkan dengan Undang-Undang Nomor 13 Tahun 2017 tentang Pengesahan Persetujuan antara Republik Indonesia dengan Republik Rakyat Cina. 
Increasing Legal Effectiveness in Cipasung Village, Lemahsugih District, Majalengka Regency, West Java Belardo Prasetya Mega Jaya; Chatri Pratiwi Ningrum; Trixi Karinina Dewi Sindhutomo; Akbar Ari Rangga Prabu Zulkifar; Wilda Riva Fadhilah; Anabela Callista Zahwa; Firanda Bery Amini; Meutia Irdina Khairunnisa; Yoshi Daud Shimada; Christian Sandy Pangestu; Nasrul Hidayat
MOVE: Journal of Community Service and Engagement Vol. 2 No. 3 (2023): January 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54408/move.v2i3.157


One of the problems that occurred in Cipasung Village is regarding the legal awareness of the community and the resolution of disputes/conflicts between citizens was not resolved properly so that the law did not apply effectively. Therefore, the objectives of this study are to: (1) Explain and analyze the effectiveness of law in society; (2) Explain and analyze How the Implementation in increasing the effectiveness of law in Cipasung Village, Lemahsugih District, Majalengka Regency, West Java. The approach used in this study is a qualitative approach, with a descriptive method. The effectiveness of law in society is determined by various factors; legal factors, law enforcement factors, facilities factors, community legal awareness factor, and legal culture factor. The implementation of increasing the effectiveness of law in Cipasung Village is by carrying out several programs, namely the literacy room program, nature school, discussions with village officials and the community regarding law, purposes and functions of law, procedures & methods for solving legal problems, legal awareness, and legal culture. With these programs, it will increase public knowledge and legal awareness so that the law can be applied effectively inCipasung Village.
Marine Pollution by State-Owned Companies in Offshore Areas Reviewed Based on the 1982 UNCLOS (Case Study: Oil Spill by PT Pertamina in Offshore Area of North Karawang) Danial Danial; Belardo Prasetya Mega Jaya; Febi Sasti Rahayu
Jurnal Dinamika Hukum Vol 23, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20884/1.jdh.2023.23.1.3326


On July 12 2019, there was a pipe leak and a gas bubble oil spill belonging to PT Pertamina. PT Pertamina's pipeline leak in Karawang waters which has an impact from the oil spill threatens the ecosystem and the people around Karawang waters. Marine pollution cannot be seen only as a problem that occurs in the sea, because the oceans and land are an ecosystem unit that cannot be separated and are affected by one another. As a result of this incident, a problem arose regarding PT Pertamina's legal liability due to a pipe leak that caused marine pollution in Karawang waters. This research uses the normative juridical method. The purpose of this research is to find out the regulation of marine pollution actions carried out by PT Pertamina in the offshore area and to analyze the form of accountability. The results of the study can be concluded, firstly, that the regulation of marine pollution actions based on UNCLOS 1982 is contained in Articles 192, 194, 195, 196 and Law Number 32 of 2009 concerning Environmental Protection and Management. Secondly, in the form of liability for marine environmental pollution as a result of PT Pertamina's oil spill, there are three legal responsibilities (administrative liability, civil liability, and criminal liability).Keywords: Marine Pollution, Oil Spills, Accountability, UNCLOS 1982.
SUPREMASI HUKUM Vol 19 No 01 (2023): Supremasi Hukum
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Islam Syekh Yusuf

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33592/jsh.v19i1.3344


Government Regulation Number 27 of 2021 concerning the implementation of fisheries and marine affairs is one of the results of discussions to realize a national strategic plan for Indonesia in fisheries and marine affairs. However, in its implementation, it turns out that there are pros and cons in the community. The objective of this research is to analyze the impact of the enactment of Government Regulation Number 27 of 2021 concerning the implementation of the Marine Affairs and Fisheries Sector in realizing the national strategic plan in the marine and fisheries sector by comparing two sides between the government and the community. The results of this research indicate that there are differences of opinion from the Government side which states that Government Regulation Number 27 of 2021 concerning the Implementation of the Fisheries and Marine Affairs has a positive impact on marine and fisheries aspects in Indonesia. Nevertheless, from the community side, it states that there is a negative impact for the benefit and welfare of the people on environmental sustainability. Keywords: Fisheries and Marine; Indonesia Government Policy; National Strategic Plan; Polivy impact.
Integration of Islamic Law in Regional Development in Indonesia Irma Suryani; Mohamad Hidayat Muhtar; Yogi Muhammad Rahman; Belardo Prasetya Mega Jaya; Awad Al Khalaf
JURIS (Jurnal Ilmiah Syariah) Vol 22, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Batusangkar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31958/juris.v22i1.8770


Indonesia has introduced Islamic-based development programs, but challenges such as different interpretations, incompatibility between Islamic law and the national legal system, political influence, and the integration of Islamic values in sustainable development continue to hinder the implementation of Islamic legal approaches in regional development. This study aims to analyze the integration of Islamic legal concepts in regional development from an economic, social, political and environmental perspective and to identify concrete policies or programs that can be implemented to apply a holistic and sustainable approach to Islamic law in regional development. This research is categorized as normative legal research using primary and secondary legal materials in statutory and library documents (books, journals, reports and internet sources) and analyzed using a philosophical and analytic approach. According to the findings, the problem can be solved by creating an Islamic-based development program that considers economic, social, political, and environmental factors and guarantees the program's sustainability. Increasing community participation and involvement in the planning and implementing Islamic-based development programs and strengthening oversight of the use of funds and the environmental impact of development activities are possible solutions. Based on the findings of this research, it is recommended that a microfinance initiative based on Islamic principles be established in the area. Integrating Islamic principles and considering Indonesia's social diversity are prerequisites for the success of an Islamic legal approach to regional development.
Trademark Registration As A Legal Protection Effort For MSME Products Asep Hakim Zakiran; Mentari Jastisia; Belardo Prasetya Mega Jaya
Syiar Hukum Volume 20, No 2 (2022) : Syiar Hukum : Jurnal Ilmu Hukum
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Islam Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29313/shjih.v20i2.11883


MSMEs in Indonesia have enormous potential to support economic growth. It is because the number of MSMEs in Indonesia reaches 99.9% of all businesses operating in Indonesia. However, the high number of MSMEs in Indonesia has not been followed by the level of awareness of MSME actors to register their business brands. The purpose of this study is to determine the legal protection that MSMEs can obtain for their trademark registration. The method used in this research is normative juridical. The results of this study indicate that there are various benefits of registration, both preventive and repressive legal protection.
The Effect Of European Union's Implementation Of The Russian Economic Embargo On International Trade Sector Yogi Muhammad Rahman; Widya Jusu Adeningtyas; Belardo Prasetya Mega Jaya
Jurnal Dinamika Hukum Vol 23, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20884/1.jdh.2023.23.2.3518


This study analyzes effect of European Union's implementation economic embargo on Russia after Russian invasion of Ukraine. Embargoes imposed was stoppage imports of petroleum and natural gas  from Russia. This situation  impact of circulation oil and natural gas prices on global market because Russia is the world's largest supplier oil and natural gas. The purpose study is to analyze effect of  implementation Russian embargo on international trade sector and examine impact implementation embargo sanctions on Russian economy. The research methodology used is normative juridical. The results show that implementation of embargo against Russia will trigger escalation the price of crude oil and natural gas which are becoming scarce on the global market and significantly reduce availability of grain, wheat, barley and corn commodities while for Russia this case cause increase inflation due to Russia lost most of its shares in international markets.
Safeguarding the Rights of Indonesian Migrant Workers: Legal Counseling in Pabuaran and Sindangsari Assisted Villages Hilton Tarnama Putra M; Danial Danial; Surya Anom; Belardo Prasetya Mega Jaya; Mokhamad Gisa Vitrana; Hera Susanti; Yeliana Septiani Noor; Khotimah Estiyovionita; Tiara Destia Herman
Probono and Community Service Journal Vol 2, No 1 (2023): Education and Socialization of Community Legal Awareness
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51825/pcsj.v2i1.20000


The International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families, established in 1990, provides general regulations for the legal protection of migrant workers. Indonesia has adopted this convention by ratifying it through Law No. 6 of 2012 on the Ratification of the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families. Further specific regulations on the protection of Indonesian migrant workers are outlined in Law No. 18 of 2017 on the Protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers. The protection of Indonesian migrant workers involves three stages: pre-employment protection, protection during employment, and post-employment protection. These stages require direct involvement from the state in providing adequate protection. The International Law Department of the Faculty of Law at Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa, in collaboration with the Pabuaran and Sindangsari Villages in Serang Regency, Banten Province, conducted a community service program that offered legal services to villages that serve as sources of migrant workers within the Untirta Sindangsari campus.
Co-Authors Aceng Asnawi Rohani Ade Marpudin Afandi Sitamala Ahadi Fajrin Prasetya Ahmad Lanang Citrawan Ahmad Lanang Citrawan Akbar Ari Rangga Prabu Zulkifar Aldi Dwi Cahyo Aliyah Aliyah Alvandri Christian Rahmat Gulo Amirulloh Ahdad Anabela Callista Zahwa Andini Marwah Anditya, Ariesta Wibisono Anisa Lutfiah Annida Dwi Agustin Arizon Mega Jaya Asep Hakim Zakiran Aulia Rusdiana Awad Al Khalaf Azef Rahmat Hary Sapto Bryan Alberto Chatri Pratiwi Ningrum Chelsea Tiara Septiani Malau Christian Sandy Pangestu Dani Wijaya Danial Danial Danial Danial Diah Prihartini Dwi Edi Wibowo Elly Nurmahlia Erika Febriani Fanny Khalifatu Zanah Febi Sasti Rahayu Ferina Ardhi Cahyani Ferina Ardhi Cahyani Fikry Nurhayadi Firanda Bery Amini Firdaus Firdaus Firdaus Firdaus Frisky Diaslestarie Hairul Afandi Hera Susanti Hikmayatul Muslimah Hilton Tarnama P.M. Hilton Tarnama PM Hilton Tarnama Putra M Idris Idris Ignatius Gita Hernata Irfi Silvia Amanda Irma Suryani Jefry Winter Luhut Hasudungan Khoiruttamam Khoiruttamam Khotimah Estiyovionita Mareta Puspita Arianie Maulana Shihabudin Mentari Jastisia Meutia Irdina Khairunnisa Mohamad Fasyehhudin Mohamad Fasyehhudin Mohamad Fasyehhudin Mohamad Hidayat Muhtar Mohammad Fasyehhudin Mokhamad Gisa Vitrana Muhammad Hasyim Abdullah Muhammad Ridwan Muhammad Rusli Arafat Muhayaroh Muhayaroh Muhtasor Jidan Muhyi Mohas Muhyi Mohas Muhyi Mohas Mulkiah Nurazizah Muyassaroh Muyassaroh Nasrul Hidayat Norma Risca Pratiwi Novia Bella Alifvia Nur Sahroniah Nurikah, Nurikah nurlela Sari Nuryati Solapari Puput Adela Rafdi Altaf Raissa Tsabitha Rara Anggraeni Nur Afifah Ratu Anggita Aprilia Regina Permatadewi Tantiany Gunawan Reine Rofiana Reine Rofiana Ridho Pangestu Taufik Ridwan Ridwan Ridwan Ridwan Ridwan Ridwan Rika Ratna Permata Rima Oktavian Rio Primus Rully Syahrul Mucharom Sarah Haderizqi Imani Shofia Khairunnisa Siti Nur Aisah Suciati, Ranila Sulastri Sulastri Surya Anom Sutriyani Adinda Putri Tiara Destia Herman Trixi Karinina Dewi Sindhutomo Utami, Kery Wafdaa Taaz Hafsari Putri Wardatun Naddifah Widya Jusu Adeningtyas Wilda Riva Fadhilah Yeliana Septiani Noor Yoga Yuniadi Yogi Muhammad Rahman Yogi Muhammad Rahman Yogi Muhammad Rahman Yoshi Daud Shimada