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Uji Daya Antibakteri Isolat Bakteri Asam Laktat dari Kefir terhadap Bacillus sp. dan Escherichia Coli Agung Setia Ningsih; Christina Nugroho Ekowati; Sumard Sumard; Salman Farisi
Biosfer: Jurnal Tadris Biologi Vol 9, No 2 (2018): Biosfer: Jurnal Tadris Biologi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (630.521 KB) | DOI: 10.24042/biosfer.v9i2.2608


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui daya antibakteri  yang dihasilkan oleh isolat bakteri asam laktat dari kefir susu sapi dan susu kedelai terhadap Escherichia coli. Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam empat tahapan yaitu isolasi dan identifikasi BAL kefir, produksi zat antibakteri dari isolat, menguji daya hambat isolat antibakteri BAL terhadap Escherichia coli. Hasil penelitian menunjukan Keenam Isolat bakteri asam laktat dari kefir susu kedelai dan kefir susu sapi mampu menghambat pertumbuhan Escherichia coli dalam kondisi asam dan netral. Dalam kondisi asam luas zona hambat KE1-KE3 berturut-turut adalah 3,51; 2,93; 2,66 dan SA1-SA3 adalah 1,83; 2,46; 2,46. Dalam kondisi netral zona hambat KE1-KE3 berturut-turut adalah 1,59; 2,33; 1,99 dan SA1-SA2 adalah 1,49; 2,49; 2,39.
PROBIOTIC CANDIDATE PROTEOLYTIC Bacillus sp. COLLECTED FROM MANGROVE OF MARGASARI, LAMPUNG Sumardi Sumardi; Komang Rima; Salman Farisi; Endang Linirin Widiastuti
Indonesian Journal of Forestry Research Vol 8, No 1 (2021): Indonesian Journal of Forestry Research
Publisher : Secretariat of Agency for Standardization of Environment and Forestry Instruments

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20886/ijfr.2021.8.1.73-82


Intensive shrimp culture has encountered many problems, such as declining water quality through disease caused by pathogenic microbes, which affected mortality. This study aimed to determine any potential probiotic from Bacillus sp. collected from mangrove in East Lampung, which could be used to improve the cultured shrimps' proteolytic and probiotic activity. This is a descriptive research with sampling and data collection of bacteria from many samples of mangrove. Result shows 128 isolates Bacillus from which then it has arrived at five potential probiotic Bacillus sp. The study five Bacillus sp. has been isolated with potential properties for probiotic (KPP212, IP121, UJ131, UJ132, SB141). Each isolate has characteristics with proteolytic property, growth in a wide range of pH 4–10 and osmotic stress (0–6% NaCl), non-pathogenic, ability for glucose fermentation, non-motile, and has negative catalase activity. The five potential Bacillus sp. can be used as probiotics for shrimp farming.
Effects of Magnetic Fields and Metal Ions (Cu, Pb, Al and Fe) on Growth of Anoxygenic Photosynthetic Bacteria (APB) Sumardi; Salman Farisi; Rochmah Agustrina; Yunita
Biospecies Vol. 12 No. 2 (2019): Biospecies Vol. 12 No. 2, July 2019
Publisher : Universitas Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (374.961 KB) | DOI: 10.22437/biospecies.v12i2.7595


Anoxygenic Photosynthetic Bacteria (APB) has beneficial properties including as probiotic candidates, biofertilizers, bioremediation agents, and can reduce H2S concentrations in waters. However, the APB also has a weakness, slow growth.It is known that the interaction of metal ions and the exposure of magnetic fields increases enzyme activity and growth rates. The aim of this study is to determine the effect of metal ions and the exposure to magnetic fields on APB growth. The APB isolate, AM which is isolated from mangrove roots and tested for its effects on metal ions in seawater complete (SWC) media.The metal ions tested were Cu, Pb, Al and Fe with different concentrations. The metal ion is exposed to a 0.2 mT magnetic field for 10 minutes before being added to the media. The cell count results showed that both metal ions exposed and unexposed to magnetic field did not affect the growth of APB AM isolates. However, the metal ion in SWC media affects the spectra pattern of AM APB isolates.
Pembuatan Sabun Cuci Dari Minyak Jelantah Sebagai Upaya Mengurangi Limbah Rumah Tangga Kusuma Handayani; M Kanedi; Salman Farisi; Wawan A. Setiawan
Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (JPKM) TABIKPUN Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021)
Publisher : Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences - Universitas Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23960/jpkmt.v2i1.25


Minyak goreng bekas yang sudah berwarna coklat kehitaman sebaiknya tidak digunakan lagi karena bersifat karsinogenik. Minyak goreng yang telah dipakai berulang kali biasa disebut dengan minyak jelantah. Biasanya minyak jelantah (mijel) akan dibuang oleh ibu-ibu secara sembarangan sehingga menyebabkan minyak tersebut menjadi limbah di lingkungan sekitar. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk mengedukasi ibu-ibu mengenai bahaya penggunaan mijel secara berulang kali serta membantu memberikan solusi agar mijel dapat dimanfaatkan kembali dalam bentuk lain, salah satunya dibuat sabun cuci. Peserta kegiatan ini adalah ibu-ibu PKK di Kelurahan Labuan Ratu Raya Bandar Lampung, sebanyak 13 orang. Kegiatan ini terdiri dari, diskusi, demonstrasi dan praktik langsung. Hasil kegiatan pengabdian ini menunjukan bahwa para peserta sangat antusias dan menyimak selama proses berlangsung, hal ini dilihat dari peningkatan nilai pretest dari 61,53 menjadi 81,92 dan aktifnya peserta saat melakukan praktik. Praktik dan demonstrasi dimaksudkan untuk memberikan ketrampilan kepada para peserta dalam menentukan formula yang tepat dalam pembuatan sabun cuci dari mijel. Setelah kegiatan ini berlangsung diharapkan ibu-ibu akan semakin sadar dengan bahaya penggunaan mijel dan bisa memanfaatkan mijel menjadi produk yang lebih bermanfaat.
Pembuatan Kompos Seresah Menggunakan Inokulum Fungi Saprotrof Di Pesantren Darul Fattah Gedung Meneng Bandar Lampung Salman Farisi; Bambang Irawan; Suratman Suratman; Hendri Busman; Agung Abadi Kiswandono
Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (JPKM) TABIKPUN Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences - Universitas Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23960/jpkmt.v3i1.70


Kompos adalah zat akhir suatu proses fermentasi tumpukan sampah/serasah tanaman termasuk bangkai binatang. Fermentasi tersebut perlu dipercepat dengan bantuan manusia. Isolat fungi saprotrof ini sangat potensial untuk dikembangkan menjadi inokulum pengomposan dalam pembuatan pupuk organik. Kompos yang diinduksi dengan inokulum fungi ini mampu menghasilkan pupuk organik dengan relatif cepat dan mengandung nutrisi tanaman yang tinggi. Prospek kebutuhan pupuk organik cukup tinggi dalam menunjang pertanian organik sehingga diperlukan penyebaran informasi IPTEK dan pelatihan kepada masyarakat tentang pembuatan pupuk organik dengan induksi inokulum fungi saprotrof. Selain itu ketersediaan seresah tanaman pekarangan melimpah dan terbebas dari residu bahan kimia. Hasil kegiatan ini memperlihatkan terjadi peningkatan pengetahuan dan pemahaman peserta pelatihan dalam pembuatan pupuk kompos dari seresah daun. Rata-rata peningkatan pengetahuan peserta pelatihan sebesar 30%.
AKTIVITAS DAN KARAKTERISASI ENZIM PROTEASE ISOLAT Bacillus sp. (UJ132) SECARA KUALITATIF DAN KUANTITATIF Sumardi Sumardi; Salman Farisi; Chiristina Nugroho Ekowati; Milsa Solva Diana
Jurnal Riset Akuakultur Vol 14, No 3 (2019): (September, 2019)
Publisher : Pusat Riset Perikanan, Badan Riset dan Sumber Daya Manusia Kelautan dan Perikanan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (679.012 KB) | DOI: 10.15578/jra.14.3.2019.193-199


Bakteri penghasil enzim protease memiliki kemampuan untuk melakukan bioremediasi limbah protein. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui aktivitas dan karakterisasi enzim protease dari isolat Bacillus sp. (UJ132) yang diisolasi dari udang pasir (Metapenaeus affinis) di kawasan hutan mangrove Desa Margasari, Lampung Timur. Uji aktivitas enzim dilakukan secara kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Karakterisasi enzim meliputi penentuan suhu dan pH optimum, pengaruh ion logam, serta penentuan Km dan Vmaks. Dari hasil percobaan diketahui bahwa enzim protease dihasilkan pada waktu produksi optimum 18 jam dengan aktivitas protease sebesar 0,09 U/mL. Suhu optimum enzim ini yaitu pada suhu 50°C yang menghasilkan aktivitas sebesar 0,08 U/mL. Enzim protease ini mempunyai kondisi optimum pada pH 5 dengan nilai aktivitas 0,09 U/mL. Semua ion logam (Ca2+, Mn2+, Cu2+, Mg2+) berfungsi sebagai inhibitor kecuali ion Fe3+ yang berfungsi sebagai aktivator pada konsentrasi 1 mM dan 5 mM. EDTA dengan konsentrasi 1 mM dan 5 mM berfungsi sebagai inhibitor pada enzim protease isolat UJ132. Nilai Vmaks enzim protease 0,33 U/mL sedangkan Km senilai 4,59 mg/mL substrat, enzim ini mempunyai afinitas yang tinggi terhadap substrat.Shrimp farming produces protein wastes which mainly come from the remnants of given feed and excreta (feces) of shrimp. Bacteria known to possess protease enzymes have the ability to solve this protein waste problem in the shrimp farming industry. This study was conducted to determine the production and characterization of protease enzyme from Bacillus sp. (UJ132) isolated from the mangrove forest area of Margasari Village of Lampung Timur. The enzyme activity test was done qualitatively and quantitatively. The objectives of this study were to determine the optimum production of the enzymes and observe their characteristics, including determining the temperature and optimum pH, the effect of several metal ions, as well as Km and Vmax. The experimental results revealed that the protease enzyme had an optimum time of 18 hours of protease activity as much as 0.09 U/mL. The optimum temperature of this enzyme was 50°C which produced an activity of 0.08 U/mL. This protease enzyme has an optimum working condition at pH 5 with an activity value of 0.09 U/mL. All metal ions (Ca2+, Mn2+, Cu2+, Mg2+) acted as inhibitors except Fe3 + ions which acted as activators at concentrations of 1 mM and 5 mM. EDTA with a concentration of 1 mM and 5 mM served as an inhibitor of UJ132 isolate protease enzyme. The value of Vmax of the protease enzyme was 0.33 U/mL while Km was 4.59 mg/mL suggesting that this enzyme has a high affinity with the substrate.
Pelatihan pengolahan minyak jelantah menjadi sabun cuci untuk pemberdayaan ibu-ibu PKK di Bandar Lampung Kusuma Handayani; Mohamad Kanedi; Salman Farisi; Wawan Abdullah S
Unri Conference Series: Community Engagement Vol 2 (2020): Seminar Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31258/unricsce.2.123-127


Minyak jelantah (mijel) is known in Indonesia as waste cooking oil. Even though it is a waste, mijel is still used by consumers for savings. The problem is, if it is used repeatedly more than three times, mijel can cause health problems. In addition to health hazards, if discharged through water channels, it can cause environmental pollution. Lack of public knowledge about the dangers of using the mijel in the end will have a negative impact. To educate the public about the health-risks of using mijel, we held a short training for housewives in Kelurahan Tanjung Agung, Bandar Lampung on July 22, 2020. This training provided the targeted housewives with the knowledge and skills to process the waste cooking oil into laundry soap. The purpose of this activity was to educate and provide training to the community, especially PKK women who interact directly with the use of mijel, about the dangers of mijel and how to manage it. PKK women who participated in the training seemed interested and understood the explanation described, this can be seen from the increase in the average pretest score from 55.7 to 81.3 at posttest. The benefits obtained by the participants are: 1) Understanding that using mijel more than three times can cause health problems for consumers. 2) Processing of waste cooking oil to laundry soap can reduce pollution in the aquatic environment.3) Laundry soap made from waste cooking oil can be a source of family income.
Aktivitas Enzim Hidrolase pada Penapisan Isolat Actinomycetes Kandidat Probiotik Udang Sumardi Sumardi; Vanya Qatrunada; Salman Farisi; Achmad Arifiyanto; Christina Nugroho Ekowati
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32528/bioma.v6i1.3548


Actinomycetesis one of the microorganisms which have the ability of enzymes hydrolases such as cellulose, amylase, protease, and manannase. Manufacturer of enzymes of the hydrolase can be used as a candidate probiotic. A candidate probiotic should have a good resistance in different environmental conditions including pH and salinity.  This research is conducted to filter the candidate’s probiotics from bacteria Actinomycetes that tolerance salinity and has the activity of the enzyme hydrolase. Testing the activity of the enzyme was preformed qualitatively on the variation of pH 4, 7, and 9.8.  Theability of Atinomycetesproduce enzymes hydrolases is indicated by the colony on media containing the substrate.From the test results, cellulase enzyme activity with the largest enzymatic index value is 3.5 AF2 isolates pH 9.8. Amylase enzyme activity with the largest enzymatic index value is 3.66 RH1 isolates pH 7. Protease enzyme activity with the largest enzyme index value is 0.66, AF2 isolates at pH 7. Mananase enzyme activity with the largest enzymatic index value is 0.85, namely AF2 isolates pH 4. In testing the effect of salinity test isolates were able to grow at variations in the concentration of NaCl 0, 3, and 6%.
Aktivitas Biosurfaktan Serratia Marcescens strain MBC1 dalam Mengemulsikan Solar dengan Variasi pH dan Media Cindy Lukyta Ratih Riyanto; Sumardi Sumardi; Salman Farisi; Christina Nugroho Ekowati; Achmad Arifiyanto
Jurnal Sumberdaya Alam dan Lingkungan Vol 8, No 3 (2021)
Publisher : Brawijaya University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jsal.2021.008.03.3


ABSTRAK Resiko pencemaran lingkungan akibat tumpahan solar meningkat tiap tahunnya, oleh karena itu diperlukan upaya ramah lingkungan dengan biaya produksi rendah. Penelitian ini menggunakan bakteri Serratia marcescens strain MBC1 dengan tujuan menguji aktivitas biosurfaktan yang dihasilkan dalam melarutkan solar. Bakteri ini ditumbuhkan pada media produksi Trypton Water, limbah cair produksi tepung tapioka, dan limbah cair produksi  tepung maizena yang masing-masing telah diberi variasi pH yaitu 6, 7, dan 8 kemudian diinkubasi selama 7 hari. Biosurfaktan dari media produksi dipanen dengan sentrifuse dan diuji aktivitas biosurfaktan dengan 3 parameter uji yaitu uji drop collapse, uji oil displacement, dan uji emulsifikasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa biosurfaktan yang dihasilkan dari ketiga jenis media produksi mampu melarutkan solar. Biosurfaktan hasil produksi dari media limbah cair produksi tepung maizena pH 7 menunjukkan aktivitas melarutkan solar paling optimum dengan indeks emulsifikasi sebesar 63.88%.Kata kunci:  biosurfaktan, Serratia marcescens strain MBC1, solarABSTRACTThe risk of environmentall pollution due to diesel fuel spills increases every year therefore it takes an effort that is safe for the environment with low production costs. These bacteria are grown in the media productions that are Tryptone Water, cornstarch wastewater and tapioca wastewater each of them had been given pH variation that are 6, 7, and 8 then incubated for 7 days. Biosurfactants from media productions were harvested by centrifuge and tested for biosurfactant activity with 3 test parameter there are drop collapse test, oil displacement test, and emulsification test. The result showed that the biosurfactants produced from the three types of media production were able to dissolve diesel fuel. Biosurfactant produced from cornstarch wastewater pH 7 showed the most optimum dissolving of diesel fuel with emulsification index is 63.88%.Keywords:  biosurfactant, Serratia marcescens strain MBC1, diesel fuel
Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi Eksperimen dan Keanekaragaman Hayati (J-BEKH) Vol. 8 No. 1 (2021)
Publisher : Department of Biology Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Universitas Lampung in collaboration with The Indonesian Association of Biology (PBI) Lampung Branch.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23960/jbekh.v8i1.162


The research was conducted in a factorial experiment with factor A: far-red light treatment with 2 levels: control (without far-red light), and treatment (far-red light). Factor B was a time of observation with 3 levels: 4, 6, 8 days after wrapping. Wrapping each detached fruit in a combination of four layers of blue-colored plastic, one layer of green-colored plastic, and two layers of red-colored plastic resulted in a red light treatment. Transmission measurement of that plastic combined with a spectrophotometer at wavelength 700-735 nm was 75%. To deter fresh weight, each fruit was weighted with an analytical balance. Total soluble carbohydrate content was determined by the phenol-sulfuric method and counted based on the glucose standard curve (mg/gram tissue). Analysis of variance was conducted at a 5% significant level, and if the interaction was significant, then continued with simple effect determination at a 5% significant level by the F test. The fresh weight average of the soluble carbohydrate content of treated fruits was higher than the control. The fresh weight of chili fruits was relatively constant during observation of both treated and controlled fruits. The total soluble carbohydrate content average relatively did not differ between treated and control fruits. Total soluble carbohydrate content was increased 6 days after treatment and decreased 8 days after treatment. The result of this research concluded that red light inhibited the ripening process of chili fruits by slowing the decrease of fresh weight.