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Kertha Semaya : Journal Ilmu Hukum Vol 12 No 8 (2024)
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/KS.2024.v12.i08.p08


Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk mengkaji hak-hak cuti dan waktu istirahat yang didasarkan pada Undang-Undang 6/2023 dan untuk mengetahui bentuk dari perjanjian kerja yang dapat melindungi waktu istirahat beserta hak cuti pekerja pasca terbitnya Undang-Undang 6/2023. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan metode penelitian berupa deskriptif analisis, dimana data akan dikumpulkan dan dideskripsikan bersumber dari berbagai tempat seperti berbagai undang-undang, buku, jurnal, maupun berbagai sumber lainnya yang berasal dari internet mengenai peristiwa yang relevan terjadi di masyarakat. Penelitian ini menghasilkan temuan yang menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perubahan mengenai aturan waktu istirahat dan hak cuti . Waktu istirahat mingguan diubah sehingga ketentuan 2 hari istirahat untuk 5 hari kerja tidak ada lagi,. Cuti besar juga tidak lagi ditemukan di dalam Undang-Undang 6/2023 setelah Pasal 79 diubah. Hak istirahat panjang juga tidak terikat dengan masa kerja minimal 6 tahun seperti sebelumnya. Disamping itu, agar hak cuti beserta waktu istirahat pekerja dapat terlindungi, maka pekerja dapat memanfaat Asas Kebebasan Berkontrak dalam membuat perjanjian kerja untuk menambahkan klausa yang mengatur waktu istirahat beserta hak cuti. Dengan demikian, maka pihak perusahaan yang tidak memberikan hak cuti dan waktu istirahat kepada pekerja dapat dijatuhi sanksi didasarkan pada isi perjanjian dan aturan yang berlaku. The aim of this article is to research the rights to leave and rest time based on Act 6/2023 and to determine the form of an employment agreements that can protect rest time and leave rights for employees after the issuance of Act 6/2023. This article uses a descriptive analysis research method, where data will be collected and described from multiple sources such as laws and regulations, books, journals, and various other internet sources regarding relevant events in society. The results of this article prove that there have been changes regarding the laws for rest periods and leave rights. The weekly rest time has been changed so that the provision of 2 days of rest for 5 working days no longer applies. Holiday leave is also no longer found in Act 6/2023 after Article 79 was amended. The sabbatical leave is also no longer tied to a minimum of 6 years of work as before. Additionally, to ensure that employees leave rights and rest time are protected, employees can utilize the Principle of Freedom of Contract in drafting employment agreements to add clauses that regulate rest time and leave rights. Therefore, companies that do not provide employees with leave and rest time can be sanctioned based on the contents of the agreement and applicable rules.
STUDI KOMPARATIF PERBANDINGAN MENGENAI PENGATURAN PERCERAIAN DALAM HUKUM KELUARGA ANTARA NEGARA INDONESIA DENGAN MESIR Daniel; Negara, Revolusi Shandi; Ongkowiguno, Cheryl Michaelia; Ardian, Muhammad Fadhil; Putri, Fareta Angelica Ichwana; Chairyatna, Muhammad Yanri; Bagaskara, Muhammad Fadhil; Ramadhani, Dwi Aryanti
Causa: Jurnal Hukum dan Kewarganegaraan Vol. 1 No. 4 (2023): Causa: Jurnal Hukum dan Kewarganegaraan
Publisher : Cahaya Ilmu Bangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.3783/causa.v1i4.816


Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah membahas mengenai perbandingan reformasi hukum keluarga di dunia Islam terkait tentang perceraian. Khususnya pada perbandingan hukum perceraian antara negara Mesir dengan Indonesia, yang dianalisa dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, berdasarkan materi hukum dari masing-masing negara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Pertama, reformasi hukum keluarga antara Mesir dengan Indonesia sangatlah berbeda, hal ini disebabkan latar belakang yang mempengaruhinya. Mesir dipengaruhi oleh kerajaan Turki Usmani sedang Indonesia dipengaruhi Belanda; Kedua, baik Mesir dan Indonesia memiliki aturan perceraian yang terkodifikasi dalam bentuk berdasar undang-undang; Ketiga, terdapat perbedaan signifikan mengenai hukum perceraian yang dimiliki oleh negara Mesir dan Indonesia baik perbedaan itu secara vertikal, horizontal dan diagonal.
ANALISIS PERBANDINGAN PERATURAN HUKUM ADOPSI ANAK: STUDI PERBANDINGAN INDONESIA DAN VIETNAM Rachim, Muhammad Hafidz; Dita, Sekar Ayu; Delila, Shafira Yasmin Noor; Ediani, Fasya Millatina; Muhammad, Bhatara Eri Satya; Ramadhani, Dwi Aryanti
Causa: Jurnal Hukum dan Kewarganegaraan Vol. 1 No. 5 (2023): Causa: Jurnal Hukum dan Kewarganegaraan
Publisher : Cahaya Ilmu Bangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.3783/causa.v1i5.845


Adopsi anak merupakan suatu proses hukum yang kompleks dan sensitif yang melibatkan hak-hak penting dari semua pihak yang terlibat, khususnya anak yang menjadi subjek adopsi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan analisis perbandingan antara peraturan hukum adopsi anak di Indonesia dan Vietnam. Melalui pendekatan studi kasus, penelitian ini menggali perbedaan dan persamaan dalam kerangka hukum kedua negara tersebut, serta pengaruh budaya dan nilai-nilai sosial antara Indonesia dan Vietnam dalam proses adopsi anak. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu metode yuridis normatif, dilakukan dengan mengumpulkan data sekunder berupa sumber hukum primer, sekunder, dan tersier. Hasil analisis menyoroti perbedaan signifikan dalam pendekatan hukum adopsi anak di Indonesia dan Vietnam, termasuk prosedur, persyaratan, dan perlindungan hak-hak anak. Penelitian ini juga mengeksplorasi faktor budaya, sosial, dan ekonomi yang mempengaruhi perbedaan dalam kerangka hukum adopsi anak di kedua negara.
Perlindungan Hak-Hak Pasangan Suami Istri dalam Perkawinan Campuran: Perspektif Hukum Perdata di Indonesia dan Singapura Amalia, Naily; Azzahra, Marcella; Abidahsari, Irma; Salfiah, Resifani; Thahirah, Afifah; Ardianti, Aini Dhia; Firmansyah, Aldi; Ramadhani, Dwi Aryanti
Causa: Jurnal Hukum dan Kewarganegaraan Vol. 1 No. 7 (2023): Causa: Jurnal Hukum dan Kewarganegaraan
Publisher : Cahaya Ilmu Bangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.3783/causa.v1i7.990


Indonesia adalah negara yang memiliki sistem pemerintahan berupa civil law. Dengan menganut Undang-undang No.1 Tahun 1974 tentang Perkawinan, mengenai perkawinan beda agama di Indonesia tidak diatur. negara yang mengatur perkawinan beda agama salah satunya adalah Singapura yang memang sistem hukumnya menganut common law. Maka, untuk perkawinan beda agama pemerintah Singapura menggunakan Women’s Charter sebagai sumber hukum yang memfasilitasi perkawinan beda agama. Jika dilihat dari sistem hukum dapat dikatakan bahwa sumber hukumnya pun berbeda antara Indonesia dan Singapura, sehingga dalam praktiknya, terutama perkawinan beda agama di Indonesia masih menjadi permasalahan, apalagi dalam penyelesaian dan pelaksanaannya sehingga banyak dari pasangan lebih memilih negara yang memfasilitasi seperti Singapura. Metode penelitian ini adalah yuridis normatif, yaitu suatu penelitian hukum yang menggunakan metode studi bahan-bahan kepustakaan berupa bahan hukum primer, sekunder, dan tersier sebagai data sekunder yang terdiri dari literatur-literatur dan peraturan-peraturan yang memiliki kaitan dengan permasalahan yang akan diteliti. Hal-hal yang dilakukan apabila pasangan beda agama ingin melakukan perkawinan adalah memberikan nasihat-nasihat atau saran-saran yang dapat memberikan hal positif, atau melangsungkan perkawinan mereka di luar negeri, sedangkan di Singapura, perkawinan beda agama diatur dalam Women’s Charter Section 3 (2) bahwa perkawinan hanya dilakukan oleh non-muslim dengan muslim atau sesama non-muslim dengan kata lain perkawinan beda agama boleh dilakukan karena pemerintah Singapura memfasilitasi perkawinan beda agama.
Kedudukan Hukum Surat Pencatatan Ciptaan Bagi Perlindungan Hak Cipta Karya Lukisan Dihadapkan Pada Prinsip Outomatically Protection Wahyuni, Ridha; Ramadhani, Dwi Aryanti; Tarina, Dwi Desi Yayi
UNES Law Review Vol. 6 No. 2 (2023): UNES LAW REVIEW (Desember 2023)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Ekasakti Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31933/unesrev.v6i2.1606


This researches aims to see the position of a creation registration letter of art painting as a form of legal protection for painting works in the face of the principle of automatic protection adhered to in Law no. 28 of 2014 concerning Copyright. The research method in this study is juridical-normative with an analytical descriptive approach. The results of the research show that a creation registration letter can be one of the perfect initial proofs if the painter as the creator will make efforts to protect the law against his work either through criminal law remedies and/or filing civil lawsuits. Therefore, the registration of creation through the registration of creation of a painting is important for every painter to obtain a creation registration letter from the state, this is an effort to protect their intellectual property rights.
Abdi Masyarakat Vol 4, No 2 (2022): Abdi Masyarakat
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pendidikan (LPP) Mandala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58258/abdi.v4i2.4165


Jatisura Village is one of the villages in Indramayu Regency, West Java Province. The village has advantages that other villages do not have. In Jatisura Village, there is a UMKM Rolisa Food, this UMKM has six products in packaged form.  The six products include Mango Crackers, Mango Bean Coffee, Candied Mangoes, Mango Juice, Orange Leaf Beans and Cowhide Krupuk. However, the problem is that the UMKM of Rolisa Food has not been able to sell the UMKM products and only sell conventionally. Meanwhile, at this time the development of increasingly advanced technology has an impact on digital-based sales and advertising. The activity was carried out in the form of Training on Making Maketplace Accounts for the UMKM Actors in Supporting the Improvement of the Village Economy in Indramayu Regency. The pre-test results are at 27.7% and after the activity is completed through a posttest by filling out a questionnaire using google form media with post test results with results at approximately 83.3%, there is a difference of approximately 55.6%, which explains that there is an increase in knowledge after being given by the service team.
Analisis Putusan Hakim Dalam Perkara Hak Asuh Anak Yang Belum Mumayyiz Pasca Perceraian Ramadhani, Dwi Aryanti; Abdullah, Nayla Putri; Yadila, Natasya; Amelia, Sabina Putri; Widiastiwi, Alisha Reva; Hermawati, Mutiara; Harsanti, Khairunnisa Putri
Socius: Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial Vol 1, No 11 (2024): June
Publisher : Penerbit Yayasan Daarul Huda Kruengmane

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.11562374


Child custody is one of the consequences that arise after divorce. This is because parents still have an obligation to provide maintenance and protection for the growth and development of children. In this study the author focuses on analyzing the judge's decision in the case of custody of children who have not been able to distinguish good and bad rights independently (mumayyiz) after divorce. This research is aimed at understanding the legal considerations and factors that influence the judge's decision in determining the custody of children who have not reached the age of mumayyiz. The research method used is the normative juridical method with a statutory approach and a case approach by analyzing relevant court decisions. The results of this study indicate that in making decisions judges consider psychological factors and factors of the child's interests in supporting his growth and development. These considerations are based on the facts and evidence presented during the trial. This research recommends the need for clearer and more consistent guidelines in child custody decisions to ensure optimal protection for children involved in divorce cases.
Keabsahan Pencatatan Perkawinan Beda Agama Antar Warga Negara Indonesia yang Dilakukan di Luar Negeri Afifah, Dashilfa; Pranitiaz, Laras Medina; Dewanti, Tyur Regina; Sukma, Nina Fitria; Naufal, Abyan Hafizd; Ramadhani, Dwi Aryanti
Media Hukum Indonesia (MHI) Vol 2, No 3 (2024): September
Publisher : Penerbit Yayasan Daarul Huda Kruengmane

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.11534715


This research aims to assess the validity of interfaith marriages between Indonesian citizens conducted abroad based on Law Number 1 Year 1974 on Marriage. In addition, this study also evaluates whether interfaith marriages between Indonesian citizens abroad can be considered as a form of legal smuggling in the perspective of International Civil Law. The approach used is normative juridical research, which utilizes secondary legal sources, consisting of primary, secondary, and tertiary legal materials. The data collection method is done through literature study. Based on the results of the research, it is found that interfaith marriages between Indonesian citizens abroad are considered invalid according to the UUP because they violate the provisions of Article 2 paragraph (1), which states that marriage is valid if it is carried out according to the laws of each religion and belief. Therefore, such interfaith couples often use Article 56 as a basis to solemnize marriages abroad and then record them in Indonesia in order to fulfill administrative requirements in accordance with the UUP. According to the rules of International Civil Law, a marriage is performed under the law of the place where the marriage takes place. However, in the context of Indonesian law, this practice is often considered a form of legal smuggling against Article 2 paragraph (1) of the UUP, as couples avoid the restrictions of national law by marrying abroad. Thus, although legally valid in the country where the marriage was performed, the interfaith marriage is not recognized as valid under the UUP without re-registration in Indonesia.
Menjamin Hak dan Kepastian Hukum Terhadap Orang Yang Berada Dalam Pengampuan Amanda, Niken Dwi; Nurdin, Merry Kurniawati; Zahra, Hilyah Az; Malik, Syaiful; Akbar, Soultan Raffly; Ramadhani, Dwi Aryanti
Media Hukum Indonesia (MHI) Vol 2, No 3 (2024): September
Publisher : Penerbit Yayasan Daarul Huda Kruengmane

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Guardianship is a legal mechanism to place an adult who is deemed incapable of independent action, such as due to age, mental condition, or physical limitations, on the same status as children who are not yet capable of legal action. A guardianship order can be requested by the spouse, family, prosecutor's office, or any other interested party. The Surya Permana case is used as an example to show how judges consider evidence and the Respondent's condition before deciding on guardianship. In this case, the judge appointed the Respondent's wife as guardian to manage the Respondent's legal and financial interests. This research aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the guardianship mechanism, the rights of guardians, the legal process involved, and the importance of legal protection for individuals under guardianship. In this research, the author uses a normative legal method that is descriptive in nature. The results of the study show that guardianship is an important legal instrument to guarantee the civil rights of individuals and prevent actions that harm themselves or others. The process of establishing guardianship is conducted through juridical and non-juridical considerations by the judge to ensure that the individual really needs guardianship. Guardianship can end if the individual's condition improves and he or she is deemed competent to perform legal acts.
Implikasi Hukum Pendewasaan Anak yang Melakukan Perkawinan di Bawah Umur dalam Perjanjian Perkawinan Aristias, Adinda; Fadilla, Dea Aora; Wibowo, Hanifah Fairuz; Manullang, Imelda Arthameisia; Putri, Nasywa Awalia; Ramadhani, Dwi Aryanti
Media Hukum Indonesia (MHI) Vol 2, No 3 (2024): September
Publisher : Penerbit Yayasan Daarul Huda Kruengmane

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.11641115


Underage marriage is a phenomenon that still occurs frequently in various countries, including Indonesia, even though there are regulations that regulate the minimum age limit for marriage. This article aims to analyze the legal implications of maturing children who marry underage, especially in the context of marriage agreements. The Marriage Law has stipulated the age limit for marriage (material requirements), one of which is the provisions regarding the minimum age limit which are regulated in Article 14 paragraph (2) of Law Number 1 of 1974. Maturity status is related to the validity of a legal act. Immature legal subjects are seen as legal subjects who are not yet capable of acting for and for themselves before the law. The research method used is a normative juridical approach with analysis of statutory regulations, legal doctrine and relevant concrete cases. The research results show that children who marry underage have limited legal capacity to make legal and binding marriage agreements. Children's immaturity causes vulnerability in understanding and bearing the legal consequences of the agreements made. In addition, marriage agreements involving minors often do not meet the requirements for the validity of a contract under civil law, which means the agreement can be considered null and void. In the case of making a marriage agreement before a notary, especially before a minor is married, it is necessary to guarantee the recognition of the child's maturity status.
Co-Authors Abd. Rasyid Syamsuri Abdullah, Nayla Putri Abidahsari, Irma Afifah, Dashilfa Aji Lukman Ibrahim Akbar, Soultan Raffly Amalia, Naily Amanda, Niken Dwi Amelia, Sabina Putri Anjani, Risa Gia Ardian, Muhammad Fadhil Ardiansyah, Aldizar Fikri Ardianti, Aini Dhia Aristias, Adinda Azzahra, Marcella Azzahra, Viola Farica Bagaskara, Muhammad Fadhil Chairyatna, Muhammad Yanri Daniel Delila, Shafira Yasmin Noor Dewani, Citranti Hanifah Dewanti, Tyur Regina Dita, Sekar Ayu Dwi Desi Yayi Tarina Ediani, Fasya Millatina Fadilla, Dea Aora Febriana, Meutia Caesar Firmansyah, Aldi Harsanti, Khairunnisa Putri Hermawati, Mutiara Hindira DPS, Ratna Huda, Genthala Rafik Insani, Gema Mutiara Ivanicevic, Johan Iwan Erar Joesoef Malik, Syaiful Manullang, Imelda Arthameisia Muhammad, Bhatara Eri Satya Muthia Sakti Naufal, Abyan Hafizd Negara, Revolusi Shandi Nurdin, Merry Kurniawati Nurhayati, Elsa Ongkowiguno, Cheryl Michaelia Patricia, Zefanya Perkasa, Ginze Pramesti, Indira Yekti Widya Pranitiaz, Laras Medina Putri, Fareta Angelica Ichwana Putri, Nasywa Awalia Putri, Tiara Frianita Rachim, Muhammad Hafidz Rahmadhani, Swastika Ridha Wahyuni, Ridha Rizqathallah, Mohamad Rifqi Sabrina, Amanda Feby Salfiah, Resifani Santusti, Emerensiana Gita Saputra, Rafi Rangga Sianturi, Catherine Rosalina Simanjuntak, Cristella Zevanya Rhadot Sukma, Nina Fitria Sulastri - Sulastri Sulastri Taupiqqurrahman Thahirah, Afifah Trasaenda, Resfa Klarita Uliarina, Ester Victoria Wibowo, Hanifah Fairuz Wicaksana, Dika Hikmah Widiastiwi, Alisha Reva Yadila, Natasya Yuliana Yuli Wahyuningsih Zahra, Hilyah Az Zaini, Noer Gita Safira